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February 15, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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February 15, 1940 |
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February 15, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Page Five
Use Map
Is Completed
Land use maps for the Goldendale
were completed today and sub-
to the Pullman office for final
~PProval, according to L. W. Terna-
county agriculturist•
The land use committee consisting
Veteran pinochle player that
he is, Zachary NiemeIa is still
just a little startled over the
thousand aces he melded in a
game last week.
To those not familiar with
Gerald Fenton, Andrew Swan, the game 1000 aces ill pinochle
Schuster O L Itamilton, is nearly as rare as 13 spades
and Dr• H. H. Hartley met at the in bridge. It requires eight aces
~ounty courthouse Monday afternoon in one hand.
complete the map progranl. E.E. Niemela was playing pinochle
lop, land use economist from at the Warwick home of Mr.
ashington State College, was ores- and Mrs. Andrew Isacson when
tat the meeting, r Bill of he received the unusual hand.
Other players who witnessed
Tl~ack ~rlveru get you t of the phenomena were Mrs•
ag blanks at The ~en inel - Niemela, and Mr. and Mrs. John
All ready m~de up into books C. Harms.
• rib'laal, duplicate, and tripli-
tf-- Read the classified ads. tf
County Schools
Receive Monthly
More than $10,000 from state and
county school funds was distributed
to Klickitat school districts for the
month of January, Mrs. Sue More-
head, superintendent, announced te-
d ay.
Esther Thompson, Reporter
CLIFFS--(Special to The Sentin-
el)--Clair Smith called on Melvin
Miller Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Short were
visitors Sunday at the Walter Thomp-
son home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brown and
County Seal Sale
Total Of $735.61
A total of $735•61, $200 in ex-
cess of last year, has been received
to date from the ~hristmas sale of
rtuberculosis seals, Mrs.. Lowell
Smith, executive secretary of the
George Larson went to Yakima Fri- Klickitat oounty teague announced
Largest apportionment, $9,409.95, day. While there they visited his today. The .report on the 1939 seal
came from the state school equaliza- brother, Win. Brown and family, sale drive was made by Mrs. Joe
tion fund. A total of $560.50 was Mrs. Jewel Edmison, our teacher Boyd, sale chairman, at the execu-
included in the January apportion- here, went home to see her family tire meeting of the Tuberculosis
ment from Klickitat county tax funds at Ellensburg last week. League held Friday.
and $479.26 was included in the Ted Elmore was a visitor in The list of community seal sale
county equalization fund. • Chamberlin Flat Sunday• returns, and individual chairmen
Largest single apportionment in Chas. Ferguson was in Goldendale follow: Mrs. Boyd, Goldendale,
the county went to White Sahnon Friday on business• $258.46; Mrs. James Whiting,
and Columbia Union high school, Mrs. Ray Ferguson called on Mrs. White Salmon, $121.57; Mrs. R. M.
Mrs. Morehead said• Goldendale's Andrew Jeter Sunday afternoon• Hun'tington, Klickitat, $52.86; Mrs.
schools received $2,2.52•57 in the Mr. and Mrs. Wes Becks and Maud A. M. Matsen, Bickle~on, $46.29;
January apportiomnent. Other school Garret called on her father, Jake Mrs. Clarence Johnson, Bingen,
apportionments follow: CentervilleBecks last week. $44.41; Mrs. August Jackel, Center-
$269•06; Klickitat $854.42; Trout Chester Brack and Win. Becks vis- ville, $33.30; Mrs. Theopa Bringazi,
Glenwood; $29•46 ; Mrs. George
Lake 676•95; Wishram $230•72; ited at the Jake Becks home one day Coffield, Wishram, $25•20; Mrs•
Bickleton $255•14; Lyle $406.59; last week•
iGlenwood $252•96; Bingen $260.80; F. L• Jackson, deputy county as- Melvin Garner, Lyle, $24•05; Mrs.
John Sanders, Roosevelt, $22.19;
Roosevelt $139.96; Husum $331.36; sessor, was in Cliffs the last of the Miss Rugby Gunkel, :T,rout Lake,
,Alderdale $150.20; and Dallesportweek.
$15.00; Mrs. Martha Ford, Husum,
15109.09. Clarence Warren and Mr. Ryther $13.10; Mrs. George Gunkel, Mary-
I were in Goldendale Friday on bust- hill, $10.00.
Rosrel and Underwood Portable I ness.
typewriters. Small doWn payment. I Still other community s~eal sale
chairmen reporting were: Mrs. J. g.
balance in small monthly payments. Read and use The lentinel W~nt Robineon, Dalles,port, $9.60; Mrs.
Inquire at The Goldendale Sentinel. Ads. They get resuits, tt Lulu Angel, Appleton, $9.27; Mrs.
E. E. Verley, B.-Z. Corners, $8.50;
LYLE--(Special to T.he Sentinel)
--Mrs. Harry Johnson spent several
days last week visiting her daugh-
ters, Mrs. D. Cox in White Salmon,
and Mrs. Manley Cox in Bingen.
Mrs. Clara Garner was a business
visitor in The Dalles Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Ha:man and
little daughter, of Muster, Ore•, were
First Semester
Honor Roll For
GHS Announced
T-~wenty-four Goldendale h i g h
school students were named on the
first semester honor roll announced
this week by Paul W. Johnson, su-
perintendent. To be eligible for the
semester honor roll a s,t.ude~t must
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. have all grades of "B" or higher.
Ralph Ha,mm Saturday n:l~h,t and The junior class with 10 on the
Sunday• honor roll led the list• The junior
Harry Smith and Norman Dean class honor roll in$1uded LaVerne
were visitors in Goldendale Friday Amundsen' Juanita Butterfield, Lois
and S~turday. Hills, Robert Hoffeditz, Frances
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Curl drove Lawson' Zeldia Riley, Christine
to Vancouver Tuesday• Clifton CurlRoush, Ruth Schuster, Arthur Schus-
accompanied them that far then ter and Betty Vanhoy
went on ,t,o~ McMinnville, Ore. to his ...... '~ . ..
........... ~enlors lnClu{leCl: wesley Aoams,
SChOOl work al~ l~lnfflel(l cortege ...............
....... r~utn ~agar, .uetry lmrle, Petty £,ay-
Mr, ann ivlrs• cnarles ~regory man Nor n .....
spent a few days in Portland last . . '. .~ ee vanaevanter, ana
week Ar(lytn west• t~opnomores on the
Mr and Mrs Babbitt have moved honor roll were: Alan Hall, Oliver
Stump James House and James
into the Brace house and expect to '.
Trowbmdge Freshman were Robert
start a res'taurant in the ~pick and~ • :
Span building in a short time• Groves, George Layman, Fred Miller
Miss Elna S~rensen, o,f Salem, !and Robert Stetson.
visited home folks Saturday night
until Monday evening. I )OSEVELT RESIDENTS
Mrs. James Elliott, of Goldendale,DRIVE TO GOLDENDALE
visited several days last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ren Smith. R00~EVE~LT-~(Special to The
Mrs. Elliott is Mrs. Smith s mother• Sentinel)--Mr. and Mrs. Bud Read-
Mr• and Mrs. R. ~Hylton and son, er wen't to see the show, Charlie
Donald, of Appleton, and Mrs. I. H. McCarthy, the Detective," in Gold-
Barlo`w and Rube Barlow were din- endale Sunday•
Mrs W G Parker Alderdale n
• . • • , ~ , her guests at the home of Mr. a d Denise Mattson, Shirley Goddard
f _lA
home of Mr and Mrs Walter Omeg Those
$5 35 Mrs rlowardappointmentPatton, J-,aurel, a week s vacation due to several been ill for ommenti
When you make ' ' ~' ~ Mrs. U. F. Hylton Sunday• and Billy Symonds were absent
Come Ever_ Day... $5.00; and Mrs. 5~wel: Edmison, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Buck were Tuesday because of illness.
Cliffs, $2.00• White Salmon visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clark, of Ore-
,..o.uenua.= L,a-lns , omvanz No .... reports have been rece,ved" A nice sized crowd attended the gun City. were weekend ~uesta at
from either Goodnoe Hills or Junt- card party Wednesday night at the the G W: Clark home ......
redacts the rule Canyon, Mrs• Boyd said. T.hose club house• Eight tables of pinochle Al "Rankin was a weekend gusst
assisting Mrs Boyd on the county
o k . . • . were played. Mrs. Woo4house was of relatives in Walla Walla, He was
e~ seal sale ,committee inciud:ed: Mrs. hi.~h for the ladies an~ Frank Tan ....
~t, nl,~,, ,Vho ..... ~ ~,., ~o u~,, s ~, - accompameo oy ms niece and nep-
~ ~ - -~v ..... ~'~'°" ~""'~ "-~"- ner high for the men. hew Mr ann ~-~ ~ ...... -, a*...~
f '
.~ ~ son, Mrs. Bert Wllkms Mrs. E C .............
e .... + ~, ' • • iv/r, an(~ ivlrs. A. ~. Jon.nson, mr. of Arlinuton
Allison jr., '~nd Mrs. Run Richard- end ~'rs Sldne" Johnson Mr and -- ~ "
' ,, ,,~ • z , • ±vir and Mrs J H Symonds and
foods. That's why so many Klickitat county ,__ [ son, all of Goldendale. "" "" DeW ese n- Mr - M .....
~wrs. w. e a a . ann were in The DalIes Saturday
YOUR '! . Lester Omeg were visitors a~t the o1~ business
The Dalles Out were in G-oldendale
reaa .......... wnen mey oraer at melr FROM TREACHEROUS FEBRUARY WEATHER ..... • • Sunday. The occasion was in honor over the weekend were" Mr and
SERVE PLENTY OF PURE DAIRY PRODUCTS . ]Per WOO[ uslne 4 of Mr. and Mrs. Letter Omeg's thir- Mrs. John Benson, Jack Sanders,
neighborhood grocery Milk and milk products contain the elements most essential _____ 'ty-s~xth" wedding" anmversary" • Bill Clark, Celwin and George Clark
to perfect health. And when you serve dairy products be ~Frank E. Whitcomb, manager of Mr• and Mrs. B. J. Clark, of and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mattson and
sure they bear the name Reliance Creamery, makers of the Port of The Dalles, this week Dallesport, were callers in Lyle daughters.
Rehance Butter&,,v, ,~,,,,~~a]Ia #'a Ice Cream announced the of Jack Everyone attending the leap year One of the Chat has been
~Milne, jr, to contact Inland Empire dance in the ,Grange hall Saturday iworking on the railroad was seri-
iOLDENDALE BAKING CO. THE RELIANCE CREAMERY ~ woolgrowers concerning the storing night reports a fine time. There will ously injured "when a bar hit his
and shipment of their 1940 clip• be another dance there February 24. throat. He was rushed to the doctor
Mflne will be n on Jake Tel made a business trip toimmedtatel
WELTER a S . SOLD, Proprietor COLD STORAGE PLANT " gins educat al cam- Y.
Portland Sunday, returning to Lyle Mrs Charles Run an returne
paign concerning the facilities of the • y d
~4~*I,*~.~ ~,4~.~,~,~*~-~**~*I.g,.~***,***.~, $250,00~0 Port of The Dalles. Monday• ~ home last week from Mrs. McLavy's
.... School opened again Monday afterhome in el e 1
,Letters have been forwarded to " G d nda e where she ha~
") ~---~ 1,000 sheep raisers of the interior ' s e me.
~f0~gb i cases of measles We understand all C H Henntn s returned home
country announcing adjusted rates " • • g
for shipment of wool by land to The are much improved and no new from J~hn Day Monday where he
' • cases are reported
I)alles and transfer to Columbia " has been visiting with .his brother,
river craft at that point. Savings on Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chamberlain George Hennings.
shipments will range from 50 cents lW:ent to Portland Monday where Mr. and Mrs. Elam Binns and
to $1.00 per ton, Whitcomb announc-i tda;Ys are v~smng relatives a few children, Ronald and Virginia, and
y0~ ~ )e ti~e ~~ It ~~~~t~'~ ~a i • Mrs. Mill Smith and grandchildren,
~"iMilne is the son of a pioneer The .~ Mrs. Lois C!ark and family ~/ero Ardis and Dolores were Sunday din-
. ~olaen(late visitors last .Saturday her m~ests at th,~ ~h~, u~,,o
Dalles business man and is a nephew .. n~ Mrs V C ~ " o~ ,. .,~ .v ..........
~r. a u • • • ~orensen arehome
of E. E, C W, Homer and Otis • ~
.... speudlng a few days in Portland
....... • The Camp Fire Girls are giving a
• ±vmrgan or tn~s county. They went down Tuesday morning. Valentine party for the s~hool Wed-
i) -- " Dance MrsnesdayF b 14 They hope lt will
CENTERVILLE WOMEN n* | ] " * • • be en'o \" "b "'"
m ] Yea y all
/\\ ATTEND DEMONSTRATION l lCKle[on • 1-1 Burr - "
.~ , Y l-lennings, son of Mr. and
~onsors c T ~ennings has been iU
CENTERVII~E----(Special to The a,,]~ with a v " " "
cry oau cold.
Sentinel)~Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Basse --"----- Irene Kenneth and Jo" -
~ i"~- made a mtd-~¢eek vislt to Clatskanie Members of Bickleton's 4-H live" nn l~unyan
' re s)onsmin" a fleeIwere vis,itors at the Runyan home
to see M.r. Basses "~parents. stock club a I " ~ " t~ .
t the ~unclay
A number of ladies of 'the Cen- dance and basket social a I "
• " d " "
n e hall Satmda" eve I Bud y Runyan ~s staying with
tervflle Grange took advantage of Bickleton Gra g • ' " ~ - _. _ _
.......... i ~ 1" ~nls granupa~ents in lc~os~vel%.
~/ ~, the home uemonstranon meeting at nlng, ~'eo 'ua'y ,. [ The attendance of s " -
the Goldendale Grange hall last Each lady attending is asked :Otdiffers gr=t~ly from th:te~Yia ~::
Thursday at an all day meeting Thebring a basket. A prize will be gig n ....
• ~an brin- [weeems' pas'~, unly a few are absent
meeting was conducted by Anna by'the sponsors to the won ~- . ........
now. we hope ~na~ tn,ey may all
:i. n ownan
-electric home Do you have trouble with torn fabrics
or clothes that are hard to clean?
Then you need a new electric washer.
Gentle"swishing'action reduces wash
wear. Beautiful 1940 models wash four
times as fast as many older washers.
Electric Ironers
• Extra hours of freedom are yours--when A child can operate a modern elec-
You install an all-electric home laundry. Hot tric ironer. All you do is arrange your
clothes on the machine. Your ironer
water is always available at the turn of a fau- does all the lifting and pushing you
did with a hand iron. The finished
cet from an automatic electric water heater, work is so nicer
With a new electric washer, your dirtiest
Slaven, ~tato home economics chair- ing the most attractive basket• Dane-
return soon.
ing will start promptly at 9:00 p. m.
Royal ann Underwood Portable
typewriters. Small down payment.
balance In small monthly l~yments.
Inqulre at The Goldendale Sentinel.
Ill Ill
man, and Anna Johnson of Yaklma.
The Ladies Aid met at the home
of Mrs. William Niva last Wednes-
day afternoon. Valen'tines were ex-
changed and delicious refreshments
were served•
clothes are cleaned thoroughly but gently in Electric Water Heaters , ,.
Tests at leading universities prov ~ ~ * All the latest features combined
only 5 to 7 minutes. Ironing is done in half you don't get free hot water from ~'~.~ ~ with beauty and low prlce--that'e
the time, and you can sit down on the job. An range or furnace coils, you're paying -- ~ ~] ~ L ~"~) the famous Thor Eiectric Washer
for hot water all the time. So why not .~~ ~1 ~:~ for 1940. Satin finish aluminum agi-
all-electric home laundry is easy on your enjoy effortless hot water 24 hours a ~[-~,[ ~" ,tater of exclusive design'washes
clothes, too---just as it is easy on you. day with an automatic electric water ~...~_~ ~A ~ carefully but thoroughly in amaz-
heater. Both an electric water heater [ ~i~'~[ l[[ Illll|! Ingly short tlme. Tub |s beautiful
Your dealer or P.P.&L. office will gladly and operating costs are low. " "" whlteporcelalninsldeandout. Big,
show you the amazing new laundry equip- soft cu hio, rolls on writer says
.raent, and how it can be purchased on conven.- For electricSEE washers,ANy ironersDEALERand wateriNheaters ~ PRlPM[ONLybutt°n~" A truly~~gremarkable buy.
cause Pacific Power & Light Company elec I[LECTRICAL EQUIPMENT
Always at Your Service # v Alv.,a at Yowt.
i I I Illl
Read and use The Sentinel want
Sell it through the Want Ads,
The Service Garage
C demla:le, Wash,
You Can Do It Economically