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February 15, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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February 15, 1940 |
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_ ursday, February 15, 1940
Page Seven
Laura J. Parvott
Olenwood, Feb. 12--The Glen- i
~WIS$'Wood school distil ......... r
'• ill.*.a" 1 'eL llas Deen OlVlO-i
]p\~Ia,::eeintoT, tn ur three director districts, for
7 P pose of effecting equal rel)re-]
..... !.~e.ntation upon the school hoard. Dis-]
~nct number one including the town l
)roperty, all west territory up to and
olher territory. One director will he
elected from each of these sections
by the voting electorate of tile dis-
trict. Where none is made by elec-
tion al)l)ointment is made 1)y the
('ounty SUl)erintendent. Filings for
the post of school director must 1)e
registered with the clerk 10 days
trier to election in order to place
lhe name ef candidates upon lhe
school ballot. Stickers lnay lm used
ulit io~'}nelu
~.~.van" 7~ ding Frank Ward and Surfaces, or names may be written in by vot-
ll. nd all north of
-w c ~ro the road going east ers. There are three vat.antics in the
~:ount~. m Ed Shaw's place to the houn-
u ired
The (,OlUnlunity smoker put on by! to l)e called for this work.
the school was well atlended Satur-[ llarry DeVoe and C. M. Babcock
(lay night. Severaldecisions were)have SUl)l)lied and nlaterials on hand
won, lhough the majority were lto wire lheir houses this week in
draws. Most of the lighters are re-I order to be ready for Bonneville
ported to he good, although there power when it arrives.
were some who al)i)arently were mis-i The county rock crusher is expect-
matched, due to scheduled lighters] ed to be set up this week at the
i not al)l)earing. Foss Wolfe acted as', Ladiges gravel pit. Temporary power
referee. The school gym was more to run it will 17e develot)ed by g gas
(omfor/ahle than at any time prior lengthe nloved in from the Appleton
the altair. The school board have!
] had a chilnney built and a large[ gravel works until the arrival of the
i stove installed. Klickitat's "B" teanl! t'.U.1), line from Gihner valley.
Gravel front near the Alvier Kuhn-
i l)layers lost to Gh!nwood in a game ihansen place was put on the A. G.
here l~'riday night. Glenwood now l
ihohls a three victory lead in the] Lewis road this week hy a fleet of
Glenwood district, caused hy the con-
~ary line, including the R. R. Welleu-solidation last fall. Directors are to
i0)lial)r°Ck place The second division m- be elected for a three year term,
i county trucks. A gas shovel was used
_~ltmludes all land south of town west,a two year and one year terms. It is!''B'' county conlest, having won all it° do the loading. Work was discon-
--- .q~,t°" " ' " ] ' igames to date. 1
IEI' include A. G. Lewis and east to reported that intentions to registerl tinued lemporarily Saturday to allow
: e hakeside boundary. The third[have been expressed by Clarence Much improvement has been made the roads to settle.
.~lstrict is to comprise the Camp ] Lewis, Holner Babcock and Ivan about the school ])uilding this winter I
--- ~raDer settlement exclusive of all~ Meeumber. Joe Bringazi returned last week to
1)y 1)r. Dapkus, his father, and Oliver
Spitznogle who put in their sI)are: California where he had employ-
lilne carpentering. Individual tahles ment awaiting him. Mrs. Nina
llooher is again staying with Mrs.
g. line the walls of the 1)asemellt dining
" room, tim ceiling of the room has Bringazi and her two small boys.
been painted and the basement in- Kemper O'neal was taken to a Van-
tt. F. Knhnhausen is lhe owm,r
of a new delivery car.
Max Ladiges recently installed a
new set elf batteries for his light
Mr. and Ms. Ih)ward Murray and
I{osenlary were dinned' gaesls San-'
(lay evening at the tt.oward Patton]
home in Laurel.
Saturday the usual gathering ot2i
the youliger crowd met at the Grange
hall following the smoker and hehl
forth until the wee 'sma hours, foul''
o'ch)ck to be exact. Last Saturday!
the Grange gave a public card party
at which nine tat)les of pino(.hh~ were iitai on l)usine,;s l,'ri(lay morning.
played. The Grange in their regular Mr. and \lrs. l,eouard Wood on-
business session Saturday decide(~to Ivqqaim,d Ihe m,~/yw(Ms, Mr. and
repeat and hold another public gath-Mrs. Bill I,ingo al dinner Thursday
ering Saturday, Feb. 17 for cards ('~ening. Later in the evening Mr.
and informal dancing. They charge ;ln(l 5Its. I,iugo were tlw hotlt;l'(}d
20 cents to defray expenses and to g'lleSl~, zlt iheir m,w home when a
hell) a little toward keeping the or-] f~,w well-wishers came to call.
ganization solvent. Last year theyI Mr. and Mrs. J{}e Sch/lllz and
ended the period forty dollars be-!datlghler Vivian, Ruth Huher and
hind, having spent during the years°n Johnny were OtlI (if I()wu on
Night or Day
Night phone 1524