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January 4, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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January 4, 1940 |
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I~kUlk& J. PARRiYI~, Reporter
~Ld~tWOOD--(Jan. I)---Just 39
ye~ra ~ xeeide~ts of th~s valley met
~gethe~ and ~ganized ~he Cama~
Prairie ~nd vicinity Pioneer Aseoei-
f~tion. Reg~ax~y sin~e then, January
i, lh~ ~en t~ mem~be~ gather for
an ~nnu~l get-to-i~ther, ~ud to dance
to &awn a~ vea~ done in t'he years
gone by. T&ia year in t~e manner
of long ago, a pot luck supper l~re-
ceede~ the btm~ea~ se~ion and pro-
stare, ~wkich were f~l~owed by the
~mal d~uce, ~r~parations ~0,r which
~tve been made by coanmitteee ap-
0oin~e(t hy ~he ¢rg~niza;t,ion's prosi-
4e~, Peter C~nboy.
~'a. ~F~mm~ Gregory, v~h~ l~ teach-
~ng in Lane oouWcy, Oregon, near
~ugeRe cettwned Su~dey a~ter spend-
Ins ~hOr vacation wit~, ,her, daughter
and son-iniaw, Mr. and Mrs. Osmar
Ladig~. Her daughter Lillian who
is employed in Eugene came up with
Laurel, who visited overnight at the
V. C. Bertschi home. Their teacher,
Mrs. Neola iI-~ansen brought them
down and took them back. They are
!great grandchildren of Mrs. T. A.
Lenten. Their father has Just recent-
lly received his first issue of a dis-
abled veterans pension, application
£0r which was made almost two
years ago.
R. R. Wellenbrock is reported iU
on return from a holiday excursion
to Yakima where relatives were vis-
i ited from Sunday to Thursday.
Other members of the party were
his wife, Myrtle, his ~brother Harry
Wellenbrock, and the Harry Boohers.
Ivan MeCumber is owner of 'a car
recently purchased in Goldendale of
The Eaton family have moved
into the Dean residence West of the
post office. They formerly ~)ccupied
a Hanson cabin.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Glass, Camp
Draper, witnessed the marriage ot
her, and will remain here a few their daughter, Folrence Zevely to
days longer. They together with Bill Keith Clark, of Olympia, in White
Gregory, of Appleton, drdve to Salmon, Christmas eve, by Judge A.
Proof on :Monday to visit Mrs. B. Groshong, at his residence.
Gregory's sister, Mrs. Mount. An- Mr. O'Connel, Laurel man who
other sister, Mrs. Frank Robinson, underwent an operation for the
of Ciark~ton, Wash., was also in iamputation of his arm this summer,
Pro~r for tl}e holidays. They re-~is now reported in a very serious
turned to Glenwood Thursday. condtion, su'ffering from tumors. He
Vada Burgess was up from Klick- r~cently dis,posed of ~h~ place to Mr~
Rat to spend her school vacation German.
with her father, Nelson Burgess. During the week social affairs
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Splawn, Who were held on Thursday night at the
were guests of his brother in White Grange hall where Mr. and Mrs.
Salmon ~or Christmas, drove out,to Max Ladiges en.tertained ~ group of
Lakeside Tuesday to visit her sister friends with dancing at a party In
and brother and their families at honor of their son, Max, jr., and
the Maurice Hathaway and Carver family from Idaho, who visited them
Castle homes. Mrs. Splawn's daugh- over the holidays. Their daughter,
tar Peggie and her small son were Mrs. Gus Gribner was honored on
with them too, ¢o see her father her birthday Wednesday night when
and .brother, E.S. and Maxson relatives and friends dropped in at
The Tommy Thomas family at
Camp Draper enjoyed having Christ-
mu guests from Waseo, Oregon,
nephews of Mr. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Creston Black were
holiday guests at the home of her
paren~s, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Hanson.
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Kreps, Jr.,
drove to Seattle to visit her parents
during the holiday season.
H~liday visitors at the George
Kreps home, Husum, were her
daughter and so~-ln-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Leon Wilson of Camp Draper.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Con, boy were
over from Cedar Valley to visit his
father, Peter Coz~boy, and sisters
who had Just r~turned from Califor-
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McDrath and
daughter, Belva, drove ~o Spokane
for a visit during the holidays with
their daughter Myrtle and other
r ativ .
Mrs. Mattf Dymond enjoyed a
f~w days the past Week spent at ~he
homo of her daughter, Merle Wst,
in Lyle.
T]~m to conclude the holiday vi~
ttors we want to mention, little
Olive zmd Orin Plnke, twin children
of Mr. and Mrs. Emmtt Finke,
her home to surprise her.
Mrs. Will Markgraff entertained
Saturday nigh.t at Howe's with a
pinochle party for her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Ferd Markgraff Whose birthday
iL was. High scores were won by
Mrs. Maurice Sehnetdler and Peter
J. Troh.
Mrs. C. M. Babcock, calling in
White Salmon on Tuesday found
Nora Murray quite well, Ed Castle
"tolerable," Mrs. Lydia Colburn corn-
his 91st birthday. A visit at the A.
M. Yerkes l~ome with Mrs. Yerkes
and Marion was also enjoyed. There
is was learned that a neighbor
across the street, Mr. Splawn, and
Charles Flock, of Btngen, drive
daily to Glenwood where they fall
timber near the mouth of the Out-
Tuesday five meuSbers of the
Woman's club met at Bird Creek Inn
for a regular business session. The
club is grateful for the donations
made which helped to materially
defray the expense of the Christmas
If You Buy Real Estate -- You Wffi Probably
Have to Furnish one Should You Sell
er m-tgage
Notary Publle
THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale Washington
treat given at the school and Sun- month for each and every month Notice of Hearing Final Account and
,d~uring ,her ~term of. office, ~yable Report and Petition for
day school programs. A series of five m~nVhdy ou't of the water fund of the Distribution
card parties are to begin Wednesday Town. --
January 10 and to continue every Section 2. All Ordinances and In the Superior ~urt of the State el
...... i" °'a - ~ l~rts of Ordinances in conflict here- W~hington for KAickltat Ootmty.
other weunesaay un~ i m rcn o. wi~h: are ~ereby repealexl. In Probate
Seasonal scores as well as eveningSection 3. This Ordinance shall be N,o. P. 1460
in full force end effect fr.@m and ~fter
scores will be kept. Many remember ~ .... ~,~ hv eh~ ~,,~i~ -~ur ....1 In the m~tter of the estate of Jenme
the pleasant card parties enjoyed at by the Mayor, and publishing ~n the ~,~ i~ h~rehv ~iven that M W
• uir w .......... " ° " "
Bird Creek Inn last winter, manner~eq, ed by la . _ -. B~ck, t'he Administrator of ~he .es-
Skating was availame for two December 18 1939 ~ ,~, ?~,~ v,; ..... ~., ."z "~.'
: " " hal~as re~aerea anu presen~ea ~or set-
days last week, on Monday and Pass~ ~h~rd ,~ev:d~ng and fi tlement to, and filed with the clerk
Tuesday, until snow fell Wednesday. passage January Z'w~," r~.~ainance of the Su~perior Court of said ~ounty
i ~"/ ...... ~ ....... ' and Ste,te his fin~ accoun~t and report
Thus the mill pond piney ded two 0his 2nd d~y of Januwry, 1940. ~.~ n,~tifin.n fo,r rli~t~-th~;t.inn ~R ~ueh
evenings of enjoyment in the bright BERT H. KNOX, Ma~o,r:w MORT A'dm~'ni~x~'~°r'-ancl-~th~"W~e~ay
• ,,~'~ : ,~]:'~ the l&t~h day of January, 1940, at 10
!--~---o .~. t ill~-- ~" "~ ......o'clock A. M, at the court room of
Miss Cather no Hathaway w ~ our said Superime or norL~ecem~er ~, Aw~. " ~ I In Probate
d~u~]~ter, leers Fred .Mien Passe hird. fielding anu nna In tl~e shatter of Vhe este~te of Theresa
• " passage Janwacy x, ±v~u
r ~ • • M Doherty, Deceased.
M . and Mrs. Roy Kt~hn, of Ben- ADproved the within Ordinance ~,~ ~o h~,~hy ~ .... Ch~,~ l~hn
:nevi,l,le, h~rs. B~tha Rogers a~d Miss thds 2rid day of_Januwry, 1940.Da*l~erty t~l~o"l~xecut~-o~ t'~e~e~te
Doris P~rtor ~ere dlinner guests of BERT H. KNOX, ~day~r~, ...... w of Th~res~ M. Doherty deceased, has
• Attest" rL w. ~u~, f r tl
" r rendered ~nd presented o set e-
Me and i~rs Jim Kuhn Sunday it Town Cle k
• • '' • '-- ' " merit to, ~n,~ fi,led with ~he clerk of
E. I~ AJl~brlt.00~n 'is ,~he proud owner
I.n t•he Superior Court of th,e State of
Washington for Klicki~t County.
In the matter of the estate of Lizzie
Haggerty, D~ee~sod.
Notice is hereby given, ~hat the u~-
dersigned 'has been e,l~poin,tod and has
qualified as Administrator with will
annexed of the estate of Lizzie ~ag-
gerty, deceased, and that all persons
nawng c~aims against satd deceased
@~e reqnired to serve the 8ume on the
Administrator ~t his resi,dence, near
Centerville, Wash., or upon l~cEwen
& Brooks, attorneys of ¢ocx)rd for
said estate, at Goldendale, Wash.,
and file ~ith ~he el~rk of fine above
named Court, together wit;h proof of
such ~ervice, within six months after
the date of the first publica42on o~
this notice, ar the same will be for-
ever barred.
Date of first publication, Decem-
ber 14, 1939.
JOHN M. MULLIGAN, Administ~ator
with Will annexed of the estate of
Lizzie Hagger ty, deceased.
McEWEN & BROO~S, Attorneys f~r
Est~Lte. Po~toffioe @ddres~, Golden-
dale, Washington. D14-J4t4---
In the Superior Court of t'he State of
WaShington ~or Klickitat County.
John R. Tobin an, d Croldba F. Tobin,
hus'b~nd and wife, Plaintiffs.
The unknown of Amy Pavr~tt,
of a new 1940 l~erd tficku~.
Mr. and l~s. Art Lowel.1 Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Virgin, Wilson MoN~ry and
sons were dinner guests of Mr.~and
Mrs. qlhomas Monday.
~rs. Alda-Ways~n has r~turned
to her ,home ~rom ~randview, ~vh~re
she ~ ~evem~ weeks with her
folks, on aeeouz~t of illness.
Mr. end M!rs. Coo~l Wilson and
Marjean, Mx. enid Mrs. Robert Crlasd0,,
R~y ~la~co, Pete Bel,le, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Wlisoh and Charles, Mr. and
Mlrs. Harold ~eely M~r. ~nd Mrs.
Robert Marvel, Mr. and M.r~. Ken-
neth Wilson and Jlm~ny, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Scaly, I~ona and Darrell,
Clark Seely ani~ W.alt~r and Bobby
Davis were dinner guess of Mr. and
~rs. Claud Woods and Lfla Christ-
mas d~y.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seely and Dar-
rell were visi~or~ of M,r. and Mrs.
Vernon Hooker Saturday.
M~r. and Mrs. ~obert Mervel spent
Wedn~day even,lug wi~h M:r. a:n@
Mrs. Wilbur Seely and family.
Bill B il~ttps, of Buena, is vist¢ing
,with M~r. and Mrs. Glasco at de~eased; of Charles A. Sturtevant,
~he present ~me .deceesed; and of Frank Marquiss,
..... " . . . deceased; James I. Munden, if liv-
r~arry Jo:nnste~a spen,~ a row days in and if d'eceascd, ~is unknown
last week visiting withMrs. Alice h~grs; Emma J. Munden, his wife,
Saltng, Bus and J~ck if living, and if deceased, .her un-
' known 'heirs; Lombard Investment
Mrs. Win. Ar~drews and Winston .Come, any a corporation; also all
~hurchfl,1 motored ¢o the v~l,ley ~ne other persons or parties unknown
..... claiming e~uy right, title, estate,
~ay t~ weeK. lien or interest in the ,re~l estats
Walt K~lly, of Roosevelt, is visit- desoribed in the complaint herein,
ins with ]~ph Allbritton defendent$.
. . " .. . The State of Washington" to ~he
b~unuay, Mr. and 1V~rs. E~ L~ne, Mr. above named defendants:
and Mrs. l~rank Elisrou~h, FAaine,You are hereby su~m,onec~ to ap-
WH,I Allhrl~ton, M~r and Mrs Johnny .pe~rwithin 60 days after the date of
' " Cue nrst pubfication of this summons,
Churchill, Lcds, l~h'yllis and Lucille, towit: Wit.lHn 60 days after the 14th
E~h A~li, brib~m, ~Vlr. and M:rs. I)elmore day of December, 1939, end defend
• ::.., ........ the above entitled action in ~he above
A~,~r~on, t~ar~ra l)ermar ann cues. named Court end serve a copy of
~llb~itton were guests at th~ h,eme your answer or c,ther pleading en
of Mr and Mrs Ed Allbrit~o~ I the undersigned, attorney for plain-
.~ " _ .. " ~. . " .. t tiff~s, at his ad~d.ress herelnatter set
mr. ~n:a Mrs. vor~r and~famlay ~orth; and in case of your failure
spent Chr'~st~nas day ~t ~he ~home of so to d,o, Judgment will be rendered
Mr an~d Mrs W~n ll~o~t r _ .. against you according to the demands
:. . . e a~ ~u.nny- of the com,plalnt, which ~ae@ been filed
side. wi~h the clerk of the abbve named
Do You Know?
Mount Vernon, Washington, k
the ca,b~age seed capital of the
world, Skagit county producing 90
per cent of all the cabbage seed
grown in the United States.
Washington hens lead in average
egg production, according to the
1930 census of .the United States De-
partment of Agriculture. The Wash-
ington average is 119.5 eggs.
Washington has made a world
record in producing shingles for
twenty years. The state produces 80
per cent of the shingles made in the
United States each year• The total
ranges from five to seven billion
Other world records are held by
Washington in the yield of oats per
acre, (192 tbushels); wheat (117.5
bushels per acre) ; strawberries
(12,800 full quarts per acre); red
raspberries ( 12,923 pounds per
acre); cherries (19,873 pounds per
acre); and in production of milk
(37,381.4 pounds from one cow in a
Royal and Underwood Portable
~pewa~ers. ~mall down payment,
balance in sm~ll monthly payment.
Inquire at The ~old~ad~le ~en~nel.
,An Ondtnance of .the Town of ~01d-
endale, Wa~Mngton, fixing ~he salty
of the Town rPreesttrer, and repeal-
The object of said action is to ob-
tain a judgment and .d~cree of the~
above named court decreeing the
plaintiffs 0o be the owners of th~ *here-
inafter de~mribed real property in
~sa~d county and state, and quieting
'title thereto in plain,tiffs and forever
barring you, and each of yon, from
any ,right, title; interest, lien or es-
tate in and ,to said real property, or
any part thereof, md~erse to plain-
tiffs, said xeal property being located
in County of Klickltat, State of
Washington, and particularly deecrib-
ed ~as folloWs, towit:
The south .he/f of the norffaeast
quarter of the southeast quarter of
section 15, townshilk 3 north, 'rsng0
15 east, Willamette Meridian.
F. A. SMItI'H, Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Office and postoffiee adorers, Gold-
endale, Klickit~t County, WaSh-
ington. D14J18t6--
Notice of Hearing Final Account and
Report and Petiton for
No. P. 2,0,77
In ,bhe Superior Oour~ of ~he S0a,te ot
Washington, f,~r Klick~ut County.
Ln Pro:bate
In ~he mh~ter of bhe Joint Estates of
~SaIn E. VanVa~O0v and M~r,tle M.
VanV~ctor, ~husba~d and w~-'fe, b~h
Notice is hereby givem Uh~t F. A.
Smith, administr~.tor wi~h: w~ll an
nexed of the e~ta,te of Sam E. Van
:Va~tor and administr~tor of the e~-
ta~e of Myrtle M. Van Vactor hus-
!b~nd and wife, ,bobh deceased,
I rend red presen!t d for settls-
merit to, and fiied wi~h Vhe olerk of
the Superior Cou~t of said O0~nty
and State 'his final accoun't and report
and peti~tion for di,st~butio~ ~a~ sn01~
administrator; a~d Chat Wednesday,!
the 3let day of J~numry, 1940, at ten
o clock A. M., ~t ~t~h!e court room of
-- our said Superior Oc,urt a~ Golden-
d~ale, in ~aid Country, has been duly
appointed by our Superior Oourt fox
the Settlement of the Final Account,
wt which time ~he Court ts asked to
set~le such report, distribu,te t~he
property to She lh.eirs or persona en-
ti,tled to the scans and discharge ~he{
actministraf0o.r lwith wil.l ~nnexed and
Witness, The HeN. J. E. STONE,
tng a3~ Ordinances ~r parts of Or-
dtnancee in con.filet ~herewl%h. Judge of th,e said Superior Cou~t,
Be R ordained by t~he Town Coun-~ and ~he seml ~f sa~d Court affixed
ctl Iof ~he q~wn of Goldend~le, Was~, t~Is 29th day of Decemoer, 1940..
ing~von. • R.M. SPOON, County Olerz e~
I Section I. Th~ ~own treasurer Clerk of ~he St~peri~ Court
shal,1 receive a salary of $100.00 per~ #au 4-25~4---
the Superl.or Couv~ of said County
and State his final account and re-
port and ~etition for dlstrtbu~0~ as
such Executor; and that Tue~de~y the
16,t~h day of January, 194.0, at 1:30
o'clock P. M., ~t t'h~e court room of
our said Superior (~ourt at Golden-
de~, in sat4 ~ou~ty, has been duly
appointed by our Superior Court for
~he Settlement of the Plnal Account,
at which time the Court ie a~ked to
settle such ,report, distribute the
property to the heiss or ~ersons en-
titled to the same and dis~haxge evhe
Witness, The Hen. J. ~l. STONE,
Judge of the seAd Superior Oourt
a~d ,~he seel of said Court affixed
t)his 18th day of ~be¢, 1939.
R. M. SPOO~N, County Clerk and
Clerk of the Superior Court.
Mc]~W~N & BROOKS, Attorneys fez
Estate, &@Idendale, Wash.
D2 l-J11t4---
Report and Petition for
No. P. 2,051
In the Superior Court of the State of
Washington for Klickitet County.
In Probate
In the mutter of the estate of Eva
&rocker, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Mat-
thew Crocker the Executor of t~,e es-
,tats of E~a Orocker decee~d, ;has
,rendered and presented for settle-
ment to, and filed with the clerk of
the Superior Court of said Co.unty
and State his fine2 accoun:~ and re-
por~ a~4 ..petition for distribution as
such ExecuVor; and that Wednesday
~the 10th ,d~y of January, 1940, e~t
10 o'clock A. M., at the court room
of owr seJd Superior Co,urt at Goid-
endale, in said County, ,has been duly
al~poin~ted by o~r Supexior Court for
the Settlement of the Final Account,
at ~hich ~im,o the Court is asked to
settle such report, • distribute ~he
property to the heirs or persons en-
titled ~a the same e,ud d~seh~rge the
Witness, T~he HO~N. J. E. STO~E,
Judge of the said Superior Cour.t,
and the seal of said Court affixed
thl~ 13~h day of December, 1939.
R. M. SPOON, County Clerk and
Clerk of ~he Superior Court.
McEW~,N & BROOKS, Attorneys for
Estate, Goldendale, Wash. D15J4-~
Notice of Hearing on ]b~mal Report
and Petition for Distribution
No. P-208
In the Superior Court of the State of
Washington for Klickitat County.
In the matter of ,the estate of David
g. Waiters, deceased.
a final report and petition for dis-
tribution has been filed with the
clerk of the above named Court by
the administrator with the will an-
nexed of the above named estate;
that the Court is asked to settle
such report, distribute the property
to the heirs or persons entitled to
the same, and discharge the said
administrator with the will annexed,
and that Wednesday, the 7th day of
February, 1940, at 9:30, a. m., in
the court room of our said Superior
Court has been fixed as the time and
place for the hearing of such final
report and petition.
Dated this 21st day of December,
R. M. SPOON, County Clerk•
Clark County Nat'l. Bank Bldg.,
Vancouver, Washington, Attorneys
for Administrator with the Will
Annexed. Dee 28-Jan 18-4t---
Notice of Hearing Final Account and
Report and Petiton for
No. P. 1853
In .the ~uperior Oou~ of ~he State of
Washington, ~r KAick~tat County.
In Probate
In ~'he matter of ,~he estate ~ TtlHe
Coombs, Decoa~d.
,Noti~ Is !hereby given that Free-
re'an R. Grow, Admln~strator d~ bon-
~s non wi~t~ Will anne~d of the es-i
~0~te of Til,lie, deceased, has
renderekl a~d l~resented for settle-
ment to, a~ filed w~,th the clerk of
the ~u.per~or ~court of salad Oounty
and State ,his final a~connt and ~report
and poti,tion for distribution e~
Admin~cr~tor; and Ch~t Tue
30,th day of J'a~uary, 1940,1:
o'clock P. M., at t'he cou~t room of
ou,r ~a~,d Su'I~rior (~0~rt ¢~t Golden-
~.ale, in ~aid C~u,nty, ~has been duly
e,ppo~n~t~ by ,our ,,r Cou,rt f~r
the ~0btlement of flh~ Final A~count, !
a¢ which t~me ~the Court is asl~ed
settle such report, distribute
property ~o the ~heirs or ~ersons
ti~led to *the e~me and d~s~harge t'he
Admlni~tre~0¢ de boris ~on ~v¢it~, will
Witness, qTne HeN. J. E.
Judge of ,the s~id Superior
and ~ho seal of said Cou~t
~his 29th day ~f ~ber,
R. M. SPOON, County Clerk and
.Clerk of ~he Superior Court.
MeEWEN & BR(~OI~S, Attorneys for
Esta~, Go, denials, Washing~n.
Jan 4-25¢4---
In ~he Superior Court of the State of
Washington. for Klickt~t County.
In the matter of the welfare of Robert
Young, a juvenile dependent.
State of Washington to Jack Young:
You are hereby summoned and re-
quired to ~l~e~r on the 6th day of
February, 1940, and answer to the
charges set forUh in a juvenile de-
pendant complaint filed in the above
en:titled court on the 28~h day of
Novembe,r, 1939.
You are eurther notified that the
object of such potlti, on is to have
Robert Yeung,,,~ a minor under the
age of eighteen years, ~.o-~vit: of 0he
EI~. Phone 102. Suits made to
order--Royal Tailors an.c~ Oeego~
City Woolen Mill Unos. P~pular
prices. We~t of ~ord GMxege, Gold-
ondale. --. tf---
RENT Apa tment with private
,l~th. Mrs. G. H. Romsh. 13
teem house. Inquire Hotel H~L1. lt-
age of seven and' one 'h~lf years,
declared to be a juvenile dependant ]PeR HOUS~WORK---~ Mrs. L. E.
and to rple~e the oustody o~ s~ld child ~v~. ~h,~-= ~aa~ ~n,, ,~,..
'with one Philllp Newman and one ,~o~I~. ................ %,~
Jane Doe Newman, his wife, and to ..... ~o
make further ~rovision for the future L(~T---Tuesdlay evening,--~a~l-=~ne
'care, .cust o~ly an, d eon,.~.ol of said lan't~rn near Norris windmill on
]uvenue xou a,.r~ rura~ex n