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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
February 3, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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February 3, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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71¸ LLTOWNPAPERS, INC. ALL CONTENT COPYRIGHTED• ALL RIGHTS RESERVED• TO LICENSE AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. i ii! LYLE HIGH SCHOOL VS. GOLDENDALE HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL ~AM, ON LOC~ F~R FRIDAY ! ! 3 • ii t !i!k~ 31R A. C. Quintet To Meet The Dales 5 ~ soheduled game wt~ Zlllah ~dbay evening called off because uncertain w~ther, the Gold~endale Athletic club town team will meet ~e ~llos ~I~ here next Tues- day, ~bruary 8. ~e Dell~ ~greg~lon Is ~ted as ~e of ~e strongest tude~dent out- ~ in W~ ~unty and w~ill provide ~al eom~ti~on for fine local five. No p~tminJ~ event for the Tuee- ~y ni~ game ~ been a~-~Lnged at KF, ETIB9 The Old Timers' baseball lion of Portland will sponsor their third annual banquet in Portland, ~b. 15 at the Woodcraft hall at Fourteenth and ~uth~vest Morrlson ~r~. Prt~ will be given to man- agars of Washington or Oregon ~s that have played in 1913 or earlier having the most members of their ~m present at the banquet. p~geS ~ll be offered for best ~m attendan~ from 1913 to 1924 ~d from 1935 to 1935. RED HEAD STAR, G. A. C. GUARD HAD SAME HOME TOWN Defeat et fae hands of fine MI- American Red Heads wasn't quite so bitter to Lawrence Ru~t- ledge, {husky Goldeudele guard, as it we~ to the rest of his O. A. C. m~tee. All that salvaged Rutledge'a feeling however was the fact the~ Hazel Vicker'~, one of the ~neller guards on the girls' team, ~alled from his own home town of Cooper~ton, Ok~alhoma. Rutledge's parents, Mx. end Mrs. Roy Rutledge, iLll former rasl- ,dents of the Oklahoma town, knew the Red Head basketl~ll star when she was a school girl. OP" Our profession receives the the full benefit of an intel- ~nt direction... ~r ~ition ~t we shall g~ m bringing r~nition from ~ose who know W. an l~n~ D~tor WM. ~A~AN, Manager Ambulance Service ~i~ 1~ Ni~t 1502 " I Quintet Drops Cage En- counter On Valley School's Floor Lost on the big Yakima floor Goldendale high's first string five went down to their second defeat of the season last Friday night at the hands of Marquette 34 to 25. Goldendale's purple and gold quin- tet stayed within winning distance during the first three quarters only to tire in the final quarter before a fast Marquette attack. Cahill again led the scorers with 15 points, 10 of ~vhich were caged in the first half. Goldendale, after dropping far behind in the first quarter rallied to go 14 to 13 ahead at haiftime. In the final hal~ Mar- quette went far ahead as La~isson- iere, husky Yakima guard scored nine points in the final period. Even Break VandeVanter with seven points completed Goldendale's principal scoring for the game. Matsen at cen- ter caged three points in the second half. Marquette defeated by Goldendale on the local floor earlier this sea- son presented an improved team in the game at Yakima Friday ecening. The heavier Yakima boys worked the ball in well and used a crtse- cross and block shot to advantage. The lineups: Goldendale (25) Cahill 15 VandeVanter 7 Drool Spalding Wiles THE GOLDENDALE SENTIN~Idendale, W~n TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT! By IROQUOIS DAHL yES, sir, cows go a-flshin', too! From out in Holdenville, Okla., comes a news item about one Farmer Bob Childer. According to the story, Farmer Childer had a Jersey cow which especially enjoyed cooling its feet in a nearby fish pond. So-o-o, our ingenious farmer friend, being very busy with the chores one day, tied a couple of lines around old bossy's neck and, Io and behold, there were fish for dinner that eight! • ~ld & Stream-- WNU ~r~ice. MEN GACi All-American Girls Defeat Goldendale Town Team 25 To 21 Before ! Capacity Crowd; Fire Five Fail To Halt Flashy Females In First Quarter Of Game All five of them may not have {been red headed but otherwise the All-American girls that defeated Goldendale Athletic club's mere men here Thursday night lived right up to the letter of their advance repu- tation. Maintaining a slight lead almost from the first whistle the Red Heads defeated the best basket- ball material Goldsndale's male citizenry had to offer. The final score was Red Heads 35, G. A. C. Marquette (34) 21. F Chartier 4 Starting out against the old time F Riley 4 Firemen five of Mart Spalding, Ez C McDonald 2 Kaiser, Roy Kaiser, Ted Guinan and G LaBls~utere 11 Crede Watson, the girls gained an G Rebel 6 11 to 8 lead at the close of the Substitutes: Goldendale, Matsen opening quarter. Failing to falter 3, Oltmanns. Garllng; Marquette, when a fresh O. A. C. liueup was Paulin 3, Sudnier 5, Levasceur inserted at the beginning of the sec- Thomas, Quigley, Kranz. end quarter the All-American's con- tinued to build up a lead against the first string Goldendale five. Fine Some excellent shooting on the part of a tall forward named Gladys Lommler, coupled with a smoother passing attack than the Goldendale town has shown at any time this season, the Red Heads maintained their lead without apparent effort QUESTIONS THAT ARE ASKED ABOUT BANKINGt t" 1F ~ z. A~ a¢ am~ ~, are m m~t th~ pm~l~ 1936 CLMPIC TITLE HOLDER LOSE~q SPRINT EVENT TO MOORE By defeating Helen Stephens, America's 1936 Olympic wom- en's sprint champion, in an exhibition race here last Thurs- day night, Jimmy Moore, Gold- endale Athletic club athlete, scored the only male triumph In an otherwise disastrous eve- ~] Goldendale's shooting became pro- I gressively worse as the game ad- ranted. In the final quarter the O. A. C. club missed at least a dozen easy cripples. Credo Watson with six points led the Goldendale scorers followed by Guinan and Moore, ~vho each caged four. Re0ord Crowd. [ ~mmler, of the Red Heads, scor- ed 11 points while Vickers, Red Head guard scored seven. V~nlle Goldendale used 10 men in the con- test the Red Heads went tronman and played the entire route with their starting ~ve. A capacity crowd estimated at ap- proximately 500 filled the Golden- dale high school gym to watch the heralded All-Americans. e ning at the hands of the All- American girls from Missouri. Running an exhibition race from one end of the Goldendale high school gym floor to the other and hack, Moore managed to defeat the Olympic women's title hold by a stride. Moore held his advantage from the very start of the race. The . ,Goldendale sprinter, is a for- mer Stadium high school track ace from Tacoma. A~l~I} SKI MEET Mr. and Mrs. Z. O. Brooks and son Jimmie attended the Northwest Ski tournament held at the Amer- ican River bowl last Sunday. Al- though a large number of ski en- thusiasts from all sections of Wash- Ington attended the meet, no other Ooldendale people were present. Lyle School Notes LYI~ TEAM SLATED TO WIN The LTIe high schoq~eam which has been going so strongly of late will no doubt leave their string of eight straight victories somewhat tampered with by next week. The locals go to Goldendale Friday and take on the first string at that place while the second teams have it out t to see how they stand. The follow- ~ng Monday She A string of C. U. H. S. comes to Lyle to compensate for a football game that Columbia high ~vas unable to play. i ( i ( ii • ! i , , i i i GLOBE TROTTERS TO PLAY ACE PROFESSIONAL FIVE HERE ~---==mm=~---- Local basketball fans who watched the Harlem Globe Trotters run rough shod over the Goldendale town team here last month wondered What the tall colored boys could actually do if pressed by first class com- petition. This month they're going to have an opportunity to see the answer to that ques- tion when the Globe Trotters play Olson's Terrible Swedes in an exhibition game on the Goldendale floor. The Colored Globe Trotters and the Terrible Swedes, both rated near the top among pro- fessional teams, will play on the Goldendale floor, Monday evening, February 28. Arrange- ments for the exhibition game were made by Russell Harden, Goldendale Athletic club mana- ger. White Salmon, Takes Brace Of Hoop Victories White Salmon scored a double triumph at the expense of Golden- dale grade school and high school "B" league teams last Friday night in a brace of contests played on the Bingen floor. The Columbia union "B" leaguers downed Goldendale 15 to 12 while the grade school cagers scored a 15 "to 14 win over the future purple and gold basketeers. The grade school game was a thriller all the ~vay through with White Salmon winning by a one point margin In the two minute over- time period. Bradstreet with nine points led ~e losers while M~nsfield with six led the WhiteSalmon grade team. Overly High In the "B" league contest Overly, Goldendale forward, led the purple and gold, while ~Groshong with seven led the White Salmonttes. Both games were loosely played with wild passing and poor shoot- Ing. Grade school lineups: Goldendale 14 White ,Salmon 15 Linden 2 F Dickey Bradstreet 9 F Mansfield Winter C Branerman 5 Lawson 2 G Morley 2 Loftin 1 G Kight 2 Substltutes: Goldendale, Mackay; White Salmon, Tripley, Park, Mans- field 6. "I~'° league lineup: Goldendale 12White Salmon 15 Overly 3 FGross 6 Prothero 2 F Marvin Knox C Fordyce 2 Brooks 1 G Saues L. Miller 1 G Groshong 7 Substitutes: Goldendale, H. Mill- er; White Salmon, D. Walker. me~nbers of the grade school team were injected into fine lineup. "l~his d~dI not seem to slow up Lyle to a veryI marked degree as sixth grade mid- get Johnson scampered under the hoop to chalk up 12 markers. The score was 44-6. In the first string game the score was 37 to 14. An- derton was high point man with 14 points. The Trout Lake games were some- ~vhat rougher than most of our games and consequently the score was smaller and less basketball was in evidence. In the second string game Trout Lake seemed to have the better team but a switch in the lineup and a change in method of playing soon turned the game into a rout. The score was 27-13. Trout Lake game: Curl 8 Babbit 2 ~ Becks 9 Pearson ~ Killduff 5 Wilson J. 2 Coleman 3 Wang 5 Quinton 0 Craig 2 Anderton 2 Wilson L. 0 Glenwood first and grade echool ~ teams play here Tuesday, Feb. 1. + ) , ; I i ' ] } , ) I ;i( [ i i~? ii Thursday, February 3, THE DALLES EAGLES VS. ATHLETIC CLUB, TUESDAY, FEB. 8, HIGH SCHOOL GYM Ruffians Nose ! Out Klickitati Winning by a two point margin, the Goldendale's Ruffians downed Klickitat's town team here Thurs- day evening In a rough, hard fought contest. The game was play- ed as a preliminary to the Red Heads-G. A. C. encounter. The final score ~vas Ruffians 25, Klickltat 23. Willl~, former middle-western college player and center of the Klickitat team, led the scoring with 15 points. Sanders, Goldendale guard, with 10 points led thB win- ners in points scored. The two teams kept up a blister- ing pace throughout the game with the lead see-sawing back and forth throughout the entire second hall Dessler, Ruffian forward, was par- ttcularly effective under the basket for the locals in the second hail caging seven points. The lineups: Ruffians (25) Klickttat (23) Dessler 7 F Modine 2 Winters 3 F Riece 6 Bradstreet 5 C Willie 15 Sanders 10 G Anderson Lawler G Vincent Subs~¢itutes: Ruffians--Darland; Klfckitat---Scott, Stearns, and Cray- ton. ii Klickitat School BASKE~ALL Klickitat was victorious over Glenwood Friday, January 28th with a score of 38 to 15. The lineup: Klickitat Glenwood Monroe 2 F Wellenbrock 2 Stearns 16 F Bolt 4 Green 11 C Ward 8 I Hills 0 G Keel 0 Lennon 0 G Ward R. 0 Klickitat subs---Hoops 10, Wtck- I man, Cox, Hallyburton, Dye, Swan- son. Glenwood suh--Berglund 1. CentervUle will play here Friday, February 4. ASSEMBLY Every student in the Klickitat school brought a dime Friday to help the infantile paralysis drive. After we each had a piece of cake, we went to the gym and trippet~ the light tantastic for an hour. Miss McDonald was ill last week. During her absence Mrs. Crane of Goldendalo taught her classes. GIRLS' LEAGUE The Girls' League is planning another sports day for the 5th of February. Goldendale is to be the honored guest. KLICKITAT JUNIOR HIGH Klickitat do~vned Glenwood Fri- "]) %< MAY River Quintet Boast Record; More Games led For Local Team In a game that will go a way toward deciding the county high school basketball pionship, Goldendale's twice ed first string quintet will Lyle's "B" league leaders here day night, Feb. 4. Boasting the best team in school's history Lyle is rated cellent chance of trimming the aggregation. Lyle holds victories over the Kllckitat school five and by do~ning dale would hold a strong cal claim on the county flag. Same Starters Coach E. C. Anderton of Lyle a rangy, fast breaking five that surprise the more seasoned endale quintet. Coach John plans to start the same Cahlll and VandeVanter, Dressel, center; and Spalding Wiles, guards, that opened Marquette last week. As a preliminary to the dale-Lyle game, the grammar fives of the two schools will Tentatively a second team also being scheduled although rangements are not~ completed. More Games Slated The Dufur game, scheduled er in the season for the Oregon February 4, has been moved on til Feb. 18.-Two games with ington high school have also scheduled for the Goldendale during the past week. will play Arlington there Feb, and a game will be played on local floor March 4. Though date has not yet been set dale will play Lyle a return ment there later this month or in March. d0Y night with a score of 16 to It was a good game but a rough. Klickitat hopes to Trout Lake February 1st. The roads were very slippery Icy. Johnny Robinson has a very cold and a sore throat and won' able to play basketball at Lake the first. LSive lm~.y wRlm~ mcrmd~ Ilm~. ~mf~tlPmbek.W.]m~giwy~, • WE TAKE ORDERS FOR lb ......... 24c 2 lbs ..... 47c A NEW SUPERIOR ~ lbs. MARGARINE lb. SWIFT'S ::, ;< I' i1 :i I I, ,1 • i \ ;: ,I, =i %1i) } i>,