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January 8, 2004 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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8, 2004
Your Gorge Classified
287-3! ad a/so appears in •
Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise;
The Dalles Chronicle;
and the Camas/Washougal Post-Record
NA.rb ent365
n / Un~ ~ HOOD RIVER,
Beautiful Mt.Hood
Castle I
! 895,mo MOPM
, 541-386-3770.
The Dalles man/ home for Mosier: 5 Bdrm, 2 BA. man/ FORD Explorer '98. Eddie
rent. $425/mo. 541-298- home on 1 AC. New paint, Bauer, low miles, lots more
5966, flooring, appliances. Bunk- in stock. Was $13,988,
house and shop/garage. Now $10,988 #5737. Call
TheDstlea2Bdmt,2BA, This pretty place overlooks Hood River Ford Mercury
HOOD RIVER. 2 bdrm, 2 W/B/G, appl,ctean, storage, orchards and has views of
bath on 2 acres. Pets w/ pdvafeloL$575.541.296-577& the Columbia River, Mt
dep, $750. 541-490-5289. Hood, Mt Adams.,~.Site laundry, ~ 380~~ $165,000.541~7-2290
~,Y~ear=~W~./S/G pd. bdrm, 1 bath. Quiet street
;~udl~_iet, clean, in town/off street parking, big lot. $108,000. Ready to
~';3Spacious. Nice river view. WD/DW, L YLE Lg. double-wide 2 sell 541-296-8718.
gas fireplace. AII stainless bdrm, 2 bath, W/D, nice 43~
fa¢l;i~i&_ appliances. Top quality nei9hborhood" $550 me.+
construction, No pets. $775 dep. 509-365-6863.
me, lst/lasUdep. Available ..... ....
7 Ff3-3816
i 2/01104. 541-386-4979.
1 BEDROOM house In Gold-
HOOD RIVER. Rustic endale, 426 W. Burgen,
studio cabin. Country set- $35,000.509-483-3752,
tang. Fum or Unfum.
$375. 541-386-3667, HOOD RIVER. Share 5 bdrm, FORECLOSURE! 3 bdrm.,
home. Quiet, no smoking. $30,000! For listings 800-
Hood River 2 bdrm, 1 bath, $275 + utJls. 650-852-9182. 719-3001, ext. 1863.
Bsmt., Ig. yd, W/D, gas fur-
nace, 4th/Pine. Pets ok. No 395 ~ l~lrl~l~l LOVELY HOMES for Sate.
smoking, t800 541-,308.0550. _ ........... ...... : . 0 dc~Nn/O costs.
538An ue &
C/ass/c Autos
FORD Windstar GL '97.
Fully loaded. 93K. 7 pas-
senger. $4650.541490-6296.
FORD Windstar '96. Low
miles, very affordable,
MUST SEE! Was $9,995
INTERNATIONAL Scout Now $7,988 #3P5645. Call
Traveler '79, 345, AT, 4X4.
Full roll cage. 3rd row seat- Hood River Ford Mercury
ing, Over $15,000 invest- 800-698-8675.
ed. S~I for $5,500. DODGE MAGNUM XE '78
541-352-7659. T-Top. Runs good. 360
JEEP 4bbl, auto. w/pistol grip
shifter, BFG Radial T/A's,
2000Wrengler. 6-cyt, Needs body work finished.
auto, PS, PB, hard top, 58k Loaded with extras, too
miles. AmJFM/Cass.many to list, spare pads.
$12,950, 54%296-3187 or Sedous callers only, asking
541-980-2545 $2500 OBO. 360-210-5132
JEEP Cherokee Classic ask for Rick.
'98. Great COld. Includes
snow tires & bike rack.
$6900. 541-386-5732.
Vehide Sa~.
Joe's Towing
3255 Hwy. 142,
Friday, Jan. 9, 2004,
View 3 hrs. prior to sale.
'88 Buick, WA Lic 727MKD
'89 Toyota, WA Ltc. 637RRD
31 Eagle S~nJt,
WA Lic. 251PXX
'81 Ford, WA Lic, 5041-UA
Suharu: '80 4x4 wagon, com-
petently restored, very clean.
540Automob//es Sl0S0. 541.~e,~
TOYOTA RAV4 4x4 '97. ACURA Legend LS, '90.
Subaru: '98 Outback. 5-
Low miles, lots of SUVs in AT, all power, leather, 6 speed, tow package, 61K
new carpet,
RIVER. 3 bdrm 1((
RIVER, 2 bdrm,
No smoking/
RIVER. 2- 2 bdrm
DW, W/
1 large w/views.
Both no pets/
3 bdrm, 2 bath,
single garage.
1 can garbage
last & dep. Refs,
l, WIG pd, no
L 541-296-2861
1=O0 sq ff. 3
=Iris, ,C~an.
Bdrm, $450.
No drugs,
Or pets. 541-296-
Util rm,
large 1 Bdrm,
Quiet neighbor-
garage. West
"nonth's rant on
ice quiet area.
1.5 bth.,
Carport. $450/
bdrm, clean
to What-
& separ-
room w/
nfenced yard
W/nice view.
utilities. 1st,
1-yr lease,
pd, $400/
Yam, 2Borrn,
The Dallee.
2 bath.
, last + dep,
2 BA on
3 bdrm.
on Golf
)n dv~, 4
Freeracordedmsg. stockl Was $12,968, Now CD, new tires, 140K, Very $12,000.541-298-4859
HOOD RWER. New 3 HOOD Rfi/ER, Quiet w/view. 1-800-687-7213, x9200. $9,988 #5862.A. Call Hood good shape. Below KBB.
bdrm, 2 bath, gar, dw, w/d, Share kitchen/laundry. ,t.=m U.,--..L..,J..--.J River Ford Mercury, ~500, 541-386-5195. VWLooks Supergood, Beetleruns great.'71
fplce. Mt view, no smoking/ Day/wk/mo. 541-386-5905. al~~ 8004898-8675. ~o~ $1500.541-354-1123.
pets. $1000. 541-386-6497
mP kups owner spo. oupe $66009800 osom' 360.2nd
3 bdrm, 1 bath, river view. " 835-0462.
NO pets. $750. 541-386-650& NEW 4 Borm, 2 BA, 1836 sq
................ ft home w/60" "IV set up for "' ' ' ~' $5001Cars/trucks/SUV's Need help keeping your
HOOD RIVER, Cute 50's
style, 2 bdrm, 1 bath. No
smoking/pets?. $700 +
utils, lslJlast. 541-386,5389.
HOOD RIVER Heights 2
bdrm, 1