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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
February 12, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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February 12, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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USE SUBdECT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. 12, 2004 PAGE 13 -888-287 Your Gorge Classified ad also appears in • Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise; The Dalles Chronicle; and the Camas/Washougal Post-Record 773-3777 or toll free at 1-888-287-3777 340 Apamne.t RentalslWA, 420Acreage & Lots Lyle: 120 acres Klickitat riverside, brook, ag defer- ral, dividable. $125,000. Cliff Fleury Real Estate 509493-8203 MOUNTAIN VILLAGE APARTMENTS in providing quality, affordable hous- area in and surrounding Goldendale. offers a quiet, safe, well-main- environment second to none! a family atmosphere with a N/SIG paid, onsite laundry facil- Jiet is what you'r TO LIVEJ 8~031icatior for 1, 2 & 3 bdrm. apts. -3344 or stop by: 613 W. Collins, are also available at DSHS. Sec. 8 s apply. EHO TrY: 1-800-833.6388 eject-., %=%.W. 370House RentslstWA bdrm, 2 view, downtown, w/river 3 bdrm, 2 on 1 acre wood - HOME VALLEY. 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 1900 sq ft., New remodel. Great views of Gorge/river. $850. Klickitat County is seeking 509-460-1735. to purchase quarry sites N. BONNEVILLE Lake suitable for the production Access, New 3 bdrm., LYLE Lg. double-wide 2 of road construction ag- 2 bath, vaulted great bdrm, 2 bath, W/D, new gregate. Purchase cent/n- rm. + storage! RV carpet. Nice neighborhood, gent upon Conditiohal Use ready. Mtn. & Gorge $550 me.+ dep. 509-365- permit approval and con- 6863 firrnation of suitable rock. views, Stone ext. Water Sites of 20 to 80 acres are feature. On 12,200 sq. N. Bonneville. 3 Ixlrm, desirable, ft. lot. $178,900. Builder/ 3 bath, gar. 1450 sq.ft. $800 For additional details, con- owner. 360-896-5270. mo.+$350dep.350-896-677g, tact Klickitat County Public Works Department at 509- 44~~ RENT/sale: 3 bdrm., +/- 1,450 773-4616. sq. ft., CommJRes. $555/mo. or$7g,000eale,773.5905. White Salmon: 28 acres on river bluff, views. $495,000 .... , , , ..... SMALL 2 bdrm., w/garage, 320 Owneroontract. '79 MH. 3 bdml, 2 bath, New N. Columbus, #9, $4501mo., CliffFleuryRealEstate roof, new ext. paint, Low E $300 dep.WlS pd. 773-7099. 509493-8203 windows. Must be moved this White Salmon. 2+ bdrm. White Salmon: Bankruptcy spdr~.$12,oo0,541-352-5210. Townhouse. W/D, garage. Liquidation Old house & NEW 4 Bdrm, 2 BA, 1836 sq No smoking/pets. $800. 20+- acres on Hwy 14 and ft home w/60" "IV set up for 509-493-4552. river frontage. $195,000. you on view lot. Own your WHITE SALMON. Nice 4 cash. home & land for less than bdrm/2 bath. No smoking/ Cliff Fleury Real Estate you pay for rent. ZERO pets. Lease $850/month. 509493-8203 down O.A.C. 541-296-5141 541-386-4665. Inc, New 3 dw, w/d, tg/ & 2 bdrm at $400. New 3 Newer 2 bath, Solar Wishram: 3 Bdrm, 1 BA. 43~ HUD ok, no smoking/pets. ESts~ Dep.$525. 541-546-8556 .... , ~nk~'H ~g"~ --''OUS~ 3 Bdrm, 2 BA, double gar- bath, age, carport, gas heat, 1 yr. AC,2 story, underground me. SlMCOE MANOR APTS,, a sprinkler system. 100x50 complex for senior/hand/, lot. Westside The Dalles. nbia capped/disabled, has 1 & 2 $125,000.541-298-4331. bdrm, apts. Rent based on in- Beauty home, 3 bt, 2 ba, 1 Pets come. W/S/G pd. Laundry & ac ovedooking Dalles Dam, rec. room on site. Applica- 2100sqfl. 541-980-7749. tions available at 305 Simcce Dr,, Goldendale, WA 98820 or FSBO: In Rowena, gor- geous, river view, 8 acres, 4 Bdrm, 2 BA, farmhouse/ duplex, + single wide mo- bile. $200,000, 253-568-6744. call 509-773.4255. EHO 3 +bdrrn/2 $950. HOOD RIVER. Summit- 375 Mobile Homes/view Est., New Constr. 507 bsmt., ~ Dogwood Rd. 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath + den. Great Rm, AC. $247,900. GORDON KING. The Dallea manf home for 503-551-1718.API in rent. $425/mo, 541-298- 5966. HOOD RIVER. New const,, Summih, iew Est. 2 Story, IsU The Dalles 3 Bdrm, 2 BA. 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath + Bonus manf on land. O/s storage, Rm. Great Rm, Vaulted MB bdrm,W/S/G pd, AC, no HUD. on MainLeval.$249,900. :ing,$700/mo. 971-226-3179. 509 Dogwood Rd. GORDON The 0alles 2 Bdrm, 2 BA, KING, 503-551-1718APL W/S/G, appl,clean, storage, HOOD RIVER. 15 acres with- private loL $576,541.296.5778, with house on Alameda 437 Real 510Auto Parts 530 Pickups 540Automobiles Buy land, they ain't making any more of it. $675 huge 1 BA yd. JOZ JI/IOJ~l(J~~" =" " '-- °" Rd., 3/4 mile SW of West- side Elementary School. $400,000. 541-387-2288. '""' HOOD RIVER. 5 acres Space for rent Free fishing with dwelling on Alameda to residents. 541-298- Rd, 3/4 mile SW of West- 5609. side Elementary School. LYLE RV Spaces available $300,000. 541-387-2268. $275 me. Includes all utilities. 509-365.6863. car garage. THIS ONE HAS IT ALL! Large new kitchen with new applianc- HOOD RIVER. 1 bdrm w/shared bath in Ig. downtown home. $300/mo Avail, 3/1. 541-386-1899. E 7th $2OO ,1-296- POS- fire- HOOD RIVER, Quiet w/view. Share kitchen/laundry. Day/wk/mo. 54 1-386-5905. HOOD RIVER. Private en- trance & bath. Month or week. 541-386-3693. The Dallea Ig Bdrm to rent, in 3 Bdrm, 2 BA house, w/exd view on Ig lot, $275 + 1/3 utils. 541-980-7749 WHITE SALMON Share 3bdrm furn. home. NO smking/pets. Neat, quiet. $275/mo. 509-365-2645 3 Bdrm, 410StorageSpace fenced, 1st, FOUR Acea Mini Storage Space avaflablo Contact Jim at 541-490-2480 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to ad- vertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, relig- ion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any Dallesport 4 Bdrm, 3 Ba. 106 Chrome Wheels. Bolt such preference, limitation dbl lot, 529 4th Ave. pattern for a '98-'02 FORD or discrimination." Familial $187,000. 509-767-1244 F-150 and Expedition. 35K status includes children FOR sale or rent: Wa- + of rubber, wheels look under the age of 18 living shougal beautiful '99 mfg. new, contact Wayne at with parents or legal cus- home on 1(< ac. 4 bdrm., 2 509-427-3452 or 541-953- todians, pregnant women bath. $165,000 or $1100 8534. $750 OBO, must sell and people securing cus- me. 360-837-3453. ($2490 new, have receipt). tody of children under 18. This newspaper will not FORECLOSURE! 3 bdrm., Warn chrome transformer wench bracket for '94-'00 knowingJy accept any ad- 2 bath. $34,000! Listings vertising for real estate, 800-719-3001, ext. 1863. Dodge pickup. $500. which is in violation of the 541-387-5918. law. Our readers are here- GOLDENDALE: 3 bdrm., 2 bth. by informed that all dwell- mf, on city lot, att. garage, 525Sport Util/ty ings advertised in this $69,900. 509-773.6921. newspaper are available on LOVELY HOMES for Sale. V~/es an equal opportunity basis. 0 down/0 costs. To complain of discrimina- Free recorded msg. FORD Escape XLT '02. tion call HUD toll-free at 1- 1-800-687-7213, x9200. Black beauty. Low miles. 800-669-9777, The toll-free All the extras. $19,500 telephone number for the MURDOCK 3bdrm/lbaOBO. 541-490-0750. hearing impaired is 1-800- house. Low down, owner 927-9275. contract. $500/mo. at FORD Explorer '91. Looks, $55,000. Also, 50'x100' runs good. No high gear. WA&ITi=n bu,dinglot w/water,$795. 509-493-1178. ROC'R-d0"A RY $12,000. 509-493-2684 FORD: '95 Explorer. Eddie Bauer 4x4. Loaded, runs excl. $5300. 541-298-4714. EstsWWA & Supplies & Trucks - Rogers 2 BEDROOM, 1 bth. home in Set of 4, TOYO Proxes S/T GMC: '81 3/4T. 350 stan- Golden,Is, $37,5OO; $5,000 285-60R-17-t14V, mount- dard, AC, strong 4x4 w/ag- AI~ " I,ff --~'~II Goldendale down, $3501mo, 15 yr. 773. ed on 5-135 17" Decata gressive tires. $2500. 541- Vet'l~S~e. 4Zt3~773.~76.106 Chrome Wheels. Bolt 544-2025. II/, , D ill I/ " t'\i650LlamaLane CAMAS~ pattern for a '98-'02 FORD Joe's Towing 920 sq. ft. No garage. View F-150 and Expedition. 35K RANGFR 2000PU, reg. 3255 Hwy. 142, lot, Close to park/schools. +of rubber, wheels look cab, V6, auto.,AC, bed I It ~~;~ /I 773,4687 $94,000 OBO. 360-335-1710. new, contact Wayne at liner, 1 owner. $4500. Goldendale. 509-427-3452 or 541-953- Dealer 360-837-1128 Friday, Feb.20, 2004, I I \ l