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January 23, 1930 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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January 23, 1930 |
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Established 1.879
Goldendale, Washington, Thursday, January 23, 1930
Vol. 51. No. 4
l:Wb iliUM 5UUN/I at the former party, held there two]HU/l:b rltUrd burl:fl- Twon+. v. .o A.. t'UULIU LIUflAHI'HL-] Fox xzzmo fJANUAH! MLL/INU
weeks before. LJ'|lV[; | UlO /l U ----'--- {
Pfl0Dl:ODfiMnCldTOl Mr and Mrs, Clarence Kelley spentI lad OfllIDT DgOflDN I$ [ftglurO d~|(tL[ rtl[~'r[ The vital question of railroad ex-I ~r ftflUUlOOinMf'DO
uunn oru,uLmo the with'Mr, and Mrs. Olrick lU[[ anus" m.uunuo lUrleC UaOfl oIr/Itenslon from Goldend lo to Yak2maI ur uummlooiu cno
- - I , 1 was brought up at the m .eting of
Kasmusson, Tuesuay. ! ~ [ Janua~ff llth and lath, 1905 [ __ our local Chamber of Comme c t/
"----'--" Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and[ I .... t~~ -, | ' r e a / ------'---
little daughter, were callers at the b.~(~~/~,.:~:~ "~ ' ~,.,.[~ its last ,meeting, January 14th. [
WISHRAM some .................... w m~• Jv,~ ............. ~-I- .............. } Complaint is filed by Franzen &{ ...... ,,~, .......... ~o ....... { A substantial and unexpected gift It is the opinion of the writer that ~ Ooldendale, Washington, tlanuary
were marries ~unaay
day !James vs. Lyle Fir & Pine Lumbe½1~ ........ • /to the Goldcndalc Free Public Li, this is timely, as there is much talk/10, 1930.
Mrs. George Johnson was shopping The thermometer dronned to 12!C°-, a corporation. Plaintiff seeks tel-~ We are informed that ThomaSirary was received the past week, in, of a proposed route from Yakima go-/ The honorable board of county
in Portland Thur, and Friday below zero the other morning The recover on a certain promissory note IKronung of Lyle, will have three or lthe form of a check for $~28 27, in ing through the Mt Adams country |¢ommissloners met pursuant to ad-
MrAs. ~u~bTmi~fh ~:i::d:aySeUvrp:l:.:egd. d:s:PePnii:g :~ wtho~d~il::ury means a 'i: =2in°ft::7s0a~: ::d~tdg~:3:lijUsrel~thd:edib:~j:fn.g~?d applestlale:t=hfi:?~W;lrlSntG~lb;:~ljfg:P°rt Z~:ht=v:laadn:t::dbeU~:to: ==dd l~ho~!imen~ ~.:!!:nMtC~adnet~ Cnly~:WNnCe~l:
Mr. and Mrs. James Hayes are the Frank Clark, who has been camped i with interest, attorney's fees and{~/-~b0dt a foot of snow fell the lat-I Portland, Oregon, compel us to tie up with stage and json, county auditor and v ex-officio
proud parents of a baby boy, born on White Creek with Jackson,slcosts. The complaint alleges that tl~lter part of ia~t~--.we~k~ giving goodIPresident Goldendale Public Library truck lines when the Satus Road is~clerk of the board in atte]adanee.
last week• sheep has moved to Harrison Ridge dcfendant company is insolvent or[sleighing for several da)'s. A gentle lGodlendale, Washington. completed. We have always° been| C~arvent Expense Fund
Mrs. J• R. Brewster was in Port- __._________ in imminent danger of such• Frank t Chinook is playing havoc with it to-{ Dear Sir: 100 per cent for the railroad and{ The following claims against the
land visiting her parents Monday and MARYHILL Davenport, Jr., is appointed by thelday.f_..~_ .... -'~ ~. ~I We enclose Cashier's Check on still want to be and the only waY'i~n~r:ent Expense Fund were exam-
e pp o ed and ordered paid
• Tuesda_.v " court, as receiver for the defendantt.~he Klickitat ~.~ount~:~ I~a~k~ o/n~ n-{ the First National Bank of Portland this can be done is to interest all 7: . •
----- • ...... J zl Allyn, supplies court
• • Y ~ - James Peck of the Arlington fer y ~e~gT~ • - o se 1 90
Mrs H Be er was a Porqand vis , r , and hm bond is fixed in the sum of e or business the first of the week. I for $328 27 for the use of your li civic and commercial bodies and the h u ..................
ltor Friday. several granges t~hroughout the Shaw & Borden, supplies
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith went to
The Dalles Sunday evening•
Mis~ Doris Robertsou was home
over the week end, from Vancouver
where she is attending ~chool.
There are two extra gangs here,
and they are kept busy shoveling
paths and keeping the tr~cks clear.
M"ss Hattie Mac Johnston return-
ed to school the first of the week.
Matt Gill was appointed roadmas-
tar to succeed the late Harry Withy-
Wishram has had a touch of real
winter weather. Saturday night there
was a foot of snow added to what we
had and Tue~,day morning it was
sixteen below. Everyone has plenty
of fuel so we are not so bad off.
The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. E.
Christean Wednesday.
Mrs. J. Haggerty and children,
spent the week end in Portland,
day night.
Howard Morford has been staying
in Wishram z,~ the roads have been
Dr. Trowbridge took an X-Ray of
Mr. McDonald's ankle and found a
broken bone instead of a sprain as
was at first reported.
The Ladies Club which was to
have met with Mrs. Asher, was post-
poned until better weather.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. ~Sanders and'
Mrs. Asher spent S~turday eveu!ng
with Mr. and Mrs. McDonald•
Zero weather ha~ slowed up the
skating parties, although quite a
crowd gathered at the ferry Friday
night and skated on the river• Mrs.
A. L. Sanders served lunch and hot
coffee after the skating.
Mrs. Gunkel visited Mr. Gunkel at
Wishram last Thursday•
Mr. Bolan was in Goldendale sev-
eral days last week, serving on the
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Robison invited
a few fr!ends in for an evening at
cards Saturday• Among those present
were Mr. and Mrs. Brooks and Don-
ald, Miss Wands Brooks, Miss Ger-
trude Garner, tester Williams and
James Peck•
Mi,;s Edith Gunkel has returned to
l:er work in Portland, after a two
v:eeks visit at home•
Miss Florence Andrews visited
~Irs. I. C. Robi,~on a couple of days
this week on her way to Centerville
to visit her sister, Miss Betty An-'
Tuesday morning was our cold
weather record so far. It was 20 be-
low zero. Fruit growers feel certain
of no crop this year and a possi-
bility o~ the trees being killed.
Aunt Jane Fairley is quite ill
with acute bronchitis.
1927, given by Andrew A. Anderson!a~ fast as the business justifies
and wife, in the sum of $3000.00 g After waiting 50 years for the
and secured by a mortgage on ,real. overnment to pay him for the use
estate in township 4 N. R. 16, ia in-
stituted by Libbie H. Bathrick vs.
Andrew A. Anderson, et al. Judgment
is asked in the sum of the said
$3000.00, together with interest, at-
torney's fee,~ and costs.
Robt. W. Garret, in an action
against KIickitat County, is endeavor-
ing to have the taxes levied against
the SE~ Sec. 11 Tp. 4 N. R. 10, re-
',duced so as to be proportionate with
similar lands in the same ,vicinity.
The assessed valu, tion of the sald
land for the years 1926, 1927 and
1928 was $2160.00 and plaintiff
asks that it be reduced to $75~9.00,
and the tax reduced accordingly.
Action to foreclose a certain mort-
gage on a tract of land in the Origi-
nal townsite of White Salmon, given
to secure the sum of $2800.00, dated
Feb. 14th, 1927, executed by Jessie
C. Harrison and busband :~d de-
livered to General Bond and: Mort-
gage Co., is instituted by Chat Gard-
ner vs. Jessie C. Harrison,~ et el.
The mortgage has been duly assigned
to the plaintiff. JUdgment:is asked
in the sum of $ Soo;oo; : ogether
with interest, attorney's :foes and
Petition is flied asking :that the
will of Hattie B. Bertschi# deceased,
be admitted to probate. :The estate
consists of separate property having
an estimated value of $1000.00. The
devisees under the will are one son,
one daughter and the surviving
of his farm as a fort during the
Indian outbreak at White Salmon in
1855. the announcement Was made
on the day of his death that E. S.
J0slyn's claim of $1500 is to be al-
lowed at t~e present session of con-
A good Joke has just come out
on Delbert Gnnnlng, our popular
deputy county auditor. He left Gold-
endale Sunday morning for Bickle-
ton, going the mountain road. Dark-
hess overtook him and he go~ 1,,~t
or imagined he was lost, and finding
a straw stack decided to spend the
night there. He slept a little cold
having a saddle blanket for a cover-
ing, and no supper. The next morn-
ing when aroused from his cold bed
lo and behold, he espied the little
city of Cleveland within a few hun-
dred yards of him. If Dell was a
drinking man we wodld imagine he
had left Goldendale with a bottle the
s~ze of a county editor's Jug.
The supply of water is running ex.
tremely low. This is caused by pa-
trons allowing water to run con-
tinually to prevent freezing. Unless
this practice is stopped the water
will be turned off at night to insure
a sufficient supply for domestic and
fire purposes.
lt-- R.J. WILLIS, Mayor.
granddaughters and four grandsons.I Chapman Chapel Sunday at 1:30 P.
We are having dbme cold weather.
Sunday night the thermometer regis-
tered from 28 to 30 below zero. We
have about 27 inches of snow now.
The men are out with snow plows
putting the roads in good shape.
Peter Troh made a business trip
to Goldendale the paa~t Tuesday.
The young men of the community
met Thursday evening at the school
house and organized an athletic club•
Saturday night they gave a dance at
the Grange Hall, four of the new
members being publicly initiated• A
r good time was reported.
Albert Booher took their youngest
son to White Salmon to the doctor.
tie is suffering from rheumatism,
which is very painful for a little boy
of six years of age.
Douglas Cress is very sick at his
home in town, where he has been
hovering clo~.e to pneumonia, but is
new improving
We are glad to report that Mrs.
Anna Hanson is up again from her
recent illness.
Quite a few people are sick with
the mumps.
The snow got too deep for Dan
check o$ a series running over many
years from 1902 and on, and most-
ly for funds expended in the Kltek-
itat valley• After consulting with
Mr. Ayer of the Eastern & Western
Lumber Company and other stock-
holders we decided upon this dis-
position of what stoney remained.
Personally I have not lost my in-
terest in Goldendale and often think
of the many friends whom I made
there. Neither the White Pine nor
my personal lumber operations there
were successful, else this contribu-
tion, I am sure would have been
much larger.
Yours sincerely,
Wells Gilbert.
The Klickttat White Pine Co. op-
erated extensively in and around
Goldendale about 18 years ago. Mr.
Wells and Frank Gilbert now of
Portland, headed this company, and
they and their associates owned the
great body of pine timber north of
Goldendale, which they sold a few
years ago to the Eastern & Western
Lumber Co., of Portland.
The Gilberts and their company
took an important part in the affairs
of the community during the opera-
tions of their company here and the
letter above shows the fine spirit of
these ,people.
The Library Board consists of the
following members: Mrs. W. C. TroT-
bridge, Mrs. Z. O. Brooks, Mrs. G.
W. Cameron, John R. McEwen, C.
E. Crooks.
The Library Board is making ar-
rangements to follow out the request
of the donors by purchasing some
good standard books that will be of
lasting value to the community and
to place them on a shelf to be de-
coun£y to unite and bring all their Lula Downs: "Sul)pl'i~ "Lu'la 16.90
influence to bear on the railroad Downs ................ 15.00
Evelyn Nelson, cash advanced 121.47
company to make such extension. At Chester F Bennett, cash ad-
present the Portland ~hamber of vanced ................ 77.60
e is F H Collins, cash advanced
Commerc getting behind the Mt. I_ .. --ll I" " 20.10
....... lJ z~ A yn, supp les zarm •. 8.00
Aaa~s proposes route, nuz in our ]Trost Planing Mill, supplies
opinion if they were shown that our,lL fffm'c;;-'e" " ~5::/i:: " i~h:~ ~., ~ v~ e.. lS.~6
proposition was the most feasible[ gents ... j ............ ." 19.30
they would fall in line with us. The } Furniture Co, sup-
pv-es assessor ...... ,...
distance from Yakima to Portland Royal Typewriter Co, sup- 42.00
by either route is practically the plies assessor .......... 87.50
p p & L Co, service co gar-
The Croldendale route .has the ad-
vantage in that a large portion of
the railroad is already built. The
Goldendale connection would be an
all season route and have only one
,pass---The Satus--whlle the other
route would have at least three pass-
es to negotiate.
What v~uld it mean in revenue
to Klickitat County? The S. P. '& S.
Railway Company now pays in taxes
$189,000.00 annually, which is one-
third of all the taxes in the county,
and if this road was extended as
proposed tliis sum would be increas-
ed by probably $100,000.00 more.
(Signed). R• J. Willis,
The Wom m's Association met in
regular session in the Library audi-
torium January 16th, with tlie
president, Mrs. Root presiding.
The reasurer reported a balance
of $1483.61 in the building fund.
which is very gratifying to inter-
ested members.
The chairman of the music de-
partment announced the next meet-
ing to be held at the home of Mrs.
Kamholz January 28th instead of
January 27th, as previously stated.
The president appointed a corn-
mittee to v~rk for the formation of
the proposed Choral Society. This
committee consisting of Mesdames
Trowbridge, Kam~olz0 O. Miller,
Bates and LumiJarvl to work With
signated by a suitable marker as the Messrs. Crooks, Knosher, F. Sm, ith
gift shelf of the Gilbert's and t,helr'andl Ralph Riley.
associates. { Letters of appreciatt~ were read
Such men as the donors of this from the recipients of Christmas
wonderful gift are the men that ~o donations•
age Husum ............ 3.00
P P & L Co, supplies court
house ................ 66.81
Helen Crowe, services audi-
tors office ............. 62•~0
Franzen & James, supplies
Eva Charley ........... 15.8~
Hudson Service Station, ~up-
plies sheriff ............ 53.10
Shaw & Borden, supplies
treasurer .............. 1.60
Merle W Chapmau, burial
Aaron Gray ............ 96.25
Standard Oil Company, sup-
plies engineer 41.04
Trick & Murray,''suppiies
auditor ............... 78.00
Lllllan Layman. care of Mrs
Scofield -• .............. 7.00
Heaman Bros, supplies John
Durham ............... 1.65
Heaman Bros, supplies Mrs
Estes ................. 51.90
Union Oil Co, ~upplies sheriff 92.15
G S Richardson, ehalnman .. 60.00
OrvilleOrville RicIRichardson, rodman 34.00
M H Spalding, levelman .. 20.00
Pat McEwen, chainman .... 4.00
R E Bruner. chainman .... 12.00
C E Oneal, transitman .... 30,00
L B Woodhead, chalnman .. 12.00
Clement Zielinski, chainman 16.00
W J Story, supplies co supt 1.50
Ooldendale Hardware Co,
~upplies engineer ....... 5.10
C H Pearson, registration .. 8.55
Johnson-Cox Company, sup-
~tes clerk ............. 74.75
Nickerson-Olsen Motor Co,
supplies engln~er 6.00
McKenzie & Son, shbpii~
county farm ............ 46.85
McKenzle & Son, supplies
county farm ............ 26.10
Road Districts
The following claims against the
various Road Districts-were examin-
ed, approved and ordered paid:
Roa~ IHstrlct No. I
IA L McNary, supplies ..... 12.08
C S McDowell, cash advanced 1.25
Feenaughty Machinery Co,
supplies ............... 1622.30
Ro~d District No. 4
Grant Clarence, cash ad-
vanced ................ 2.50
Feenaughty Machinery Co,
supplies ............... 1622•~5
ROad D~trlct NP. O
C6E00neal, caterpillar No.23
................... 61.33
Coluz~bia Fruit Union, ~up-
Brown, logging contractor, to con-, Robert Crocker, who was oper- Helena McGulre, F. H. Anderson andlM., Rev. R. C Young offieiatlng, not live for self alone but are theI the dinner for the party Is to heGladdenPlies .................. Motor Co, supplies 109.0935"20
tlnue hauling logs from the A1 Har-i ate~] on at The Dalles hospital a Frederick Hartley are t.he duly ap-{ Mrs. Lochman came up from Napy, kind that have the desire to make served at the Goldendale Hotel at Franzen & James, supplies .. 68.55
den place, about a 12 mile haul, al-'I i'ew days ago,'ca, me home Thursday. pointed appraisers of the sald estate. California, where she has been teach- the community in which they live,]7:00 P. "M. at 60c per plate and all WIn. Morginson, cash ad-
vanced ................ .~ 8.75
though they worked 17 days is getting along as well as can~ ----- ling school, to spend the Christmas and the world at large, better for members of the family may attend Roa~ District No. 8
New Years without an ate He' I
" Y P" be expected i Mrs. David Plett has been quite holidays with her folks. She was ill their having lived in it. if they wish. Chas F Coate, foreman .... 35.00
figures it will take two, months when" Jack Mulligan and Frank Graha~n ~ill the past week with an attack ofi when she came, and steadily grew ..... The program committee for this Wm Klngman, labor ...... 63.75
C E Borigo, labor ........ 18.75
the weather is more favorable to were quite busy Sunday with a four~the flu which threatened pneumonia l worse.: An obituary will be published Mrs. Paul Clearwater, of Wishram, party is Mrs. W. F• Hornibrook, A Hylton, labor .......... 50.63
Mrs. Ooley and ,Mrs.Hendershott. 13.50
finish that contract Timber faller~ Aunt Jane Fairley during her tll-ifOra ttme.... "- ted :1 I
• ~ horse team and a bobsled breaking', in nex~ week's l~ue. is In a hospital in Portland• F W Fogelqulst, labor ....
.... T e H V Spencer, labor 71 38
and buckers are all working so the road~ through town, which was-', ,,~ ~ ~ ~ , h stunts committee consists of Jim Staack labor ........ 1~'00
pay roll still continues, but not so nighly appreciated by all { [ {[ ["~ t Mrs. Perry, Mrs. F• H. Collins and Chas Fuhrman, lab'or'~i~ 15~00
large. " mteres )tl Sl ' l|~ ...' ..... ::'"'. ~.~.'~. ..... .~.~ .... Y Thomas ~Harty, labor ..... '.
...... Mrs. Zenas Mattson is caring for' I I I " ~ ll {Mrs He--o- ~-o ~o-, ~^--* ...... Lester Spencer, labor ..... 30:00800
ice is asout two ~eet at the m!li ~ [ |
i i {win procure the nail tor the eve- George Harty, labor ....... 12.00
pond, and some of the •business men nasa. I LJ Ining entertainment C H March, labor ........ 6 1~
{ ....... " . . J G Clarke, labor ........ 4.00
Old Jack Frost sure put a clamp : ! i { Az er t'ne uslness se szon mrs. C. Hunsaker Chevrolet Co, sup-
ior the coming summer, on thingd t~he last few nights, asl i] E. Coley gore the Current Events, plies ................ 8.75
: - - "... _ , ... C H Pearson & Co, supplies 9.75
Mr and Mrs Cope Jenkins and
• " the thermometer registered 34 be-~ - . " = -',. ,~ ann oecause oz Mrs. l£aysers Ill-Thode Bros, supplies ...... 6.20
s]on on new books took Its plac J H Coate, supplies'. ..... 10.10
------ [ ;~{LF~{~f{H~{{~]|i { G F LaVack, Supplies 4 O0
with Mrs. Ramsey as leader. Mart'n's ~v{~. "='.'.'. "
Shutz birthday A happy time was en .............. "
• Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Franzen have] ~~g was hostess for the plies .................. 3.00
il ll
ki " " "-, returned home from Portland. l ( aftern, -- .a ..... Feehaughty Machinery Co,
ns father
• I The Lyle Womans Club gave a] O~ 'e i ............................
ha rman of the tea c~mmittee, as- . Road District ~'~I
Murray a para.! 500 card party at ~he Hotel, last l ~ slsted by Mrs. Montgomery and Mrs. Chas Dewalt, Sr, supDl~ .. $~.70
lytic stroke Friday of the past week" Wednes°ay' * - " ;' a Coley. Permanent Hlghw qz
~ ....... ~ The l~yle scnoo! is giving a aance,
anu has no~ veen very Well the past
. l at the Grange Hall, January 25th.{ [ .. Permanent Highway Maintain
} -rile WEA'z'tuaI~ Fund were examined, approved ~n4
zew years. , Good music. [ ~ Iordered paid:
J E Reynolds, board and
OAK GROVE 1 The many friends of Mrs. Ray| | Following is the maximum and lodging 70 10
I Bertschi were shocked to learn of [minimum temperatures for the past General l~'~n¢i'l~cl't~e'Fu~
=,oct, ....... ~ ............. I The following claims against the
-- her death Sunday evening, JanuaryI ,~, : ,~ ..... ~ ,,,,~u,ueu ny weather uo- r
{s .~ _ _ {General Road and B idge Fund were
Mrs. O. L. Woods andll9 Everyone that knew her loved] ~!~: ~ { erver, W. F. Byars: {examined, approved and ordered
Maximum Minimum aid:
family, spent Sunaay wlth Mr and' ".. • - h ..... ~.~ ~: I {~erm
[January 16 ........ 6 3 }G O Fink. labor .......... 26.00
M?meOlrick. Rasmussen in their new :n~:dt[:?r e;ee;e:t marly zs;:e:~:,
i'*~!~! ~'. {'a-u ...... " ,, IGus Herdina, 1,bor $8 O0
I sympathy
'J=U:;" x. ...... --, ----.= {E F Fink, labor .......... 18:00
Wesley and Durman Rasmussen [j::::~ i8 : : : : : : : -8 31 [~ E~Tam~iUn~:a:u~e'n;" "labor" I~ i!
.......... ~chi, also her father and mother,[ --':-' ---
callas at the powers home ~acuraay; Mr and Mrs. Ed Jarvis, and her] ,~i~! 10 l
evening, l brothers• ~ i i ~{ I ~ ...... 8 .--35 ,Ivan ~hnhausen, label"'::: 20:00
A C Vincent left for his sheep{ T ......... I [January 21 3 ---29 JVern Kuhnh~usen, labor .. 16.00
• • ~. ........ ; ne ~yle woman s uiuo are gzv-t
camp on ztocz ~reeK, ~onaay
, " . l tnga five hundred card party Feb.[ I_ -- " ..... ~ ~^ ]C E Holley, labor ........ 28.00
{january z2 ...... o ---~z {Herbert' Kuhnhausen, labor
Arlo Powers and the Mi~es ~eva
: "- I 12th. Everybody invited. Admission[ ~ ; ~, [January 33 ....... 12 [ and team .............. ~.TG
and 'Nlna Powers, and WesmY ltas-, ~. . , ~. , i (Roy Conooy, labor .. • 00
ao cents. { [ {Feenaughty Machinel~ " ~jj, "
m~sson were guests of Mr. and Mrs.[ {
| Sv~ow plows in each county com-[ supplies ............... 165~.85
missione ' S P & S Ry, frei ht 152 63
Clarence Kelley Sunday. Arlo PowersI (.Continued on Page Six) ' [ r s district were ~a the Job~ ..... r'-'.-- ~..g -" • • :." • -'--
was forced to. remain that evening { , ~ cz ~ ~e vxw uo, suppnes s.41
[this week getting the roads cleared lA C Bartholomew, ~upplies 40.g~
a~ he was unable to get his car Mrs. Joe Young, who is In a hoe-~ !as nuic~lv ao -,,o-~,~ ,m.. ^,., ~...,. {Herman C_ Roloff,. supplies 10 50
{pttal at The Dalles, ts reported as! { . ." -'_ .... :~' ..'"=."'" ~"u{Cotumbia Fruit Union, sup- '
{stuns were aug out ~or tne nrst time plies ................ $9.90
s rt'/ I {in many cases In yearn, and put to{Gladden Motor Co, SUpp|ieS 123.84
• The party at the school hou e F - much Improved in health and hopes'
day night was well attended and a to return home shortly, igoodl use, i (OonUn~ed OIt lamt ~4~) .....