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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
February 8, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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February 8, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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February 8, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale Washington Page Three N. B. Matsen attended the livestock in Wapato last week. Max Ladiges, of Glenwood, was in ioldendale on business Thursday. ~Fuller McEwen, of Klickitat, was Goldendale on business. While tere he marketed some livestock. Dance at Centerville Grange hall, /Feb. 10, Brem Brown's 1t-- Edgar H. Canfield, county prose- attorney, drove to Kelso on business last Thursday. He eturned to Goldendale the same day. C. A. Johnson, of Hartland, was in on business Thursday. here he made his regular re- ort to the county assessor's office. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk McKee were in i Thursday on business. They to C*oldendale the same Wayne Meyers, of Grand Coulee, in ~oldendale visiting at the ome of ~r. and M~-s. R. H. York. is in charge of the state fish atchery at 'Spring Creek. GOrdon Baker, of White Salmon, lember of the county soil conserva- committee, was in Goldendale Thursday for the regular meet- of the committee. R. H. York, state game depart- lent official in charge of the Gold- fish hatchery, was in Seattle [Onday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Week attending a meeting of fish hatchery superintendents. Joe Linderman and Lesley Pierce, Yakima, were Goldendale business Friday. ,Mr. Linderman in- the refrigeration plant in the Creamery several years ago made an inspection of the plant here. Oregon Journal delivered to or at Confectionary stores Allison,s Pharmacy. George Lay- agent, tf-- PHONE 52 WANGER pr.|..#| STAR|I MO ILO|ITTA YOUNG OAVID NIV N Reel---"Arabian Bazaar" Story---"SUly Season" NEWS REEL ~- Stranger Than Fiction q3Olol. (hrt~n---~Scrambled Eggs' Feb. 13 With l{e~ay Baker . Jean Colin Double .rams, Q 4,, Feb. 14-15 ~u't°°n-"'Dog In A Mansion" r Charles Bleiler, of Glenwood, was in Goldendale on business Thursday. Glen Yarnell, of Bickleton, was in Goldendale on business last Wednes- day. Bill Layman was in Wapato last Thursday for the stock sale there. L. R. Ufford, of Seattle, was in Goldendale on business last Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Jackson were business visitors in the Yakima val- ley last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chamberlain, of Lyle, were in Goldendale on business last Wednesday. Dance at Centervine Grange hall Saturday, /Feb. 10, Brem Brown's orchestra, lt-- ~The interior of the county engi- neers and county school superin- tendent's office are being refinished i this week. Ira Hyde and Frank Hunsaker, of White S~lmon, were in Goldendale on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Forsythe and Mrs. John Nath drove to Portland Saturday. They returned to Golden- dale Saturday evening. W. D. Norris who has been con- fined to his home for nearly two weeks with influenza is now able to be up and around. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hapgood spent the weekend in Portland. While there they saw the picture "Gone With the Wind." Mr. and Mrs. Ed Geschwint and familymoved back to their home in Goldendale last /Friday, from Glen- wood. Wesley Wilson, of Gold Beach Ore., was in Goldendale tn~ past week visiting with his brother, E. E. Wilson and mother, Mrs. Julia Wilson. Bill Overly spent the past week- end in Goldendale visiting with his mother, Mrs. Dean Gillenwaters. He returned to /Pullman Monday for the second semester at Washington State College. The American .Guernsey Cattle Club, Peterborough, N. H., reports that a registered Guernsey bull has been sold by B. Royce to E. C. Shirts of Husum, Wash. This animal is Bonnibel Pride 2,8062~3. Miss Charlotte Lewis, student at Whitman college, spent the past weekend in Goldendale visiting with her parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lewis. ,She returned to Walls Walla Monday to begin the second semester at Whitman. Harry Thomson was fined $5 and costs in E. ~. Whitehill's justice iustice court last week after pleading guilty of a drunkenness charge. Thomson was arrested by Sheriff C. R. House. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Matsen and daughter, Betty, drove to Pullman last weekend. Betty Matsen remain- ed there for the second semester's work in Washington State college. Mr. and Mrs. Matsen will remain in Pullman for a few weeks with their daughter and son, Miles, before re- turning to Goldendale. Miss Dorothy Allison left last Fri- day for Edmonds, Wash.,-to resume her teaching duties there after spend- ing the past week in Goldendale with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. A1- lison, sr. The Edmonds schools were closed because of sickness during the past week. The Portland Oregonian available from Frederick 01tmanns. Call phone 434 for dally delivery to Four own home in town or at Confectionary stores, tf LOOK WHAT A DIM]~ BUYS! 1 lb. Malted Milk or 1~ lb. Butter Scotch Dessert for ONLY 10c, with your purchase of any two, Pepper Mustard, Cinnamon, Lemon ~x" tract, Chocolate, Cocoanut or Lemon Dessert, or Nux and Iron Tablets, Inhalent, Digestive or llerb Tablets. I~OY V(. LUNDBEI%G, Goldendale Does Roof Leak? If it does.... Don't delay, see DEAN GILLENwATERS TODAY He has a complete supply of all roofing needs. Composition roofing, shingles and roofing of all types. Economical--Dependable Dean Gillenwaters Phone 692 John Sanders, of Roosevelt, was in Goldendale on business Thursday. James Anthon, of White Salmon, was in Goldendale on business Thursday. Leo Jackson, of North Bend, spent a few days the past week in Gold- endale with friends and relatives. S. F. Ganders, of Bickleton, chair- man of the county soil conservation committee, was in (~oldendale last Thursday for a board meeting. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Chittester, of Wishram, were in Goldendale on business Saturday. Max Mauer and Clyde Story were in Trout Lake late last week on business. Mrs. Cora Betts, of Olympia, is visiting with her mothei', Mrs. Julia Wilson, this week. Mrs. A1 Stewart has been confined to her home two days last week by illness. Miss Dorothea Garbough, of Top- penish, is a houseguest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Nickerson this week. Jimmy Merrill and Chuck Green returned last Saturday from Twin Falls, Idaho, where they spent the past several weeks on business. Nick Molitor, of Lyle, was in Gold- endale on business Monday. He re- ...... r - Pete Peterson, of Klickitat, was in Mrs. /F. G. LoFor was in The Goldendale on business last Satur- day. Mrs. Bob Taylor, of Lyle, was in Goldendai,e on tbusiness last week. Mr. and Mrs..Chick Brune, of Dallesport, were in Goldendale on business Friday. William K. Morgan, subaltern at Camp Goldendale, spent the weekend in Portland. 5h'. and Mrs. ~V. F. Veeltzin, of Cliffs, were in Goldendale on busi- ness last Friday. Mrs..lames It. Iiartz was a Gold-] cndale business visitors last Thurs- day. Bob Krauspe was in Wishram Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week visiting his father Max , Krauspe and other relatives. Another dance, Pleasant Valley, Saturday, Feb. 17. lt-- Eric Benson returned last week from Portland where he spent sev- eral days receiving medicaj treat- men t. E. T. Hupp, land use economist from Washington State College, was in Goldendale on business Monday. Miss Helen May Bruan spent the weekend in Portland ~isiting with her sister and bro~her-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Vasey. Miss Isabel Trantum spen.t the turned to hyle Monday evening onI weekend in The Dalles where she the train. I judged, several higlh, school play,s. The condition of Miss Harriet While in The Dalles she was a guest Crooks, who has been confined to[at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al her home for the past two weeks Itingston. with influenza, is now much improv-I Archie Averill received a painful 'ed-vanI Norris and sons Donald and hand injury last weel~ When he dipped and fell while loading a bar- Rodney, of Tillamook, Ore., are vie- rel of fuel oil. He wrenched the Iting at the home of his parents, Mr. muscles in the back o~ hand and and Mrs. W. D. Norris this week. wrist. Harry ~]~. Palmer, new Camp Gold- Mrs. A. C. Vincent left last Sun- endale educational advisor, is in ! day for Roosevelt ~vhere She is Vancouver this week attending a dis- ! 'spending a week visi.ting at the trict educational conference. Frank home of her mother, Mrs. John Ras- J .Hills, camp commander, and A1- musson. den C. Copeland, superintendent, See Dean Gillenwaters for buys Stanley Crocker, who has been en- rolled at Washington 'State College for the past semester, retuned last l The Dalles last Saturday. The girl's name is Tamera. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Neuman and son Bobby, of Husum, were Gold- endale business visiters Tueday. Mr. Neuman subscribed to The Sentinel while here. Bob Ray, of trhe Arthur-Fowler manufacturing company, was in Goldendale last weekend on busi- ness. Chet Enderby, R. 0. Spoon, E. C. Cole, E. R. Vasey, B~ll Morehead and Warren H~eydenberk .drove to White Salmon Tuesday evening to meet with members of the Western Klickitat county I. 0. 0. F. lodge. William Matta, of Centerville, was fined $10 and costs in Justice E. L. Whitehill's court Tuesday on a disorderly conduct charge. Matta was arrested by John Gulden, state patrolman. Evergreen Chapter No. 10. E. S. will hold a stated oommunication Wednesday, Feb. 14 at 7:30 p. m. A special fea.ture will be honoring past matrons and pa~t patrons. This will be preceded by a potluck din- ner. May Root, secretary. The l~ev. Paul Fong, Chinese pa~,tor from Seattle, Phil Graf, and Miss Esther McCullough, missionary to Japan, who spent several days in Goldendale conducting special con- vocation meeting~ ,lef~ Monday for Sunnyside. They plan to. conduct a series o,f meetings there. The Rev. and Mrs. Leslie Fisher and son Francis Fisher, of Benton, Kansas, arrived in Goldendale Tues- day to conduct a serie*s of revival meetings at th:e Baptist church. They came to Goldendale w~th Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Wakelman, of Ren- ton, where a revival meeting was just concluded. Miss Nora Grady, who has been visiting with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Grady at Wasco, Oregon, since before New Years, re- :urned to her home here Sunday. Miss Grady is much improved in health. Orville Richardson is now work- ing with a state highway department engineers' crew near Keller, Wash. The crew with which he is working is surveying a new highway along the lake that will be formed by Grand Coulee dam. Mrs. Richardson md two children are still residing in Wenatchee. J~ car driven by Harold Culpus, of Simnasha, Ore., received damages estimated at $150 last l~-iday when it crashed into a state highway truck on the Satus road 19 miles northeast of Goldendale. No one was injured in the accident according to the re- port filed at the sheriff's office by Hac~Id Culpus. -.f Mr. and Mrs. Howard /Fleming .Byars, of Chehalis, are the parents of a daughter, born February 2. H. F. Byars is the youngest son of W. ~. Byars, of Goldendale, and is a grandson of the late General W. H. Byars, pioneer ~alem "publisher and editor. This is W. F. Byars first granddaughterfalthough he has" 10 grandsons.//" ThQ Seattle P-I delivered to your home or at McI~eo's Pharmacy and AHtson's Pharmacy, or call Harold Weiss, agent, tf Dalles last Thursday on business. Mr. and Mrs. James Gray drove t.o Portland on business. Monday. K. W. Moore, of Hood River, was in Goldendale on business Monday. Gustav G. Myhr and Eva F. Smith, of Lyle, were in Goldendale on business last Saturday. Mrs. Harold Guy was confined to her home several days during the past week by illness. Another dance, Pleasant Valley, Saturday, Feb. 17. 1t-- Paul Johnson returned Monday evening from Spokane where he spent the past several days with his father who is critically ill there. Frank C.lark, of the state highway department office in Vancouver, was in Goldendale on business Monday. Judge Howard J. Atwell, of Kelso, is in Goldend~le this week for the regular term of superior court. Tom Nord~by and Forrest Wallace, both of White Salmon, were in Gold- endale on business Tuesday. Earl S. Coe, state representative from Bingen, was in Goldendale on 'business Tuesday. Mrs. Dick Athow, of Ephrata, Wash., was in Goldendale this week visiting friends and relatives. Guthrie Langsdorf, Van,couver at- torney, was in Goldendale on busi- ness Tuesday and Wednesday. M. M. Nelson who has been ill for the past week is receiving treat- ment at the Radcliffe Nursing home this week. Willard Woods, of K lickitat, ~vas in Goldendale on business last ~at- urday. Mrs. C. F. Kayser was in The Dalles on business Wednesday. Guy J. Norris spent several days last week in Central Oregon, Port- land and Seattle on business. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Rellly and Guy J. Norris drove to White Sal- mon on business Wednesday. Mrs. W. H. Matthews left last Thursday for Ellensburg to join her husband there. Miss Virginia Van- Hey will take over :her part time position with ,the Glnnie Lee Style shop. Mr. and Mrs. William Sauter ac- companied by Mrs. Guy J. Norris drove to The Dalles on busines~ Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Metcalf, of Cleveland, are the parents of a boy born Tuesday. Dale Storkel, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Storkel o,f route two, is seri- ously ill. He is c.or~fined to the Radz cliffe Nursing home this week. Ronald Ferguson, of Bickleton, was in Goldendale on ,business Wed- nesday. Ray West, of Portland, spent Monday and Tuesday in Goldendale visiting with his brother, Dr. W. H. West. While here he entertained with a stag party for 13 guests. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hornibrook drove to Portland Wednesday after- noon. They plan to return to Gold- enda,le Saturday. Raymond Beyerlin left for Bell- ingham last Saturday to visit his brother Wilfred who underwent an appendicitis operation .there early this week. Bill Darland, proprietor of ~he Star Market, who recently under- went a major operation at St. Eliza- lbeth's hospital in Yakima, is ,ex- pect,~d home this week. ~ed Hornibrook returned from Pullman last weekend to spend the balance of ~l~e svhool year in Gold- endale. ~plans to return to Wash- ington State College for .the fall semeseer next Sept~em~ber. G/~GE NOTES Pleasant Valley Grange No. 146 met in regular session Saturday, !Feb. 3 at 10:30 a. m. Before dinner we heard from Sister Van,Hey, chair- man of the home economics depart- ment of Goldendale Grange, who said that there will be a home economics meeting and demonstra- tion at their hall this Thursday, Feb. 8 with Anna ~lavin and Anna John- son present. All ladies were urged to be present. The chairman of the beautification contest reported that much work has been done on the hail, including re- moval of the partition and building FACTORY SHIPMENT Two Important Items for Safe and Economical Motoring Have your car checked regularly by expert mechanics .... It's their business to keep your car running smoothly and safely . . . Drive in today for a complete lub- rication job and checkup on your car. 0 Phone 1482 Ford Sales and Service ayon A lovely run proof quality. styles choose from. Lastic band. Perfect fitting, small, medium large and extra large. Buy Several at this low price. Washable French Crepe prints and plain shades in the latest spring colors. FABRICS THAT WOULD SELL FOR AS MUCH AS $1.00 per yd yard lengths, no two alike 39 inches wide Seven thread service and four thread chif- fon. NEW SPRING SHADES . . . clear and flawless. Lisle re-inforced heel and toe. Sizes 8V2 to 101/2. 5:00 o'clock. The next meeting will be on March 2 at 1:30 p. m. Every- one come. COOKED FOOD SALE HELD AT CENTERVILLE C]~NTERVILLE---(Special to The Sentinel)---The men of the Center- ville Grange cooked and served the dinner Friday to a larg~ crowd of Grangers and a few outside gues.ts. Ted Elmore, chi,ef cook, was assist- ed by Messrrs. Andrew Isaaeson and George Garner. The menu was as follows: fried chicken, roast chicken and dressing, stewed chicken and dumplings, ,chicken and noodles, chicken gravy, mashed potatoes carrot~ and pea~, cake, pie,, Jello ~alad and coffee. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ledbetter, M~r. and Mrs. Keefhaver and Harold Favietlo, all of Goldendale, were of a kitchen. ~our days work last dinner guests and also during the month by about a dozen or more lecture hour at Grange Friday. men really made a difference in our hall. A wonderful dinner at noon was served by the ladies and several other business matters were settled before Grange adjourned at about Good Work go hand in hand at WIERMAN'S Shoe Repair , Service Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritzschke and Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Ne~tl were business visitors in The Dalles Monday. Mrs. Opal Wiidanen, Mrs. Robert McKillip and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bolton and daughter Joyce, attend- ed two sessions of t h~ conference of the Church of Ohrist in The Dalles Tuesday. Mrs. Linnie Mulligan came home from Whi~e Salmon Monday eve- ning. She was ca~ing for her grand- son. Mrs. William Pierce was on. duty at the posto'ffice last week during the absence of Mrs. Mulli- gan. The Primary Council of Klick4tat county teavhers convened at Center- vflle Saturday. A good mee,ting was enjoyed by those present. Mrs. Turner, of Wapato, met with the Cen'tervllle Grange Friday. Mrs. Turner is a seventh degree member:* Miss Inalee Pierce, bookkeeper for Maurer Brothers at Goldendale, was home last week on account of H1- heSS. She was a bl~ to report for work M~nday. Mrs. A|bevt Walman. Mrs. Oliver Hamilton's Texaco Service "A Good Place To F. mt" Banquet Room Availal i u White Salmon visiting Mr. Bay~Fs parents. The dance at Centerv411e Saturday evening was ~ell attended. Those presen,t ~eport a good time. 812 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd VanHoy of Goldendale Grange, and ~er~ld Fen- ton of Pleasant Valley Grange, at- tended Grang~e at Centervill~ Fri- day. Cochvan, Mrs. Webster Ahola, Mrs. Hugh Cameron had charge of the A,11en McConnell and children were lecture hour at Grange. l in Goldendale Saturday to attend- Mrs. Joe Yeackel Is in The Dalles the bridal ~hower honoring Miss with Mrs. Tony Miller whose small tCl:¢ta Ker~. ~ - daughter is a patient in The Dalles[ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd BoT~r and hospital, son Stanl~ey, spent the weekend in.