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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
February 22, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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February 22, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Eight THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldendale, Washington 7 _, Thursday, February 22, 1940 unit at the State college of Wash- ington for the second semester. Scheel is a senior enrolled in phar- lnacy. Miss Helen Brondt and L. W. Ternahan, of the county agricul- Mrs. N. S. 01dham came up from turist's office, will attend a 4-H her mother, Mrs. Childers, and her leaders conference in Yakima this sister, Mrs. Fred Yeackel and ram- Saturday, Feb. 24. A number of 4-H ily. Mrs. Oldham also visited her club leaders from this area are also mother-in-law, Mrs. M. A. Oldham, i planning to attend. and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. 01dham. 1 Paul Cerveny was recently trans- ] Miss Jerrine Brooks, graduate of ferred from Yakima to Astoria. The Goldendale high school, was recent-ltransfer is effective immediately. ly appointed to a cadet teachingI Mrs. W. D. Norris and Mrs. O. position at the Walls Walla high~]A. Morgan returned Monday from school. She is one of fifteen Whit-tNewberg' Ore., where they visited man College Edl,~cation majors who I with their mo~her, Mrs. J. Horni- will receive teaching experience at i brook" Mrs. Horniibrook celebrated the high school this semester. Miss I her eighty-third birthday last Sun- Brool~s, senior, was graduated from iday" Fifty-three relatives were pres- high school in 1936, lent for the celebration. John geheel, Goldendale, has beenI~ Clare Ramsey received an inter- appointed commander with the rank[Iocutory decree of divorce from of lieutenant colonel in the ROTC Merrill 0. Ramsey in superior court Tuesday. The decree was signed by Judge Howard J. Atwell. Rosie Davis was granted an inter- locutory decree of divorce from Lester Davis by Judge Howard J. Atwell in superior court Tuesday. In .the complaint she charged aban- donment. Miss T.helma Pearson and her mother, Mrs. Amelia Pearson, both of Trout Lake, were in Goldendale on business Tuesday. D. El~ood Caples, Vancouver at- torney, and Mr. Decker, RFC repre- sentative from Portland, were in Goldendale on business Tuesday. T.hough confined in the Veteran's hospital at Walla Walla Golden-i dalo's Mayor Bert Knox is still able to write poetry. Last week one of his poems about Goldendale was read over station ~I-IQ in Spokane. Mayor Knox even received a $1 prize for his efforts. Sell it through the Want Ads oEDWARDS , coffees ! 1 Ib .......... 22c 2 Ibs ......... 43c 4 Ibs. ........ 85c • NOB HILL ~ Straight from the roaster! Nob Hill is hours fresher! DRIFTED SNOW 2 lb. bag ....... 37c 49 lb. bag ........... $1.{i9 KITCHEN CRAFT DRIED FRUIT SALE 49 lb. bagED. RROw .... $1.49 ] ® Prunes, 4 lbs ....... 19c 49 lb. bag ........... $1.09 II • HARVEST BLOSSOM I I • Ramins, 4 lbs ....... 21c 49 lb. bag ........ ....... $1.35 II S ICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, February 23-2 I • Tall cans l/hlk,, Cherub 3 for 19c1 I Ii [ Grapefruit I -- " r Belle - " -- " [ iP..,--- uga .L__. • i:iRach :.;, ...... 5c Ill No. 2cans L) [Or Jt}CII Squashlil ::::.2c , , , n Marble Head g y ,tell tell 3 for 13c [ :!3fol ! , Flavor I ! Onions, 10 lbs. 13c I { Camay I [ Spin_ac.h.. I i l Fresh Maryhill I { ,I h a !/ I I SAFEWA~ ,~U ~L/rY MEA]'!I I' Smelt- "l'b 2"'i' ~, . ,.,~l) So ...IC ~~~;'~i~,:,.., -- ! k 1 #l!,i:c I Sugar Cured Swifts Kenton I I | I / I I i , ~JO W I , k,l --- Baco~ t .ig a¢ I Armours Shc. Bacon, lb. 17c Pork Roast, pound .....10c I i ' lWith The LATTER DAY SAINTS R. R. Harem, Superintendent Kllekttat, Washington Sunday school 10:00 a. m. club rooms at Kltckltat. HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Patrick S. Lyons, Pastor in Spray Concern Names Agency Schedule of Messes First, Third and Fifth S~ndays 9 a. m. St..Mary's Church, Wishrem, First, Third and Fifth Sundays, 11 a. m. The Klickitat Valley Grain Grow- ers this week was named local dis- tributor for the Mater Chemical Spray company products. The an- nouncement was made by Chuck Green, official of the Spray manu- facturing company. Wt~e Maier company manufactures spray for all types of livestock. Their product in recent years has received the commendations of leading cattle and sheep producers from all sec- tions of the Middle West and Rocky Mountain states, Green said. CHURCH OF CHRIST V. T. SMITH, Minister Bible Study ............... 10:00 Preaching ................. 11 : 00 Breaking bread ............ 11:50 Evening serrice ............ 7:30 Wednesday evening worship.. 7:30 Ladies Bible Study, Friday... 2:00 Claude A. Guild, of Yakima, will speak at both morning and evening services. "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32. GI{A(SE LUTHERAN CHURCH Kliekitat, Washington ~EUGENE R. SCHRAkMM, Pastor Sunday School .........9:30 a. m. BIDS CALLED FOR CLIFFS MAIL ROUTE ChI~l~FS---(Special to The Senti- nel)iOlarence Brown is working for C. R. Blanchard on his ranch. Mrs. May Ryder who has been sick for the past four months at her daughter's, Mrs. Clarence Brown, is now up and can walk some with help. Here is wishing her a speedy recovery. George Jeter called on Lincoln Huot last Friday and reports Mr. Huot is recovering nicely from his illness. James Fuhrman has been working our roads on Chamberlin Flat and Cliffs and they are in good condition. Mrs. Ida Blanchard has been quite Regular Service .......10:30 a. m. poorly but is improving slowly. Radio Service .......... 1:30 p. m. Mutual Network, convenient station KIT, Yakima. "We Preach Christ And Him Cruci- fied." ing the mail on the new route from Cliffs to Lincoln Huot's place. Chain- berlin Flat people are jubilant as this will be very beneficial to them as well as others. The weather here is getting like spring and everybody is beginning to plant garden and flowers. The range is looking like spring is coming SOOn. Goidendah School FILM OF THE WEEK The film shown on Monday of last week was called "Jerry Pulls the Strings." This was the complete story of coffee, beginning its discovery and ending with the fin- ished product. ~he story was pre- ~ented by the use of puppets, thus making it extremely interesting. The ,play selected for 1~ by the Junior class this spring the one entitled "M'Liss" (My West- ern Miss.) This is a comedy in acts founded on the Bret s~ory. IMPROVING Blll Darland, manager of Star Market, was able to co~ne town this 'Week for the first since his recent operation. He will be back ~t work in a few weeks. Notice Of Hearing On Final Account And Petition For Distribution No. P. 1978 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington, for the County of Klickitat. In the matter of the joint estates Cora Christine Perkins, and liam Richard Perkins, and wife, both deceased. ~Notice is hereby given that ~P:E'CIAL ASSF, MBL~ E. Gragory, Administratrix of On Valentines Day Wednesday I joint estates above named, has ' ~'with the Clerk of this Court her February 14, a special asser~bly was:account, report and petition for held at 2:30 in the afternoon in! of the occasion. A program made up of skite, songs, pantomimes and music was presenled with each class contributing a part of it. Donald Hoagland, ms Cupid, read "Cupid Letters," after ~.hich Valentines ~ere exchanged. GIRLS' LEAGUE HAS PARTY • he Girls' ~eague members on- joyed a party on Friday evening. A program was given, and the re- mainder of the evening spent in playing various games. The refresh- ments and favors carried out the The United States postal depart- Valentine motif. ment has called for bids for carry- ~UNIOR CLASS PLAY tibution, and that the Court is to settle said account and report distribute the property to those titled thereto, and discharge the Administratrix and that the of March, 1940, at the hour of o'clock in the forenoon of said in the court room of the above titled court in Klickitat Count Washington, located in the house in Goldendale, in said and state, have been fixed as time and place for the hearing of saTd final account, report and tier for distribution, at which and place any person interested file objections to the said report petition for distribution, or may pear at said time and place and sent objections thereto. R. M. SPOO~N, Clerk of said SuperiOr Court. C. O. GARMI~E, Attorney for estate. F22-M14t4~ ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH VELMER J. GARDNER, Pastor Sunday School ........10:00 a. m. Morning Worship ...... 11 : 00 a. m. Evening Service ........ 7:45 p. m. The pastor and wife will be gone to Wenatchee for a Bible Conference this week. There will be no mid-week services. SPECIAL NOTICE: The meeting in the Maryhtll church will continue Friday night. Rev. Gardner will re- turn in time for this special service. You are welcome! MEATS GRAPE JUICE, S & W, pint ... 23c ,, White Cloud 12 oz. bottle ..... zHE zH0 sz CHURCH 4 lb. pail 38c o. J .all, minister ...... M.J.B. Jar COFFEE, lb ....... 23c JOWL ,, . I0:00 a. m., Church school; Ink 1 ~ union 11:00., Sermon by the pastor; 6:30 rouna ........ OC ~ 1 p. m., Youth meet for worship and ,, , nrana , recreation. W'ednesday 7:00 p.m., BONE Choi practice :00 o m. L.Fresh Pork TISSUE, Velvet, roll..5c Cabinet meeting. Thursday, dele- meeting.gates go to Portland for the Bishops' Pound ........ 4c SPAM, can .................. 25c TEFERANCE N ORMATION: PORK ROAST i 'After the University of Southern • SODA CRACKERS, 6 lb. box. 85c California team had won the inter- rouna ....... Iuc collegiate track and field champion- Link SAUSAGE ORANGES, 150 size, dozen_... ;22c ship for the second straight year, Dean Cromwell, their coach, said: Pure and Delicious "The boys set ,out to be champions, -- "" HOT SAUCE, Val VRa, 3 fur 10c trained like champions, and con- Pound .. 16c "" ducted themselves like champions ............... BROWN SUGAR, 4 lbs. ........ 25c on and o'ff the field. None of my boys kno~v what the taste of alcohol ~ ~=-------~- is. They never stop training." (The Voice, Nov. 19 9, p. 25). FREE DELIVERY jim il M ililit lii I PHONE 1152 SERVICE GOLDENDALE :FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH c. E. Hane , pastor THE BEST IN GROCERIES AND FINEST QUALITY INSPECTED MEATS 10:00 a. m. Bible school. II II:00 a. m. Morning worship and preaching service. The Fisher evangelistic meetings Quality Guaranteed Meats.... Largest, Freshest Stock... are to continue with services each night at 7:30 p. m. except on Sat- TopicsUrdaYwith thenightfor thisSUndayandweekWillntghtasbefollows:C°nciudedse'ice Goldendale Meat Co. Always Sell For Less !!! W:d" The b°YS and girls 'have Round Steak ChomeSteer charge of this service under the dl- Lbo " 17C rection of Mrs. Fisher. Beef Thurs., "The Unpardonable Sin." Fri., "The Great Beyond." I Young Mutton Chops, lb. 10cI Frui s and V -Sat., No service. ... t egetables... Sun: 11:00 a. m., "Istah'e Vision." s n. 7: 0 p. m. "The Good Sugar Cured Bacon, lb... 16c I Celer,, lar,,e bunch . . 10c gamaritan." ' By The Piece I J' " " " The special music is an outstand- ing feature of each of these services. Ham Patties, 7 for ...... 25c I Lettuce, 2 heads ........ 15c VISITS HERE Different and Delicious I " A. N. Pierce, receiver for the St. I Martins Mineral Springs, a"~ Camas, Liver, 2 lbs. ............. 15c Oranges, 3 dozen ....... -5c I was a Goldendale business visitor the firStformerOfmanagerthe week.of theMr'sewardPierCehotelWas Beef Boil, pound ......... 7c I (h'apefruit, large, 5 for .. 10c in Portland, and has many friends in Calf Brains, pound .... 4c Pears Goldendale. Mr. Pierce plans to ". :" I , W. Nelhs, 10 lbs... 15c make extensive improvements at the St. Martins Springs in the near fu- Swift Sliced Ham, 4 slices 5cl . ture. . I Lemons, Jumbo size, doz. 18c Fresh Smelt, Fish & Oysters] _ . Mr. and Mrs. 0tho Cleman and Onions, 10Ibs. .......... 15c Miss Evelyn Radcliffe spent several days In Yaklmathe first of the ook S(lid i i Mrs. Ed Barnard, who Is now In L,) Ocean Park, California visiting ~vith ( I Herds • • • her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Curti, will return to Goldendale in two ! more weeks. She was in San Fran- ~{k~---~ ~~ ~~ cisco when a series of earth tremors hit that area a week ago. Pete Conboy, George Radford and "Home of Klickitat VaHey's Finest Inspected Meats" Frank Lenten, of Glenwood, were in town Wednesday on business.