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RY 5t
5, 2004
September 30, 2003, with Bank Mortgage Group undersigned Trustee IV. place on the real property
said written notice of Address(es): 1701 NE This week in Public Notices: (subject to any cond tions The sum owing on the described in paregraphl
ng (Commondefault or the written Third St. Ste B, Bend, OR • Notice of Trustee s Sale - Van Horn imposed by the trustee to obligation secured by the above, and the Trustee
~n of Realnotice of default or the 97701 protect lender and bor- Deed of Trust is: Principal has possession of proof of
8 Spen Road, written notice of default Present Mortgagee(s)*** Request for Qualifications - KPUD rower) will sell at public Balance of $75,496.79, such service or posting.
=le, WA 98620 was posted in a conspicu- Name(s): Columbia River Invitation to Bid - Goldendale School District auction to the highest and together with interest as VII.
s and phrases cue place on the Real Bank Mortgage Group • Notice to Creditors - Gleeson best bidder, payable at provided in the note or The Trustee whose name
~ich have the first Estate and the Trustee Address(es): 401 E. Third • Notice of Trustee's Sale - Abbott, Chades R. and Shawn time of sale, the following other instrument secured and address are set forth
~eof capitalized has possession ofproofof St. Sta. 200, The Dalles, • Notice of Trustee's Sale - Busse, Joseph A. and Autem described real property, from 06/01/03, and such below will provide in wht-
ined on the such service or posting• OR 97058-9070 situated in the County(lee) other costs and fees as ing to anyone requesting
Identifying Data VII. Original Mortgagor(s) .... M., Huff, Thelma of Klickitat, State of are due under the Note or it a statement of all fore-
tge or Deed of CURE AMOUNTS. The Name(s): John J. Van • Labor Shed Study-Request for Proposals - Region 9 Washington: other instrument secured, closure costs and
lsisting of one or Trustee whose name and Horn Workforce Investment Board Tax Parcel ID No.: 04-16- and as are provided by trustee's fees due at any
es. address are set forth Alesia L. Van Horn ° Public Meeting Notice - Tri-County Workforce 2055-310/00 statute, time prior to the sale.
below will provide in writ- Address(es): 8 Spen Lot 8 and East half of Lot V. VIII.
OF SALE. The ing to anyone requesting Road, Goldendale, WA The Personal representa- default of the Deed of 02/23/04 (11 days before 7, Block 31, John J. The above-described real The effect of the sale will
Real Estate will be it, a statement of all costs 98620 tire named below has Trust for failure to pay the the sale date), and before Golden's Third Addition to property will be sold to be to deprive the Grantor
t public auction to and fees due at any time Present Owner(s)
Ihest and best bid- prior to the sale. Name(s): ): John J. Van been appointed and has following amounts now in the sale by the Borrower, the Town of Goldendale, satisfy the expense of and all those who hold by,
qualified as Personal rep- arrears and/or other Grantor, any Guarantor or according to Plat thereof sale and the obligation through or under the
Yable at the time of VIII. Horn resentative of this estate, defaults: the holder of any recorded recorded in Volume B of secured by the Deed of Grantor of all their right,
title end interest in the
t the following date, EFFECT OF SALE. The AlesiaLVanHorn Persons having claims Amount due to reinstate junior lien or encum- Deeds, Page 394 and Trust as provided by ~X.bove'descdbedpr°perty'
~d place: effect of the sale will be to Address(es): 8 Spen against the deceased by 12/01/03 brance paying the entire according to resurvey in statute. The sale will be
10:00a.m. deprive the Grantor and Road, Goldendale, WA must, prior to the time A. Monthly payments balance of principal and Volume EofDeeds, Page made without warranty,
:Front Steps (East) all those who hold by, 98620 such claims would be $7,633.36 interest secured by the 628 express or implied regard- Anyone hawhganyobjec-
at County through or under the * Sometimes named barred by any otherwise B. Late Charges $333.90 Deed of Trust, plus costs, Commonly known as: 606 ing title, possession, or tion to the sale on any
lOUse Grantor (Original "Trust Indenture" applicable statute of limi- C. Advances $0.00 fees, and advances, if any West Main Street encumbrances on March grounds whatsoever will
ndale, Washington Mortgagor) of all their ** Sometimes named rations, serve their claims D. Other Arrears $0.00 made pursuant to the Goldendale, WA 98620 5, 2004. The default(s) be afforded an opportuni-
February 13 2004 interest intheReal"Mortgaged Property" or upon the Personal repre- Total Arrearage $7,967.26 terms of the obligation Which is subject to that referred to in paragraph ty to be heard as to those
' Estate. "Trust Property" orsentative or the attorney E Trustee's Expenses and/or Deed of Trust. certain Deed of Trust III, together with any sub- objections if they bnng a
THER ACTION. No IX. "Property" of record at the address (Itemization) Vl. dated 03/15/99, recorded sequent payments, late lawsuit to restrain the sale
COmmenced by the RECOURSE TO *** Sometimes named stated below and file an Trustee's Fee $675.00 A written notice of default on 03/24/99, under charges, advances costs pursuant to RCW
iciary (Present COURTS. Anyone having "Beneficiary" executed copy of the Attomeys' Fees $0.00 was transmitted by the Auditor's File No.and fees thereafter due, 61.24.130. Failure to
agee) of theanyoobjections to the sale .... Sometimes named claim with the Clerk of this Title Report $454.73 Beneficiary or Trustee to 1010378, records of must be cured by bnng such a lawsuit may
~ge or Deed of Trust on any grounds whatso- "Grantor" or "Trustor" Court within four (4) Process Service $95.00 the Borrower and Grantor Klickitat County, 02/23/04 (11 days before result in a waiver of any
Pending to seek ever will be afforded an(307,602) months after the date of Statutory Mailings $54.00 at the following Washington, from Joseph the sale date), to cause a proper grounds for invali-
A. Busse, Autem M. discontinuance of the dating theTrustee'ssale.
Busse and Thelma S. sale. The sale will be dis- X.
Huff, as Grantor, to continued and terminated Notice to Occupants or
Klickitat County Title if at any time before the Tenants - The purchaser
Company, as Trustee, to close of the Trustee's at the Trustee's Sale is
secure an obligation in business on 02J23/04 (11 entitled to possession of
favor of Columbia River days before the sale the property on the 20th
Bank Mortgage Group, as date), the default(s) as set day foliowiog the sale, as
~:~TOS$ Beneficiary, the beneficial forth in paragraph III, against the Grantor under
interest in which was together with any subse, the deed of trust (the
thews I~,lts assigned by Columbia quent payments, late owner)and anyone hay-
guilty I~~°s
River Bank Mortgage charges, advances, costs ing an interest junior to
Group to Countrywide and fees thereafter due, the deed of trust, includ.
Home Loans, I nc., under is/are cured and the ing occupants and ten-
a n Trustee's fees and costs ants. After the 20th day
Assignment/Successive are paid. The sale may be following the sale, the pur-
~.~%1rg Assignments recorded terminated any time after chaser has the right to
under Auditor's File No. 02/23/04 (11 days before evict occupants and tan-
Ii011348, the sale date), and before ants by summary pro-
. the sale by the Borrower, ceedings under the
s~tC~AL° Bn; No action commenced by Grantor, any Guarantor or unlawful detainer act,
the Beneficiary of the the holder of any recorded Chapter59.12 RCW.
Deed of Trust is now junior lien or encum- The trustee's rules of auc-
pending to seek satisfac- brance paying the entire tion may be accessed at
tion of the obligation in balance of principal and
,,,,j interest secured by the m and are incorporated by
Deed of Trust, plus costs, this reference. You may
Borrower's default on the fees, and advances, if any also access sale status at
,,,O;~ga~ made pursuant to the
Deed of Trust. terms of the obligation
II1. and/or Deed of Trust. Effective: November 28,
Vl. 2003
A written notice of default NorthwestTrustee
was transmitted by the Services, PLLC, Trustee
360~' Beneficiary or Trustee to P.O. Box 4143
arrears and/or other the Borrower and Grantor Bellevue, WA 98009-4143
at the following Contact: Vonnie Nave
eddress(es): (425) 586-1900
Name and Address (607, 902)
Joseph A. Busse
B. Late Charges $133.35 Goldendale, WA 98620 COLUMBIA GORGE
-Jl=":nt°r°rth _holcthcti°n of the oblige- opportunity to be heard as n m any theNOTICE OF TRUSTEE S C. Advances $0.00 606 West Main Street
first publication of this Recording Fees $30.00 address(es):
i any court by tea- to those objections if they ~ notice or within four (4)Publication $0.00
, oT the Defaults bring a lawsuit to restrain QUALIFICATIONS months after the date of Other $0.00 Name and Address
~ng Foreclosure on the sale pursuant to RCW Public Utility District No.1 the filing of a copy of this Total Costs $1,308.73 Charles R. Abbott
~/15/03~)!igation secured by 61.24.130. Failure to of Klickitat County, Notice with the Clerk of Total AmountDue8186 Highway 14
'.-~-.-Mortgage Deed of bring such a lawsuit may Washington the Court, whichever is $9,275.99 Lyle, WA98635
IER 6, result in a waiver of any Professional/Consulting later, or, except under Other potential defaults
ger: DV[. proper grounds for invali- Services those provisions included do not involve payment to Shawn M. Abbott
/4/03); U CAUSING dating the Trustee's sale. For 2004, 2005, 2006 in RCW 11.40.011 or the Beneficiary. If applica- 8186 Highway 14
~il, NC0.I r~c,TheX.
NOTICE TO OCCU- Power Management, RCW 11.40.013, the claim ble, each of these Lyle, WA98635
E n g i n e e r i n g , will be forever barred, defaults must also be
PANTS OR TENANTS. Water/Wastewater, and DATE OF FIRST PUBLI- cured. Listed below are by both first class and
CasUSi°n~GiF, $~. The purchaser at this sale Architectural CATION: January 29th, categories of common either certified mail, return
NSV'IPly PaYments' 5/03 is entitled to possession Functions within Klickitat 2004. defaults which do not receipt requested, or reg-
ismlss~-gh 11/0 '
• 3 at of the Real Estate on the County DATE OF FILING:involve payment of money istered mail on 10/23/03,
f4/03);~,2'_23 Each: 20th day following the Public Utility District No. 1 January 22nd, 2004. to the Beneficiary. proof of which is in the
sale, as against the of Klickitat County Dorothy M. Gleeson, Opposite each such listed possession of the
~VO es: $1,224•67 Grantor (Original ("District") is requesting Administratnx default is a brief descrip- Trustee; and on 10/25/03
$250 6~9,850.28 Mortgagor(s)) under the proposals for providing 131 E. Darland tion of the action/docu- Grantor and Borrower
=, 90 d&_ deed of trust, (the Present professional/consulting Goldendale, WA98620 mentation necessary to were personally served
750 L Owner(s)), and anyone services forPower
wi oANCEe cure the default. The list with said written notice of
having an interest junior M a n a g e m e n t, Ross R. Rakow does not exhaust all poe- default or the written
~,,,~tion secured by the to the Mortgage or Deed E n g i n e e r i n g , 117 East Main St. sible other defaults; any notice of defaultwas post-
i ~ageorDeedofTrust of Trust, including occu- Water/Wastewater and Goldendale, WA98620 defaults identified by ed on a conspicuous
i. II~ t~.'02/'.52" Principaltogeth ofthePants20thanddaytenantS'followingAfterthe Architecturallnterested Functions.firms may or A[torneys~516 Tor~n5~staze703~ Beneficiary or Trustee place on the real property any Court by reason of
I-,.,,,, met as prowded sate the purchaser has
[Cr ,[r;r oth ' ~[wt~ ' ' , that are not listed below described in paragraph I
obtain a copy of the ~ must also be cured, above, and the Trustee the Grantor's or
,.,. L " er instrument the right to evict occu- Request for Qualifications SALE Other Default Action has possession of proof of
i~ ft'i~l from December pants and tenants by by calling: Luann Mat& Pursuant to the Revised Necessary to Cure such service or posting, obligation secured by the
and such other summary proceedings Engineering Support Code of Washington Nonpayment ofVII.
laJlttardfeesasaredue under the unlawful detain- Assistant- (509)773- 61.24, etseq. . Taxes/Assessments The Trustee whose name
lilllll~! the note or other er act, Chapter 59.12 7612 - I. Deliver to Trustee written and address are set forth The Beneficiary alleges
.l~ll~.me_nt ~cured, and RCW. or On March 5, 2004, at proof that all taxes and below will provide in writ- default of the Deed of
"-"-;~ are Provided b
~2nd~teI y Dated: fax (509) 773-6431. 10:00 a.m. inside the assessments against the ing to anyone requesting Trust for failure to pay the
Trustee's Washington Copies can ale0. be main lobby of the Klickitat property are pa cl current it a s~tement of all fore, following amounts now in
~ RIGHT. The Real Address for Service of obtained at the I~PUD County Courthouse, 205 Default under any senior closure costs and
Process: Goldendaleoffice: South Columbus Ave. In lien Deliver to Trustee trustee's fees due at any defaults:
~ Wilt be sold to sat. John (Joe) Marchese Klickitat PUD - 1313 the City of Goldendale, written proof that all time prior to the sale. Amount dueto reinstate
. !une expense of sale 910 5th Avenue South Columbus - State of Washington, the senior liens are paid cur- VIII. by 11/28/03
,= ..d ; the obligation Seattle, WA98104 Goldendale, WA98620. undersigned Trustee rent and that no other The effect of the sate will A. Monthly payments
I I ~red thereby as pro- The Request for(subject to any conditions defaults exist be to deprive the Grantor $3,445.95
__~_by statute. The sale Philip M. Kleinsmith, " Qualifications outlines the imposed by the trustee to Failure to insure property and all those who hold by, LABOR SHED STUDY
~ made without war. Attorney for Present information necessary to protect lender and bor- against hazard Deliverto through or under the Request f or Proposals
-,,,,. ]' .eXpress or implied, Mortgageeand/or understand the consultant rower) will sell at public Trustee written proof that Grantor of all their fight, D. Other Arrears $0.00
I~ljrding title, posses- The Region 9 Workforoe
Substitute Trustee Total Arrearage $3,579.30 Joseph A. Busse
~or encumbrances on selection process and the auction to the highest and the property is insured title and interest in the Investment Board in part.
Washington Reg. No. documentation required best bidder, payable at against hazard as above-descfibedproperty. E. Trustee's Expenses 3101W Street nership with a project
~ ~l/'11Jary t3, 2004. The 23517 for submitting qualifica- time of sale, the following required by the Deed of IX. (Itemization) Vancouver, WA98663
. :~lt(s) referred to in 6035 Erin Park Dr., Ste. tions for each service for described real property, Trust Anyone having anyobjec- Trustee's Fee $625.00 team comprised of work-
,',. \llgraph III force and economic rel>
',&\Jl~ • must be 203 which the firm wants to be situated in the County(ies) Waste Cease and desist tion to the sale on any Attorneys' Fees $0.00 Autem M. Busse resentatives are soliciting
oy February 2, Colorado Springs, CO considered, of Klickitat, State of from committing waste, grounds whatsoever will Title Report $411.19 606 West Main Street proposals from qualified
,!q (11 days before the 80918 Proposals should be sub- Washington: repair all damage to prop- be afforded an opportuni- Process Service $95.00 Goldendale, WA 98620 organizations to provide a
]e.~ti~taer),toeeuseadis. (719)593-1970 mittedto:KlickitatPUD Tax Parcel lD No.: 02-13- erty and maintain property ty to be heard as to those StatutoryMailings comprehensive regional
"-"-T" nee of the sa e, labor shed study of Hood
--=allsalewill bediscontin- THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO Attn: Luann Mate 1651-0003/00 as required in Deed of objections if they bring a $150.00 Autem M. Busse
1313 S. Columbus Lot 3 of Short Plat No. Trust lawsuit to restrain the sale Recording Fees $65.00 3101 W Street River, GUliam, Sherman,
and terminated if at COLLECT A DEBT. ANY Goldendale WA 98620. SP-80-10, filed March 14, Unauthorized sale of pursuant to RCWPublication $0.00 Vancouver, WA 98663 Wasco and Wheeler
~!1~!ime on or befo[e I N F O R M A T I O N Review of submittals will 1980, in Auditor's File No. property (Due on Sale) 61.24.130. Failure to Other $0.00 counties in Oregon and
juan. 2, 2004, (]1 OBTAINED WILL BE begin February 18, 2004. 176748, Klickitat County Revert title to permitted bring such a lawsuit may Total Costs $1,346.19 Thelma S. Huff Klickitat and Skamanla
oefore the sale USED FOR THAT PUR-(405, 503,603, 702) Short Plat Records, lying vestee result in a waiver of any Total Amount Due 606 West Main Street
~),.the default(s) as set POSE. in the Southeast quarter IV. proper grounds for invali- $4,925.49 Goidendale, WA 98620 counties in Washington.
Work under this.contract
ii~,~lnaParagraph III are Identifying Data , of of the Southwest quarter The sum owing on the dating the Trustee's sale. Other potential defaults will be funded by a grant
[" nd the Trustee's Mortgage or Deed of ~ of Section 16, Township 2 obligation secured by the X. from the Department of
1~ and costs are paid. Trust* GoldendaleSchool do not involve payment to Thelma S. Huff
~Salernaybeterminat. Defaults Causing District No. 404 of Klickitat North, Range 13 East, of Deed of Trust is: Pnncipal Notice to Occupants or the Beneficiary. Ifapplica- 3101 W Street Labor.
the Willamette Meridian, Balance of $92,466.29, Tenants - The purchaser ble, each of these Vancouver, WA 98663 Requests for RFP pack-
B:30~ any time after Foreclosure: Non-pay- County will accept bids on defaults must also be
u F~ruary 2, 2004, (11
_,,,~j~_s before the sal ment of periodic pay- one (1)new seventy-eight in the County of Klickitat together with interest as at the Trustee's Sale is ets may be submitted in
'~' '-, e merits since: 05/01/2003 (78) passenger light duty and State of Washington. provided in the note or entitled to possession of cured. Listed below are Jane Doe Busse,wnting to: Kayleen
~.~',.and before the sale Estimated Total Amount transit type bus. Commonly known as:other instrument secured the property on the 20th categories of common spouse of Joseph A. Warner, RFPcoordinator,
2I~'--'~¢=°rr°wer, Grantor Owed OnDeedofTrustor Sealed bids will be 8186Highway14, from 04/01/03, and such day following the sale, as defaults which do not Busse Region 9 Workforce
2''-~a/Mortg:qeeleanoYf Lyle, WA98635 other costs and fees as against the Grantor under involve payment of money 606 West Main Street Investment Board, 400
Mortgage* Being received until 7:30 p.m. Which is subject to that are due under the Note or the deed of trust (the to the Beneficiary. Goldendale, WA 98620 East Scenic Dnve, Room
Foreclosed on theon February 17, 2004 at certain Deed of Trust other instrument secured, owner) and anyone hey- Opposite each such listed 2.259, The Dallea, OR
|ncY'l rec°rded junior lien or Estimated Dateof the Goldendale School dated 02/07/03, recorded and as are provided by ing an interest junior to default is a bnef descnp- Jane Doe Busse,
~mbranee paying the Foreclosure Sale District Office, located at 97058 or via phone at
1, 2{Jre.pdncipal and inter- Principal: $166,027.52 603 South Roosevelt on 02/20/03, under statute, the deed of trust, includ- tion of the action/docu. Spouse of Joseph A. 541-980-4461 or email at
MOL~ecured by the deud EstimatedInterest: Avenue, Goldendale, WA Auditor's File No.V. ing occupants and ten- mentation necessary to Busse
1035358, records of The above-described real ants. After the 20th day cure the default. The list 3101 W Street Packets can be obtained
' " ~st, plus Costs, fees, $5,992.91 98620, at which time and Klickitat County, property will be sold to following the sale, the pur- does not exhaust all poe- Vancouver, WA 98663 via email or regular mail.
~e"aVaneeS'PUrsuant ifto anY,the $1Estimated,800.00 Costs: lictyplaCeopenedthe pub- Washington, from Chades satisfy the expense of chaser has the fight to sible other defaults; any The partnership reserves
Ins of the obligation Estimated Total: The specifications for this R. Abbott and Shawn M. sale and the obligation evict occupants and ten- defaults identified by John Doe Busse,the right to reject any and
)E~l~°r Mortgage or Deed $173,820.43 bus may be obtained at Abbott, husband and wife, secured by the Deed of ants by summary pro- Beneficiary or Trustee spouse of Autem M. all proposals. Proposals
...4,,ust, curino all o must be received by 5:00
~wk~[aults .. thor Real Estate** to be Sold: the district office. Bid " with fights of survivorship, Trust as provided by ceedings under the that are not listed below Busse
as Grantor, to Amefititie, statute. The sale will be unlawful detainer act, must also be cured. 606 West Main Street
on~..~ ' ' Common Description: 8 envelopes shall be appro- as Trustee, to secure an made without warranty, Chapter 59.12 RCW. Other Default Action Goldendale, WA 98620 p.m. on March 8, 2004.
LRa~/nCEn Spen Road, Goldendale, pdately marked on the Proposal submission
OF DEFAULT. A WA 98620 outside SCHOOL BUS obligation in favor of Long express or implied regard- The trustee's rules of auc- Necessary to Cure
requirements are con-
ni~|te otiee of default Assessor's Tax Parcel BiD. Beach Mortgage ing title, possession, or tion may be accessed at Nonpayment ofJohn Doe Busse,rained in the Request for
Company, as Beneficiary, encumbrances on March Taxes/Assessments spouse of Autem M.
• ..-llJJ~-.transmitted by the No.: Unknown The Board of Directors of the beneficial interest in 5, 2004. The default(s) m and are incorporated by Deliver to Trustee written Busse Proposo!s.
E~arY or Trustee to DATE:
Legal Description: In GoldendaleSchool
3101 W Street February 2, 2004 (608)
proof that all taxes and
/;~n'a~wet and Grantor county of Klickitat, state of District reserve the right to which was assigned by referred to in paragraph this reference. You may
~% al Mortgagor) at Washington, the North reject any and/or all bids, Long Beach Mortgage III, together with any sub- also access sale status at assessments against the Vancouver, WA 98663
IW~TO property are paid current
~lOWing address(es) half of the South half of and to waive minor irregu- Company to Deutsche sequent payments, late Default under any senior John Doe Huff,
~:al.,~n J. Van Horn the East half of the lafities or informalities in Bank National Trust charges, advances costs m.
!~,~. Pen Road Southeast Quarter of the the bid. Company, as Trustee for and fees thereafter due, Dated: December 1, 2003 lien Deliver to Trustee spouse of Thelma S. Huff Tri-County Workforce
Long Beach Mortgage must be cured by NorthwestTrustee written proof that all 606 West Main Street Youth Council Executive
:~£endale, WA 98620 Southwest quarter of Dated this 20th day of Loan Trust 2003-2, under 02/23/04 (11 days before Services, PLLC, Trustee senior liens are paid cur- Goidendale, WA 98620 Planning Committee is
Section 27, Township 5 January, 2004. a n the sale date), to cause a P.O. Box 4143 rent and that no other holding its regular month-
~.~,ieanLRVo~; North, Range 16 East, GoldendaleSchool ly meeting on Tuesday,
Horn W.M. also known as Lot 2 District #404 Assignment/Successive discontinuance of the Bellevue, WA98009-4143 defaults exist John Doe Huff,
SP-97-18 as Auditor's No. Of Klickitat County Assignments recorded sale. The sale will be dis- Contact: Chris Ashcraft Failure to insure properly spouse of Thelma S. Huff February 10, 2004 at 1:30
under Auditor's File No. continued and terminated (425) 586-1900 against hazard Deliver to 3101 W Street P.M. in the large confer-
fl~JPete,, ndale, WA 98620 1000623 tan Grabenhorst1041883. if attime before (606, 901) Trustee written proof that Vancouver, WA 98663 ence roomat the
.~,~up: Identifying Data of Deed Superintendent Department of
I1, close of the Trustee s ~ the property is insured
;i,,,_~lPenantSRoad of Trust or Mortgage* (514, 604) No actio co menced by business on 02/23/04 (11 SALE against hazard as by both first class and Employment and
Being Foreclosed Per the Beneficiary of the days before the sale Pursuant to the Revised required by the Deed of either certified mail, return Training, 120 S.3rd
h~fdendale, WA 98620 Real Estate Records of ~ Deed of Trust is now date), the default(s) as set Code of Washin-ton Trust receipt requested, or reg- Street, Suite 200.A,
~i~ County Stated in Legal CREDITORS pending to seek satisfac- forth in paragraph III, ,. .... ~ Waste Cease and desist istered mail on 10/2703, Yakima, WA.
d~th first class and cer. Description: IN THE SUPERIOR ~)].z,t et seq from committing waste, proof of which is in the The General Public is
tion of the obligation in together with any subse- I ' '
~3. nr[~ mail on September Dated:12/13/1999 COURT OF WASHING- any Court by reason of quent payments, late £)n March 5 2004 at repair alldamagetoprop- possession of the encoureged to attend and
~j~ep~.OOfofwhi.chis Recorded:12/28/1999 TON FOR KLICKITAT the Grantor's or charges, advances, costs 10'00 am inside 'the erty and maintain property Trustee;and on 10/28/03 particlpete.
session of the Original Principal COUNTY Borrower's default on the and fees thereafter due, mainlobb of theKlickitat as required in Deed of Grantor and Borrower (609)
~"=~;aj~-",~" nd the Borrower Balance: 172,000.00 In the Matter of the Estate obligation secured by the is/are cured and the Co - u y ..... Trust were personally served
.......... un~y ',.;ounnouse, zub Unauthorized sate of with said whiten notice of
~l=. Grantor (Original Original Trustee: Klickitat of Thomas R. Gleeson, ueea OT trust, irus[ee's Tees ano costs South C I mb Av In
~~l~g°r(s)) were per- County Title Company Deceased. IIi arepad The sale may be ..... ou! Due.. e. property (Due on Sale) default or the written Your' Right
-." ..... ' . . .. me u=~y o~ ~o~aenoa~e, Revert title to, permitted notice of default was post- 1"o Know
served on Original Mortgagee(s)"* No. 04.4-00004-4 ine uener~ciary a ~eges terminateo any time aner State of Washington, the
Name(s): Columbia River vestee ed on a conspicuous