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The Largest Paid Circulation In Klickitat County Of Any Paper On Earth
Goldendale, Washington, Thursday, February 3, 1938
Vol. 59. No. 5.
Score Of Men Sent From County To State Prisons; 107 Cases
Handled By Local Officers During Year
Showing a 58 per cent increase in number of criminal cases recorded
over the highest prosed,ins year, Kllckiteat county's crime cost reached a
new all time high during 1937. One hundred and seven criminal cases,
nearly twice es many as handled during t'he preceding year, were recorded
ill tlhe sheriff's annual report released By C. R. House today.
Of 28 felony eases handled here
20 persons were sentenced to state
and federal penitentiaries, Sheriff
House stated in his report. Thirteen
of the men sentenced went to state
institutions from Klickitat county
courts; six were sentenced from ad-
joining counties after having been
arrested in Klickitat, and one man
was given a sentence in an Eastern
Consistent Increase
Showing the marked rise in crime
In Klickitat county during the past
Year, only 63 criminal cases were
handled here in 1936 to set at that
time a new high for the county. In
his report Sheriff House stated 72
per cent of" the persons arrested on
felony and misdemeanor counts
were between the ages of 18 and 30.
Figures taken from sheriff's office
records covering the past 30 years
show a consistent rise in criminal
work from 1920 Number of prison-
ers handled by "the county sheriff s
office per Year as taken from official
records follow. 1936 83" 1985, 44;
1934, 41; 1933, 30" 1932, 39" 1931,
39: 1980, 41. 19 9, 30. 19 8,
192o, 191'8, 13. 191o, 14.
Recover Stoics Goods
During the year 1987 more than
$8,000 Worth of stolen goods was
recovered hy law enforcement of-
fleers in Klickitat county. The 107
persons Jailed In Klickttat county
during the past year served a total
time of 1465 days in the local stock-
ade. At a food cost of fifty eents
per day per PriSoner, Kliekttat coun-
ty paid $732.50 for care of Drl~n-
ors while held in local Jails.
Of the 28 felony cases tabulated
g::::u;:ng the past year 13 were
cony cases, of which 10
WB~ convicted, one burglary ease
was dismissed, two arson cases were
convicted and sent to Walla Walla;
two rape cases were each given 20
in state penitentiaries and
three forgers were convicted. One
case was dismissed; a sec-
ond degree assault case Was convict-
ed and given suspended sentence;
three stolon ear CaBBS Were convict-
ed in Yakima county after arres~
here. Two remaining felony charges,
one of embezzlement and one of
liquor to an Indian complet-
the list of major crime; handled
through the Kliekitat county
fifties during the past year.
Of t~rr~s Office ~azy
[elony cases, 27 were
into court through the
office and the remaining
through Goldendale city offi-
Twenty-eight gross mtsde-
~anors, and 46 misdemeanors corn-
the Klickttat county criminal
of the Year.
Sheriff,s fffficers accounted for the
of 17 of the gross mis-
demeanors, Washington state patrol,
eight; Goldendalo police, two; and
State game protectors one. In the
misdemeanors, 24 cases were han-
dled through the sheriff's office;; la
by the city of Goldendale; and 12
by state officers.
With Dr. Otto J. Hill, of the We4h-
state extension service as
speaker, e epecial dairy
~ting Will be held in Trout LakB,
17, Lyle TernaJhan, county
announced ,today. a 1
The meeting, wht(~h is open to 1
n~restod dairymen, will be Iheld in
"~ gYmn~mlum ....
ChoolTh- ~,L ta~ Trout Lake
• e meeting is slated to be-
,~n at 1:30 p. m.
In an amended complaint to an
action filed in Superior court here
Soft White Red
Jan. 2T
Jan. 28 ........... Tg| .TOl
Ja~. 29 ........... 80 80
JaR. st ........... 701 .79t
l~eb. I ........... 7ot .~9t
~eb. a ........... so| .sot
........... To .79
One trade the business reces-
sion tlasn't injured is cougar
hunting. This week Dewey
Schmidt, Trout Lake hunter.
brought in four cats, a mother
and three kittens, all killed on
the same day. Schmidt ~'ill re-
ceive $200 in state bounty for
his kill. The animals were all
captured in the hills north of
White Salmon.
Shortly before Christmas
Schmidt killed five cougar in
one day to c~llect $250 in
bounty. The Trout Lake man is
a professional cougar hunter.
Schmidt uses dogs for all his
Grange Station
Elects Directors
Dr. H. H. Hartley Files Action
In Superior Court Over Pipe
"Phe Town of Goldendale was nam-
ed defendant In a $2000 derange suit
filed in Superior Court here last
week by Dr, H. H. Hartley for ~lleg-
ed loss of ~lue to land. owned by
Hartley, over which the city water
pipe line passes.
Althou~il the original t~ctlo~ was
||led with the Super4or court clerk
last August t~le complaint, notarized
in August, was not filed until Janu-
ary 20. In his complaint and
emended complain~ Hartley ch~rges
the city pipe line was first laid across
his M nd in 1904.
Enumorate:,~ Losse~
:Since that time gates have been
left open without t'he pkt~ntiff'e con-
• sent oausing damage to pasture and
nett, Centerville; William Anderson.
.......... LI- White feed, the complaint alleges The city
Heasent valley" ~ay ~a e y, . "
..... ~' ......... i wetgr pipe line has caused "deprecia-
t NorrtsCreeK" an,~and kl.Roberts ~)" Koo~rtS,wereWOoamnV.relected I tion in wlue of plaintiff's land and
In Weir's complaint filed ill No- . .............. i dameged t~,nd not takBn or occupied
i While tile other three memnera ot ~ne
vember, the former Glenwood school I . to lille extent of $1950 " the amend-
bo~rd are serving their flint terms, ed e m i
superintendent alleges, he was dis-I o ~Pla nt s~ates. An additional
missed as school superintendent ~ ........ f WishI $50 damages are eeketl for ~lx to 10
~ll'. an(l Ivlrs. L:, U. ~ee, o
September 19 after having complet- } ........ month's ] acres of gra~s destroyed by the pipe
.......... ram, le[t this weeK for a
eU only ~u says ot nts contract ....... IHne ditch.
I vaCatlOU tnMOXlCO. ~ H
1,0~t Salary ]_ t earing Date ~et
W:etr in his complaint further ~ Hartley's ~CtIGu further steres tbe
alleges the teaching contract enter- ] /~/~[[Nj~/~v /'~_A][.~'].~t[]~l~ ] city of Goldendale has begun a new
ed into by him with the board of II ................. II pipe lin,e across t'he section of kind
directors of the Glenwood district [I It described ill tire complaint withou~
was signed June 19, 1937 and called Fell ,%--Masonic lodge. I, ermlssi n
II .~ P on. The eom..lalnt slat the
for a salary of $1800 for the school Feb. 4.--(~unty oommissloners Ii new w
I . ork wtm started during the
year. I Session. I -- -
By reason of his dismissal Weir I l Mb. 4----Lyie VS. G. H. basket-II ...
..... '. II .... II l~a.te 'Ior prenmlnary tile,,ring on
alleges ne was unanle to finn any I pall ~|l~d[N~ lI
• ' ~ , + the water Iine d~mage suit has been
other school faculty position open ]Feb. 5--PioneersMee£ing, Grange ]I ...........
. . . ~, ..... i~ set for Tnursaay d~nuary ~o at lo
thus causing nim a lOSS ot one I Hall ~:m~ p.m. II ..... ' .
, ..... ~ -, ......... O F I[ a. m. m Knckite, t county Supe~mr
years earning power. Tne amenaeo ] veo. ~--~,octa~ evemng L O. • •] ~ ....
action further states tlmt Weir ia eI ~ H~tll. I~['~uur~" ,,,
licensed instructor capa{ble of serv- I Feb. 5--Benefit dance Centerville I _ .........
tng the Glenwood district as super-I] Grange. I ATTEND ANNIVERSARY
intendent. I I~eb. ~..-(~urch Services.I/ _ . . ~ .....
j,, I Feb 7~dendale council meet IIMr. ann ears. U. w. Joan, ot WiSh-
!-, • o s - II Fe-" ....... ofOo...e " li ram in Vancouver last week
D. $..-.4.mmanm~ vce, '
fruit ; cnool II M~', ,~e. liattending the golden wedding anni-
Scheduled For I Feb. W.ketbail. itversary°f herparents'Mr'andMrs'F. L. Bunnell.
Two Counties
Goldendale's Pmneer Harness
The Kltckitat.Skaman~a annual
Horticultural sdhool w,ill be held at
the White Salmon GrangeHall
Thursday, February t0. All fruit
growers and ~thers interested are
etirectly invitBd, L. W. Ternah~n,
county agent and G. A. Freeman,
the ,hall----prepared by the home
economics division of t~he Gre~tge. for
those wishing to participate.
10:00 Pru,n,ing Pea~rs an.d Apples. Dr.
John Syndor, Extension horticul-
11:00 Orchard Management: Dis-
cuaslons ,by Harry Card, Under-
wood, J. W. Shippley, Underwood,
O. W. Maurer, V~llte i~flmon.
12 : 00 Luncheon.
1:15 In-portion Service Discussion,
Herbert Zw~sle~. Dist. Heft. Insp.
1:30 Apple Pest Control. Including
Possible Substitutes for Lead Ar-
senate, Dr. Synder.
1 : 50 ~Pexeanlal Osmker and Ot'her
Interrelated F*rttit Troubles, J. R.
Keinholz, Bure~u of Plant Industry
2: 15 Or0haa-d Soil Improvement, Dis-
cussion led 'by W. S. Gtllar