National Sponsors
January 23, 1930 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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January 23, 1930 |
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teteLs=e-Le,n'yLert~d,dLe'nZ-ta }' * ! / || m b t 1 .L tHb Every Am 50c" R,,md Sm ........ .v_ WINTER . ......Extraartm.e ""ffi"--" g tVlaKYHt01 .............. le _" ~ t Between ""Tn Trln M . -.- P full3 SCHEDULE ......... ......... ... t,Dark ~tAZL~ffi-- ...MiJ-i,,ht. and • ""~'ara.v teed. 10 nn=T .$1.00 o'clock , Sl .__ CO f lSmith ¥ ..I, l .: t :LltheOregonAgriculturaiCollege• f f t to " 'me Ir gular animal /house Inicely• l, a operation she ent The ¢ m purehred Mrs uito have entered ° to date. Billiken for is Mrs is and a *elst .arty Tuesday proud in occured a She her dandy Dailes Holstein Ray a the hospital is of Club Smith. brother examme hospital.Wilkins recently meeting reported his last and this ~stponed bull purchase. Sunday Mr• of for week. while is g purchased l calf Wishram, l~agles that VanAeist{ti~e as a keeping]ternoon, where minor Y doinglcard to their from Mrs'] .... was[Market. Thelan's~]i~ al l~:.~,;P~Ifeat I Roe's I IL°theGillenwatersresidence°nUp']'mt per The Mrs The Extra Robert Dance market next Main Association club . orchestra, musical Real Hall. Usa fancy regular Saturday Garver Street at price Bargain ~ her Admission Ward program salt for this n,~a.,.,~.'r.~dav]m- is meeting, and home night, pelts, Store postponed herring entertained week family of Tuesday 75c. ihides, pays the Jan• Tuesday. at o movedt_ Worn- Bruce,___ "t--I= high-,= until lt--Star furs a t| ' I|I| IM I= .. = ." 'i . = ' mmmmm., -- | m m _ ............... ...... [] "--, | m m [] • ! i [ /| ' " ' ' = ar " I [ L I e m . "1 = • I m ,ffi ............. .,. II at • II e,, s . = m '1 • , = I t ' = J[ ' t, '[]' ' , ........ ................... , I,, ., , ' . . " . ' , ,, , m I t [] i| tm ' '=" • 'g " • , • I ........ Jpi, • =,,. i r,, L ! r',l , , .s ' m, ,,==/I tt", s /I nt,M s ., [ " | ,, "" .., IV • m a --- .£=-:i,m-. • • | m •| | • | | || . • | | a " | = H
7 ~ ' | I A California correspondent says14, and metals of all kinds, tf-- [] ......... II - ................ i
a , $1.00 Extra Between 10 o'clock and Daylight •that a very nice home wedding took[ The O. E. S. Kensington will meet[N Sny ,. i r, il t,a c ,,.,. .,. a
• 1 I } place at 1756 69th Ave" Oakland'lFriday at the Mas°nic Temple' Mrs" N ' H .... i
]L ------ |/Calif, when Dell Lester and HelenelHurd as hostess I WOOL MIX FANCY PLAIDS = --- . ........... m
' " ' " ~ " r a ra " ~[~'|• || I] eavy wool nirts O D •tO
:a ~ TRIPS WILl, BE MADE BY APPOINTMENT AT ANY _t~/~olsey were united in marriage, at| Mrs. Flora Shelton suffe ed pa " [] "iz "2 ..... ! = =~ . . " " • i. ....
d / HOUR. PHONE 312X the home of the bride. Dell Lester[lytic stroke the past week, but is re-IN es I J-'P/S • K 4/ [[ Khaki and Grey Mix. Coat Style ]) ! |
. ~. ,jis a former Goldendale resident and[ported~ as getting along nicely. ~]I II][ ........ LWO r'ocKer.s ~izes 14]/'2 to ~i
k I ~ --"--------- | ]widely known here. I Mrs. Preston Warwick left yester-I[]BOYS FLANNEL II " m
ff T Safe. Roomy Equipment and Prompt Service We unders~and Glenwood has/day for Cliffs, where she is teaching[~ vu ~ ~:, om ~ H ~ "
h ~ .~ three feet of snow and that the[school, after visiting since Friday!I Heavy Fleece
.e l '~" " _. ~]mercury stood around 35 degrees/in Golds•dale. ........ Siva 12 to 14 ........ J[ A | O O| A &II/'IL 'rC |
~, ------ .............................. ~below zero the fore part of the] W. B. Nickerson was a Portland'• ......... ~ i] ~ Ldl~. ~J,~[~k,l"-J.a.~ i
t- / " ~/~ . ~ ",. ~ ~ lweek, which is not so hot for any] visitor the latter part of the pastiI ~ H N
o I R ~/~/~d~/~ ~/~. ~ ~z | ~*~m~,., ~,~ ~/~8 country. [week attending a meeting of Ford I ][ Heavy Wool Mix Fancy Plaids A
i i'~/~ 7~ ~#'/&~/~/A ~[ ~" IN~zmY~'~A/~/~/~¢#? J We have some odds and ends in•dealers of the district. !--~ MENS ('~VF~/'~/~AT~ ]1 Double 70 x 80 ~])J ~ |
,e : q~,~/~1~7~¢//~,,~/,~. ~:. "~/~'/a/~ ~/fV~) silverware, stationery and stray/ Mrs• Jack Jackson has be~n quit~ I ~ "'" •'' II |
It l" watches, that will be sold at a real/Ill the past week with an attack of i Heavy All Wool Oregon ~a4 a n¢ II
!' G. W Nelson left Tuesday this. Extra fancy salt herring at Star reduction in price to close out. A big[ the flu, but is considerably improv- i ....... ~| "] ~i~ [~ l]~[~f~t|.~,f A !~1 I:)|A~Tlr~'I~I'~O
~. week for Spokane, where he will re-!Market. 42t-- saving to you. D. Gunning & Co. tf--ied again. [] t~a~sliller~. ;~0 [A) 4~~]1 !1 d~l•~'~l~l I[ }~ ~,p~.#l~ l~A~r- ][~l~l~r..~|l~ I
i main for a time for medical otto•- The cold snap has been the death An eleven pound son was born[ J. R. Robinson, of the Firwood [] ; [] -- . []
• f ties. Iknell of numerous radiators in theIt° Mr. and Mrs. Almon Tuttle, of[section, suffered a paralytic stroke/H ..¢ F --" Plai -- "-'-' li Double Fancy Plaids -- 4 lbs. ~¢) /~[~
Toppenish at the home of her par- the f~ore part of the week, but is 0 80
The two year old daughter of Mr ~•O~
r • community Some radiators contained ' ~ an hec H
and Mrs F E Peterson-he has . " ...... /Puts Mr and Mrs Ed Thaml)son, on/ ,omewhat lmprov~L ii d C ks. eavy All Wool$lSo 5 I] !
Y ..... I a non-[reeze preparation, that aia not[., ' • . • . . . / - ..................... I[] 36 t" 4a II i
e i been very ill with the flu, is report- hu~u^'~ up--" tu* ..... upuuan~.~ou----~vt~='=~*="" ...~..... J~t~""*/ urotLon ~ralrle, on ~unuay, January! A numver ot ~rm.u. o- ~=,m.a ~li[] " -- ul i
ed as much improved ,. I 19th where Mrs. Tuttle has been[ dropped in~ to surprise him Monday [_ H It L[T~ T~TL'S ¢~TTrW'~ ~ ~.~w~w~e~
d • froze up. I mm
............ I Iv•siting for some time [ evening this week, the occasion be-li * ~J |~L~L~I~ ~W~l~,~l~k~ U
~ot]ce t~rangers: There wlu De no l COMING Dr C W You•~" eve i " t . . . ~nnu . n
• -- • ' " ~" " - A recent survey declares that the ink his birthday. A pleasant even- []
d social meetmgforGoldendale franKI sight specialist, will bs in Golden- average husband prefers a wife who[inK was enjoyed at the Contrail• BOYS BLAZERS il Heavy All Wool I
e rot January, postpones untu ~'eDru dale, soon at the Central Hotel it Io n ludm with refresh •
[- or .... ti,~,, w .... uu~ t,~, ~-.~r t ' • -- can co k. But judging from the sum-1 Hotel, co c " g -n .......... [1 Red --. Coat Style
' " ~ .... ~" ""~"~ ..... ~ ......... ~ n- hd'-s^holderswho en o ..... ,. ,- .eav All WOO ~ ~ . I...~ m
i ma j - ~ J ~[oer o[ ousy restaurants he doesnt/merits. I[] "¢ t~'! All . 38 +" 42 m
t, i Mrs. Margaret R. Bailey, of Chap- radios, combined the heat situation always get one [ Attorney John A. McEwon left]~ Fancy Plaids [[
It field, Minn., is visiting her ~rother! with the broadcast from England[ So_called newspaper accident in-[ Sunday for Great Falls, Montana, l~ -8 to 14 years ..... i] i
• J.W. Fuller, and family. Mrs Bailey Tuesday morn2•• at about threel surance policies are probably good as| where he is spending the week onl~ 1] U
C came to Washington expecting to find fie'clock, when the King of EnglandI far as they go but who wants to[ business in the federal court. He is[m~ " ~~ ~mvU n
r n ross and to et awa "from -- ~V--L.~ ~a.~ ~.~ ~g~aa.~
f g ee g . . . g Y [was .heard, as well as numerous oth-ltry it out? Why not take on corn-/ representing the State Bank of Gold-!l BRUSH WOOL BLAZERS dt¢1 gtW [] |
the~M!nnestta/m[::;eh:hme:" s-" ]er stat.esmen from.several count~es,]pleteprotection, including illness and[endale, in aa action one of J Boys--- AIIWool [] Heavy WoolMixed ~11 /tC) i
seattle ~'. i., y tare mcmumg the umteu ~tates. Tnelaccidents of all sorts and at a nomi-/the Smith broVhers, 02 ~x ~'rong, [] o .^ 16 -- rs . . ............. ~a ~m m
paper delivered free, or on sale att broadcast came~ over the network/hal cost,- pay by the month tf deelr.| who we understand is applying for }[] [] v ~ y~t ~I .~ ~ toy, ~.. ,antics n
Rainbow Confectionery. Mauricetchain and was received clearly and ed9 Knosher Insurance A eric will bankru tc []
,,,__ '. lcold and difficulty in keeping thet! IT TO £'1I Tlq O b-- -- -- |
e : $l issed until the cold snap is -¥aSJL, Jk l t ..J JV=J m mm mm mm N
i i ~~ ~ over School busses f~und it I
. I~ 'H~~n~~~~fg Y/~~ ieii.~i~ult to operate on account of ]i Clothcraft - H t Schafl:ner & Marx -'1~ a -'1 .-I II !
:~ ~[the roads, and the grammar school,/- WORSTEDS AND CASSIMERES OVV
~l and primary school buildings do not }i 35 tO42 --- SEE THEM m |
f ~ ~l seem to be able to ~hstand these,~ i
't wintry blas~ i ~ --
~] The auto license buslaess has been [] __ gH
s t ~ ,~lalmost at a stand-still at t.he office[N1 A ~T~~ ~TT~~~ ¢1 ~ B
$ ~lof county auditor Evelyn NelsonlI [] II . tI14 I P..N eto O |
I .a "~.l the ast week the sudden and ex I-- -------~ JL~a.~ .I..8..d~ ~.~ ~.J.aa ~m~v.i-~
' ;~ P , -
÷ il[ eme COld weather being creditedl D ...... _.. To |
) ~ ~]to Vhis slump of business. TO date[l ~ ~J
~, • • " • • ,i, there have been in the neighbor-[]
UntdFeb. l, we arc offerln thefollowmtrmerchandmeat t: .... l= GOOD STYLE -- BROKEN LOTS |
T w= o "~lhooa of 1230 licensesmsueu mli ~;~^S ~ +" ~ ~+.,. xr,,~, ^ I~P~a~ [] '
~1 rm weath pi ~ u ov o -- ~,bz~ v~lu~ m
i ~ ~ .. ---~ _ .~ ] Klickitat county. With wa - I i ' '~
, i * d" v Jl • ~ 1 1 ~ • O ~l er again the license business is surel~ .......................................................... - ..... N
• ureauy Keauc Fnces ' tilt" pick uP "
, i : • we o0e our roa , a*o .... .
i ltheir part by piacing food out forlmu 1 l/ .t_ 0 lit 11 i
I . • • j,~at County Game Comm ssl n h , •
' ] :: these values--Terms If desn'ed. ~[bought a lot of fine China pfie'asants[= U
~n recent years that are facing
' . . I .mnm mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmumm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmm]
T ~ ~~ T I famine unless they can oe ~ed. In l .
! ~ ] ~lspite of what assistance can be[ Dance Saturday night, Jan. 25,I A full line of Valentines at The Facilities for racing both from the
USED RADIOS [U PERCOLATORS ~[rendered ,there will be many birds [ Eagles Hall.t Admls~i0n 75c. B;~.~ Va~C:aWs etFOuY~na f It---[viewpoint of horsemen and the pleas-
1 Battery Set Complete--Fine for II el4 O1~ .T.] perish from lack of food while t his]Roe's orches r . ] ' . n, o hyle, was a lure of attending fans are said to •ul~.
I • Country 1[ snow covers everything. ] The basketball game scheduled[Golds•dale business visitor this weekI pass any race course of the present
! ...... - l[ Regular Price $25.00 We have a few heaters and cIrcu-[last Saturday night was postponed[Tuesday. [day in continental Europe or Amer-
÷ 1 Electric Set in First Class Shape ~ later stoves left that will be sold at until a later ~ate, which will be an-t James N Crofton, o~e of the pro-[ •ca Crofton and associates believe
• " oo . oo.o.o.o II Hamilton Beach nce for a discount of twenty fivel nounced In these columns moter and gener .l manager of the that such a magnl elent plant as
÷'I' .11 SE.,INGW MACHINE MOTOR lPpercent" First class stock. McKenzte I Miss Loi• Duryee, who has been i $2,500,000 Agua Caliente Jockey[ Agua Caliente will prove a drawing
,t. r~v_~.r~ ~ ~ ~t~xr .... II ..... £1Har~,ware Co. it----I at Yaklma nursing a little niece for[Club, winter racing home for thor-lcard for lovers of the thoroughbreds
K-Jl:].ll~t./ zlk.-l) t~,l~ll¥111N z~'l'Ul~ . '
II $I0.00 ~ meeting of a new organizationl,he past several week~, returned toioughbreds recently opened a fewlfrom all ,arts d~ the world and wilt
2: @1~ /~/~ ]] ~.f ...... .,~[to be held for the first time tomor-] G~oldendale the past week to visit lmiles across the Mexican border from[in Umo be as famous in American
OJLV,VV ~llgn~iy use(] I ]
, [[ - ~[ row night, at the Golds•dale restau-I with her pare]tts, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. San Diego, Calif. is a native of Klick- turf circles as Saratoga and Epso~
--~ ~ il --~ .................... '~ rant. This will be the first gathering~ Duryee. She expects to retu nr to I t county,ita being" a son of Tom I Downs. It is also predicted that the
RADIOLA NO. 100 B LOUDSPEAKERS [] t~D ']'L-IUJ~ WA~Ii/~I~ i] of an organization to be known as a l her work at Hot Lake, Oregon, thel Crofton, pioneer rancher at Center- time is not far distant when Call-
Floor Samples II $20 and un--Terms :lbusiness men's club, and Is to be[latter part of this week. [ville, Wash., In the Kllckitat valley[fornia wilt regain honors as a prem-
• ~- ~ r , ' n wh
"~' el") II ,Ioperated much along lines of the[ W. A. McKenzio, who hu bee U eat belt. Work on the track and[let state for the breeding of thor-
.~liL.~ II ~ !Lion's or Kewanis clubs other than[ visiting In Portland for the past buildings was started early last sum I oughbreds with Agua Callente as •
.~,:~ . egumr- - ....... ,. In[] HOTPOINT PORTABLE COOKERS .1" there are no outside' affiliations.,[ several montSs, dectded last week met and finished in time for the [ place to race and market thorough-
• i. ~ II ~17 ~_~ ~i Memibers will meet once a week and[to go to California to spend the[opening day racing Pard, Dec. 28,1breds where racing of the highest
: ~ ........... m--~,~ ~gtV~W A~rt [[ ~,as.~v ,I dine together• Topics of mutual
in-•balance of the winter. He got all[despite a strike of Mexican workers, callfvre will be offered at all .tlza~,
............. II Regular Price $22.75 , terest will be discussed at these/packed up and ready to go, when[ ....... .................. :-
WAFFLE IKUN ~ he b am ill He is under medical ~P~@~4~@@~@@@@@@@@~@@@@~@@@
: ]] ,i meetings. It Is the intention to in-[ ec e .. I
~: ~r~;=t] _~ _~_~ [[ HOTPOINT RANGE TIMERS ;I terfere In no way with the present[care and ha~ decided to remain In[
0,.olJ~.,,~a~.~.~ ~.,, ~ .... I] ~ ~#t :! Chamber of Commerce, but rather[Portland for the balance of th~ls[ ~[][IU]~,| V~| T |1~.T%7~'~'1" '~
~ [] ~[o~U 'i would be an important ~ that[winter. [ VV [llr'-l~l |~.~t ll~lVi'%~|
THOR IRONERS [[ Regular Price $18.00 : organization in many ~. | Miller Murdoch, 69, a prominentI
~ .' Word has been received that Con- Portland attorney who died at his . ~,
! --'-- ' home last Sunda followin a suddenI and put your money In our Certificates ,
No. 10 $69.80 II 32 VOLT HOTPOINT IRON , gressman John W. Summers has iu-] Y g I ......
:r Re ,ular Price ¢82 00 I| * tr~luced a bill to Congress for t~e/heart attack, was known to many oldl OI l)eposl~;, you need never give it an-
$4.95 ,sum of approximately one and one-[timers here, as he made frequent] other thought. ,
Nn f~--~-~ ~-~ ~} v,_±.}_, w~__ ~. ~n ~ half millions of dollars to be ex-Jvisits to Golds•dale, as legal repre-I
÷ II .~ pended In a road between Yakima/sentauve Ior tne uregon ortgagei lne IUll amoun OI your deposit" plus
[[ ..... FIXT ..... AT ~ and Portland, via Glenwood, to con-[ Company during the early develop-i the liberal interest rate is ready in 6
r ~ Ill• Lx t9 l~D %flLJr~ ~ ~ i
4; These i oners have been used as demon- II : sect with the North Bank highway | ment of the Klickitat Valley wheati or 12 mo _ths or in an eme~-~anc~, i
$ strators, but are just as good as new and [] Drop in and Look Them Over ; This road ts all rtg ht and we will[ belt. He was a native of Canada and! ...... ~" ""
---- are fully guaranteed ; all be lad to see it finished This came to Portland in 1895 He was a
- " I} g " • | • Put your surplus money in our Certi-
[l LIGHT SHADES ~ when completed would be a scenic| Scottish Rite Mason and a member ficates of Deuosit---Get vour first Certi- :
PREMIER CLEANERS ]] ~- ~ route hard to be duplicated. There of A1 Kader shrine in Portland. He flcate ~,,,-~.t"~°~{ -
Used as Demonstrators II 49c ;is, however, some propaganda in~ was an elder in the first Presbyterian
I~,,,~l,~v aa II Values up tO $1.25 favor of this road that is, we
are[ church of Portland. Funeral services
z.~ulJa~,A-~ ~'x"x.ov II _._.~ ._.....___-.._.~~ ~ informed by persons qualified to/were conducted Wednesday in the ~,_ ,-~--~,~x, _, __ ,~,-.,.,~. ....... '.
r 1 eo r w r tu- prim rn" •vest ann re lnves~ m
m~,~ular Price .~65 00 [[ I"~I£'1~ "NI~I~ I.A~I'I:~ ~ know the truth, no.t entirely true. In[ church by D . Hare d L na d Be - " .
~, ~,.~e, "~ " ]] "'~" ~"~ ~" .......... ~ the claim the Mt. Adams route would] man, pastor. He is survived by his Our Certificates :
d~ II I be the shortest distance between[widow, Mary E. Murdoch, and three
.... ,~ .... H 1.. . ~.. ,t,,., ,.^ [, YaKlma 4rid Fortlana, we are ~;old[(laug te s: Je n ~ u , ~ .
~eguiar rmce ~,t)u [[ ~egu,ar trice ~t.ou ~ the route over The Satus will be}Wayne Stater and Mrs. Kay Leep, ',
i .U v ------ ~ ~, practically the same distance. Thts/all residents of Portland. A brother II I . ~ ,
' ~ Mt ..... Adams highway will get a lot[ P H Murdoch, a sister Mrs Clay- [
4 W -- • _ _ of support locally, yet there should[ ton Shaver, of Portland,~ and two ! i
I i~ LW I I t~ AtWa at service be no advantage in trying to dis-[sisters and one brother in Ontario, '~
u r r ch
.... ~ credit the road ever The Satus thlslCanada, also s rvive. M . Mu do
............ community has spent time, energy[was a law partner with O. H. Ballou,
and money to accomplish for years.I father of Robt. Ballou, at one time
Let's build both roads! [in Portland.