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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
February 8, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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February 8, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Six ALDERDALE SCHOOL SCHEDULES DRAMA ALDERDALE (Special to The Sentinel)--Mrs. Frank Elzroth and Elaine returned to their home in Buena last week. Mrs. Ed A,11'britton and Charles accompanied them and spent a couple of days there. Mr. and Mrs. Carl geely were din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nygaard Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Lowell were ctinner guests of Mr• and Mrs. W. Vergin Saturday. Mrs. Fred Allen and children and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seely motored to Pasco Sunday to visit Mrs. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marvel, Mrs. Carl Seely and Leona and Mrs. Mallie Hale motored to Yakima on business Wednesday. Harold Seely and Mr. and Mrs. William Andrew were business call- ers in Goldendale Wednesday. Darrell Seely spent Monday eve- ndng with John and Tom Pierce• Mr. and Mrs. W• Vergin were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller, Tuesday evening. The snow is gradually leaving the hillsides the last few days. I.t seemsi the groundhog didn't see his shadowi here• i Friday nigh~, Feb. 9 the A~lder-I dale h,igh school students present a good three-act comedy, "WhereI Grandma. T, he case is as follows:[ Grandma ........................... Dois Churchill i Gretchen Blake .................. Doris Porter Bob Blake ................................ Lyle Kuhn Jack Worley ....................... Frank Allen Lucy King .......................... Sylvia Pierce A~line Truesdale .............. Leona Seely Carol Worley ................. Lenora Grubb Midnight (negro) ............ Jerry Porter Dahlia ........................................ Dora Pierce GOODNOE HILLS HAS HEAVY RAIN GOODNOE HILI~-- (Special to T, he Sentinel)---Copious rains in the Hills this week. One hundred fifty tenths is the rain gauge record for February to date. Mrs. J. D. Fuhrman and Gus Becks were called to Sundale on Sunday on account of the serious illness of Mrs. J. H. Becks. Mrs. W. A. Imrie is suffering a severe attack of arthritis at her home in Alderwood Manor. Mrs. Wilford Imrle is taking care of the invalid. Charles l~aggarley will leave for San Diego on February 15, going by way of Seattle. Charles ~has been ac- cepted as a navy recruit for a six year term. Homer Morrison, superintendent of Indian education in this ~tate, was in the Hills recently in the in- terests of the Rock Creek pupils. While here Mr. Morrison conferred ~ith W. G. Doughty and others re- garding the effort t~he government is making to get t~he Indians on a self-supporting basis. Howard Watson is staying ~t the Gus Becks home this winter. E. E. Brashear is treating wheat this week preparatory to spring seeding. I 'l~uek d~4v~ got your B41| of Lading blanJm at TSto 8e~Jmol of- • ce. All ready mad~ up hrte books with ortb'tlsl, dml~leate, and tripli- ;ate. tt--- I FINISH LUMBER OF ALL SIZES ..... in Pine and Fir Exquisitely surfaced on our modem, high-speed planers DRAINBOARD STOCK J. NEILS Klickitat - Washington ... ~--: .-,Y: When you hitch onto the Case Power Control disk harrow, you're due for the thrill of your farming life. Head your tractor into the field, and don't stop. Pull the trip rope, and presto . . . the gangs move in. to working position on their own power. No stopping, no backing . . . Juust the quick, ~mooth action of a power clutch like that on a modern tractor plow. You hate to gouge that grass strip yoh planted to prevent erosion? You won't! Keep go. ing 0 . . pull the rope again.. • the gangs straighten out and roll over the sod with scarcely a scratch. Anotl,er trip of the control and they're back at work, Whata' this? Wheels starting to slip in a sudden soft spot? Never mind, don't touch the clutch or throttle . . . a quick jerk on the handy rope and the gangs go straight, float freely over the soft stuff before your tractor has lost its headway. No miring, no tiring, no time or temper lost. • .At the end give a whirl to the wheel and a touch to the rope. You turn easier, quicker because the disks are out of action. Another twirl and touch • . . here you come again, fttll speed ahead. You leave the headland level because there's no need now to cut on the turns. Sure, it's the way to harrow you,ve always dreamed of. See your dream come true.., see this modern power control hat. row at Maurer Bros. See how it is built to stand the speed and the strains of modern tract- or power. See how the disks are shaped for speed, electric- ally heat.treated to toughen them against shocks and stones. Notice the triple.flanged bear. ing spools, built like a marine thrust bearing, guarded against grit and greased in a Jiffy by pressure gun. / THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale NEWS FROM HAPPY HOME CHRONICLED HAI~Y H~(Special to The Sentinel)---Aug Niva and son were business callers in Goldendale Tues- day of last week. Alvin Randall was a caller of Mr. and Mrs. James Lefever and family Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Ahola were callers of Mr. and Mrs. Aug Niva and family Friday. Jennie I)ensley is visiting with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Lefever. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mattson and family .were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Randall Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kayser were business callers in The Dalles Satur- da~hose" IHappy Home people who at- tended a dance at Centervllle Satur- day night were Mr. and Mrs. Web- ster Ahola and daughter, Ronald Niva and Alvin Randall, also Mr. and Mrs. James Lefever. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tobin, of Klick- itat, were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Aug Niva and family, also Mr. and Mrs. Levi ~iva in Center- KLICKITAT WOMEN HOLD GYM PRACTICE By Mickey McCune K/AC~I~D/~TAT- (ISpecial" to The Sentinel)--Hi folks! We peeked out of our dugout ~Priday and never saw ing this year pay real dividends by subscribing to The C-oldendale Sen- tinel and reading John Kiernan's article in the March American Magazine. LEG L SUI~MONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court of the State of Washington, for Kllckitat County, Freeman R. Grow and Emma Grow, husband and wife, ;Plaintiffs. VS. Sarah E. Barnett, Clara Coffield, John Wesley Golden, the unknowu heirs of John J. Golden, Deceased; the unknown heirs of Paul Cook- man Golden, Deceased; also all other persons known claiming any right, title, interest, lien, or es- tate in the real property described in the complaint herein, Defend- ants. The State of Washington, to the above named defendants. You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within sixty (60) days from the date of first publication of this sum- mons, to-wit: within sixty (60) days from ,February 8, 1940, and defend the above entitled action in the Court above named and serve a copy of your answer on the plaintiffs or the undersigned attorneys for plaintiffs at their office hereinafter set forth and in case of failure so to do, judg- ment will be taken against you ac- cording to the demands of the com- plaint which has been filed with the Clerk of the above named Court. The object of said action is to quiet title to the following described property in the plaintiffs and to for- ever bar and enjoin you from claim-i ing any right, title, interest, lien, or~ estate in or to said real property[ adverse to plaintiffs. I Said real property being described i as follows: i Beginning at a point South 89 de- grees 21' East 166 feet distant from Washington Clerk of said Superior Court. F. A. SMIq~-L Attorney for Estate, Goldendale, Wash. F1-22t4~ SUMMONS BY PUBLIOATION No. 6110 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for the County of Kllckitat. Verda I. Vaughn, Plaintiff. VS. Thomas R. Vaughn, Defendant. The State of Washington, to the said Thomas R. Vaughn, Defend- ant: You are kereby summoned to ap- pear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this sum-! mons, to-wit; within sixty days after l the 25th day of January, 1940, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint qf the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney at his of- rice below stated; and in case of year failure so to do, Judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint which has been ~]led with the Clerk of said Court. That the cause of action herein is an application for divorce upon the ground of mental cruelty. CLYDE W. ~, Jr., Attorney for Plaintiff. O~lce and post office address, Stevenson, Washington, Skamania County, Washington. Date of first publication January 2,5, 1940. J2'5-F29t6-- NOTICE TO CREDrlX)RS In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Klickitat County. Iu the matter of the estate of Andrew C. Harding and Diantha Harding, both deceased• Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as executor of the es- tate of Dlantha Harding, deceased, and that all persons having claims against said deceased are required to serve the same on the executor at his residence, Cresco, Iowa, or upon McEwen & Brooks, attorneys of rec- a single shadow so we decided it was safe to do a bit of reconnoitering and round up the latest in Klickitat news for you. The Bridge club met Wednesday evening in the home of Mrs. Beryl Robinson, the girls have been play- ing a year now and we're in favor of some one challenging them to a tournament, just to keep their col- lective ego down. Gertrude Vause had high score for the evening. George Washington Mable Mc- Ewen was in something of a quan- dry last week when her car skidded on the ice, slid off the road and the Northeast corner of Block 39, in ord for said estate, at Goldendale, Golden's Central Addition to the Wash., and file with the clerk of the Town of Goldendale, Washington, labors named Court, together with according to the plat of said Addition proof of such service, within six on record in the office of the County months after the date of the first Auditor of Klickitat County, Wash- ington, thence South 2 degrees 7' West 100 feet, thence South 89 de- grees 21' East 100 feet, thence North 2 degrees 7' East 100 feet, thence North 89 degrees 21' West 100 feet to the point of beginning; situate, lying and being in the SEi of the NE~ of Sec. 20, Twp. 4 N., R. 16 East, W. M. McDWIEN & BrtOOI~S, Attorneys for ,Plaintiff. Office and P. O. Address, Goldendale, Klickitat County, Washington. F8M14t6--- ORDINANCE NO. 333 An Ordinance of the City of Golden. publication of this notice, or the same will be forever barred. Date of first publication, February I, 1940. GEORGE ,F..HARDING, ~Executor of the estate of Diantha Harding, deceased. McDWE.N & B~tOOKS, Attorneys for estate. Postofftce address, Golden- dale, Washington. l~1-22t4-- RESOIJUWION l~OR VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF OOUNTY ROAD V47H~I~AS: It appears to the Board of County Commissioners of Klickitat County, State of Washing- Thursday, February 8, -- For Sale-- Fo. SAI,E--Pekingese puppies, months old, pedigreed. 214 B street• Call and see these FOR SALE---Baled, alfalfa and tim- puppies. othy hay; also bundled wheat hay. Phone 314Z2. Wm. Niemela. 63 ~ sa~'w~, 6 ho-~se horses, from 1300 to 1400 pore motor, mounted on wagon, $60. age 3 to 9 years. Call D. G. Nick Moliton, Lyle, Wash. 63 fever, 316X5. FOR S~About seven tons o~ Easy electric washing math baled alfalfa hay. Phone 3183. J. nearly new, A-1 condition. See .L. Butts. It B. Fox, 201 Sentinel Street, Gc endale. truck, long wheelbase, factory bed, 80 per cent rubber, 15,000 rolet, e~cellen,t ~ondl~on, g~ gross license. Will take small down rubber. Chet Enderby Rel~ payment and give terms. Write Lester L. Jones, Gen. del., Golden- shop. 3~ dale. 63 'FOR SA_LE--~lne sows to pig~ ~i of March; also 50 head fe~ shape; 36 Willis coupe, good con.- pigs. W. H. Walker, route dition. Nickerson Motor Co. 53-- Goldendale, on Timothy place. FOR S~hopped alfalfa hay ~)~ and feed carrots, delivered. Write I~ere 2~tctors, oom~pletely Paul Thompson, box 446, Toppen- tsh. 43 haule~l, l~or ~rlcee and terms ...... ~ran~en & James, I#yle, Wash. FOR ~o 400-egg, hot water -'-"-'~ W-~"~~"~~ incubators; two deisel oll burner brooders, 500 capacity each. Vict-, or Marlow, Klickitat, Wash. 43 WANTED -- Two Plymouth Roosters of good breed. R, north range 18, E. W.M. I Doughty, Sundale, Wash. Aproved this 6th day of February, ! 1940, :~ A. M. MAT~EN, 14 years experience, box 5 E,I.AVIi~R KAMHO, LZ, Goldendale, Wash. 5; S. F. WNUK. Board of County Commissioners, Kllckitat County, State of Wash- s~u~pa~ f~r 1940 sea~n. See ington. :write Sherm~ Atkins, route Attest: JOHN A. MIILLER, box 9, Golden:~ale. A8-15t2-- Clerk of Board. sheep. Highest market ~rioes ING HEAVY TRAFFIC ON for feeder pig~ M. M. VARIOUS ROADS phone 316Y5. April WH]~REAS: It appears to the WE WANT---Hogs, beef, lambs Board of County Commissioners of veal, and feedbr pigs. Aleo Klickitat County, State of Washing- We pay highest cash ma~-ket ton, that due to the condition of cer- Go hiendale Meat Co. 50.t tain roads it will be necessary to limit the weight of loads over certain roads. T I4EP~Ei~O~E BE IT RESOLV~E~); IA)ST~Yellow gold Hamilton that a Load Limit of 3 tons gross watch, chain wrist band. weight on all vehicles, excepting pas- somewhere in Goldendale. senger vehicles be placed on the fol- ous reward. Call The Sentinel lowing roads: Spring Creek Road from its inter- IK)~T----Three cows, branded E. section with State Secondary High- on left hip, ear marked way No. 8 D in N. E. ~ of N. E. ~ square crop, both ears. 1 roan, of Section 25 to the end of said road white and 1 red with white in S. W.~ of 'S. W.~ Section 23 Town- Ed Holter, Route 1, City. ship 4 north range 10 E. W. M. Goldendale-Klickitat Road from ---" For Rent- Goldendale to Town of Klickitat. crashed into a tree. It was either chop off the car door, which was dented anyway, or chop down the tree. So with the help of Andy Robert Taylor Anderson and tha~ happy Irishman Clarence Lindberg they chopped down the tree. We didn't see any cherries on it so may- be it was ~ust a little fir sapling. Ladies, do you have a hard time getting the last word in your home? So do we. If you'll Just come up to the gym the first Thursday in every month, bring your tennis shoes and a lot of pep, we'll guarantee that you won't care who gets the last word for some time to come! What with soft ball, basketball and kick volley ball, well we're still limping around. Miss Claire Hochfeld bid farewell to our fair city Monday• She will be married March 24 and her home v~ll be in Butte, Montana• Miss "Margaret Watt from North Dakota who has been teaching in Wyoming will fill Miss Hochfeld's professional shoes. Bill Woods suffered several severe bumps and bruises when his car col- lided with a Coco Cola truck on a curve between Blockhouse and Gold- endale Saturday evening. Both cars were badly damaged. Dick McConkey, well known Klick- itat sportsman, l~nvested in the latest thing in fishing boots last week, but when he bogged down in the middle of the river the first time he wore them it began to look as though he wouldn't be needing them any more. He really got dunked! Could we in- terest you in a nice pair of pontoons, Mr. McConkey ? If hay were cheaper blrs. AI Henry and Mrs. Della Monroe say they would take a trip to Hawaii. 4]. ~. ,Neils was ill for several days last week. Dan Bales is slowly improving after a severe attack of flu. There was quite a shake-up in Klickitat last week. When the smoke cleared we discovered that Mr. and Mrs. Rex Cooke had moved into the recently vacated Johnny Olsen house and that Mr. and Mrs. Oral Wise had moved into the Cooke house. Miss Fields, Miss Devers, Walter Austin and Mr. Taw spent the week- end in their respective homes. Mrs. Doris Z~arsen, Joanna and Peter left Wednesday evening for Cass Lake, Minnesota, where they will rejoin their family after an ab- sence of several years. They will all be greatly missed by their many friends in Klickitat. Air. and Mrs. Nels Linde and Mr. and Mrs. 'Dee Hubbard skidded to Portland for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jim DeVaney spent several days of last week at the Linde home. ~tr. DeVaney did some electrical work at the Gas Ice plant. Doctor OEievsky told a good friend of a good friend of ours that Mrs. Lammers is vacationing in Mexico with her mother and sister. Boy! are we green eyed! So long folks until next week and we hope you'll start right out mak- dale, Washington, Fixing the]ton that a certain portion of the Bloodgood Road from Bloodgood Amount of Bond of the City Clerk ]Wh'ite Salmon-Husum Road is now Creek bridge in N. E.~ of N• W.~ of and City Attorney, and Repealinglconsidered useless since the recent ,Section 8 Township 4 north range 16! all Ordinances or Parts of Ordin-]construction of State Secondary Road E. to Pine Forest School House in ances in Conflict Therewith. !No. 8 D. eliminating the necessity the center of Section 25, Township 5; The City Council of the City of/of the f(~llowing described portion north range 15 E. W. M. Goldendale, Washington, do Ordain lof old road: Approved this 2nd day of Febru- as follows: - ~ Beginning at its intersection near ary, 1940. Section 1. The City Clerk shall[the S. W. corner of Tax Lot 12 in the A.M. MATSEN, before entering upon the duties oft sw~ of NE~ of Section 36; thence in ELMiER KAM~HOLZ, his office execute a bond to the CitY]a northeasterly direction to the in- S.F. WNUK, of Goldendale, Washington, in the~tersection of the Miller-Bradley roadBoard of County Commissioners sum of $500.00 and conditioned upon ~near the N. E. corner of said S. W.¼ Klickitat County, State of Wash. the faithful perforlnanceof his of the N. E. ~ of Section 36 all in Attest: JOHN A. MILLER, duties, township 4 north range 10 East W. 62-- Clerk of Board. Section 2. The City Attorney shall before entering upon the duties of his office execute a bond to the City of Goldendale, Washington, in the sun, of $1,000.~0 and conditioned up- on the faithful performance of his duties. Section 3. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Council, approval by the Mayor, and publishing in the manner required by law. Passed first and second reading, January 15, 1940. Passed third reading and final pas- M., a distance of approximately 1000 feet. CALL FOR BIDS BE I.T RDSOL~E,D; that the Board of County Commissioners hereby de- Sealed bids will be received at the clare their intention to vacate and i office of the County Auditor of Klick- abandon said portion of the White itat County, Goldendale, Washington, Salmon-Husum Road and set March until 10:00 a. m. March 1, 1940 and 1, 1940, at the hour of 10:00 a. m. then publicly opened and read for at Courthouse, Commissioners' room, the puchase of one (1) new Heavy C-oldendale, Washington, as the date Duty Diesel Powered Motor Grader and place fixed for hearing the re- or one (1) new Heavy Duty Diesel port of Engineer and consider any Powered Motor Grader and Loader. other evidence for or objection ,Specifications on file at the office against such vacation and abandon- of the County Road Engineer, Gold- ment. Dated this 2nd day of February, 1940. A. M. MAq~SE~, sage, February 5, 1940. ,Approved the within this 5th day of February, B*~I~T H. KI~OX, Mayor. Attest: H.W. MORT, A8-15t2-- City Clerk. Ordinance DIAVI ER K,A~M~OLZ, S. F. WI~U,K, 1940. Board of County Commissioners Klickttat County, State of Wash. Attest: JO~IN A. M~H~ER, 62-- Clerk of Board. Notice of Hearing Final Account and Report and Petition for Distribution No: P. 2073 In the Superior Court of the State o~ Wa~hin@~o~n for Klickitat County. In Pr~b~t e In the nm:t~,c~of ~he estate of Maggie J. W~ng, Docoased. N'~fI~OE is here%y given ~hat Marion E. Wing, the execu~tor o~ t~he estate @f Maggie J. Wing, deceased, .hes rendered and preseni~l ~k~r set- tlement to, en~ filed ~lth the clerk of the St~perior CoUrt of solid county Rnd st~e hds~ fine~ accoun~ an~ reelmrt and peti¢ion ~or d~tribut~o~n as such exeou~or; an