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February 22, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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February 22, 1940 |
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Thursday, February 22, 1940 HILL 4 H L B
~; a~| KL]]OKITAT HEIGHTS--(Special MARYKILL-- (Special to The
,f S~| to The Sentinel)--Maryal Cimmi- Sentinel)--Harold Barrett went to
Yotti spent Valentine's day at Mrs. Portland Sunday for a few days•
.~l i~t" Pearl Johnson's bringing her a val-! Mr and Mrs. Dolph visited at the
entine. A pleasant day was spent in McDonald home Saturday night.
~lay!ng games and the little girl t The basket social at th.e school
~ent .home with many pleasant [house Saturday night was well at-
"'~I umorle~. I tended. Tile 44q girls put on a'nice
. Mrs. George Bradford spent a few entertainment of short plays and
days .this week visiting at her son lgames and made nearly fifteen dol-
Frank's near Lyle. 'lars for the club.
Friday and Saturday we had a Mrs. Jacroux, son Alfred, and
genuine old fashioned snowstorm,Miss Hilma Bruner, of Goldendale,
Yes sir! proving Mr. Groundhog was visited at ~he Goes .home Sunday
u. K. in his winter prediction, afternoon.
Power Company Court News Given
Reports Jump For Week's
In Consumption A business ~e has been fil-
ed which shows that Herman C. Rol-
Average residential consumption olff and Clayton J. Roloff are con-
of electricity in the territory served ducting a business in Goldendale un-
by Pacific ~Pbwer & Light Company der the firm name of Roloff & Son.
increased 56 kilowatt hours during ...~ ......~ ~_ - ........
Iu L*tU ~,X~U ut ~tanK upLmor arm
1939 to a new high of 1606, accord- wife, vs. the unknown heirs of Philip
fng to Jobn Nath local agent ..........
' " ' r. trays, ueceasea, et ai, juugment
This is one of the highest system ...........
~ ~ is enterea wnereln it IS oraereu, an-
averages for ,%lly utility in ttle ha- .. ~_~ _...~ ~ ..... .~ ,,.~, ,~.^ ..,.~..
j @~ u~u~ ¢~11~ u~t~i~u L JA gtU ~0 j~lc&l~z-
tion Average annual residential use ..........
• tins are granteu ju(lgment against
of electricity for the rest of the the defendants, quieting the title of
United States is 900 kilowatt hours ................
" ~ • the plalntlK in ann to ~o~s ~ ann o;
Average price received by the SE~NW,~ and 1N~E~$W~ S~c 19, Tp
Revere, Reynolds
Red Cross Officer
Reverend Reynolds, of White Sal-
mon, was named vice-chairman of the
Klickitat county Red Cross chapter
at the regular meeting of that or-
ganization held here Monday even-
ing. Reverend Reynolds succeeds A.I
L. Rosenhall, of Bingen, who resign-
ed recently to move to Toppenish.
Bud Watkins, of Bingen, was named
first aid and life saving chairman for
the county Red Cross group.
This post also was formerly held
by Rosenhall. At the meeting here
Mrs. C. IF. Breneman, delegate to the
Page Five
Mr. and Mrs. Vinton visited
Thursday at Mrs. Pearl Johnson's
Bill Yohey experienced the dis-
°o~nforts of a siege of measles of
Which he has nicely recovered. His
sister Jessie is recovering more
I read it in ~he Sentinel.
Mrs. Selph, of Wishram, visited
Mrs. Harold Barrett Sunday after-
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Peck were
business visitors in Goldendale Sat-
urday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rob|son vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Re!bison in
Goldendale Sunday.
Reliance Cream-
ery prod.ucts put
roses In my
Mummy says I should eat plenty of butter because it makes
me grow strong and healthy. She says its made from pure
cream just like the kind I have on my cereal at breakfast
every morning.
Pacific company per kilowatt hour
for residential service was 2.54
cents, 38 per cent less than the na-
tional average price of 4.07 cents.
Pacific customers purchased ap-
proximately $3,846,000 worth of
electrical appliances during 1939, ac-
cording to reports from dealers
throughout the system, indicating
the large amount of equipment which
must be put to work to cause such
an increase in residential use of
hlcluded were 6055 refrigerators,
5705 washers. 1963 ranges, 1259
water heaters, 13,624 radios and
15,614 I. E. S. la:nps. 3
Marriage Licenses
Willis Catron, 19, and Louise
LaRiviere, 29, both of The Dalles, at
~oldendale February 14. Three day
law waived by court commissioner.
Melvin E. White, 21, and Erma
Wells, 20, boLh of T.he Dalles, ae
Goldendale, February 16. Three day
marriage law waived.
Henry Decker, 42, Port Townsend,
and Mrs. Louisa Hametner, 42, of
Keyport, Wash., at Goldendal,e,
February 19.
Arthur A. Wiles, 21, and B~tty
ttoffeditz, 19, both of Goldendale, at
Goldendale February 21.
C. A. Leachman and Mary Carter,
both of Wishram, at Goldendale
February 21.
Q. Is R more economical?
A. Just test it! NEW SUPER-SHELL is made
by Shell's "BALANCING PROCESS" to give
~. outstanding performance in all gears.
means increased savings on Stop-and-Go
your costliest kind of driving.
Q. And on the highway?
A. Check its great road mileage for yourself!
The "BALANCING PROCESS" makes every
~lof NEW SUPER-SHELL more fully
e--at all speeds.
Q. Is NEW SUPER-SHELL qdick starting?
A. Yes! NEW SUPER-SHELL is the fastest
starting regular grade of motor fuel we've
ever made !
Q. Are its anti-knock qualities improved?
A. Yes. Try NEW SUPER-SHELL on the steep-
est hill you can find. You can feel the
difference [
Q. Does NEW SUPER-SHELL cost more to make?
A. Yes--but it costs you no more.
Q. Does it give better mileage?
A. Yes. NEW SHELL PREMIUM has the high-
est power output of any Shell motor fuel
ever made.
Q. Are its anti-knock qualities improved?
A. Yes. NEW SHELL PREMIUM contains
Q. What is alkylate ?
A. A petroleum derivative extremely high in
anti-knock value. Alkylate is what has made
possible the super-octane gasolines Shell
akes for aviation.
Q. Is NEW SHELL PREMIUM quick starting?
A. Like a flash! We know of none faster l
Q. What about the price?
A. Costs more to make, but costs you no more
than the usual price.
These two new gasolines are the latest result of
Shell's research on Stop-and-Go driving. The
same research which led to the Share-the-Road
Club with its 5,000,000 members
5, N. R. 16, and cancelling any in-
terest claimed by the defendants.
In the case of Ruth Huber vs.
Fred Huber, upon motion of the
plaintiff, it is ordered by the court
that the defendant be and appear
before the court and show cause, if
any he has, why he should not be
adjudged in contempt of court and
punished therefor for his failure to
make payment to the plaintiff of sup-
port money in accordance with the
terms of the Interlocutory Decree of
Divorce entered in the case.
Orders are entered which grant to
the Board of County Commissioners
extra compensation as follows: S. F.
Wnuk, 7 days general administra-
tion, $42.00, and $18.95 for neces-
sary expenses incurred; 15 days as
road supervisor, $90.90: Elmer Kam-
holz, 9 days general administration,
$45.00, $17.85 for the use of his car
and $14.95 necessary expenses in-
curred; 13 days as road supervisor,
$78.00 and $24.45 for the use of his
car: Alfred M. Matsen, 4 days gener-
al administration, $24.00, $9.50 for
the use of his car and $22.50 as nec-
essary expenses incurred; 17 days as
road supervisor, $102.00 and $27.35
for the use of his car.
The State Tax Commission filed
Satisfaction of Warrants which show
that the judgments held against the
following parties have been fully
satisfied and discharged : Merl
Young, Thos. A. Cody, J. M. Park,
Richard Lest and L. W. Wood.
In a case instituted by the State
of Washington ex rel, A. M. Matsen,
S. F. Wnuk and Elmer Kamholz, as
County Commissioners of Klickitat
county, vs. John A. Miller, County
Auditor of KIickitat County, relators
pray that the Court forthwith issue
an alternative writ of mandate dir-
ected to the defendant, requiring him
to issue warrants in payment of the
Public Utility District election ex-
penses, or show cause why he should
not be compelled so to do; and that
upon a hearing and determination of
the cause, a perejnptory writ of man-
date issue directing the defendant to
issue the said warrants. Alternative
writ issued.
Petition is filed which asks the
court to appoint Clair R. Blanchard
as administrator "of the estate of
Lester 1. Blanchard, deceased. The
estate consists of separate real and
personal property having an esti-
mated valuation of $3,000.00. The
decedents mother will inherit the ca.-i
tire estate.
In an action instituted by Freeman
R. Grow and wife against Sara E~
Barnett, and others, the plaintlffsl
pray judgment that they be decreed
to be the owners in fee simple of a
tract of land 100 feet by 100 feet in
Block 39 of Golden's Central addi-
tion to Goldendale.
Upon motion and affidavit of the
Prosecuting Attorney, in the case of
State of Washington, vs. Jim Houst-
on, which shows to the court that
the defendant has, In all respects,
complied with the terms of the pro-
bation heretofore granted him, and
that it would be for the best inter-
ests of the defendant and of society
at large that a dismissal be entered,
therefore it is ordered by the court
that the action be, and the same is
The guardian of the person and
estate of William Morrow, an in-
competent person, has filed his final
report which is approved by the
.court. The guardian is discharged
and his bond is exonerated.
A petition is filed which asks the
court to appoint Ross Esteb as
guardian of the person and estate of
Eva ~Parman, an incompetent person.
In the matter of £he estate of
Arthur F. Alexander, deceased, upon
petition duly filed, it is ordered that
the administrator sell for cash in
hand, one horse and one 1930 Model
A Ford car, for nat less than the
appraised value.
Order is entered which approves
the final account as filed by the ad-
ministrator with will annexed of the
estate of Davis S. Walters, deceased,
and the residue of the estate is dis-
tributed in accordance with the terms
of the will.
Sell t~os~ unutmd artlelqm you
have exou-d the farm or home b~
running a ~1 ad in The Beat~-
retttr~e yon get . . . and the out h~
small t~.
The present Red (].ross member-
ship in Klickitat county is 734, larg-
est in the history of the local organ-
ization. At the meeting Monday ev-
ening bills were read and approved
for the various Red Cross agencies.
The next meeting will be held in
Lyle, April 8.
WPA Worker
- Dies On Job
Funeral services for Charles James
Mercy, 54, were held here last Sat-
urday at 9:00 p. m. Mr. Morey died
February 14 while at work with a
W~PA crew near Wahkiacus. Death
was caused by a heart attack.
Funeral services were conducted
by ~ather I~ons, pastor of Holy Trin-
ity Catholic church. Interment was
in the Catholic cemetery at Golden-
ALDERDALE--- (Special to The
Sentinel)--We have had quite a
lot of rain in this part of the coun-
try bhe past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glasco were
supper guesbs of Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Stout Tuesday evening. They then
motored to Sunnyside where Mr.
Glasco Joined the Veterans of For-
eign Wars. Mrs. Gla~sco joined an
organization also.
T, hose who were valley callers
Friday were: Mr. and Mrs. Art
Lowell and Gayle, Mr, and Mrs.
Robert Marvel and Carl Seely.
The Alderdale high school took
their annual "Sneak" Tuesday. They
left town Tuesday morning and mo-
tored to the valley where they spent
the day having fun. In the evening
they attended a show. Everyone had l
a very nice time.
Leona Seely and I~n~ora Grubb
spent Tuesdaj night wibh Lois
Those who attended the dance
and basket ~ocial at Blckleton were:
Donald and Bud Miller and Gayle
Frank and Winston Churchill
were visitors at Carl Seelys Sunday.
Jackie Highfill returned to school
Monday after s~lffering from the i
Mrs. Clyde Allbritton visited Mrs.
J. F. Churchill Wednesday.
[ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen are the
parents of a baby boy, born Feb-
ruary 18, at Pasco.
Donna Pierce ,has been ~ffertng
wi~h the flu the past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allbritton were
in Yak|ms on business Tuesday.
Those who were vbsitors in Gold-
endale Wednesday were: Harold
Seely, Charles Allbrt,tton, John
Churchill, Mr. Porter, Fay Eakman,
Clarence Porter and Clyde Allbrtt-
Mr. and Mrs. Porter and family
were visitors in Bickleton Sunday.
Don't forget the dance at Alder-
dale on February 24. Tull's orches-
tra. Everybody come.
Glenn Sperry, Seattle youth sen-
tenced to Monroe reformatory last
fall for an attempted armed robbery
of Wilhelm Vergin, Alderdale ranch-
er, has received a minimum term of
five years. The five year minimum
term was set by the state board of
prisons and paroles, according to R.
M. Spoon, county clerk.
You Can Do It Economically
HsRrS a tire that's famous for quality; noted for
long. dependable mileage.
And---at a 25% discount from list Price!
Tim Firestone Standard is the only low-priced
Nre made with the patented Gum-Dipped Cord
Body which gives greatest protection against
blowouts. Remember that|
Look at that treadl It's deep. tough and
rugged for long wear. It's scientHically
designed to protect against skidding.
Come in today and let us equip your car
with Firestone Standard Tires--the value
msatien of 19401
iresfone STANDAM)
s s/s.s0-1o ..... 10.0S
s.2s/s.w-20. 11.35
UO-lS ......... I0.15
12.70 9.53
Goldendale, Washington