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January 8, 2004 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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January 8, 2004 |
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8, 2004
Christine Margaret B¢ierl¢
95, One brother and two sisters,
Goldendale, died Dec. 30, her husband, Peter; daughter,
~aki3 at I_andmark Care Center Donna Miller; son, Jim Beierle
ma. and three great-granddaughters,
! e was born Jan. 7, 19o8, to Amanda Chambers, Dannielle
and Margaret Mertz in W'flmoth and Joleen Beierle pre-
N.D. In 1932, she married ceded her in death.
Beierle and in 1938 they Survivors include one son,
to Washington. In 1939 Herbert and wife lena Beierle,
t~tsettled in Goldendale, living of Goldendale; two daughters,
until shortly before her Bernice and husband DaleThiele
of Goldendale, and Gladys and
ishrking at most of the cafes, husband Vern Simpson of Yaki-
akery, and the hospital, she ma; two sisters, Clara Martin and
elped out on the farm. In Frieda Minter of North Dakota;
e moved from the farm to 22 grandchildren, 37 great-
. She did all kinds of crafts grandchildren and many nieces,
ad made many quilts for nephews and friends.
~ydand friends. She loved to Services were held on Jan. 7 at
was prettygood at it. She in the chapel of Erdman Funeral
New Year, new birth; First baby for 2004 born at Klickitat Valley Hospital
Zoen Arceo, the little one in the
middle, was the first baby born in
20o4 at Klickitat Valley Hospital.
Zoen was bum at 7:54 pan. on Sun-
day, Jan. 4- He weighed 8 pounds
even, and was 2z inches long. Hold-
ing Zoen are mum and dad:
Brooke Johnson, who recently
moved with famil),~from Mount
Vernon to Goldendale; and Miguel
Arceo, of Toppenish. Also pictured
is Zoen's 1-year-old brother,. ,,Z~n.
"It was better than, my first, ' said
Johnson of Zoen s three-hour
labor. 'The first was 26 hours long."
Berg the first baby of the year,
Zoen s family received a gift pack-
age that included: a blanket from
KC Pharn~a~; $to gift certificate
from Ayutla s Mexican Family
Restaurant; baby items from the
98 Cent Store; $25 gift certificate
Iea master gardener and could Home with pastor Ken Aldns off]- from DeHart's Red Apple Market;
any little twig or leaves elating. Interment will be inthe a free dental ex~m from Dr. Re[m-
• Mt. View Cemetery. che-Vu; a gift certificate for a one-
year subscription to The Golden-
[ Glenna Chisholm dale Sentinel; a teddy bear; a
sweater and hat from the Klickitat :
~lenna Chisholm, 81, of Gold- Survivors include her daughter County Master Knitters/Cro-
[~le died Jan 3, 2004, from an Wreatha Stuyvesant of Golden- cheters; a "First Baby of the New '
Photo by Dan Richardson
~nded illness, dale; two sons, Archie Chisholm Year spoon from Klickitat Valley HAPPY NEWYEAR-- First baby of the new year was Zoen Arceo, bum Jan. 4, to Brooke
~e was born on May m, 1922, of Goldendale, and George Health Services and a quilt from a Johnson and MiguelArceo. Zoen is pictured here along with older brother, Zevon.
~akima, to Glen and Nettle Chisholm ofYakima; lo grand- localquilter.
~ry. She worked as a nurse's children and 22 great-grandchil-
~e for 17 years and enjoyed dren.
Private services will be held at Amateur films wanted for Gorge Film Festival
a later date. Movie buffs, pay attention:, known professionals and'rank ST. JOHN'S
• Jtter husbandMalcolm Erdman Funeral Home and
• . . You could get your name in The idea, Caudill says, is to amateurs alike. The approach is
~isholm; one brother and mx Cremation Service has care of lights, low-budgetandlow-tech.The BAKERY
fefe preceded her in death, arrangements, Last year, Jess Caudill had Parkdale Film Festival gives
a dream to start a Columbia everybody with an interest in Greek food
[. Kathryn Gmcme Gorge film festival. Caudill, trying their hand with a cam-
~thrynGmeme, 57, ofDalle- ics and painting. She also liked to 3o, ofHoodRiver, alongwith corder, and desserts.
• ,ellgt, diedJan, x, 20o4. playcards. Graemewasveryfam- father-son team Marc and I DVD-recorder or other cam-
J' ~e was born June 7, x946,in ily oriented and enjoyed spend- Prescott Harvey, madethat era the opportunity to share Bar and liquid
~ balles to Robert and Nada ing time with relatives at a reunion film festival a reality, hosting their effo~s.
~rk) McMurrin. Graemelast July. the home-made movie event Volunteers tohelp organize soaps, candles
I~dedsehoolsinKlickitatand HerfatherRobertandabmth- at the Elliot Glacier Public the event are also welcome.
:jall~, and earned an associate er, Eugene MeMurrin, preceded House in Parkdale, south of For film-making inspiration, and much more.
Hood River. , visit these Web sites: .
~arl~eeinbusiness fromColum-13asin College. her in death.survivors indude her husband, This year, theyre doingit • w~c.nwfilm.or,g - The (509) 773-6650
~aemarriedRobortGraemeon Robert of Dallesport; a son, again. Portland Art Musemn s North-
Eugene B. Graeme of Madras ............ (509) 773-7141
i or~ 13,1963 at the Klickitat Bap- The second annual Park- west film center.
• bt~.~aureh.Theycelebratedtheir ure.; .......... a roster, tmns lnmmeia o~ ame, rnm., ..... Feshval will take • -
¢ p]rth wedding anniversary in r~uciatat; ................ aoromer, lma±vicsviur- place. .. me nrst,, weeKena. .. ,.,,°I News, articles, how-to, used Mon-Sat
mt ]~33. She worked various jobs, tin" or ........ t~anesport; ner momer, Aprn, .... aecormng to t:auout,, equipment.
r~ow, me organizers are lOOK
fu (~uding managing apartment Nada McMurrin of Lyle, and ...... - • Dis- 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
' solvaPlexesin the Tri Cities from sevengranocnuaren. ..... mgmrgorge-areares]aentsto_ . . . . _., cuss[on groups, tips of the Located before mp 24Hwy97
l?_.~'a~nffiffaheandherhugband , A funeral service was held Jan.format