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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
February 3, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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February 3, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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and FEVER kLE LODGE F" & & M NO, at STATED COMMUNIC T EVERy FIR A IONS TH~S~, AND THIRD - • SDAYS c. H hNGSHER, SECRETARY t .... 47¢ ..... 24c ;HINGTON MC EWEN & BROOKS ATTORNEYS.AT-LAW ONE DOOR NORTH OF POSTOFFICE GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON McEWE.~ Z 0 BROOgS F A. FdlIITN A]TORNEY.AT.LAW ONE DOOR NORTH OF POSTOFFICE WASHINGTON E C WARD THU! ~TT WARD .DING ASHINGTON C_W RAMSEY ATTORNEY.AT.LAW I~RGH SUILDING WASHINGI'ON His fro~t Pure ATTORNEY -AT-LAW BUILDING GOLDENDAL UR WILLIAM H WEST GO DENTIST OF " LDENDALr FICEMrs,....* .~A_$HIN~'TON P-,--r,~ ~'ZZ . RU. 11021 .... you can place your con- fidence in .... "Caterpillar" Tractors! Buying a farm tractor is a major investment.., one that calls for the selection of noth- ing short of the best tractor if the investment is to pay out over a longe period. If price alone is considered, most other tractors can be bought at lower prices. But if quality is considered, no other machine can be bought so cheaply. The price of a "Caterpillar" buys .... Longest • ! Lde. Lowest Cost! Nickerson Motor Co. s, said property cribed as Iollown: Lot Eight and ~he west 117 feet of LoL Nine, Chatfield's North Gard- en Row Addition to the Town of Goldendale, Washington, accordin~ to t%e official ple, t thereof now oz ~record iu the office of the county ,auditor of Klickitat County, Wash- ington, ,and being situated in 9aid county and state. F. A. SMITII, Attorney for Plaintiffs. Office and Pos~offlce Address, Goldendale,Kiiekitat County, We~hingt on. J2 7-M 3t6-- FATHER OF CENTERVILLE RESIDENTS DIES IN ORE. CENTERVILLE---(Special to The Sentinel)--Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ahola, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olson and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Simi re- ceived word Saturday morning of the death of their father, Gustof Simi at Astoria, Oregon. They left Tnesday morning to attend the fu- neral services which were held Wed- nesday. During the recent cold spell the boys and girls are having a good time skating on the Swale. Miss Dorothy Wilson who has been ill with the flu for a couple of days last week, was able to go back to teaching her pupils Monday. The cold weather of the past few days has driven the ducks and geese to a warmer climate. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Anderson and Joseph Anderson motored to Astoria to attend the funeral of the late Gustof Simi. Mrs. Bilin and little daughter of Toppenish came Saturday and is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jackel for a few days. E.. E. Barber who went to Top- penish last week returned Saturday. W'ord received from Mrs. Maude Cochran of Portland states that her son Clarence has Joined the mer- chant marine. He is now in Dublin, Ireland. His ship is the ChaD. R. McCormick. Sell it through the Want Ads. teur program Anyone thinking they are qu ganizatlons of local talent. Do you adept at the game might call at the want to w~n e. prize? Register with Supt. Har,ris not later than Febrtm~y 12~h. Here you ambitions to act? The d~te, F~brue~y 18th In th~ high school auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jonson wore in Yakima Friday. Their dau~ter, Audrey end niece, Ruth, who are at- tending ec~hool in Ellensburg, spent the day wt~h~ them there. Chris Jensen, who has been con- fined to St. E~lza/beffas hospital in Yakima the past week with gland in- fection, rettwn~l ~home Sunday. Mrs. A. D. Mason and Mrs. C. R. McCredy were confined to their homes wifh, severe colds last week- end. Miss Jean Mason accoml~a~ied by Miss Groves spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. end Mrs. A. D. Macon. Mrs. John Harris was hostess ~t a luncheon Wednesday followed by an afternoon of three t~bles of contract bridge. Mrs. Alfred Matsen was the winner of both the traveling anrizes. Mrs. M. ]~. Lateen, low score. Alder Creek Grange sponsored ~L card p~rty ,in honor of President Roosevelt's Blrthdey Friday evening. There were sixteen t~bles of bridge, pinochle and five hundred. MeCredy qm~d h,igh score in bridge, Orval Walling high score in pinochle and Will Jordan was the winner in five hundred. Th~ proceede will be given to the cause of infantile paral- ysis. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Collins were hosts at a dinner party Monday ev- ening of last week. The~ guests In- cluded Mr. and Mrs. S. P. (tandem Sbanton Ganders, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Ferguson, Max Slater, Mr. and M,rs. H. Shattuck and Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Sh~ttuck end Max Reed. Mr. a~d Mrs. J. F. Coleman were guests o& Mr. and Ma's. F~en Gaines U. S. Buck residence and have some of the wind taken out of their sails. The Columbia river shows that the Bonneville dam s not allowing all of the water to flow through. It has raised several feet at Lyle. The improvement of the ~treets in Lyle makes it quite apparent the poor condition they were in pre- vious to their repair. The local Boy Scout troop spon- sored by the Commercial clu~b merits your consideration. All boys over 12 years of age should belong. Klickitat Post No. 140 has 20 members which is five above its quota. Meetings are held the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. An auxliary has also been formed which meets at the same time. The next session will he held at the club house Feb. 10. A joint meeting will be held with a supper and cards added as a diversion. Any Legionnaire is welcome. Klickitat Post has paid out a considerable sum to deserving per- sons and has also donated $5.00 to !the Christmas tree fund as well as purchased a bugle for the local Boy Scout troop. One of the major plans of the or~ ganization is to sponsor a swimmin~ pool in the town. Dale Cbleman Is commander and Ed Anderton, adjut- ant. GEORGE GUNKEL WEDS RUFUS GIRL FRIDAY MARYI~I~ (Special ta The Sentinel)--Jesse Blanchard was a dinner guest at the Goss home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Peck spent a few days with his parents at Rock- away Beach last week. Mr. and Mrs, Dufur Cooper were ,Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Claude Miller. attack on tutes, carried on by the Goldendale Grange several years ago, resulted in the banishment, by the mer- chants, of this by-product from the grocery shelves. Now that these butter, substitutes are staging a comeback, Centerville Grange feels it is their duty to co-operate with Goldendale and other Granges of the county, and voted to go on record as opposing the sale and use of butter substitutes. Dairying is a growing industry in Kltckltat county and needs all the encouragement it can get, in order that It be properly developed. Fully 75 per cent of the farm opel.. attack, 7TR AND 9TH 1~o news is good news. We wonder what Earl, Albert and Rupert were playing peek-a-boo about the other evening at the bas- ketball game. HIGH SCHOOl, Material for the library h~ ar- rived and we expect to have the li- brary catalogued so it will ~be peb- ble to find what and where the books ~tre~ that we hav~. Everyone u~lng the library will be taught how to use this catalogue. Anita Bertschi and Betty Brace have moved to Bingen. Oil company not now represe~tod in this ~tm7 has attractive offer for a live-w-4re dlalr/butor. Must be financially able to carry neemsal7 vious business experience. Addre~ 0//Compa~, in eare of this paper. ......... " ' ' III ~ [ Ill I I [ II :1;iIII I Ill' " THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS wilt come m your home every day throu~ THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR ~fn International Daily Newspaper £ddre~ ...................................... . .......... .. &,mpb, C•py am R~|