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January 25, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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1940 Thursday, January 25, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale Washington
Page Three
;t four
the S.
[e, was
, this
rill re-
e close
.... Mrl and Mrs. Martin Ragholt were
Goldendale business visitors from
Klickitat Saturday.
Lowell Shattuck, of Bickleton,
Frank Mattson, of Centerville Mr. and Mrs. George Klein drove lTM in Goldendale for the annual
purchased a new Chevrolet from the to Seattle Wednesday on business. Woolgrowers convention Saturday.
Hudson Service station last week. They plan to return late this week. Ever Have A Close Call? Don't re-
'Father Lyons, of Holy Trinity Mrs. Edgar H. Can4field was taken ly too much upon your ability as a
church, was in Vancouver on bust- to White Salmon ,Sunday, where she driver. Play safe and let the insur-
ness last week. is receiving medical attention at a ance company do the worrying.
.Mr. and Mrs Tom Nordby, of hospital. Knosher Insurance Agency. lt--
Bingen, were in Goldendale on bust- Mr. and Mrs. LMarion Hudson drove Mrs. Ferd Holter is convalescing
mess Wednesday of last week. to P'ortland on business Wednesday. this week from a recent attack of
ly was K.S. Langfield and son, of Guler,
is the Mrs. Ed Snider is working at the pneumonia.
of the were in Goldendale Saturday for the B. A. Sanders Red & White Grocery Alden C. Copeland, superintendent
was. an Woolgrowers meeting. Langfield is an this week. of Camp Goldendale, is convalescing
official of the U ~ F~r~st ~,~rvi-o from a recent attack of pneumonia.
[aso.nic . and s. Bi Roberts, of Yak-.
• ~" ........ Mr Mr 11
Dance at Pleos~-* vo]l,~,, ~-,'~n,'~ }Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hanson, of
Saturday Feb ,2 aaa,-1 mn~ie it a, ere m Goldendale SaturdayGlenwood, were in Goldendale Satur-
i, has ~ .................
"~ for the annual meeting of the county
Mr. and Mrs ~ ~ RiN~n~t,~n ,e day for the 'Klickltat County Wool-
n Gold- M~- " .................Woolgrowers organization. ~r~w~r~ m~i,~~
at of a : ~ton, were In Goldendale last Sat- ~" ........ ~'"
urda-- - .......... ~Dance at Pleasant Valley Grange Miss Dorothea Carbough of Top-
z ~ur tne annual counw wool-
grower .... ~ Saturday Feb. 3. Good music. It penish spent the weekend in Gold-
~ association convention, i ' . ' . . .
V. ~F. Tourney of Klickltat was in Robert Cramer, of the Yaklma endale vmlttng at the W. B. Nlcker-
G-~A ..... ' .. .~, .' ISheep company, purchased a used son home.
• ,,uunuale [or tne woolgrowers
mee-- ..... ]car through the Hudson service eta-Mrs. S. P. Allison and Miss Lois
~,u~ ~aturuay. . . .
"w ................. I tmn last week. Kendall are m Portland this week
~U~LU ~tVllller, livestock snipping
agent for the S. P. & S. railway from l Marshall Uury, Bonneville pro~ect visiting friends and relatives.
Portland was in Goldendale for the lempl°yee' purchased a new Chevro- William Allbritton, of Alderdale,
annual, Woolgrowers' meeting Satur- let car through the Hudson service was in Goldendale last Saturday for
any. station last week. the annual meeting of the county
Ira .......... trYBob Imrie son of Mr and Mrs Wool rowers or anization
u k'owell was in l~Ol'tlanu ~ne ' " " g g •
nao* .......... I Wilford Imrie and a student at theMiss Helen Brondt, county home
• " o~ week visiting witn nls parents. .
He Plans to return to his position inIUmverstty of Washington, was re- demonstration agent, was in Yaktma
the j. C Penney store this week I cently pledged to Pi Kappa Alpha Tuesday on business.
~, ~- ....... " ~ fraternity. Wayne Eddy is attending the spec-
.-.--. ~au mrs. ~. A. ~t~anuers were[ " -
in Porth~,u ..... ,,, ~u~,u~l-" ~: .... ~"~-'^-~-vv~uu~u~y ~' Dewey Barnes, of . the Pacific ial Standard ,Stations Incorporated
and Th .......o .......1. ~. _,._ [Woolgrowers organizatmn of Port- school in Yakima this week. The
• ,--~uay u~ la~ weer~. ~ur.~ lan w "
their .~^~ ~.~ ....... ,.^~[ d, as m Goldendale Saturday for school is held to provide special
absence Cha,~ ~,uu,~ ~,,,~u . .
at the store ]the Woolgrowers meeting, training for all employees of Stand-
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burson have Verda I. Vaughn filed suit for di- ard ,Oil company stations. ~Eddy is
transferred from Burke Wash Ivorce from Thomas R. Vaughn in an employee of the Island Service
to Bingen. Mr. Burson is with the Superior court here last week. In the Station in Goldendale.
e project. Mr. and Mrs. complaint she charged mental 'Mrs. August ~Hanson, who has been
spent the weekend with Mrs. cruelty, in Portland for the past few weeks
Auto Owners Attention!Medical receiving medical attention, returned
mother, Mrs. Ed Warren
of Crofton IPTairie. expense coverage can now be had in to her home in ¢oldendale Sunday.
The Oregon Journal delivered to connection with automobile insur- Her husband, accompanied by Allen
YOur home or at Confectionery stores ance, protecting members of your ~Hanson and Mrs. Mel Walden and
and Allison,s Pharmaoy. George Lay- family or guest passengers. The daughter drove to Portland for her
agent, tf-- cost is small. Ask about it. Knosher ~unday.
Insurance Agency. It-- ~George McWhirter, of the Port-
John Finley, of Olympia, state di- land office of the Pacific Northwest
rector for the United States biologi- Livestock Credit association, was in
cal survey, was in Goldendale for Goldendale Saturday for the annual
the 'Woolgrowers meeting Saturday. meeting of the county woolgrowers
~R. L. Clark, of the Portland corn- organization.
PHONE 52 mission house of Bodine & Clark was Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Foltz, of
in Goldendale for the annual meet- Yakima, were in Goldendale last
FRI.-SATUR. ing of the county Woolgrowers asso- weekend for the annual meeting of
Jan. 26-27 ciation. , the Klickitat Woolgrowers and Aux-
W. D. Lainhart and not Dean Gil- iliary.
lenwaters had charge of removing S.F. Ganders, of Bickleton, chair-
the old wooden warehouse building man of the county AAA committee,
on the W. H. Ward property on Up- spoke before the Klickitat County
)er Main street last week. The build- Woolgrowers association at their
ing was located in the equipment meeting here last Saturday.
rd leased by Gillenwaters. ,Mrs. Harold Ransierand daughter,
and Mrs. G. W. Stiff, formerly Nora Marie, of Cedar Valley, were in
of Hillsboro, Ore., who moved here Goldendale Monday to collect the
last summer and are now residing prizes of merchandise and cash of-
on the old Vanhoy ranch in Number l fered by Goldendale merchants in
Four are new subscribers to Thei
Judge Howard J. Atwell returned!
to Kelso Thursday after conducting
Popeye Oartoon----"Ghosts in the the regular term of superior court
here last week. Judge Atwell had an
Busy Little Bears important Cowlitz county case sched-
uled for trial in Kelso Friday and
SUN.-MONDAY_ Jan. 28-29 Saturday last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Carter L. Hilsabeck
She, s out to learn what secre,and son Jimmy Guy left last Fri-
taxies have that a wife hasn't!day for Bakersfield, California. Mr.
Hilsabeck, who for the past two
rears has served as educational ad-
visor for Camp Goldendale, will take
over new duties in the Civilian Con-
servation Corps in "Bakersfield.
The Seattle P-I delivered to ~r
home or at MeIf~e's Pharmacy amd
Allison's Pharmacy, or call NAwold
Ca~°~1"-"Sheep in the Meadow"
l~ashion Parade
TUESDAy Jan. 30 "A Good Place To Eeat"
Banquet Room Available
The G ewage
Goldendate, WaslC.ngto
Cartoon_,., 'Yip.Yip.Yipee,,
PUblic Hobby No. 1
'WED.-THuRS. Jan. 31, Feb. 1
Feature !
Remodeling Now !
See Dean Gillenwater for ac-
curate and complete esti-
mates on materials and
Fiber board, plywood, doors
and windows, plumbing,
cement, brick, shingles
._ Dean Gillenwaters
the 1940 baby derby. Little Miss
Ransier as the ~lrst baby born to
Kltckitat county parents after the
first of the year was adjudged win-
ner of the 1940 contest.
Dr. George Harvey, Goldendale
veterinarian, received delivery on a
new Chevrolet last week. The sale
Frank Rasmussen, of Roosevelt, i
was in Goldendale Saturday for the
~/oolgrowers convention.
Andy McRae, Rock Creek sheep-
alan, was in Goldendale for the an-
,ual Woolgrowers convention Sat-
Mr. and Mrs. Manual Leonardo, of
lJ~thesport, were in Goldendale Sat-
arday attending the convention oI
Lee Wooigrowers organizations•
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Norris are mov-
ing into the l~ayman apartments on
Columbus avenue this week. The
apartment they are taking was form-
erly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Adsley who left last week for Uma-
~illa, OTegon.
Payment of insurance premium
can now be so arranged as to fit the
convenience of all. Ask about our
premium payment plan, you'll be in-
terested. Knosher Insurance Agcy. 1t-
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Boyd have rent-
ed the Lee J:)arland residence on
Court street formerly occupied by
Mr. and Mrs. William "Sauter, Mr.
and Mrs. Sauter recently purchased
the Lyle ,Ternahan property on East
Main street.
Mm. E. L. Whttehill is conva-
lescing at her home this week from
a severe attack of lumbago.
The condition of Lincoln Huot,
who is ill with double pneumonia, i
was reported by his physician, as
,~omewhat improved this week.
L. T. Ruehl and A1 Henrickson,
both of Grandviow, ~'ere in Golden-
dale for the annual Woolgro,wers
convention last Saturday.
Elmer R. Nelsen, of Bickleton, is
in Goldendale this week taking the
business census for this community.
Nelsen was named business census
~aumerator for Kliekitat county.
Hugh Cameron, S. F. Ganders,
S. railway is in Goldendale this
week making repairs on the local
depot and other railway equipment
Mrs. E. R. Vasey left Wednesday
for Portland to spend several days
visiting with her daugl~ter and son.
Mrs. Vasey plans to return to Gold-
endale late this week.
Goldendale's Boy Scout troop
made a field trip to the Cascade
,~ummit last Thursday evening. At
the summit they built a large bon-
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Roe ,of The
Dalles, spent Tuesday and Wednes-
day in Goldendale visiting friends
and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. William Farrens
and son returned Sunday from Seat-
tle where they visited friends and
Dr. Gerald Turley is moving into
the McEwen apartments on West
Broadway this week. He is occupy-
ing the apartment formerly leased
by Joe Boyd.
John R. McEwen. drove to Camas
~n business Wednesday.
Sheriff C. R. House was in Yak-
ima on business last Saturday.
New Neon tube lighting fixtures
were installed in the Island Lunch
this week.
The interior of the county agri-
culturist's office is being kalsomined
and redecorated this week.
Mr .and Mrs. B.. A. Sanders were
in Portland on business last Wed-
nesday and Thursday.
Pete Conboy and daughters Grace
and Ada, Glenwood, were in Gold-
endale on business Tuesday.
Mrs. Eugenia Clark, of Wlshram,
was in Goldendale Tuesday of this
A1 Mats en, county commissioner
from Bickleton, was in Geldendale
on business Tuesday.
Russell !I~ardin was confined to
h~s home by an attack of influenza
early this week.
John Jaekel, of Wishram, was tn
C~oldendale for the Woolgrowers
meeting~ Saturday.
Chick Bruno, of Dallesport, ~vas
in Goldondale on ,business last Fri-
day and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kelley, of
R~osevelt, were in Goidendale last
week on business.
Tom Miller, of Roosevelt, was in
Goldendale Tuesday of this week on
LeRoy Glasoo and sons Chester
and Robert, attended the annual
Woolgrowers meeting in Goldendale
last Saturday.
Eric Benson left for Portland
Wednesday ~o undergo special medi-
cal treatments. He will remain in
Portland for the next several weeks.
A Boy Scout cour,t of honor is
scheduled in The DalleS Friday eve-
ning, January 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayn~e Anderson, of
Minneapolis, Minn., are the parents
of a 10 pound son born here January
20 at the Lynn Kelly home.
Dr. W. ;H. West was confined to
his home ~'Lth a sligh~t attack of in-
fluenza early this week.
W. B. Hudson was In Portland on
business Tuesday and Wednesday of
this week.
Pat Morran, of Centerville, has
been confined to his home the past
several days with a severe cold.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Youngquist
returned early this week from Port-
land after attending the funeral
services f o r Mrs. Youngquist's
broth,er, Mr. Frans William Chind-
~held there Saturday.
:l. C. Phillips this week announc-
ed the purchase of the Ed Pike rest-
donee located at 302 East Court
street. The real estat~ transfer is
effective March~
Clifford Pike .was confined to his
home several days early this week
with a severe cold.
Bob Forsyth~e and John Nath, of
the Goldendale Pacifc Power &
Light company office, returned Sun-
day from Portland ~here they at-
tended a special sales meeting of
the company.
Centerville (]rangers will hold a
benefit dance at their Grange hall
Saturday night, February 3. Music
for the dance will be furnished by
Jim Hall and his orchestra.
Mrs. Frank L~e, of Glenwood, is
Miss Edna Jackson is attending
was made through the Hudson Serv-
Behnke~WMk~r business college in
ice Station. ]Portland this winter. Miss Jackson
Ed Flannigan, former Yakima prior to enrolling In business col-
county commissioner and Wapato lege work.ed at the Reliance Cream-
sheepman, was in Goldendale for the
county Woolgrowers convention Sat- White Salmon hospRal this week.
urday. William Darland and Eldon ~arion Sext(m, editor of the Van-
Hanes are now working on a Na-
Gill McGuffy, of the Yakima Sheep tional Youth Administration project ['COUVer, Wash., Sun was in Golden-
company, was in ¢oldendale for the at Camp Goldendale organizing the da~e Tuesday visiting frl~e
annual meeting of tl~e Klickitat company library in accordance with was accompanied here by a ~Wt~aber
County Woolgrowers organization the Dewey Decimal classification of the Vancouver Sun ~taff.
Saturday. system. Miss Zola Long, teacher at the
After spending the past week in Bill Darland, proprietor of thewahkiacu-s school, is in Goldendale
Portland and Roseburg, Ore., visit- Star Market, underwent an opera- this week while her school is closed
ing with her daughter and son-in- tion for stomach ulcers a~t St. Eliza- because of illness In the community.
law, Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Swanson, beth's hospital in Yaklma last Sat- It is expected that the Wahkiacus
;Mrs. Freeman R. Grow returned to urday. His co,ndttion is reported as school will reopen next Monday,
her home last Thursday. Mrs. Swan- excellent. Mrs. Darland and sen Mrs. Sue Morehead, county superln-
son accompanied her here for a brief Glenn spent several days in Yakima tendent announced.
visit in Goldendale. with him early this week.
The first building permit issued K.A. Zevely, telegraph operator
by the city of Goldendale in 1940 for the Spokane, Portland and Seat-
went to Jesse Atkins. Atkins was tie railway in Goldendale, left early
issued a permit to construct a new bhis week to ~ake over a simlla.r
residence in ~loek 27 of the third position In Eugene, Ore. Mrs. Zevely
addition on 'Broadway. Estimated and her son Jim ~'ill remain in
cost of the building is $1,000. Cvoldendale until .the end of the
The Portland Oregonian available school year. J. E. Schlas, of Port-
from Frederick Oltmanns. Cail phone land, is In Goldendale this week tak-
434 for daily delivery to your own ing over Zevely's post pending the
home in town or at Confeetionary appointment of a permanent opera-
stores, tt to~
~*" Mr. and Mrs. A1 Johnson and baby
-ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMI~LY daughter, of ,Enterprise, Ore., spent
FILleD the past weekend in Goldendale vie-
Now is the time to take adyantage
of our Mail Order Dept., as all iting with friends and relative~,
orders are promptly filled, and Their daughter, Sandra' Ann, spent
don~t forget, WE ~)AY the postagethe past week with her grandparents,
Use Yo~r Mail Or~'e~ Card Today!
ROY W. LUNDBER, Goldenda]e Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Hector, while
Good Work Prices go
hand in hand at
WIERMAN'S Shoe Repair
STYLES-'I%'elve styles
with all the newest and
latest fashion delail ia
waists, sleeves, skirts
and bod/ces.
Honeycon~ Weave ...
English Broadcloth
•., Percale--in glori,
ons gay new colors.
SIZES--12 to 20; 14 to
14 to42; 38 to
all guaranteed full cut~
perfect fit, fast,
Warm fleeced lined, extra light weight, black dull finish.
Made by U. S. Rubber Co. All heel heights, all sizes.
tng clear vision for travel.
HAPPY HOMF,---(Special to The
Sentinel) ---Mr. and Mrs. Webster
Ahola were callers of Mr. and Mrs.
Aug Niva Wednesday.
NEWS FROM KLICKITAT Mr. and Mns. James Lefever and
HEIGHTS IS CHRONICLED family who have been visiting with
friends and relatives around C~olden-
K~ICId~rAT HE~G~(~pecialidale and vicinity the fore part of
to The Sentinel)---4~orge St. Law-i last ~'eek returned home Wednesday
rence is helping ,George Bradford in evening.
the cutting of a fine supply of fence Mr. and Mrs. Alex Randall and
posts, son were Wednesday evening callers
Elmer Vinton has been on the of Mr. and Mm. Aug Niva and
sick list for some tlme but is much family.
improved now. Mr. and Mrs. James Lefever and
Mrs. Yohey and Mrs. Pearl John- family were Thursday evening call-
son visited Thursday at the home of ers of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Randall
Mrs. Vinton. and family.
The county assessor was calling Alvin Randall visited with
~r~our neighborhood the past week. Ronald Niva Friday.
Mrs. Pearl Johnson visited Friday James Lefever was helping .his
~t Mrs. George Bradfords. father, Dan Lefever, last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Neilsen were Mrs. Alex Randall and son were
White Salmon shoppers last Thurs-icallers of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson drove on to
day. Mattson and family Saturday night.
Seattle. AI Johnson formerly was a
............ ] We have a rePort that our friend Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Isaackson
memberoz me r'aemc rower & ~gn¢lTheo Elarth is enjoying a fine visit of Warwick, were callers of Mrs.
company staff in Goldendale. with relatives at Sheridan, Wyom-iMatthew Ahola one day last week.
Eleven Goldendale Odd Fellows ling and from there ,he will go south ~ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mattson
drove to Biekleton last Saturday ev- to California to visit with relatives were callers of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
ening to meet with the I. O. O. F.
and friends and incidentally for his Mattson Saurday.
lodge of that community. Those from health. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kayser and
Goldendale who made the trip were: The Frank B, radford~ family, of family have been suffering with bad
R. M. Spoon, John Miller, Clarence Lyle, spent sunday at the George colds the last week. We are wishing
Short, Chester Enderby, C. H. Knosh- Bradford home. for their speedy recovery.
er, E. C. Cole, John Gruber, Warren Everyone is glad ¢o see the much
Heydenherk, E. R. Vasey, John Nel- neeeded improvement on our road Ro al ana Underwood Portable
son and Fred Oltmanns. Third de- by the brush slashing from the typewriters. Small down payment.
gree work was put on at the Bickle- Neilsen corner on around to and balance in small monthly /myments.
ton lodge meeting, down the MeGowan road, thus giv- Inquire at The Ooldendale Sentinel.
H'A R'I~LA N D--- ( S Dee i a 1 to The
Sentinel)--Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mc-
Coy and Marion attended Grange
in Centerville Friday.
C. E. Crooks called at the J. H.
McCoy home on Ibusiness Thursday,
We hear the Hartland school has
a school bus now driven by Mr.
C. A. Johnson went to G~ldendale
Claude Thomas returned ,home
Tuesday after spending a few days
in Camas and Portland.
Mrs. Lois Clark went to White
Salmon Monday.
Jimmy Houston was home over
the weekend from the Goldendale
CCC camp. Mrs. Lois Clark took him
back Sunday.
Mrs. Lois Clark and family at-
tended Grange in Lyle Saturday
night, and also the dance at Lyle
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pewell and
family attended Grange in Lyte Sat.
~rday night.
There will be a dance at the Lyle
Grange Saturday night.
Marion Kight has been confined
to the house with a bad cold the
past few days but is much better.
We are sorry to hear of the death
of Mrs, C. A. Jc.hnson's mother. Her
home Is in Woodburn, Oregon.
A warm and wel, come d~emePt
a c~d day is a4~ple pie thane hu be~n
oovered witch sliced or g~tted Amer-
ican cheese end put back Into the
oven until the vheese meits---a~l
then served warm.