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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
February 3, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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February 3, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~E ©SMALLTOWNPAPERS INC ALL CONTENT COPY USE SUBJECT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. ,193} Thursday, February 3, 1938 THE GOLDENDAJ~E SENTINEL--Cmldendale, Washington Page ~uree .l rock ~lrd:i~' l;',qi 12 I;i,.~.ll b} \",',~o(lbilt,: i~)Lll!lP (; Y;~ib ~(, 5]2 AND FOX NEWS MEN., TUESDAY February 6, 7 and 8 ,AY. THURSDAY February 9 and 10 ng with her father, W. F. Byars. Mac's care Tueeday afternoon. Thursday afternoon. Mrs. E. R. Charging cruelty, Ruth Bell, last -------- " Vasey won the prize. BIRTHDAY PA~TY Iburne, of Rufus, Oregon, became ibuslne~ so, Ion. Plans for eomplet- M~,,,u,~,o--"-I- .... v,~' ~,~*~,~ ~,a~.tlstu ,~ church the bride of George Gunkel of Mary- i lug the kitchen of the new church week filed suit for divorce from her BRII)~ 4JT.1J~ MW, E~S " ---='--" ~na~v ~i~, t ir rain IhIll The ceremony was conducted annex were dlsctumed during the husband Peter Bell in Kllckltat Mrs. Lyle Ternahan entertained I~ION~S TO ]~T ......... ht honored he " " i county Superior court. [ the Duplicate Bridge clu/b at her Saturday, Feb. $th, will be the later, ReD C E Hanes with a sur- by ReD. C. E. Hanes, Baptist minis- I meeting. Although a range him Mr. and Mrs. Bill Layman and l borne Wednesday afternoon, regular monthly meeting "~f the .... ~-'-'-~'----*-- .- rch.ter. installed In the annex kitchen little skiers Who spent Sunday at the! EN~,RTAINS ~PARTY ting will convene at 2:30 p. m. at the t M Summit. ] Mrs. Irene Janderquist entertaln-IGrange hall. pastor. Reverend Hanes bit Y i hll~ .... \ "~ ..... :i A one act comedy entitled Aunt tncldln i The orlue is tl~e oaugn~er o~ 1 " Fifteen head of the finest beetled two tables of contract at hert lacks only one day of co ~l : _ ... . ~lAb gall s Bon~b, was pr~ented by as Mr and Mrs George t~ackburne, oi with his fourthanniversary I " " a cast consisting of Mira Nora stock shipped ~ro m the Kllckltat home here Tuesday evening. Dell-i MUCRADA HOBBY Itotr s tie church RufusThe young couple plan to r pastor of the local Bap t ' ak" i G ady, MIss Jo~phtne Foster and valley area this season were sent t ctous refreshments were served, l Drama group will meet F~lday ._.,_.__ } me their home at Maryhtll. i Mrs O 19 Han~m The play wml Io tD Portland last week. The cattle ---'-'--- evening with Miss Peggy ~onry. owned by D. H. Stegman, were ship- LF.~ION AUXILIAEY Arts aud Crafts will meet with ~RS. ~]~]~tL~ AT]~I~ i I ^ ^ ~"~" well received the cast ti being urged ped by Maurer brothers. Members of the Goldendale Le~ Mrs. Russell Woodward, Monday, I~J[" H0S~-~S I " ~' ~" IF. l'~U]l!~ 'to repeat the performance lat~ rouin SATURDAY E ~ this winter A marriage license was issued to gton Auxiliary held their regular Feb. 7, at 2:30 P.m. Honoring the winning gp l. sored Pies will *be both plentiful and at George Gunkel, of Maryhtli and February business meeting at the Book club met last night with the recent financial drive spun / " Naomi Moore delivered a reading , a premium Saturday evening, Feb Georgiana Blackburne, of Rufus, by Legion hall here Wedneeday eve- Mrs. Stanley Thompson. Mrs. Frank by the Baptist Women s Auxiliary, l • and Mary 19tta Cauell and Mlrl~ Ludwig of ........ ch an t5 as Goll]endale's Odd Fello~vs and the Kltckltat county auditor's office ning. Mrs. Eula Spalding, l~resldent Walla Walls was a spec- a party was nolo m the cnur " ' Anderson rendered a vocal du~t. The ial guest, nex last week. Mrs. Sherman Atkins, ! Rebekahs present a benefit pie eocial next meeting of the organization January 28. A marriage license was issued to Ray Long, of Vancouver, Wash., and Zhalia Nunes, of Salt Lake City by the Klickitat county auditor's office Saturday, Dean Silver, of Eugene and Ruth E. Roman, of Redmond, Oregon, were issued a marriage license Sat-] urday by the Klickitat county audi-I tor's office. Lyle Ternahan, Klickttat county agent, was a business visitor in White Salmon Monday. While there he conferred with G. A. l~reeman, county horticulturist. John Sanders, Roosevelt grain dealer, was a Goldendale b~Lstness visitor Monday. Less than half of thB 19~7 wheat crop has been sold In the Roosevelt district, according of the unit, acted as chairman of the meeting. Z~EETING POSTPONED The regular meeting of the Billi- ken club, scheduled earlier this week, has been postponed until Fri- day night. The Billiken meeting, a regular business session, will be held at the home of Mrs. George Lawler. PYTHIAN PARTY Members of the Pythian Sisters will sponsor a social evening at the Knights of Pythias hall in Center- ville next Tuesday evening, Feb. 8, The party Is oPen to the public. A small admission charge of twenty- five cents will be made. chairman of the losing group, acted at the I. O. O. F. hall. Any person TO HONOR MRS. DARIdkND Attention! members of Evergreen Chapter No. 1. On our next meetilng night Wednesday, Feb. 9th, we will honor our Sister LaVerne Darland recently appointed ~Irand Repre- sentative of Nebraska. Program and refreshmentl. IUCRAgA Outstanding on Mucrada's club program for the year is the potluck as hostess for the event. Delicious refreshments were srved during the afternoon. Feature of the affair was a centerpiece showing an electrically lighted log cabin reflect- ed in a mirrored pool. Two small dolls fishing in the pool completed the attractive arrangement. ORIENT TO BE TOPIC OF TALK AT CHURCH TEA Sumatra and the Straights Settle- luncheon to be given today at one merits will be the topics of a dis- o'clock In the Woman's association cussion by M~s. C. J. H~ll at a tea to building, be given Tuesday afternoon, Fethru- Mrs. Frank Ludwig of Walls ary 8 in the Methodist church Walla will address the group on parlors. Mrs Hall spent several Fine Arts Applied to the Home, for y~rs in the Orient as a missionary. lowing the luncheon and monthly A number of interesting curios wishing to attend Is cordially In-. vlted to do so. Proceeds from the affair will go toward the fund for construction of a boys' dormitory at the L O. O. F. home in WaUa Walla. All women planning to attend the social are asked to bring pies which will be sold at auction during the evening. A special program will be present- ed during the evening by members ot the Rebekah girls club. BAPTI~ WOMEN'S GROUP MEET8 IN CHURCH ANN~X Meeting in the new church annex, members of the Baptist Women's Auxiliary held a potluck dinner Jan. 26 followed by a devotional and will be held Wedn~, ~b. I at 2:00 p. m. At that time )~. H~ will conduct the mi~lonary le~on, ii II Ill~ Sell It throug~ the Want Ad~. illlll i LINCOLNS B~AY Saturday, Feb. 12 LES THOMPSON and HIS ORCHESTRA Utopian Ball GOLDENDALE