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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
January 22, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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January 22, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 4 JANUARY 22, DAN RICHARDSON, PUBLISHER SAM LOWRY, REPORTER A PUaJCAT N OF T RTAN PUBL A ONS, INC. ° ANDREW J. MCNAB, PRESIDENT Vote on school levy Sometimes the right thing to do isn't clear. Tuesday, Feb. 3 -- election day - isn't one of those times. The school levy is the only item on the ballot, and the right thing to do is crystalline in its clarity: Go out to the middle school and vote yes on Goldendale's school levy. A quick recap: The levy will amount to $1,395,00o for two years, coming to about lo percent of the school district's annual budget. The levy pays for annual insurance, utilities, maintenance, classroom equip- ment, books and school nurse, among other items. I'm convinced that school district officials have held the line pretty firmly when it comes to their district's spending. The levy would raise property tax rates in the district to about $2.1o per $1,ooo of value, up from $1.51 currently. That's $21o for a $100,oo0 home -- not an unreasonable amount. The change in tax rates sounds dramatic, until one learns that the rates reflect the cannon-ball splash that the new Calpine energy plant has had on local tax value, and the resulting loss in state school aid. Public schools are flawed - teaching to the lowest common denomi- nator, over-muscular teachers' unions, educational theory that some- times promotes getting by in place of critical thinking - but they remain at the core of our communities, whether we're talking about Goldendale or small towns anywhere. None of the flaws, real or imagined, add up to reason enough to vote against an operating levy, not here in Goldendale, where administrators appear to be spending money pretty responsibly. Not having kids in school isn't reason enough, either: We need the district to continue educating our young neighbors and future fellow- voters as best it can, and instilling in them a sense of common purpose and community. To de-fund the schools simply to save a few dollars a year would be selfish and short-sighted. The arguments for the levy make sense; the arguments against don't add up to enough to oppose it. The school administrators have offered us a modest levy, and an easy decision: Fund the schools. Vote yes on Goldendale's school levy. --- Dan Richardson Snow builds character We got a pile of snow in my area last week, and it surprised a lot of peo- ple. Most surprised were folks who haven t lived here very long, but the old timers took it all in stride. I would see people !n town, and they would say, "Hey,,this is like the winters we used to have! We re told that global warming is making snow a thing of the past. One news report states a United Nations committee of more than 2,0o0 scien- tists predicts warming temperatures will put many I ski resorts out of business by the year 2,o8o. The ~:~. U.N. committee says this would impact ( |no ~~ i economies of countries like Switzerland and[ RRP.k ~1 might influence site selection for the Winter I ~"''--~'. ~?J~]l Olympics. I torly I was shocked and appalled, not only about ~, e20o4 ao~erPondx~''" ) the Winter Olympics having to worry about snow, but also about 2,0o0 scientists agreeing on anything. Then I realized I won't be skiing much in 2,o8o, anyway, and we've got enough snow to keep everybody busy for quite awhile. I remember the big storm we had in the Midwest when I was six years old. We had a snow drift nearly as tall as the chicken house, and my broth- ers used the grain shovels to dig tunnels so we could play Eskimo. A grouse hunting friend once told me he had some sheep in his pasture when that storm hit. He went out later and couldn't find his livestock. Then he noticed some bumps in the snow. When he began digging he found there was a sheep under each bump! Some folks think nasty weather helps build character, and I tend to agree with them. Our local farmers used to say, "The weather's pretty bad around here, but it keeps the riffraff out." Sometimes ! think we'd be better off if we got one big snow every winter. That wa~¢ we could remember how to deal with it. We might learn how to shovel the sidewalks, for example. I drive down the street in our little town and find kids, elderly people, and able-bodied men walking in the street - because the sidewalk is full of snow! What's the matter? Doesn't anybody own a shovel? Have we become so dependent upon machinery that we've forgotten how much can be accomplished with a shovel and a small amount of sweat? I used to get letters from an old-timer in southern Michigan who said the farmers in his area used to shovel snow off the county roads. Folks didn't have big machinery in those days, so the men just divied up sections of the road and went to work. Most of them went to work, anyway. There was one guy who never did his part, and his section of road was generally full of snow. (Much like the sidewalks in town.) His neighbors took a philosophical approach to the whole thing. My cor- respondent says everyone just figured this fellow would get to do plenty of shoveling where he was headed - and it would probablybe coal. lHave something to say? Write us a letter/ Send it to our editorial page at THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR GOLDENDALE AND KLICKITAT COUNTY, WA ESTABLISHED 1879 • PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY FROM OFFICES AT 117 W. MAIN ° GOLDENDALE, WA 98620 TELEPHONE (509) 773-3777 ° FAX (509) 773-4737 EMAIL: (NEWS) SENTINEL@GORGE.NET OR (ADS, COMMUNITIES, HOMETOWN) GSENTINEL@GORGE.NET OR (EDITORIAL) GSPUBLIsHER@GORGE.NET THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL STAFF KAREN HENSLEE, CLASSIFIEDS, JOBWORK &PRINTING AMY WALKER, GRAPHIC DESIGN BETH SCHRoDER, NEWSPAPER LAYOUT & DESIGN HELMUT ADLER, ADVERTISING SALES & CIRCULATION Deadlines: Display Advertising: 5 p.m. Friday Classified Advertising: Noon Monday Legal Notices: 10 a.m. Tuesday News and Letters: Noon Friday Subscriptions: 1 Year, 2 Years Goldendale - Carder $22, $37 In Klickitat County - $29, $52 Outside Klickltat County - $38, $70 USPS 2213-6000 WEEKLY. Periodical postage paid at Goldendale Post Office, Goldendale, Wash. 98620. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Goldendale Sentinel, 117 W. Main St, Goldendale, WA 98620-9526. 1"he Goldendale entinel T H E C O M M U N "Be alive while you're alive" To the Editor: I just want to pass along what George Carlin suggests; and on these snuggle-down cold days it just might help us. The ten points on staying young are: 1. Throw away nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doc- tor worry about them. That is why you pay him or her. 2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. 3. Keep learning! Learn more about the computer, crafts, gar- dening, whatever. Never let the brain idle because an idle mind is the devil's workshop and the devil's name is Alzheimer. 4. Enjoy the simple things in life. 5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. 6. Tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life is our- selves. Be alive while you're alive. EAT ALL YOUR PI~STICIDI~S, AND hiERCURY--OR NO D~S$~RT! mJparr yacartao~s, co~ 'Wearly had it city council on Jan. 5 the water and sewer rate with The Monitor" it,s important the public whole picture. Economic To the Editor: Tent should have a good When Becky Blanton created the tion, and lower water and interest is tourism. With ~'' the county'sGolden- two biggest dale is in tourist attrac- t i o n s a unique ( M a r y h i 11 position, Museum and Maryhill if ~Ne are Winery) just~/iHing to 12 miles away, and four state appea| to parks nearby,tourists. Goldendale is continuing To the Editor: This letter goes out to the citi- paid our fair share. /(an zens of Wishram: On Sept. 8, a dear family member, Judith Matteson, had her life taken. Anyone who was in the vicinity Hurrv up, of Main Street, across from the H ~ tavern, between 2 p.m and 3:30 To the Editor" p.m. that feels they may have On Wishram heights, 5 seen or heard anything that may it was 6.1 degrees. On 9 be pertinent to this case is urged 18 inches of snow. On 16 to come forward and contact the 34.2 degrees - and five sheriff's department, or me at snow. Any Earth getting warmer. information brought forward Hurry it up. I am looking will be greatly appreciated by ward to this. in a unique ~ her family. position, if we Jennifer Matteson are willing, to appeal to more California tourists. The Golden Gallery brought many artists together and was a major attraction in Hold the line on December. Again, an example of what can be done when people water2 sewer rates work together. So let's keep work- ing together. To the Editor: O. E. Paul Here is [an edited] transcript of Ooldendale my comments to the Goldendale Vince are ready). Another area of in business, to the citizens such as lower She dwelt on local issues. I ty taxes, and reduce the Pat yourselves on eagerly awaited each edition raise revenue with rate in knowing that there would be let- We were assured that our the back, G'dale ters to the editor with different interests were protected, and views of the issues she raised, we would all realize a return of To the Editor" Respondents would bring new efits for our consent to live neX We'w~ived )n Goldendale just a views to issues that she raised. It facility that threatens our quali little over t~vo years and are Was an exciting time. ~" life with toxic emmissions. impressed with the accomplish- Now what do I see in The Four years later, alltheprot Tents of local government, busi- Monitor? Boring, tiresome,seem to have been forgotton, nesses, groups and individuals, lengthy, never-ending missives of with over $2.7 million dollars i: Particularly impressive are the the injustices to the locals created general fund, most of which opening of the swimming pool, by the creation of the Columbia generated from the energy ] new cross-town sidewalks and Gorge Scenic Area; a weekly tirade this administation has the g street improvements, park renova- ' from someone across the come before the public and tt tions and improvements, house Columbia River who in a recent en us with dire consequences restorations, new and renovated edition fancies that she is expert don t agree to pay more for : businesses and community sup- enough on foreign affairs to give that should be funded by the port of students and those families advice to President Bush on Iraq; fall of money that Calpine needing help. and in both of those columns there ated. These accomplishments would are random underlines, as if we, I believe the water and be impressive any time but are the untutored and uneducated rates should be lowered really significant in these difficult readers, need light to be shed on raised. Don't expect to economic times, what words are fancied to be the infrastructure of I believe that there are some important, water and sewer lines from a positive ideas for further improve- I agree that the Columbia Gorge zenry that is Uhemployed, Tents and opportunities for eco- Scenic Area might infringe on and fighting for survival. You nomic recovery being discussed property rights granted by the isedCalpinewasthe goose which won't destroy the local cul- Constitution but a continual whine golden eggs and we would all ture, nor cost a lot of money, is eventually ignored. (Maybe the in the returns, but if As an example, let's examine ACLU would agree to bring their (~(~ some of the things new business clout to the issue. Grin!) raise looks for when considering a move But I've nearly had it with The YOU rates, to a new area and what govern- Monitor. control guess ment, groups and individuals can I need to have access to the get is do to make our area attractive, legal notices which The Monitor the purse smell Businesses want good transporta- seems to have weaseled out of The strings ten tion access (this we have), cooper- Sentinel. It seems that they're still when ation with existing businesses being printed in both papers. As but it's .- toxic (united we stand), good schools soon as I can satisfy myself that I our starts (these we have), knowledgeable, won't miss them by dropping The ing helpful and timely support from Monitor I will consider dropping money, head government and utilities (a single both my subscription aaad my ad. ~ winter. point of contact is helpful here), Jim Link The attractive housing for those reiD- Goldendale i m caring to the new area (everyone issue here isn't so much the as the faith and trust we in can help here by keeping the front Anyone with info, our elected (pfficials. You con yards tidy and applying a little paint) and capable local workers i~lease contact usthe purse strings, but it's willing to learn new skills (many money. Use Calpine money of a rate increase. We have 7. Surround yourself with what Klickitat County Monitor, after rates are a good place to you love, whether it's family, pets, having purged all the stale air out I understand the logm you t keepsakes, music, plants, or hob- of The Sentinel offices (and got justify your desire to" bies, because they're your refuge, fired for her efforts), I eagerly sub- and sewer rates. Under 8. Cherish your health. If it's scribed and supported her with an cumstances I really good, preserve it. If it's unstable, ad in the business section, opposed to a rate increase to improve it. If it's beyond what you That ad is still in The Monitor maintain the system, but can improve, get help. and in The Sentinel. It may not run circumstances that present a 9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a in the Monitor much longer, argument against raising the trip to the mall, to the next county, Becky tenaciously rooted out Four years ago, this to a foreign country, but don't go and exposed injustices and hood- tion proposed to the where guilt is. lures in Klickitat County, shedding Goldendale that if we would lO. Tell the people you love that light on seams which at the very to the gas-fired generating you love them at every opportunity, least put some of the seam artists within the city limits in the Dave Francisco on the defensive and drove them trial park, that the $250 Goldanale underground if indeed they're still dollar facility would return