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February 1, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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ii !i
and all contracts supplementary
thereto, but shall not be liable for
any interruptions or failure in supply
for electric energy due to any break-
down of generating or transmission
facilities, or other apparatus o~ ser-
vice, nor due to strikes or other form
of labor troubles, riots, or any other
form of civil commotion, orders of
the court or any governmental legis-
lative body, acts of God or any cause
or caum~8 beyond the control of the
District in which the proper opera-
tton of a public utility could not, by
the exercise of reasonable diligence,
be foreseen and avoided.
~. ][An~t~tlon of See'vice
It is recognized that the operation
and service of the District as a pub-
lic utility may be subject to certain
~upervision of the Bonneville Adm-
tn|~tration of the United States De-
~hartment of the Interior, and that
l~ contract and all serv/ces, includ-
ing rates and charges to be paid
h~reunder, shall be subject to the
ipIwgval, lawful orders, rules or
regulations as may be made from
time to time ~y saidBonneviile Adm-
and equipment rentals be expended
for road purposes and warrants is-
sued by the county auditor to cover
such expenditure upon vouchers be-
ing duly presented and approved by
the Board of County Commissioners.
Unanimously adopted this 3rd day
of January, 1940.
A. M. M~A,~SE~N,
Board of County Commissioners,
Klickitat County, Washington.
Attest: JOI4N. A. M~I~E~,
(~eal) Clerk of Board.
Resolution Closing Roads to Heavy
W~E,I~EAS, it appears to the
Board of County Commissioners of
Klickitat county, State of Washing-
ton that due to weather conditions
~t has become necessary that all
county roads in Klickitat county be i
closed to heavy traffic and have load!
limits placed tliereon, i
i 'P~[~ORE be it resolved: that
all roads in Klickitat county which
are known as coun~ty roads, be closed
to traffic carrying more than the
manufactures capacity rating, Be it
further resolved, that due to the ex-
isting conditions of the roads and
to protect the roads from further
damage this order shall become
effective at once and shall continue
in effect until the roads are again
8. 1Mght of Ac~ss Easements
The 'Purchaser further agrees to
permit the District to have access by
Its authorized representatives to the
premmes upon which the Purchaser's
rock crusher is located at all reason-
~blo times for the purpose of reading
Re " ]" NOTICE TO CREDITOR8 o'clock A. M., a~ Che ~ room ~>f
somtion I ------ our ~ ~uperim~ Cour~ ~t Golden-
.. W.H~I~S: It appears to the[;In the Superior Court of the State ofld~le, In said County, .has ~>een d~l~
• soaru o] t~oun~y ~omm~ssloners, ' Washington for Klickitat Co-~tv ~ap~ bY our Sttperior CoRr~ ~r
.Klickitat County, State of Washing- 'In the matter'of the estate of Andr-e~ i Che ~Settlement of @he Final Account,
~on, ~nat there exists [nree snort C Harding and Diantha Harding, [wt ~h~oh time .fine Court is asked ix)
section's of the Lyle-Klickitat Road both deceased ]
that are narrow with sharp curves Notice is hereby given, that the l~le emah, report, dist~b~te tlze
or pea mns on-
and dangerous to the traveling pub- undersigned has been appointed and [ _led to ~lle same ~ d~harge t'he
nc anu are in o~ ~.mprovement ,has qualified as executor of the es-[a~ml~.
by widening ann enmlnating the tate of Diantha Harding, deceased, lWitness, "Dhe ~-[O~N. J. E. ST0~I~,
sharp curves as much as possible to- and that all persons having claimsl J,udge of ~ae aald Sttper/or Cour.~,
gether with surfacing, against said deceased are required and ~he se~l ~f said Court affixed
RI~S'OLVED, that public interest to serve the same on the executor at th~ 8~ day of J a~uaxy, 1940.
requires the improvement under the his residence Cresco, Iowa, or upon R. M. SPOON, County O1erk and
provisions of Chapter 187 of.the Ses- McEwen & B'rooks, attorneys of rec- C~erk of t'ho ~ul~rdor Court.
sion Laws of 1937 for the improve- ord for said estate, at Goldendale, F. A. S[MI,TH, A~'ney for Eet&te,
ment above described and that the Wash. and file with the clerk of the Goldendale, Waehln~on. J11~1~4-
expenditure of not to exceed $4,000 above'named Court, together with
from Gas Tax Construction funds, proof of such service, within six Notice of Hearing ~ Ae~0unt and
Commissioner's District No. 1 be months after the date of the first Report and Petition for
made to make the improvement, publication of this notice, or the I~tribution
Approved this 16th day of Janu-
ary, 1940.
Board of County Commissioners,
Klickitat County, Washington.
Attest: JOHN. A. M~I~ER,
(Seal) Clerk of Board.
Resolu~on an--d Order
WI~E~I~EA~: It appears to the
Board of County Commissioners of
Klickitat County, State of Washing-
ton, that Commissioner's District No.
same will be forever barred.
Date of first publication, February
1, 1940.
GEORGE ,I>. HARDING, ~Executor of
the estate of Diantha Harding,
McDWE.N & B~ROO~S, Attorneys for
estate. Postoffice address, Golden,
dale, Washington. l~1-22t4---
Notice of Hearing Petition for De.
termination of Heirs, Distribution of
Property to the Persons ]Entitled
Thereto, to Determine Inheritance
Tax and Diseharge of Administrator
Goldondale. Washington, phomo ?l
Office in Piommr Stem Bank
• ~ Bank B~di. Phone 35~
Phone 1502 - 1503
Goldendale - Waskington