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February 5, 2004 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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February 5, 2004 |
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5, 2004
~ Finn, 58, of Goldendale
,n. 21, 2004, in Portland
extended illness.
~/,,,,~vas born May3, 1945, in
(//If Nsh to William and Rae
finn. Finn attended
;in Granger and served in
~~:Navy in Vietnam. He
~ees Smith were married
~27,197o, in Granger. The
Tmoved to Goldendale in
~inn worked as a truck
.until ill health forced his
Willy Finn
retirement, ad Juanita Turner of Minneso-
He liked to hunt and fish, me- t.
ing homemade three wheelers Funeral services were held on
and hot rods. He loved playing Jut. 24 in the chapel of Erdman
with his grandchildren and was lhneral Home with Pastor
fond of animals. Voody Lovelace of the Wood-
Survivors include his wife lind Praise Barn officiating.
Frances; four sons, Shane, Zach, hterment was in the Veterans
Tote and Ruben Finn; five grand- Sction of Mr. View Cemetery
children; two brothers, John w hmilitaryhonorsprovidedby
Finn, of Centerville, and Sonny I~lis keidl Post 116, American
Finn of Riverside; two sisters, Lemon.
Joyce Washburn of Goldendale
p Woolard, 40, of
was killed in a coUi-
20o4, on State Route
Lake and Oth-
high schools
to 1983. She worked
and gift
developing a 50 per-
/die Woolard
cent interest in Jul-Lee's Take
and Bake, Goldendale's first take
and bake pizza business.
For a while she worked as an
assembler for a small electronics
firm in Hood River, before mov-
ing to Redmond.
Woolard settled in Moses Lake
where she began her career as a
cashier. She met and married
Dwe Woolard. Dave has a
dmghter, Miranda, whom she
rased as her own.
Survivors include her husband
P;ve and daughter Miranda, of
t~bses Lake; parents Clyde and
Narjorie Hites; two brothers,
J3hn Hires, his wife Lora and
fieir sons Royal and Chen; and
tichard Frye, all of Goldendale.
Kristin Scott and Kyle Wilson, both of Walla Walla, will be
GHS holds
awards Feb. 12
Goldenda]e High School's win-
ter Renaissance Awmxts Evening
of Excellence will be held on
"Ihursday, Feb. 12, to honor those
students that achieved academic
excellence during the first semes-
ter of the 2oo3-o4 school year.
Students earn Gold, Purple or
Strive cards, which award dis-
count coupons from area busi-
In addition, the high school
staff awards certificates to honor
students for academic excellence,
acadenfic improvement and serv-
ice to their school for the first
Approximately 15o students
will be honored by their teachers
for their indMdual accomplish-
,- Tuesday, Feb 6 • Feb 10, 2004
Jay Anthony Dean married June 26, 2004, at the Blue Mt. Community Church. IKurt Ruaaell, Eddie Cahill I
Anthony Dean, 58, of ing and animals, mdm grandchildren. Kristin is the daughter of Michael and Manlyn Scott, of Glen- I MIRACLE (PG) 0 [
.ryscarrallldale, diedJan. 27, 2004, Survivors include his wife, Anaemorial service was held wood. She is a 1999 graduate of Glenwood High School I Friday&Saturday 1:00 4:00 §:45 9:3 I
Ion Cap. Kathi Dean, ofGoldendale; chil- Jan. 31 at the Church of Jesus and a graduate of Walla Walla Community College, where
---------~as born Feb. 3, 1945, in dren, Kris, of Poulsbo, Lucas, Christ of Latter-day Saints in she graduated with a degree in cosmetology. She is now a
. ~ne Dean was a high!y stationed in Germany, Lothlo- Goldendale. Arrangements self-omployed hairstylist at City Slickers Hair Design, Kyle
tor at..."
~tett veteran, serving in
how ~S ~' rien, of Goldendale, Lalena, in were under the care of Valley is the son of Mike and Kadyn Wilson, of Walla Wall& He is a
" ht "~avy in Vietnam Ft. Hood, Texas, Jennifer, of Hills Funeral Home in Zillah. 1998 graduate of Walla Walla High School and a graduate of
~0 W e "
peop~ njoyed cooking, camp- Poulsbo, and Aeris, of Salem; Walla Walla Community College. He is employed by Pock-
etinet Communications.
lered?I Starring: Bill Murray, Scatlett Johanaaon
Plaroa.,~ John Douglas Garcia LOST IN TRANSLATION (.)
Friday. Tuesday g:~
Dall.t.n DOuglas Gareia, 40, died and worked until his death, dale; three sisters, Janice Flomer t~
!9,2oo4, at the Landmark Garcia loved to camp and ride andJotinaWillettofGoldendale, GMS offers valentine canzygrams .co.. ,.o,,,
Friday - Tuesday I:30 4:30 7:15 9:30
[.fli'tationCenterinYaldma, dirt bikes with his fanfily. He also andJuneieeCantrellofVancou- By SIERRA DAVIS the "someone ' ofyour choice.
'1 ~ f.~[ing a brief illness, enjoyed fishing and following ver; one brother, Jack L. Garcia for the Sentinel For only $3, you can get won-
"~" *Was bo ....
. Z rn MarCh It~, 1903, sporting events. Garcia was av Jr., of Goldendale; his grand- . ........ derfully colored balloons and a.n Stiller, Jennifer Antaton
orl~Penish to Jack L. Garcia enrolled member of the Colvilk mother, Mary Ann Garcia of WhO is me specml someone in yummy candy For 8 you can IALONG CAME POLLY (Pc~l~) [
• 9 .... " $ '- ! Fd&Sata:457:159:30'Sun'Tua4:~7:15[
--" "can Gareia Smith. He was Indian Nation. Goldendale, and many nieces and your life. How.,. area ...... you going to9 get wonderfully colored balloons,
IAahton Kutchar, Amy Smart I
in Goldendale from age Hisfather, JackGarciaSr.,pre nephews, say.youcaretms vaien,tmes uay. yummy candy, and a cuddly IBUTrERFLY EFFECT (PGa3) [
d the ~a_duating from Goldendale ceded him in death. A memorialis pl.ann, ed for this Make someone smite, ~, .c.c..A 1-..-... *.... I Fri & Sat 4:30 7:00 9:20, Sun- "rue 4:307:00]
S, wh~°Nin198i.Garciathen Survivors include his mothe~ summer at Garcias favorite The Goldendale Middle School ~uc,,n"~=~th"~I~icl'~l~schoo .~t~'~
. VI.uJ~ all.., '~J,'.~ • l, ~ / / d-- • • 'i~'lllillVll$~----;l~ll~lllil~ .....
gjob,{lt°Yakirna, wherehelived Je?n GarciaSmith, of?lder- campingspot, sixth-gradeclasswantstonelp aq2qtoordervours Allmonev
es wla! you out. Now through Feb. 11, r~d-~ be ~-for tfie--sbeth-~-
Valentine's Day memorable for ~' P Y"
Y d°ll[th Rebec Edtth Rebecca Hmshew these students will be making --ade field tri-- to Seattle in Ma,
I be ueXil1 ca Hinshaw, 79, death. A memorial service was held
the dim ' Ore., diet of natural Survivors include her husbam, Jan. 4 at Bethel Baptist Church ~ '
'ght~wl~a~:2°'2°°c G ld d 1 1C
/ 0 en a e Denta enter
no, 2oo3.Vernon, of Yamhill; two daugb: in McMinnville. Memorial con- (
~ornJan. n, 1924,in ters, KathyW'mniford, ofMcMir- tributions may be made to
~- zesville, Ohio, to Rov and nville, Ore., and Tricis Foley, d Gideons International or the Sod. pop and snack foods are tooth , New Life Assembly of Gad....
~. ~4)a'Johnson She m~rried Oregon City, Ore.; a son, Phillb Bethel ,Baptist Building Fund. I~.~-~ n~r~i. ,n you~ .~ o~
;trial I~,.v.. . " 160. S. Columbus, Goidendil¢, Pastor Kevm Gerchak,
-oo -~'ualnstmw in1946 in Bar- Hinshaw, of Auburn; abrothe}, Arrangements are under the Is,ga~ and carbohydrates in these food, 7~34650 Sunday Schoolg tO ..... MornmgWot:~htp
~t..a. I making acid that'causes cavities. Service Io:30 ~ m. [:venting Service at o p.m. family
ter sr~e and they alwaysw°rked Roy Myron Johnson. Of Bai-direction ofNepttme Cremation. / if you drink soda, use a straw. Avoid S,~h,o. Wed.,.~h,, 7pm i,~d.d~,Vou~h, M,s-
er, ~tonette*, Royal Rangers and B,Die Study "~ p m Sat
count~ ,,. . nesville and 13 grandchildren. Portland. igoo~y snack foods that that stick ro
,-- .d~ nlnshaws onerated a [teeth. and drink plenty of water to wash .igh~T\ ~r~',ceonchann¢lli
n ind':inear Goldendale for 20 I,w~v food particles. " BAPTIST
1Claewing sugarless gum stimulates saliva. Columbus Avenue Baptist, S.B.C.
" 1970,theypurchaseda WeWould like to t
"°*'~ 0~1- f°°d st°re in Gladst°ne' Whether I | February is Cldldh~n'. Dental Lo.,h:~*d Su,,d,,, S, ho~,, 9,, ..... "~,..,,.~ Wor,h,p I I
,~O,~mlsS~sin" i~" a,,.~aunave" operated such helped us in this timb O ( sorrow.. ,it /Ibacterial acids'In naturalHealthmOUthwaShMonth. CallthattodayWill neutraliZeto have "~ls'~*d,m" Sunda.s"d"YC"l"'bu" t ;,,tat.dale t .'e.,ng,_ 7 ,,, Stu,t,pm, W..e.dav'nd :,3.,aTlWo~h,p.l:vem., ~p''°r S, ,n : 'r .,~nmhle ....
They moved towas a loving hug, neededgift or just a kind ]
l your child evaluated. . Stud) anti Pra)cr ~ p m
Jeanne Cummings
f to,~"' in1973 after pur- word of support. Wewant all to'know you .I | Dr. Lyle F erch, D.D.S.
- " ' " warmed our hearts and we appreciate
i~~h~~ / O['fi ce: {~ 17 E. Co[li ns Dri ve. GO ,denda ,e - 773-5545 ..... Morning W.:.~,p S ,,.m. Sun~v ...... Evening
everything and everyone. / Hours: Mon.- Wed. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Thurs., 8 a.m.- 2 p.m, s~i. 6 p =., W.d.o~,~ S,,,,.e ~.~,,a~d "~,~,,,~ W.t~,.g ..... ,.TPmrh~ O,dS"'~' S~,-~.~h,.,,~
re dLr~a-der'writer, painterand k,,. We welcome new patients! j
.t'~mgearformany. --~/g//~''g ~g//'~g ¢~~,, CATHOLIC
dwe~t~h~llattended Strayer ' , i GORG MEDICAL IRECTO /: nalvTrinityCatholie
3(17 Scht*ster, (ioldcndale FalheI Wdham Byron, 7"r3-
. -.t.--" ege in Washington,
451b, Sat t:~e glassb3Opm,SundayMa~sgam
,..--£:"umO, for the Army Air SDSL be p y I,.,,,,,,,,,,,, . ........
um rCom an ...... ," ...... ,'"""" .... w_,
noon~ 2 15 to 3 ~0 p In Kindergarten through 6th gr
I ~. t lilac . l I . . _____J w. ~.o,.g~,,,.,:,0,,h~,o,,gh,,~,,..,
~leson, DavidLamontHm_ k~-~ Local Sales Outlet .,:,,,,., c, ,.,(
~. and a brother, Allen Nel- "~ ~)))/~ Visit Our Vlebsita PLYWOOD Elsie G. Tupper, M.D. ~ ~ ~ ~o ....... ~,,,r.~o,,s.*~d,y ......... ,p~
~ohnson, preceded her in ~ ~,w.sdslura~r.eom • 311r' thru"l" GRACE BRETHREN
Community Grace Brethren
~ll.:l)l( M. CI,INI('
am exc~?l lues 7 pm C('D t'la~s, Wedn~y after-
)1'111 II kI,M()l 1)(;~
noons 2 15 to 3 ~(I p In Kindergarten through 6th grade [
Wed E~cnmgs ? 30 - ~:30, 7Ih through 12th grade-Con-
r~ -CDX, CCX, ~d~X,T&G, Office Hours: Mon. - Ffi, 9:00-5:00 • Con,prehensive eye health evaluations I IgO S R..... 'oh Gregory M Howell, pastor 773-
• Treatment of eye disease ~ ~ss Sunday School O ~0 am, Morning Worship I I
eTUDS i sAI~ DE) I~NEI Appointmcnts available after • Eye surgery, including no-shot ..... ~r.i.~,~"t~a,~)6.30-s~opm
~ ~ :CONCI~ ~J'~ ~YFO1 ~ hours by request no-stitch, no-patch cataract remo,'al walnedays ~tt~x (~,Irar~,AWANA ~, 25 p.m
l~. ~ • #2 & BIT, KD, DF & HI:, $4SEE ~,,:27",~., ' • Laser Vision Correction w~y "he Bibte, ,*e wm, u B~u, .,a ,voa~t.e
m..~ , ,~,~,~.~,,,~'~.,,~ .a (On-s/re in Hood River) huttke Bible,"
Sentinel. ~ .2x4-6'thru16 ,,,~?,~,,,~,~ /~ 400S. Roosevelt
-= - ' ~,~o"~-'~'~, "~ ,~.'~i~ . Low vision evaluations and treatment
• 2x6 - 6' thru 18' -,~:~ ~> ;,~Y~/J:,* Goldendale, WA 98620 LUTHERAN
".,,, ~",. "~ .2~ ,4~4/'~ Christ the King Lutheran
• 4x4 - 8' treated posts ...... 2,,£~L,~ ,$2.~, ,~ Ophthalmology:
~ince 1879 .".,,~.-,~ ~:., ~..~ s c,,~h..,.d s,.,.o~ O~.(,,~d~.~.~e 77~-:.0.
I ~ • 4x4 & 4x6 - 8,10 posts .......... ~~,,j (509) 773-4014 John D. Wilier, D.O. Wor,~ p S ....... S..~., ,, .00 .~ *d,,, S.,~.y
Hours: Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. ~'~,~,~/ (Board Certified Ophthalmologist) scho,d,{~:4~ t,.~on~l ....
[ Located at SDS Lumber Co.. Bingen,WA. (509) 493-2751
Mitch Martin, O.D. United Methodist
Ev~ Wednesday at the ramib PractleeCIInk Chris Barbour, O.D., Ph.D.Co.~h.~..d,~d,,'.~ ~,..o~P.,~..~7~4~
Stepper, or 7,3.4462 Worship8 am & I0:30 .... Sund,y
Carola 1805 E. 19th Street S~ho~,t ~: I~ .... N~m *~l, .. ,~:~ ~ c,l~ t~¢
:~ RN, LAc, CST The Dalles, OR 97058 ch~rch,~,~,,r~y~h~,ede,,~t~
ar I Ac~p~ i~ a ~,,,~,1~ m~i~ ~Vst*m that (541) 296-1101 NAZARENE
: can treat numy diflL'tent health t.xn~.~ms. 2025 Cascade Ave. St. 101 Church of the Nazarene
Some i~t~anc~ accepted.Hood River, OR 97031 ~2~ w Allyn. (ioldendale 773-4216 P,stor Jason
711 E. Collins, Goldendale (54 l) 386-2402 ~ooog S,,.d,y.~: soo~,y s~h~ ~:~0 ,m Wo~hip ,,.
vice 10:45 am Wedncsdey Adult Bible Study 6:31); Jr
(509) 773-40I 7 1-800- 548-548 7 .,,,. s,.,,,~, ,,h,~ ~,od,~.,,d..oy, ,.,,.,
For info: (503) 913-5191 or WOODLAND
627 Woodland Road, (;olde~da~e Worship