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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
February 15, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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February 15, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Six THE GOLDEN-DALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Thursday, February 15, Goldendale High Quintet To Take Weekend Of Rest With only two games left on their season's schedule Coach John Mil- lam's basketball squad will take a " well needed rest this week before! Cowiche, Moxee Teams Defeat making its ~lnal home appearance Se|ah Springs Five Drops Game Goldendale O n Successive against Marquette high of Yakima To Oilers As Centerville For- Nights here Friday, February 23. ward Sparkles Goldendale high school was elimi- Marquette defeated Goldendale in ---------- , an earlier encounter at Yakima this Staging another one of those one- nated from the Yakima Valley B straight season. Captain Duane ~Linden and man shows that last season made league tournament by two defeats last weekend. Friday evening his team will be out to erase that him the state's leading high school Cowiche edged out a 25 to 20 win defeat and close the home season scorer, Stanley Crocker tallied 26 over Coach Millam's quintet and with a victory when the two teams points here Friday night to pace the Saturday Moxee completely eliminat- clash here February 23. Texaco Oilers to a 46 to 32 win over ed them from the tournament with rFhe final game of the G. H. S. sea- Selah Springs. Besides scoring more son will be played at Klickitat Fri- than half of his team's points a 48 to 25 victory. ~ack of scoring punch kept Gold- day night, March 1. Klickitat also Crocker turned in a brilliant floor holds an early season victory over game. endale behind in the Cowiche game. Coach M|llam's club The Selah Springs five, while not The purple and gold clad squad miss-, "- - -- f -- s and had trouble[ The Klickitat game will be the the same aggregation that last year ea ll ree mrow I in connectin- from the floor V T]final game for Captain Linden captured the Central Washington _ .~ . . .- " .'!Howard Masters and Jack Garling !A.A.U. title, was a well balanced ~mith, regular rorwara, was the onlyI Goldendale player able to score con-all. Goldendale lettermen, team. Most of the players on the sistently. Smith counted 10 points, . club were former Selah and Yakima six of them on free throws, high school stars. Linden Injured It was a tight ball game with the ~Goldendale was handicapped by score tied at the first quarter and the loss of Jim Zevely, regular guard, halftime periods. In the final half through illness. Zevely failed to make Goldendale pulled ahead and was the trip Friday night but did see .a~lc°asting along safely with a 12 point some action against Moxee Saturday ~[ lead as the contest ended. night. Duane Linden, G. H. S. cap- Ul Had it not been for Crocker's tain and center, went out of the unerring shooting eye the Oilers game with an injured knee about Former Goldendale Town Team would have been easy victims for midway in the first contest. Thoughthe Selah quintet. As it was Crocker able to play some against Moxee theStar To Lead Tent And Awn. was the only Goldendale player able tall Goldendale captain was slowed ing Quintet to score with any regularity. In the down considerably, final quarter Jacroux and"Howard ~In the Moxee game Goldendale A1 Elkins, one-time Goldendale Spalding dropped in a few I~oints. held fairly even until halftime when basketball player, and his strong Daryl Spalding, had a particularly the score was 24 to 17 for the Yaki- Tent and Awning company team bad night with his shooting and was ma five. I,n the second half uncanny from Portland will meet Hamilton's able to make only one pofnt. Moxee shooting plus poor passing and Texaco Oilers here Saturday, Feb- :Lloyd Case, regular forward on floor work on Goldendale's part put ruary 24. Elktns once played town the Oilers, was out of town and un- the Yakima valley team far out inteam basketball with Goldendale and able to play. Watson alternated with front, is a former professional player. Jacroux and Howard Spalding dur- ZlHah Beats Moxee His Tent and Awning company ing the ~ame. Whe B tournament championship five is one of the stronger Portland will be determined this weekendcommercial league teams. Golden- d Top when Zlllah meets Rivervtew in the dale fans who remember Elktns enwoo s finals. Zlllah, a two-time victor over fancy ball handling and his trick Kiickitat ..R Goldendale earlier this season, eli- shot released over his right shoulder minated Moxee from the tournament, will want to be on hand for the--League Race The scores follow: game Saturday night. G. ~. S. 20 Cowiche 25 Texaco will start its usual aggre- With seven wins and no losses Smith 10 F Chambers 13 gation with Stanley Crocker, Harold Glenwood is now leading the Klicki- Garling F Rightmire 8 Jacroux, Fred Taylor, Howard Spald-tat county B league race, Trout Lake Masters 2 C Lindeman ing and Daryl Spalding. Lloyd Case with four wins and two losses is the Brooks 3 G Lowry 1 may start in place of one of the five Glenwood club's closest rival for a D. Linden 4 G F. Blondin mentioned. Gordon VandeVanter al- league trophy offered by the Rosser ,Substitutes: Goldendale---McKen-so will see action. & Sutton company of Yakima to the zie, Hoffeditz, C. Linden 1, Brad- league champion. street, Thornton. Cowiche----R. Blon- C tervill Sch el din , Tromberg 2, Bethard 1, Pyrex. en e O Lyle, hard luck member of the Referee, Fowler. ----------- league, has dropped three games by The public Is invited to attend a one point margins. Glenwood is the G. H. S. 25 Moxee 48 program at the a~hool on Wednes- only team in the loop that has been Gariing 2 ~ Slavin 2 day, Feb. 21 at 8:00 p. m. The able to score wins over Trout Lake. V. Smith 6 F G. Meyer, 7 program will consist of several On their two meetings this year the D. Linden 3 C Fortier 15 selections by the Centervllle band, Glenwood boys won 2~5 to 22 and 14 Zevely G Hubregste 4 a one-act play, "Uncle Bulb's Bride," to 12. Brooks 7 G W. Meyer 12 presented by the .high school dra- Won Lost Substitutes: Goldeudale---C. Lin-~matics clus, and other numbers. Glenwood ............... 7 0 den, Bradstreet 2, ~asters, Hall, Me-After the program refreshments will Trout Lake ............. 4 2 Kenzie 2, Hoffeditz 3. Moxee--Bod- be served by ~he girls of the ,home Centerville .............. 4 4 lselich 3, Mieras 4, Wayenberg 2, M. economics class. The admission for White ~almon B ......... 3 3 Hubregste 2. Referee, Fowler. the evening's entertainment and re- Lyle ................... 3 4 fresh•cuts will be 15c and 25c. Wishram ............... 3 5 Miss Wilson, Miss McCormick, Klickitat B ..~ ........... 0~ 6 "''--rmtcnery Gets Mr. Krangness and Mr. Sheppard of Egg the faculty attended the EducatiOn- Goldendale School Rainbow S al Conference at Washougal Satur- --'"--- day. All reported a most interesting ~'irst shipment of an order of and worthwhile meeting. 700,000 rainbow trout eggs was re- gince the last Centerville news cetved at the Spring Creek fiSh'was printed the high school ~oys hatchery last week. These eggs will lost a close contest to Wlshram on be pIaced in the hatching ponds at the latter's floor. T.he first score once. q~ne eggs will hatch this spring, was 24 to 22. On Tuesday, Feb. 6, near future for the Woman's Asso-[ Approximately 300,0,00 brook the locals took a close game from ciatton. Plans ~ere also made to holdI In trout already hatched at the Spring the Goldendale r~serves, 26-28. Creek hatchery this winter, are now The grade team defeated the nearly ready for feeding. These fish Wlshram grades 23-11, the Golden- will be planted as soon as ready, dale grades 22-9, and last Friday " afternoon downed the larger White In modern well-heated houses]Salmon boys 15-11. The Conterville of the Boys' League was made more clothes moths are a problem the!igrade second team lost to White interesting by three representatives year around. So long as moths have]Salmon, 19-10. of the Washington Motor Association warm, undisturbed, dark places, and[ , who were present and spoke to the plenty of food in the form of wool, [ A Roy~l Portable type~rRer will boys. Thse men were in charge of fur or feathers, they will thrive and ]add_ mush to a students education. A the luxury Cruiserette, a streamlined breed. ]comIflote ,line a¢ The Sentinel. tf--- modern motor coach which was on display near the school All Golden- isle students were invited to visit and inspect this beautiful means of @ travel. Sound Films Shown rFwo sound films were shown be- fore the science classes during the past week. The first was called "Mountain Building" and was a SEE THE NEW study of the forces that change the surface of the earth. The second was called '~rhe Will and the Way" and described methods of farm home im- provement with materials at hand and with comparatively little expen- diture of money. Try.outs Held On Friday, try-outs were held for ON DISPLAY AT the Junior class play to be given in the early spring. The results of the try-outs will be announced later. Boy Scout Week ~February 8 marked the beginning of Boy Scout Week celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of Scouting. In The ideal one-plow round wheel tractor honor of this, the boys who are Scouts have ben wearing their uni- forms to school. Buying in quantities is no econ- omy if the food cannot be stored conveniently, and it is also poor economy to buy large amounts of foods that spoil quickly or ones that lose their food value upon standing. For example, fresh beans will shrivel after a day or two, sea foods spoil quickty, and fruit juices may lose some vitamin C after they stand for some time. SUbLMONS BY PUBLICATION No. 6115 In the Superior Court of the,State of Washington, for Klickitat County. heirs of John J. Golden, Deceased; the unknown heirs of Paul Cook- man Golden, Deceased; also all other persons known claiming any right, title, interest, lien, or es- tate in the real property described in the complaint herein, Defend- ants. The State of Washington, to the above named defendants. You are hereby summoned to ap- peal" within sixty (60) days from the date of ill'St publication of this sum- mons, to-wit: within sixty (60) days from February 8, 1940, and defend the above entitled action in the Court above named and serve a copy of your answer on the plaintiffs or the undersigned attorneys for plaintiffs at their offic, e hereinafter set for*,h and in case of failure so to do, judg- ment will be taken against you ac- cording to the demands of the com- plaint which has been filed with the Clerk of the above nalned Court. The object of said action is to quiet title to the following described property in the plaintiffs and to for- ever bar and enjoin you from claim- mg any rigllt, title, interest, lien, or estate in or to said real property adverse to plaintiffs. Said real property being described as follows: Beginning at a point South 89 de- grees 21' East 166 feet distant from the Northeast corner of Block 39, in Golden's Central Addition to the Town of Goldendale, Washington, according to the plat of said Addition on record in the office of the County Auditor of Klickitat County, Wash- ington, thence South 2 degrees 7' West 100 feet, thence South 89 de- grees 21' East 100 feet, thence North 2 degrees 7' East 100 feet, thence North 89 degrees 21' West 100 feet to the point of beginning; situate, lying and being in the SE~ of the NE~ of Sec. 20, T~p. 4 N., R. 16 East, W. M. McEWEN & BROOKS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Office and P. O. Address, Goldendale, Klickitat County, An Ordinance of the City of Golden. dale, Washington, Fixing the Amount of Bond of the City Clerk and City Attorney, and Repealing all Ordinances or Parts of Ordin- ances in Conflict Therewith. The City Council of the City of Goldendale, Washington, do Ordain as follows: Section 1. The City Clerk shall before entering upon the duties of his office execute a bond to the City of Goldendale, "Washington, in the sum of $500.00 and conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties. A ' hall Section 2. The City ttorney s before entering upon the duties of his office execute a bond to the City of Gotdendale, Washington, in the sum of $1,000.00 and conditioned up- on the faithful performance of his duties. Section 3. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinauces in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Council, approval by the Mayor, aud publishing in the manner required by law. Passed first and second reading, January 15, 1940. Passed third reading and final pas- sage, February 5, 1940. Approved the within Ordinance this 5th day of February, 1940. BERT H. KNOX, Mayor. Attest: H.W. MORT, City Clerk. No. P. 2106 the Superior Court of the State of asking the court to distribute the property of said estate to the persons entitled thereto, to determine the heirs of said decedent, to determine inheritance tax and to discharge said administrator with will annexed; and that said petition will be heard on the 27th day of February, 1940, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M., at the court room of our said Superior Court, in the City of Goldendale, Klickitat County, Washington. Witness, The HeN. HOWARD J. ATWELL, Judge of said Superior Court, and the seal of said Court affixed this 25th day of January, 1940. R. M. SPOON, County Clerk and Clerk of said Superior Court. F. A. SMITH, Attorney for Estate, Goldendale, Wash. F1-22t4-- SUltLMONS BY PUBLICATION No. 6110 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for the County of Klickitat. Verda I. Vaughn, Plaintiff. VS. Thomas R. Vaughn, Defendant. The State of Washington, to the said Thomas R. Vaughn, Defend- ant: You are hereby summoned to aP- pear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this sum- mons, to-wit; within sixty days after the 25th day of January, 1940, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney at his of- rice below stgted; and in case of yo~r failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. That the cause of action herein tsl an application for divorce upon the ground of mental cruelty. CLYDE W. LINVILLE, Jr., Attorney for Plaintiff. Office and post office • address, Stevenson, Washington, Skamania County, Washington. Date of first publication January 25, 1940. J25-F29t6-- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Klickitat County. In the matter of the estate of Andrew C. Harding and Diantha Harding, both deceased. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed and i has qualified as executor of the es- tate of Dlantha Harding, deceased, and that all persons having claims against said deceased are required to serve the same on the executor at his residence, Cresco, Iowa, or upon McEwen & Brooks, attorneys of rec- ord for said estate, at Goldendale, Wash., and file with the clerk of the above named Court, together with; proof of such service within six! months after the date of the first publication of this notice, or the same will be forever barred. Date of first publication, February 1, 1940. GEORGE P. HARDING, Executor of the estate of Diantha Harding, deceased. McEWEN & BROOKS, Attorneys for estate. Postoffice address, Golden- dale, Washington. F1-22t4-- RESOLUTION FOR VACATION ANI) ABANI)ONMENT OF COUNTY ROAD WHEREAS: It appears to the Board of County Commissioners of Klickitat County, State of Washing- ton, that a certain portion ef the White Salmon-ilusum Road is now considered useless since the recent construction of State Secondary Road No. 8 D., eliminating the necessity of the following described portion of old road: Beginning at its intersection near the S. W. corner of Tax Lot 12 in the SW~ of NE.$ of Section 36; thence in a northeasterly direction to the in- tersection of the Miller-Bradley read near the N. E. corner of said S. W.~4 of the N. E. ~ of Section 36 all in township 4 north range 10 East \V. M., a distance of approximately 1000 feet. BE I.T RESOLVED; that the Board of County Commissioners hereby de- clare their intention to vacate and abandon said portion of the White Salmon-Husum Road and set March 1, 1940, at the hour of 10:00 a. m. REGISTERED BROWN BULL ]~OR SERVICE.--John 4 miles west of Centerville on wick road. --For Sale-- FOR SALE--1929 Graham sedan, A-1 shape, good upholstering, $75 cash. Phone Paul Davenport, 3165. It FOR SALE--Player piano, very reas- onable. Mrs. Lela Thomson, south Colunlbus Avenue. Also rooms for rent. It F()B SALE--12 tons of No. 1 alfalfa hay, $14 per ton. In town at Maur- el' Bros. barn. M. E. Wing, Gold- endale. 73 FOR SALE--A good Sheldon con- crete mixer with Fairbanks-Morse gas engine. Mounted on rubber tire trailer, $65, or would ex- cl~ange for good work horse about 1200 lbs. Win. Morginson, Lyle, Washington. 73-- I~()R SALE--Two almost new 6-foot Wheatland plows with 26 inch blades; 2 used John Deere 3-bot- tom plows, one 14" one 16"; one 3-bottom 14" International. Maur- er Brothers Feed Store, Golden- dale. lt-- F()R SALE--Why not have an in- come from your house? Eight rooms, bath, hall, cellar, well fur- nished, 3 apartments, 2 lots, nice lawn, trees and shrubbery. Call at Sentinel office as to where this can be found. 6tf-- FOR SALE--Baled, alfalfa and tim- othy hay; also bundled wheat hay. Phone 314Z2. Win. Niemela, 63 FOR SALE--Cord wood saw, 6 horse motor, mounted on wagon, $60. Nick Moliton, Lyle, Wash. 63 FOR SIDLE OR TRADE -~ It ton truck, long wheelbase, factory bed, 80 per cent rubber, 15,000 gross license. Will take small down payment and give terms. Write Lester L. Jones, Gem del., Golden- dale. 63 FOR SALE--36 Ford Pickup, A-1 shape; 36 Willis coupe, good 2n- dition. Nickerson Motor Co. FOR S&LE--Pekingese puppies, 3 months old, pedigreed. 214 West B street. Call and see these fine at Courthouse, Commissioners' room, puppies. ~ 63 Goldendale, Washington, as the date and place fixed for hearing the re- FOR'R-~--E---1931 Panel booty Ohe~'- port of Engineer and consider any rol~t, excellent, good other evidence for or objection rul>ber. Chet End~rby ReI~ir against such vacation and abandon- sheep. • 36-- ment. Dated this 2nd day of February, weight on all vehicles excepting pas- 1940. ~senger vehicles be placed on the fol- A. M. MATSEN, lowing road: GOLDENDALE-:PLEAS- ELMER KAMiHOLZ, ANT VALLEY ROAD, between Its S. F. WNUK, intersection with State Highway No. Board of County Commissioners, 18, ~ mile east of Goldendale to the Klickitat County, State of Wash. N.W. ~ of Section 17, Township 4 Attest: JO~IN A. MILLER, }north range 18, E. W. M. 62-- Clerk of Board. I Aproved this 6th day of February, 1940. NOTICE OF HEABING 1 A.M. MATSEN, Franchise Application__ No. 1166 I ELMERs. F. WNuK.KAMHO~LZ' In the matter of the application of lBoard of County Commissioners, the United States Departmentof Klickitat County, State of Wash- the Interior, The Bonneville Pro-t iugton. ject, for a franchise to construct, I Attest: JOHN A. M~LLER, operate and maintain an eleccric]F8-15t2-- Clerk of Board. transmission line crossing P. S H ! No. 8 and S. S. H. NO. 8-D inI cALL FOR BIDS Klickitat County, Washington. WHE~REAS, the United States De- Sealed bids will be received at the partment of the Interior, The Ben- office of the County Auditor of Klick- neville Project, has, under the pro- itat County, Goldendale, Washington, visions of Chapter 53, Laws of 1937, until 10:00 a. m. March 1, 1940 and filed with the Director of Highways then publicly opened and read for of the State of Washington an ap- the puchase of one (1) new Heavy plication for a franchise to construct, Duty Diesel Powered Motor Grader operate and maintain an electric or one (1) new Heavy Duty Diesel transmission line crossing P. S. H. Powered Motor Grader and Loader. No. 8 and S. S. H. No. 8-D in Klick- Specifications on file at the office itat County, Washington, for a period of the County Road Engineer, Gold- of 50 years, to-wit: endale, Washington. Crossing P. S. H. No. 8, as now The Board reserves the right to located and of record in the office of reject any and or all bids. the Director• of Highways at Olym- By order of the Board of County pia, Washington, at a location in the Conimissioners. NW~ of the SW~ of Section 23, Date of first publication, February Township 6 North, Range 17 E. W.: ~, 1940. M., between highway engineer's sta-JOHN A. MILLER, Auditor of Klick- tions 1854 plus 76.32 and 18.58 plusitat County, State of Washington. 43.04. F8-15t2-- Also crossing S. S. H. No. 8-D, as now located and o~. record in the of- • rice of the Director of ,Highways at Olympia, Washington, at a location • in the NE~ of the SW~ of Section 11, Township 3 North, Range 10 E. ~V. M., between highway engineer's sta- tions 14 plus 26.51 and 17 plus 94.72. NOW, THF~RE:FO~E. NOTICE IS DR. MILTON R. DAVIES DENTIST Home Phone 1464 Office 1172 Goldendede, Washington DR. WILLIAM H. WEST DENTIST Office phone 722 Res. 342 Goldendale. Washington McEWEN & BROOKS ATTORNEYS-AToLAW One Door North of Postoffios Golden dale, Weshington J. R. McEWEN Z.O. BROOKS C. O. GARMIRE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Brooks Bldg. Office phone 372 Goldendale, Washington E. C. WARD and T. E. WARD Aa*rORNE S-AT. W Darch Building Goldendale, Washington F. A. SMITH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW One Door North of Postoffice Goldendale, Washington C. W. RAMSEY .\ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Darch Building Goldendale, Wsshington EDGAR H. CANFIELD ATTORNEY-A~5-I~kW Brooks Building Goldendale, Washington MARYHILL FERRY Connecting Link for U. S. 97 and Calumbia River Highway NEW LOW TRUCK RATE~ DEAN GILLENWATERS PLUM~ING and RUII~ING MATERIALS General Contractor Phone 692 -- Wanted- WANTED---Range in good ,Call phone 3055, Mrs. A. Swan. RELIABLE MAN WANTED---to on farmers in E. Klickitat No experience or capital Steady work. Make up to $10 day. McNESS CO., 2423 Ma St., Oakland, Calif. WORK WANTED WITH SHEEP 14 years experience, box 591 Goldendale, Wash. WANTED TO BUY--Ch,risCmas " stt~mip~ge for 1940 season. write Sherman Atkins, route box 9, Golden~dal.e. WANTED---Fat ~hogs, cattle, sheep. Highest market prices for feeder pigs. M. M. phone 316Y5. April 194 WE WANT---Hogs, beef, lambs veal, and feeder pigs. Als~o We p~y highest cash market pri( Goldendalo Meat Co. IA)ST---Three cows, branded E. on left hip, ear marked square crop, both ears. 1 roan white and 1 red with white Ed Holter, Route 1, City. -- For Rent --- SHEEP PASTURE---2,000 acres 1( ged off lands. Plenty of water. I. Ziegler, Underwood, Wash. FOR RENT-~Apartment with ate bath. Mrs. G. H. Roush. NOTICT,---Have d.~wn payment v.ew Ford, any model. Wi41 rice. Inquire Sentinel. KLICKITAT KAREFUL HERMAN C. ROLOFF IdVI~S~DG~JK AUCTIONEER Used Furnitttre and Farm Mach- inery Bought, Sold and Exchemged Goldendale, Washington PIONEER STATE BANK INSU1L~NCE DEPARTMENT Goldende~le, Washington, phone 7~ Office in Pioneer State Bank C. E. CROOKS REAL ESTATE . INSURANCE State Bank Bl,dg. Phone 382 PHILLIPS FUNERAL HOME Phone 1502 - 1503 Goldendale - WHEREAS; it appears to the Board of County Commissioners of Klickitat County, State of Washing- ton, that due to the condition of the Goldendale~Pleasant Valley Road it will be necessary to limit the wetght of loads over said road. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; that a Load Limit of 3 tons gross LOUIS LEIDL POST NO. 116 AMERICAN LEGION Meets Every First and Thlr,d Monday Each Month Legion Hall, G01dendale ! KESOLUTION AND ORDER LIMIT ING HEAVY TRAFFIC ON COUNTY ROAD the center of Section 25, Township 5 north range 15 E. W. M. Approved this 2nd day of Febru- ary, 1940. A. M. MATSEN, "- EIAVIER KAM~HOLZ, S. F. WNUK, Board of County Klickltat County, State of Wash. Attest: JOHN A. MILLER, 62-- Clerk of Board Creek bridge in N. E.~ of N. W.-} of Section 8 Township 4 north range 16 E. to Pine Forest School House in Goldendale-Klickitat Road from}J Goldendale to Town of Klickitat. i~ Bloodgood Road from Bloodgood • Klickitat County, State of Washing- ton, that due to the condition of cer- tain roads it will be necessary to limit the weight of loads over certain roads. THERE~FO~RE BE IT RESOLV,ED; that a Load Limit of 3 tons gross weight on all vehicles, excepting pas- senger vehicles be placed on the fol- lowing roads: Spring Creek Road from its inter- section with S~ate Secondary High- way No. 8 D in N. E. ~ of N. E. of Section 25 to the end of said road in S. W.~ of S. W.~ Section 23 Town- ship 4 north range 10 E. W. M. WHEREAS: It appears to the Board of County Commissioners of I~_~SOLUTIO~ AND ORDER LIMIT- 1NG HEAVY TRAFFIC ON VARIOUS ROADS ~ton at his office in the Highway Building, Olympia, Washington, on the 27th day of February, 1940, at 10 o'clock A. M. Dated at Olympia, Washington, this 16th day of January, 1940. J&S. A. DAVIS, Assistant Director of Highways. ~1-15t3-- , I~ERE,BY GIVEN That a hearing will be held on said application by the Director of Highways of the State of Washing- FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES AERIE NO. 2115 Meets Every Tuesday Evenilag at 8:00 All Visiting Eagles Welcome & M. NO. 31 Stated Communications Every First and Third Thursday C. H. KNOSHER, .Secretary GOLDENDALE LODGE F. C. H. KNOSHER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANC]~ Phone 162 Goldendale kept, as above specified, on day, the 2nd day of March, 1940, the hour of 10 o'clocl~ in the fe noon of said day, unless the ow~ thereof, or his legal representati shall appear prior to that time make out his title and pay all chal': against said estray. Date of ~irst Publication of t notice, February 15, 1940. JOHN A. M1.LLER, Auditor of Kli itat County, Washington. 7~ COLDS Cause Discomfort For quick reli I from the mise V W ii W V of colds, take Liquid - Tablets - Salve - Nose Ore ERS. Phone 102. Suits made order--Royal Tailors anct Ore City Woolen Mill lines. Po.p~ prices. West of Ford Garege, G~ en,dale~_.~t FREE---If excess acid causes : pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indi~ tion, Heartburn, Belching, Bh ing, Nausea, Gas Pains, get t Sample, Udga, at Allison's Pha NOTICE OF SALE O~ ESTRAY Notice is he~ven that Ho~ ard Bratton on the 2nd day of N( ember, 1939, took up and now kee at his place about 16 miles West Goldendale, Washington the "fo ing estray : One Red Heifer with white about 6 or 8 months old, no br or visible marks. ~Said estray will be sold to highest bidder for cash at the