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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
January 18, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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January 18, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1940 Thursday, January 18, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Page Five LYLE RESIDENT BACK dy of FROM EASTERN TRIP hy so Honored At More eter- LYLE--(gpecial to The Sentinel) tdy a Mm --Mrs. L. H. Lawson has returned I will ' • Hazel V~oode, fomner K licki- .home after a fifteen day trip to I will ~t oaun,ty ~e~,iden,t an,dl al~umn~Us of Minnesota where she visited rela- ~l for the old I, Llicklta~t Academy, was tires and had a wonderful time. honored at a. ~far:eweH community Mrs R Cox went to Portland Sun- p and reeeiXien ~he]~d in 1V[o~o~, Or~gon last day ~vhere she expects to visit a lame: !,Sttnd~. Mrs. Wood,s, ,with her l couple of weeks with her son and uitughter Signs, is being transferred I family Adult k~by ,the Paoific ~l~l~hfo~ne and Tele-I ~ ~',~ t| ........... t~a ~t tb,~ hureh l'~V eo~nlpany to Drain, Ore., ~fter card party Wednesday night when .rvice. l:~=rs se¢~lc~ rw~,th ~he oomlpany eight tables of pinochle were in . will _ ~ro. play. "l~he next party will be Wed- ~m of l~r. a~d) Mre Glenn Gl.ass and nesday night, Jan 24. Everyone to co- !fmnlly, o~ Cleveland, attended t~he g~. A roe.oPtion. M'rs. Woods is ~ sister of ~p it ~Lr. Glass. The racaption ~ras a~- ¢cen.d~d ~by mare ~han 2~00 l~rsons. A flistic .line electric l~oam~r and silverware ,rmon were 1)resented M.~s. W~ods bT her --The ~i frien~ in ~he M,~r,o oo~nmun~. come. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hathaway left for Baker, Ore., where Mr. Hatha- way has a three year shovel job c~ ntract. J. Brace and Don Brace spent sev- e~al days in Portland last week on -- .... business. -week TyPing l~per e.t a remarkably low The Lyle Water company is put- ,prt~ at The ~ontlnel, tf-- ling ill a new pipe line to replace ~h us. Sell it through the Want Ads. the wooden pipe of t~he ~vater system Survey l ALDERDALE SCHOOL PRACTICES FOR PLAY Kills 11 Coyotes ALDERDALE--(Special to The DeSpite 0he '.hai~,d$ca~s of ~r~ezing ~entinel)--Mrs. Grace Allbritton is w~her a;nd s,t~nm~ I) sur- visiting with her mother, Mrs. Hugo. vey ~h,u~tens took ~a lethal ~of 237 ~oy- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller and ~tds, five bobc~al~s ~n,d fioujv bad:gerslDon and Mr. and Mrs. Art Lowell i,n the state of W~sh~n~gVon during and Gayle were callers of Mr. and ~- ' Mrs W Ver in Devm.m u~. • • g • WiUiam W~r~glh~t, ettrv.ey h~unterI Mr. and Mrs. Norman Glasco and i £~r Kl~ck~ta~ county c~pt~r~d 11 I children were visitors of Frank i ooyo~e~ emd one bobcat d mrdng ~he Churchill Sunday. m~ol~h. I~oa~vi,e~t coyote ~t~ke report- Bill Marvel and Melvin Clark ~d~ by may sdng~e survey ~hu~ter vcas lwere visitors in Alderdale Wednes. • day l~n t~he Fra~lklin, Wa~l]~a W~,~l~ oou~ty • area Coe Seely and Frank Marve~ were with metal pipes. Several men attended the men's social club at White Salmon Wed- nesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Baker, of Ap- pleton, left on the train for Chicago in the Sixprong country Thursday. The Alderdale high school is very busy practicing on a play, "Where's Grandma." All the measles patients around the country are coming along very well. Court News Given For Week's Period Q The inventory and mppr~evmen¢ filed in bhe mwt~er Of the estate of C. L. Oolbt~rn, d~ceased~, eh~ws the v~l~u~tion ef the l~r~perty of the ea- ,t~te to be $6,900.00. 2qhe exevutrlx has filed her final account and peti- tions the Court ~o m~ke dlztrlbutlon off the reeidue Of the est~t~ The aeooun~ and petition w~l he heard by She eou~t on Ja~aum'y 25. Order 4s enters& w~hlch a~g~oves ~he final aoc~>unt Of ~he exec~ttor of the e~t~te of Polly Ann Jet.n, de- devised, and makes dl~tribt~t~on of eh~ re~l@ue of the estate in accord- ance w,i,th the tenms of the wil~. O~d~r i~. entere~ v~hleh admits the of .~u~ustua H. Oolemen, de- ~ed, to prelate wnd a~olnting M,arde C~herine C~le~na~u exeomxix, ) NOW IS THE TIME TO STORE MEAT FOR SUMMER USE Don' delay, take advantage of the Reliance Cold Storage Plant. We have lockers in sizes to fit your needs. They provide safe, convenient facilities for storing fresh meat. Store your winter me t in a Reliance Locker and enjoy fresh, juicq steaks and tender roasts next summer. Our rates are nominal Always Ask For Reliance Butter AND COULD you ask for a better guide to car value than this: 4,061 engineers bought Dodge cars in the last 12 months!t Think what this m.eansl Men who know a great car not only praise Dodge, but buy Dodge in preference to other cars l Why? Because, they say, Dodge engi- neering is matchless in the industry. Even though it costs nothing extra, it means brilliant car performance, longer car life, fewer repair bills and big savings on gas and oil. Why Pay More? But you don't have to know engineerin~ to appreciate the heauty and luxury of this 1940 Dodge. Come in and see itl Why pay more money when Dodge givem you everything you could ever dcsird. in any car ? Or, why b~ satisfied with a ~tna//car when Dodge gives you so much edttra value for just a few dollars more? ~O~°ber 1938, through September, 1939. ~atest Tese iz on Major Bowes, C. B. S. Network, Thursdays, 9 to 10 P. M., £. S.T. COMFORT ZONE OLD WAY (below). Say good-bye to "dog-leg" rear door that made getting in and out difScultl where they will visit relatives and I Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stout and chil- expect to drive a new ear home. I dren and Eph Allbritton were Sun- The Commercial club plan another lday visitors of Carl Seely and family. dance to be ,held in the gym in the Fern Porter, Who has been in the near future. The date is not yet valley the past few months,~is visit- definite but probably will be Feb. ling with her parents. 24. The exact date will be announc- ed later. Mr. and Mrs. Lester 0meg and Walter Omeg were business visitors in Goldendale Friday. Sidney Johnson had the misfor- tune to turn his car o~er Thursday night ~hen a dog ran in front of it. No one in the car was hurt but the car was damaged some. Mrs. Mary Course, who was quite ill last week, is able to (be up and around again. Mr. and Mr. William White and Patsy and Billy White were Port- land visitors Saturday and Sunday. They visited Mrs. White's mother, Those who helped Charles Allbrlt- ton celebrate his twenty-first birth- day Sunday, January 14, were: Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Churchill and girls, Eph Allbritton, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Allbritton, Mrs. Hugo and Grace Allbritton. Frank Allen spent the weeekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seely. LaRdy Glasco and sons, Re, bert and Chester, attended the Wood- to serve without bond. The s~&m~nistr~tor de bonis non wi~h w411 annexed of the e~t~¢e of: Tlllie Coomti~, d~e~aed~ has filed h~s final ace, oust and pe~Rion t~or distrt- ~t~til@n. The a~me will be heard by the ~ur~ on J~muary 30. Order is. entered w,hleh mppvoves ~he fineA eccoun.t of the ~ninistra- t~r of the ~tate of Ole Johnson, de- ceased, and m~l~e~ d~s~ribu~o~ of GLENWOOD ENJOYS ROUND laaul't d. ~arl'o~t tXkO11 WOUU~ JD, n. £ O---~OClal ge~- ~lw~y s~ Lo ve the ~eyu~e nero tog ~uv ticxt two W~S. ~e~tl~,ug Lne ~,x~l ~l'O I, WO p~e~yS. 'l'ae nrSL, "'lxulla- ~Xt..q,~ " Will ue g,Vvu ~aturtlay, Jan. .U a~ I.UO auG~.or,u~ by a ~'Utlp uL • ~ll~u pl~y~l'S. Un Lne next ,~aLt~l"- ~.~,$, Jan. x~, Lne JL-J.OUJ.t:) J~onuntlcs u~e~s gir,s Will present, their long aera~a~a play, "'l~zs Women 2'olJ~J' • -r~cevas £rom thls play go to pay Aor tUG new stove b~lng ns~(l ~n ~,no SChOOl basement. Mu~n snort l~a~ ~one into im preparation. ~aaKmg ne~ in ~mportance are uumvroa~ care partms that sprla~ up aoou~ the valley, une ot toe arst was at the W~ll MarKgra£ ~ome where the "Four or Five" taVle group met for an evening or pinochle. T~hey enjoyed themselves so much that they met again Thurs- (lay o£ this week at the t'. J. Troh home. Wednesday evening eight tables of folks enjoyed themselves at the ~ird Creek Inn for tile start of the rive party series g~ven by the Woman's club. Those winning high score were Miss Sylvia Wayne and ~arl Wilson, and holding low were ~vlrs. Henry ttansen, sr., and B. E. l-lanson. the re$i&ue of the estate to those en- The second party of this series tiLledin thetheret°'m~ter of ~he estate of will ~be given Wednesday, Jan. Z4. Rachel A. C~rratt, deceased, it le Scores are kept for the season as well as prizes given each evening. lent in the school, several cas~ c~m- ing (town last weei~. Exposure ha~ ~een general. The striving for per, tact at~en0ance often defeats our purpose iby perpetuating exposures o~ o~ners to illnesses, and thus creat- ing a larger number of absenc~ ~aan would otherwise occur, if the goal o£ perfect attenaance were ~ot valued so highly: The Wltl Grinner children are re- porte(l to have the measles. They spent New Years day at the home o~ Mrs. Bribner's s,ster, Mrs. Wil- liam Markgraf, jr., when the Mark- graf chilOren were taking the amease. ~o quarantine is being ell- •orced locally. Ice skating is again available, taough a poor grade of ice, filled with wind pockets, prevails. The ex- pected snow did not materialize. Several light falls o£ less than an inch are aff'l that have arrived so far, though it is reported that a~ much as seven inches fell lower down in warmer climate. The mercury registered two above zero Thursday morning at seven. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Patton~ Laurel postmasters, were Sunday callers at the T. A. Leaton home.. We have heard Mrs. Leaton is not as well recently as she has been. Mr. and Mrs. 0 L. Conboy market- ed a load of stock in Portland re- cently. Preparations are under way for a birthday party to be given by the local Woman's club in commemora- tion of the fiftieth anniversary of the General Federation. The affair" will be in the form of a one o'clock, luncheon at the Bird Creek dining: room. Honored guests for the day ' will be pioneer women residing here.: Mrs. Divine, who has been very 111 past week, returned home from the I of ~he ~t~t~r o~ M~tle M. CanVas- . ........ Those invited as guests of honor in a hospital there, valley Sunday. I tor, deoeased, h~s filed his final ac- couver to enron for meir muustrial . . . (are: ~rs. R. V. Feller Mrs Clara Mr. and Mrs. Fay McNabb return, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seely, Leona loou~t, anal, petitions t~he court to insurance payments. Among those ......... ' • i~orae, Mrs. Adeline Howe, Mrs 0 going were Mr Akerill and his son , .. " " ed home Sunday after a four weeks and Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. Dave lm~ke dlstrll~u,ti~>n of the re~l~ue of " ... . _ .. ~. r~reps sr, Mrs Mattie Dymond, Merle and Norman Tron M ~.. ' " " trip in California and Mexico. TheyStout and girls ~vere visitors of Mr. I the joimt ast~te~ /~> those entitled " * . zvirs T. A Leaton Mrs August Hathaway Kenneth Hathaway ana~....". ".. .. '. " went down by the coast route to and Mrs. Robert Glaseo Sunday i thereto. The a~ount e,nd petition ..... ~rinumg, ann Mrs ~e~ecca Chandler Walter Saunders arove to Poruana:The ~ " " San Diego, then on to Tie Juana, afternoon, will be heard on Ja~uu~r~ 31. ~eneral Federation is making a Mexico, and then crossed the desert, The Secretary of St~e h~ filed Thursday. nation-wide search for pioneer to Palm Springs, California. A most Read and use The 8entlnol We~t wonderful trip was had. Ads. "ffney get results, tf ? Milton Akerill drove to Ellens- c~rttfi~ea w~hi~h chow that the fol- burg Friday for a weekend visit. lo,wing l~reona in K~Hckitat county Lillian Gregory is enrolled as a mid- have been ~ppoln~e& Notary l~l~llcs, year student at the Cen~al Wash- bo-~w~t: El.woo,dl M~.~oy, of White inglen College. She attended there Salmon, for a term ending Dec. 4, last summer with her brother Bill 1943; H. O. Wll~on, of Bi.ckl~>n, Gregory who graduated in August. ~or a term ending Dec. 21, 1943, Milton Akerill is the latest of new (Left) NEW FULL-FLOATING RIDEI It's a 25- year engineering dream come truel Wheels are moved backward, seats forward, so that now ell pas- sengers ride in the gloriously buoyant "Comfort Zone" between the axles| women and Glenwood is proud to have as many names to present as these. Of this list Mrs. R. V. Feller is a charter member of the Glen- wood organization. The high school and grade school basketball teams drove to Wishram and Oh~rlea O. Bletler, of Glen,wood for a term ending Dec. 10, 1943. Order is entered whtc~h fixed th~ 1940 ~tates for n~tur~ll~tlone e~ June 6, and Novem~ber 13. The State Tax Commission files win'rants wh,/~h show that Judgments have been granted ~g~ln~t the fot- l~wing persons: ~h~s. H. Cody, d~o~ lng bu~tnes~ as C~dy I~m)ber Co., of White Salmon, in Vhe eum of $67.66; aI~dl E. C. Rabison d~ing brininess as Bingen C~rage of B~ngen in the ~um of $3.26. In the mta~tm" Of ~vhe o~t~te of Esteile M. Bolster, deceased, the sur- viving s~ouse hen filed hi~ poti.tion ,wherein he asks ~he (~o~t to e~t aside to h~,m all of the property of the eet~te In lieu of homestead and exemptions. Or~,er Is ~mtered. ~ppoln~ing E. B. ~rtson a~ guardian of the per- ~ons and e~tates, of ~d~ard Bryant R~b~r~m~n and Robert CAyde R~bert- son, bo~h m.inors, andl fixing ~ bon~ in ~he eum of $1000.00. ,Orde~ is en~red wh~h ~oves ~he fin~ a~caun.t of She executor With wilt annexed of the e~tat~ of Disk Adml.~a~, d~, and making d.~etr~buttlon of the of estate ¢o bhose entitled ~hereto. Avian for divorce is lnst~tueed b) Susie R. I~pthorn against her ~s. ban~ R~h~rd C. I-~pthorn. The parties were married in Stevenson on October 8, 1926, and no childre~ ~he, ve been born of the m~rria~e Aha~ndonment .and failure to provide ~re given as the ~'ounds ~r divorce, Interlocutory decree of divorce is entered in the case of Ruth Huber vs. lnred Hubev. KLICKITAT HEIGHTS WOMAN IN PORTLAND KI~IC ICITAT HEIGHTS-- (Special to The Sentinel)--Mrs. Yohey visit- ed Sunday at Mrs. Johusons. Mrs. Russell spent the past week in Portland caring for her daughter and grandson who were very ill with very bad colds.. Mr. and Mrs. Vinton visited Fri- day at their daughters at White Sal- mon. • Martin Nelisen made a trip to White Salmon Friday bringing home his car where he had it for a thor- ough overhauling. Mrs. Harry McGowan visited at the home of Mrs. Pearl Johnson last Friday. Mr. Yohey made a trip to White Salmon Friday for medical consuleao lion as he is in quite poor health. Mr. and Mrs. Cimmiyotti attended the funeral ef a very dear friend over in Oregon last week. Henry Stockem visited gaturday forenoon at the Vinton home and spent the afternoon at Marti~ Nedl- car owners, having boug~ht a DeLuxe Ford sedan of Nickerson this week. His coupe was sold to Albert War- ner. Mrs. Bertha Babcock has been ill throughout the week with a severe case of tonsllltis. LaIdes Aid met on Thursday at the Nels Barglund home. The regu- lar craft meeting of ~he Woman's club was Tuesday at the school house. Eight members ~'ere present and enjoyed the afternooon sewing and crocheting. Mrs. Dan Wilson was hostess. Grange members enjoyed an all day meeting Saturday at the Grange hall with a potluck dinner at noon. These dinners are always a prime feature of Grange meetings. One reason they are so popular is that the social custom of eating together is the great leveler, we ,all must bow before the need to eat. J. B. Parriott, White Salmon Grange member, was present to interest local people in wiring their buildings preparatory to the coming P.U.D. power. He ex- pects to be a licensed electrician soon. A gavel contest is to be a feature of the February Grange meeting. Cases of chicken-pox are preva- Friday night to match their skill; with the teams there. LET J. F. OLTMANNS Goldendale's EXPERT PAINTER and PAPER HANGER You Can Do It Economically AT OLTMANNS SEE THE NEW 1940 WALLPAPER PATTERNS Guaranteed FULLER PAINTS Products Never take chances, when ordering bread or bakery pro- ducts, insure yourself that the foods you buy are fresh. Goldendale Bakery pro- ducts are always fresh 0 IS BAKED FRESH THE DAY YOU BUY IT ! ! ! 0 NEXT TIME YOU ORDER .... BE SURE TO ASK FOR GOLDENDALE BAKERY KIND o WELTER & SEIBOLD, Proprietor sens. "SCOTCH DY- NAMITEI" That's what we call this amazing 1940 Dodge engine that saves you money every mile you drivel Golden & Court Goldendale Wash. NEW WAY (above). With new Dodge straight rear door, you walk right in and outl