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January 15, 2004 |
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kNUARY 15, 2004
Ldand Z. Heart
Heart, of Creswell, ing and hunting whenever he
died Jan. lO, 2004 at could capture a few spare hours
from the farm.
born Aug. 26, 19o6, Hearthadonlysixyearsoffor-
~side Baker City, Ore., the old- nlal education but oJltivated nee-
[of six children born to Mary essary business acumen and
~rieh and John Heart. penmanship that was the envy of
~s a young man, Heart was most who enjoyed reading his let-
~olved in the hospitality indus- ters. He helped those around him
l. He began as an elevator opeer- by modeling attributes that are
pra_t the historic Geyser Grand universal; he treated others as he
Ptel in Baker City, then was a wished to be treated, he valued
~ortlanOP at the Medford Hotel and hard work, but never forgot to
d hostelry, finishing that have fun in the process. He was
~eopr as night desk clerk and grateful to those who cared for
at the Eugene Hotel. him and his eyes sparkled with
[Farming was his passion and love as he thanked them for their
I~ enjoyed a myriad of farm efforts.
~sks. Heart raised 2,ooo laying Heart survived two wives,
~ns and marketed the eggs dur- Ruth Jones, married on July 23,
Jg his sojourn at the Eugene 1996, and Vehna Tevepaugh,
btel as well as earing for 2o married July 3, 1974, before his
co., s, Ball player slam.dunked
by avalanche of snow
Glenice Schultz, age 87, died f ~'~
Friday, Dec. 26, aoo3 at Tri-City East End
Chaplaincy Hospice House. She
was the wife of Harland Schultz,
former resident of Bickleton. N ~WS
They were married Oct. lO, 1949,
and spent most of their married
life in the Outlook area. She is ~l Ruth ~1"i~
survived by a son, Harland ~. .~
Schultz, and wife Judith of Rich-
land, daughters Mary Anne roof of a pizza parlor. It left his
Wickland and husband Charles head sticking out. Just a freak
of Pasco, and Ceil Esch and hus- accident that could have been
band Donald of Salem, Ore., five worse.
grandchildren and one-great I think the roads are better in
grandson. Also two sisters, Beth Klickitat County than in Mabton
Mack of Seattle, and Bonnie Stin- and Sunnyside. It is hard to see,
son of The Dalles. the yellow lines to figure out
Photo by Sam Lowry Be sure to send your Campbell which lane you are supposed to
soup labels to school for the sew be in. So all of you drive careful-
Zach Shattuck (ABOVE) enth and eighth grade classroom, lY.Ed
They make verygood useofthem Morris is in a hospital in
E~s of productive land. As an marriage to Lois Rowland on Oct. and Jamee Freeland
ardist, Heart raised a suc- 19, 1991 (RIGHT) were the winners there. The ~alles but is improving now.
~Ssion of crops, including Survivors include his wife,
during Riverview Commu- On Saturday evening, our bas- We wish him a speed)' recovery
l~ tUnes, peaches, walnuts, andfil- Lois; daughter Kathleen Dun- nity Bank s recent home- ketball teams played in Trout and hope he is home soon to help
-'-- Fts. When not growing edibles away of Phoenix, Ariz.; son made ornament contest. Lake. One of our baske,tbal] Denise keep the snow shoveled
----~ his livelihood, Heart enjoyed Eugene Heart of Gridley, Calif., team s ,,b0~ got caught in an ava- away.
fOWing flowers for pleasure, and his daughter Deborah Heart, Photo by Dan Richardson lanche of snow falling off of the =..v ~,unle.J.n=0,z~
t ch.~Sally roses, of Goldendale, and many grand
,oliti~A consummate storyteller, children and great-grandchil- Kliekitat Stream Stewards' first meeting for 2004 is Jan. 20
e IrS~artoften regaled those around dren.
hep~.__with anecdotes of famous Funeral services are scheduled Klickitat Stream Stewards are Columbia Fisheries Enhance- and people interested in volun-
wer-~Onages hehad met in hotels for 1:3o p.m. Friday, Jan. 16, back on track with monthly ment Group and Cheri Ander- teering with Stream Stewards J.da Law. NIcol, K~dm,,
Lptu~d, ofcourse, lots offamilylore. 9004, at Creswell Christian Cen- meetings planned throughout son, U.S. ~ish and Wildlife Ser- are eligible to receive a water- COLD MOUNTAIN (RI
'labut ~ wasstl~ Fdday- rue=day t:00 4:00 ?:30
an avid sportsman, fish- ter with local interment to foUow, the winter and spring. The vice, in order to promote healthy shed notebook specifically
group will meet Tuesday, Jan. watersheds, salmon, habitat, designed for the Klickitatwater- BIG RSH (PG-Ul
}rso~ Betty Miln¢ Garner Bobo 2oat6:3op.m. at the uni'on hall and cormnmlib stewardship. All shed. For more informafion, call gdday - T~ay1:15 4:15 6:50 9:20
in Klickitat. The January meet- meetings are open to the public Liz Kinne at (541) 8o6-o936. ~ ~
', trd~tty MilneGarnerBobo,82, ofSeattle; her brother, EdMilne ing will be devoted to public dis- gd~y. Ttmdayl:309:30
undelBeaverton, Ore., died at her of Medford; one great-grand- cussion and education on the LOTR: RETU~
to r~nae on Dec. 24, 9003.daughter;, two nieces and two Snyder Creek Restoration pro-
(PG-13) Fdday - Tuesday ~':00 7:15
thre~LShe was born Feb. 13,1921,in nephews. U CeLLuLar.
mtiolne Dalles, the youngest of four Private burial was be held at jected located in the town of ICHASING LIBERTY (PGm') ....
Klickitat. Yakama Nation Fish- " : :
eedi~laiklren, to Alexander Scott and The Dalles 18th Street IOOF eries Biologist, Joe Zendt, will e, •
Sara (Morgan) Maine. Cemetery, and public memorial also gi~e a presentation on the " your direct connection to
attended school in The services was held at Smith Call- importance of good water qual-
d was valedictorian of away Chapel on Jan. lO, 2oo4. ity and how it can affect a fish- Lifeline:
school class of1939. Remembrances may be made bearing stream like Snyder
school, she was to Civic Auditorium Preservation Creek.
Advisor in The P.O. Box 1102, The Dalles, OR Stream Stewards is part of an u.s. Cei[u[ar participates in the Federal Universal Service Fund Program I Fdday- Tuesday 5:151:15 9:15 I
for Eastern Ore- 97o58orCentervilleSchool, Cen- on-going education program by offering special {ow rates on wireless plans to qualified low income IPETER PAN (PG} [
She attended Oregon State terville,WA98613. developed by Liz Kinne, Mid-and Native Amedcan individuals. To find out if you qualify for the / Fdday- Monday 2:30, F.nda MnndaylI
for a year before she Lifeline Program, call us at 1-800-447-1339.
D.C.,and Domestic violence task force
for the Department of
Japanese U.SCellulat
8he returned home for a short
holds first meeting Jan. 22 ...... ....
The newly formed-Golden- Topics to be discussed will be:
for Booz Allen and dale Domestic Violence Task The definition of domestic vio- DIRECTORY
an engineering con- Force is holding their first lence, the impact on the com- ASSEMBLY OF GOD
firm. She worked for Domestic Violence Impact Panel munity, and resources hhat are New Life Assembly of God
and Kelly in The Dalles on Thursday, Jan. ')2, at z p.m.. available in this community, t~,,2 s ~,,,..,~..,;,.,do.~.,op ..... K.i.~.~h.~
1948to ~952. at the New Goldendale Grange Members of the city and ,._.~..0 s~.~s.~,,~,~ ...... ~o~,.,wo..,p
Service 10:30 am, Evening Service ~t 6 pm,. Family
married Henry Garner HallontheinteresectionofDar- county government and the ~,h,,,.Wodo,,h,.~p.,oo,.do,~'o,,h. Mi,-
¢ 8,1949, in land and Wilbur streets, judicial system will be speaking, ., ........ .o., ..., ..... ~.,h,. S,.d~ ~ p~ S.,
balles, and lived in Golden- This is an open meeting and andvictimsofdomesticviolence WEDNESDAY, JAN.14 SUNDAY, JAN. 18 ....... h,oo,,,
x958. She worked at everyone in the community is will be sharing their testimonies. Lynn Halm Ben Burke Columbus Avenue aaptist, S.B.C.
court house invited to attend. Derek Dani el s Dorothy Gamer .,o,oho..Soo .,,,':t-"" P. Mo..,o. ....,,
The family moved
a m. Sunday Evenhag Study alad Worship. ~ p.m; ream
for the Lloyd Corpora- The Sentinel THURSDAY, JAN. 15 MONDAY, JAN. 19 s,,,,t.,,d,,..:,.> .....
Center) until 196o. Trusted ~Chu.hof~
in Eugene, for six Since 1879 Noah Halm Efin Burke ..... s, WA
L Pllrish Phtmbloe~ Pastor. Sund~y; Sunday School Io
before moving to FRIDAY. JAN. 16 Ruth Wesley ..... .....
Service 6 p m.. ~ednesd~ Service 7 pm Nursery ser-
where she lived Michael Bellamy
in the Portland area, Gary H octor CATHOLIC
' Garner SATURDAY, JAN. 17 .oiy Trinity. Catholic-
307 Schtt*tet. Gohlendal¢ Father William Byrell. 773-
andmarried Ira Bobo in Robert Scott
45t6; Sat. Eve Ma.~s6:3Opm;SundayM~xsgam;
Spanish Mass Sat evcnir~ 7:30 p.m Eve of Iloly IMy~
Workede"-~,a the Beaver- ,:30 p.,.; .o~, ~,, o =.,,. ~ o,,y ~., .,..s., o
' ' a m except THe* 7 p m CCD ('la.~es, Wedne~liy ~flet*
t administra-~;,h Elsie G. Tupper, M.D. Cascade Eye Center .~:,~,o~:,0p~ ~,~o,, ...... h.-.,.~.,~.,e
later Aloha _~,. w~ ~,.o,,,o,, ~,o-,:3o. ~,h.~,h ,.~,,=~,, ....
tbssion~ befbre M~ Sat~rday~ at noon + I pm
Office Hours: Men. - Ffi. 9:00-5:00 • Comprehensiveeye heahh evaluations
• Treatmem of eye disease GRACE BRETHREN
"~l-'l-'°'nu"ent~ • Eye surgery, including no-shot,
hours by request no-stitch, no-patchcataract removal i so s. Roosevelt Gregory M ~lowelL pastor 773-
3388 Sunday School 9:30 am,; Mocniag Worship I l
playing bridge 4o0 S. Roosevelt (On-site in ltood River) "
Wtxhl~lays at Ih¢ (k~kteMale Gr~alg¢; AW AN A
6:25 p,m.
on Priest Lake Low vision evahtutions and treatment ~ 412 S. Columbus
Wt, dr~*~t~y, "Fhe Bible, the Whole Bible. a~d Notktng
Goldendale, WA 98620 GoldeMale • 773-5719 ¢~ ~tn~ a~., -
(509)773-4014 Ophthalmology: ...... ~ 12 C0nvenientOffic¢8 ~'-'-' LUTHERAN
Scott Milne John D. Wilier, D.O. COMMUNITY BANK
"~ Throughout Southwest Washington Christ the King Lutheran
S ('olumhus and S}mcoc Dr. (ioldcndal¢ 773-5750
iilne preced- Board Certified Opl~thalmologist) I
A( I I'1 N( IIRI
WorshipSet;iceSunday ll:00a.m Adult Surlday
Match Martin, O.D. S~hool~:4~ ~..¢~o,,~.¢1 ....
indudeher daughter ~rw~,=~,~amr ~cm, Chris Barbour, O.D., Ph.D. METHODIST
United Methodist
Schmidt and her Carola Stepper, ~ 805 E. 19th Street c,,,.~ ..d n~*d*..y P.~,,,, P= ...~..3-~,
RN, LAe, CST The Dalles. OR 97058 o, 7~...2 wo,,,,p,=,. & io3o ,m S~.d.
/" Schmidt Acupurv,.l~e is a complete medical system that (541) 296-1101 ~h=h s~ot~ ~ ~.,ol=,~, ..... N.,~,~ A,,.,.~o = I.~ ~ c., ,h...,..~ o~=,,,
and Josh Sc~dt can u~at many different h~t~ c~ce~s. 2025 Cascade Ave. St, l 0 I
Some in.sawanceaccepted. Hood River, OR 97031 NAZARENE
711 E. Collins, Goldendale (541) 386-2402 Church of the Nazarene
124 W Allyn, Goldendale 773-4216 Pastor}a~on
young Sundays: Sunday Scl~ml 9:30 am W01"=hip sea'*
(509) 773-4017 1-800-548-5487 responded to our call for help in reading meters the .= ,o.,.~ w..o...yA~.,,.,~,o~,o~,~3o..
( ,ee's Family For info: (503) 913-$191 or last couple of weeks! The recent weather ..~s..,...,.,o.,..,.,o..~y.30p...
li~-~-Restaurant~ conditions made it difficult for the POD crews to PRAIsEBARN
| S E RV IN G make their rounds in a timely manner. It not only .o., .,o,a..d.,o *o,..,.
Services: Sunday 10:30 ira, Wcdne*day =l 7:00 p,m
i= lC H IN E S E & took longer to get to each customer, but some .,,o,y ~o~., .... P ...... ._~.~t,~
Columbia River meters were completely inaccessible due to the ~i.~.go~ .....
Women's Clinic, LLCFamily Practice Clinic heavy snowfall. COMMUNITY CHURCH
•Low-risk andhigh-riskobstetrical care- Physicians&Surgeons An automatic call system was put into affect to AChurdlofChrig
Weekly Specials The Dallcs Mountain R(~d in C~, pa,~tor K~ Aki~
• RegisteredN ...... edemialedin DerekEari, D.O. contact customers and ask them to read their own
AmbulateD' Wommls tieahh (?are ~seh~4at 10:20m ,MommgWoCa~h~i l I.~O
• State oflheatldiag.nostic ult ........ d equipmem Anil Rajani, M.D. meters and call the information to the PUD. Our ,~-,~,.,-,,--m,.~.~-
Cltl~E SPECIAL '4" Pelvic fl,~r therapy scrvi .... William aothamley, M.D.
J .... C. Vaherty, MD,, FACOG Judy Richardson, M.D. customers' quick response to our request is greatly FATHERS HOUSE
nav,dA. Ma~k, PP.. ~'AC(~, Annie Stone, A.R•N.P. appreciated! Everyone's cooperation in reading FELLOWSHIP
Mien with pan Diane E, Ellis, MD., FACOG David Tuning, PA-C
.~of 1810E. 19th Suite 209 Carolyn O'Connor, M.D. their meters allowed KPUD to acquire the 20,~,*~,,,,,,~,P.,,,s,o~.,oh .... ,.~,,~
~hicken or pork, s~,~y worship i0 a.m. Best~ Bibl© Fellowship 1130
a.m.. Wedm~dJy Prayer at ?/~m. Home ~,t/~ Sul~day
or pork fried rice. The Dalles, OR 97058 Michael GarneU, M.D. necessary readings, and continue focusing on o~,.to,..~..,.,.,..,.~.~........_.
541-296-5657 • Fax: 541-298-5199 Lance Petersen, M.D.
MIERICANSPECIAL $69s maintaining the power lines to keep outages at a ~'""
711 E. Collins Drive, minimum during the storms.
8oz..New York Steak with Goldendalc. WA 98620
~.ome of potato, soup or (509) 773-4017
Salad, and sourdough bread.
Office hours: IGoldendale office White Salmon office
Open M - S -10:30 - 9:30 Monday-Friday ] 1313 S. Columbus 110 NE Estes
~unday- 11:30 - 8:30 8:30 a.m to 5:30 p.m. IGoldendale, WA White Salmon, WA
[509/773-5891 ~ 509/493-2255
I 18 E. Main • (509) 773-6999 [ 1-800-548-8357 1-800-548-8358
Downtown Goldendale ~.m=
iiii iiiii ii i