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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
January 18, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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January 18, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Four t TheGoldendaleSentinei i | II. FAR, O ,H A. . . 1 1 RONALD RICHARDSON .... hlrOl t / Tim.., .co.o c ..Aa | t 1 / llml W~I~OR X[W~A~ PU~MH~° A~ATIIN, I ! ....... 7°T ..... 1 Goldendale Welcomes The Woo]growers IT ISN'T EVERY week that a town e.size .of . ldendale be host to a million dollar indus r. And, m this where, when the representatives of such an industry come to hold their annual conven tion that day is something of an oc- cam'ore • - " d One of those occasions will occur m Goldendale ¢ am w ken when members of the Klickitat County Woolgrowers Assocmuon and their Auxiliary meet here for the twenty-second "annual con- vention. , . One of this county s princip agricultur industr s, the sheep business easily repre .nts an investment of.$1,.OOU,UUU. 'l~ne sheep industry has held an nnporeant pmce m r lCXlmt county s economic life since 1870. - ....... e In every sense of the word a source of original wemm, m almep in business in Klickitat cotmty today .refl ts the years of toil and scientific experiment that have gone me aevelopment of the industry on its present plane. Goldendale is thoro.ughly conscious of the importance of flfllde. sheep industry to Klickitat county: This w once agam h O a- endale salutes and welcomes the Khcmmt w oo.igrowers on m oc- calfion of their twenty-second a nual convention. A Salute To Three Sportsmen THOUGH THE MIGRATORY bird season closed more than a month ago it is still not too late make a few commendato.r /re- marks concerning the sportsmanfike work of three Iarm resmen s of this community. The three men, to mention names, were Frank Bowman, ecn Ward and Gordon Ward. It so happens that the land which they own and control constitutes some of .the finest migrato.ry b l ly shooting territory in this county. Thin yeaF it was p cular y good of approximately 100 acres oI Durnea .wnea . Real conservationists, with an eye to preserving as many migratory birds as possible and still provide a reasonable amount of ahooting for the sportsmen, those, three men .patroled thei property and protected all migratory birds that fed m me Du .. over area. Sportsmen were permitted .to hunt only. on po mn of the Bowman property lying between the sumnnt of the olum- bta mountain and the feeding ground. The foresight of those men undoub .t Ry performed the twod fekl, purpose of saving m ..y migratory birds from slaughter an of providing regular shooting _for any sportsmem .... When the feeding grounds were opened n m ers on .me final two days of the season it affected the flight of geese mt.o area at a time when hunting was over for the year. Had been opened early in the season geese would probably l .ve ceased coming over the Bowman ranch before the mlgra ory snook- in8 was well underway, o Here's Our Letter-- Where's Yours? United States Post Office Department. Third Assistant Postrn ter General WMhingtml, D. C. I)ear Sir: It has come to our attention that the present session of Con- " il greet wit1, in an liklihood, appropriate funds for the construction of least one federal building in the fourth congressional dis- trict of Washington state during the coming year. May we take this opportunity to point out to you and your department some of the reasons why we believe this proposed fed- eral building should be constructed in the city of oldendale ? Naturally our first and most important reason is based on need. The Goldendale, Wash., post office for the past half dozen years h as registered consistent gains in posta receipts. Dr. H. H. Har y, Goldendale postmaster, last week announced that postal re ipts for his office during 1939 totalled $14,252.03, an all-time high for this city. Records in your office will undoubtedly verify truth of these statements. We further would like to point out tlmt Goldendale is a grow- ink city. A recent special census conducted by the city council recorded a 35 per cent increase in G01dendale's population duri the past nine years. This increase made it possible for this city to advance to the rank of third class under provisions in the laws of the state of Washington. Undoubtedly the 1940 census, now about to be tabtdated here, will give Goldendale an official popula- tion figure of 1700 or 1800. In mentioning these population figures we believe it might be well to point out that the growth registered here is stable and consistent. A trade territory of a substantial farming area of ap- proximately 4000 pop--on is directly or indirectly serviced "by the Goldendale post offic At the present time the quarters occupied by the Goldendale post office are far from adequate- The staff is hampered by lack of space mad. according to employee in the local office, the present building is so designed certain postal regulations regarding arrangement can not be complied with. Although the county , Kliekitat, of which C ldendale is the county seat, largest city, is one of the oldest governmeneml organizations in this state, to date not a single pemmanent federal building been erected within its borders. the pe t office department, n turaLly, would be the prin-i citml occupant of a fedt ral building in this city, other federal a ncies now located in Goldendale would gladly accept space in a vernment owned building. Since the great Bonneville-Grand Coulee trmmmission lines pass within a few miles of this city the Bemneville Project maintains an office in Goldendale. The United States Department of Agricutlure, ,through its Soil Conservation Service, various wheat programs also maintains permanent offices in Gol&mdale. In the next few years, if present economic and commercial developments continue in this area, it is not at all unlikely that other federal .agencies may find it necessary ,to maintain offices in Goldendale. Naturally a federal building would serve as an eco- n nical and convenient focal point for United States agencies in this community. We thank you for youri ndulgence in this matter and trust the information conveyed in this letter aid your depart- in selecting the most deserving sites for whatever federal buildings Congress may 'approve for the fourth Congressional dis- trot of Washington. Respectfully yours, The Goldendale Sentinel. THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washingto Thursday, January 18, 1940Thu i 'l ir;t t HARTLAND COMMUNITY a• m., sermon; You'll be interested. (Revised version John 6:39) REPORTS FIRST WINTER 6:30 p• m., Youth. meet for worship Will you Join us in the study of -- I i ~, ---'-'---- and recreation, the Bible? It may mean that by so B~~IJ~ I ~~ i I-I&R~IzAI~D -- (Special to The WEEKDAY ACTIVITIES" doing you will find Christ and eter- The K H S basketball squad, a "~ ............... • " lif B " if " " • • " I ~e~tunet)--jmnes rtous~on en'tm~eu Wedne~da~ 2"30 "- -~ L~di~ Aid hal e. u~, you are atreaay a highly touted team, did not 1 ve P I Fourteen men~b~ns of bhe Blokes- in~tlhe C(~C Moulder• month~ .... lal "~i÷h ~r,o r~ ~r T.o,~ Christian, it will mean that you will M,r, to expectations Wednesday nig t I ton I. O. O,. F. lodge ~ted fine ~hoee ~t~e~d~llng the F~nn~sh re- man in charge 7" ,, ~ m ~hoir find spiritual help, and that you will ~t when they dropped a 25 to 38 con-[Gokl,e~d~le O&d 1~el~o~s here last lie~ ben~fl, t d,an~e ~t Center~lle in- ,ro.,~ s • •~ .v• • ~ be strengthened and Inspired for the test to an aggressive Columbia Tuesday night• The meeting was for cluded M,r. an:d M~rs. BAH W~hdte, Mr. ~" ....... service, hon~ Union high team• The gamer:==:l~l,the p~r~seo¢ extending an Odd Fel-and ~r~. L. L. I~ou~t~n, Mr• and CHURCH 0~ CHRIST 11:00 a• m. Morning worship and ;ireve~ played . but from. your . p . . . I low Goodwill plaque to the Golden- ~r~. DeWeese an, d iVI~r~n Ki@ht• AI.1 xr ~ ~it~ ~, ...... preaching service• Sermon theme: ,Sundi point oI view, the local quintet Jus~ awm ....... "" "• ~ u' m,u,v~, ,, ,, ~ ~ . • ]dale Io.~,~. repo~te~ a go~a time• Consecration• ~Ugl hasn't enough baskethall under their ~ i,by ~t~ . . . I Those from Blckleton ~ho m~de J.H. 1~eOoy w~as in Goldenda~e on Bi~~ o~,,a,~ ~n•.nn 6:30 p. m. The Baptist Adult x belt This being their initial conzes= ............... ~ ...... ~ ................................................ • . .... l~ne vr~p ~n.oitme~: ~• ~'. ~anaers, A. ~umne~9 ~vion0Aay. ISe.... 11•no Union will meet in the church ~gr~pb while me C U H S are in mm- I ................................................................ 1 .... M M~tsen, Clarence ~eBride, John M,ns. I~i,~d~r Kure and her baby Br^^,.t ........... sanctuary for a devotional service. 9 y~ season form However there is yet l .......... " ................................. : l • . .... A.,s, ~. w. i~onoao, R. V. boy c~me ~m.e t, hls pa~ week andlEwni,~ .~v~ v•~n 6:30 p• m. Ths B• Y. P•U. will n M~ an opportunity to Knock the mack i ..................................... meet in the oun l re ' ........ [Donoho, Oh~rles Rr,o~nley,I.~well a~e repor~ted' m~ch ~. I Wednesday evening" service 7"30 y g poop es om of $~r. ana whi~e aggregauon o~v ~ne]r - ~, ........ .......... ~ [ Sh~tbuck, Albert Binns, Foresl We su~pp~se tlhe H~nt~n,d reelden~s I Ladies Bible stud.,v ~.i..~ a~ .............. ~.• nn the annex• TWo young people co- ~ f~nil., peaesmI. ~ou may rest assurea ~na I Wandlin~ M O Conenhefe~ L D v~i~l,l he seeing ot~r new de~uey asses~ I ........ operate in leading the meetlngs. A ~a'ecep ~lickttat is lookin~ forward to It/ °' • • " ' • • • J "TaKe neea ~neretore un~o your- ~ ..... ~,^~ ....~._, .....1. v.~.. ~, ;-- l with great test~ / Naugh¢, a~c~ F. N. N~tt~h.t. Frank sor, C. A. Jonnson, soon. I selves, and to all the flock, over the ~-s ...................... ~., ~r. ( • i B~o~nley, of Centerville, mem~ber of Pred Thompson le@t l,aet week ~Olwhich the Hol~ mh^.. ~..~..~ up• ¢~rn~ ..... ........ Ev i v n ells i BELLSAND WEDDING BELLS Ithe Blokl~ton I.. O. O• F. aMoa~e~d- spend thewinter with hismother inl~o ...... r ..... *- ~*~^ ~.-~ ~" 7:30 p.m. enng ea g tc .fine 1 hi h sohool ~ .............. u ~,,~ ,~.~.,.,~ v~ MISs Hockfle d, a g . led the lodge meeting. Spokane. [G~ which ~ ~t~ ..... ~oo~ ~t~ service in song and sermon. Sermon were teacher will be united in marriage We are having fine wether for --- -- ,~- -~,'-~T~- v .... ~ .... subject: "A Parable of Jesus---The ~frien~ [nis own mooa. ' AC~S 20:28. n~,,}, ~,,-~ ,, to Mr. Sigmond Meyer, of. Butte, { G]~G~, l~]~WS Janatury, o-~en th~h, lit is qu~e cold I ...... ..... Montana. She will leave scnoot inI n~h,ts ~ 7:30 p• m• ~hursday, mid-week the near future and as yet the new Mr ~nd M"~ En~ ............ ~,~--I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH prayer meetig at the church, urb,~ teacher hasn't been decided upon. Pleasant Valley held ~ts first meet- ~f C L Houston Sund~v ni~h~ Mr • . Hones, pastor Come, worship and serve with us. Sell .............. }ing of the new year Saturday eve- . ". " _ ~ . , ~ ° '~. . •I ~ There is o welcom~ ~.ero ~£'u~J~t~'£ uuu~J~ /.~.~ ~-- ~ o~ ~ ~ a ~a an, c~ M~s. T. t~• ~ttsmn w.e~e aisuI I0:00 a m Bible school Bible .. . "--. .'~..~."-~ ~".. ------ The student council has been dis- [ ...... ~ ..... ~ .~'~ ~ ..... ~ v~S~t~re at .the C. L Houston home ]st,,~.. ~o ,.~*~ "*^ *~^ --,-,*..', --^- ~unuay, lrev. • "'A convocatmn on ^. ~ ,~.. ^ • ..........,.. ~^ ~^,, /percentage ot a~en~ance was pres- .. -~ " / "~ ........ - ~,,v ~,,~u~x we,, Vital Religion" to be held by a visit- ..... ~ .... ~,v,, y..~, ....... -1 t~un~lay =d]be':~' ;e h=f:::te£Y;:/e us sai - ........ lI :it: f::~s hh:t b::: :::::~edsa7 y:: l en~everal business matters ~,ere set- M~u?nLMsun~a/dinM:~u :: t n hy~:s~el!rCacinm~et ::rg tf:arTh~ ::::::~:henUt?h Watch party will be done• up in little pack- Itled and open fdmcussIon was he!d of R~bent M~K~I~), of CenCervfll~. i Scriptures because ye think that in A Royel ~ewa'lCer will I ages and tied in maroon and gold Ion suggestmns or ~ne }mprovemen~s .............. ~ ......... i. ....... ~^ on "~^ ~-" o ....... ~vt~r~on ~,~-~ n a~ vne, m;@zort~nelt~em ye have eternal Ills; and these ad~l muoh to.t studen~ ~duea~ion. A~ ~I ribbon, l~ood~id:::Lere ~;venabu;:~d~;:;tet~ get pick~dl t~p an@ fined $25 forI are they Which bear wltness of me." complete ,llne a¢ "fine Sentinel. tf-- VISITORS | s. " r ~ ...... ~oin~ bhrou~h a s~l~O~l zone t~o ~a~t I ~ ~ rawf planwas no~ eacneu,wlas~er Fen- Tuesday, Dale C ord and ] " " -si . . _ .at WasEoug~l ?h~u~rsd,a~ a~ternoon• [~ ~~ ton appoln~eu X people tO eacn Ronald Miller, of White Salmon, ~. u e .... l~.~y" St. I~wvence w~s a v~si~0~ [; ~~ were high scheol visitors. I::::i;aPt : :pgc~:]~=ePii:: h:aca?(:d a~t ~he l-~u~t~n h~ne Sunzl~r. ~ ..... ~ WheEng; F h VLlS a directed byltorThsu::draY'v an: raetac7h30a ,,,._,-,,. , 1 IT ill n n l,l :hlolD;a~:%~e ?ia~gi:LPfb:l~ohs?/decis;on atP'that re=tin: so some WIUI | Ue Churches | I i I Ill P K 1 i • 1 " work can be done this winter -- Editor in Chief ...... Ale n Overacker - A ............ I The next regular meetlng will be ~TT~ DA~ ~k]]~J~ ~ ~t~ ~ £1£ ~ ~L~ 1~ t~ ssm~anc ma~or.-...~ryan~ ~ooer~son I .............. R R Hamm Su-erintend~t 1~" ~ " Staff Editor ................ Louise Schmldt I~.'.eD" ~ a~ iv:~v a. m. wltn a pOtlUCK " ~ ........ '~r-~ ...... [~ H Art Editor ............ Margaret Saunders Io]n"er" - Assistant Art Editor Glen Cox int of view ... ....... club rooms at ]r Icki . " " FINISH LUMBER OF ALL ..... tn Pime aml Fir Advertising Manager, David Toomey[ Several of the pupils have been I~ ............. ~ Printer .................. LaMoine Kingsland I from us and don't get your feet wet HOLY ~ OATHOIaO sxqutmteiy sarracea om our modern, high~eed planers Asslstant Printer......Virginia Seoffeld I We know. " OHURCH I ? ~i S~NIOR CI~SS I There is to be a game of really Rev. l~trtek S. Lyons, Pa~or It DRAIN~OARD STOCK ;,~ The senior class is going to pro-~good basketball here Wednesday and ~ I~ duce a play sooner of later and they [ another Friday. We hope to win $che4u~e o, M-, I~ • ~n..~ LUMB D cr~pA~v : have five books to select from The ~. • ~,~ ,~av~.,~ ~v~v~a ~ • & • Y Iboth of them tbut part of our team is ~'l~st, Tlrlrd and Fifth Sundays 9 I~ KlidLl~at ~----~L~V~a ~TM & ~i are: Spoo , Seven Keys to Bald l absent, a.m. " Pate, The ~aunted House, RunningI We plan to give a play for the! St. Mary's Church, Wi~hr~m, ~lrst, I Wild, and The Mystery of Hadley I public but we haven t picked a T~ird and l~fth Sundays, 11 a.m. I Manor. Isatisfactory one yet. I Im - DANCE I Bob Robertson has taken the Yell l TEE METHODIST CHURCH li There will be another dance !here I Leader,s job, and you must confess i C.J. Hall, minister /$ T T 1[ • T ~ • |'; Saturday, January 27. Morey Grafflhe can surely use his big mouth and i ~ I~ ~ • ~ / ~ ~r~ "~-~'~h~'~ will play and we hope to see you Ibuck teeth• ~he team says he helps i SUNDAY SIgRVICES: !~ • • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~41~1 ~ r~~ ~ all out. la lot when the going is tough. I 10:00 a. m., Church school. 11:00 I~ ~ ~a~_~ • • ~ .~.~1~ ~1¢~11~11~ TUNIOR KItH SCHOOL I - • • I,-. . . The Klickitat Junior high held its 14.@ _ _ . t| taple and Fancy Groceries | last Student Body meeting of the~ ~'-'--~'~ ~ ..... • _ . ~ .1 ._ ~l; --'---~S~-F",R,~T~-~N]~r~=-=A~]~~'--'-~ t semester on Friday, January 12. We/: f ~L ~t, ~onvemem uuuets elected o'fflcers for the next term. i " • The presldent, Gerald Harem, seemsl / ARE OUR BUSINESS Specials every Wedne ay [ Jam. W. Apperson isn't so tough, l~ i ~ ~- .I Let Us Ma nvYeOnUhnHome More ~1~ Saturday............. to mean business, but Vice-Presldent Let Us Make Youh Home More Satur : It seems a though Pat Thorn is hav-/ t ! _ " ............ GET YOUR' FR E DOOR TICKETS FOR lng some fun getting the secretary/ X . i The Goldendale '- ...... • " and treasurer books to balance• Li-/~ ~ ~ i • mucnua © rawmg, reoruary i at • p. m. bwra~abPitkY W:r: r::::te:lghtet~O 1~ ~ Electric Coo See Our Windows For To Be Away! Jeffrey had to wait Oh' Now I':YJ~ -- Phone 802 ~l~ FREED~LIV~R~INTO~T~N---P. HON]~92 , told all about the officers from my Adequate wiring also en. ables you to benet t more fully fromdependable, low. cost Pacific Power & Light Company electricity! They co ts° little easily installed/ in an electrical contractor to- day and ask him for an esti- mate on the cost of additional outlets. Let him check your wiring, too, because if you don't have enough copper in your wires, you may not be getting all the electricity you need. See your Electrical Contractor today; PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Alway, at Your Swvtc# FIFTH OF THE NATION'S APPLES • Electrical appliances can re- lieve both wife and husband of so much drudgery.., whether in preparing meals, cooking or shaving. But to get full enjoy- merit from your electrical equipment, you must be able to plug it in easily and quickly. Don't make your appliances difficult to use by putting up with makeshift outIets or an- noying extension cords Call grown in area served by Pacific Power & Light Co. Orchards in the area served by Pacific Power & Light Company produce one out of every five ap- ples grown in the United States. Power in Every Step Thanks to a progressive rural oleo- trification program, apple growers here are supplied with an abun- dance of cheap electricity. This power is used to pump water for irrigation, spraying, and dozens of other jobs including the operation of cold storage plants where the apples are kept after picking. Hardly any step in the growing and marketing of apples is done witl% out the aid of electricity. Serving such a giant share of the apple industry requires a man-sized organization. And Pacific Power & Light Company is just that.., with 785 employees, most of them vet- erans, and with more than 4,000 -miles of lines running from gen- erating stations to 66,639 customers. Good Service at Low Cost But whether you are a Small or large customer, the same careful, interested servlcs goes out with every kilowatt.hour of cheap Pa- cific Power & Light Company else- trfcfty you iI J