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8--FEBRUARY 22,2017
From page 7 filed; A Fact Finding hearing on February 16, 2017, under
will be held on this matteron: SEPA Rules (Chapter 197-
dob 04/14/13, dependency March 21, 2017 at 1:30 p.m. 11 WAC) and the Klickitat
petition #16-7-00058-8 filed at Klickitat County Supe- County Environmental Ordi-
12/09/16 (natural mother rior Court, Juvenile Division, nance Number 121084 for
Cristin Georgeton); and 205 South Columbus, Gel- the following proposal:
Unknown Biological Father dendale, WA 98620. YOU SEPA 2017-01: Applicant:
and/or anyone else claiming SHOULD BE PRESENT AT Mercer Canyons Inc. The
a paternal interest in LILLY THIS HEARING. comprehensive proposal is
BUSCHMAN, dob 08/19/15, THE HEARING WILL to construct a custom crush-
dependency petition #16-7- DETERMINE IF YOUR ing (viticulture) facilityinclud-
00059-6 filed 12/09/16 (nat- CHILD iS DEPENDENT ing office space, parking are-
ural mother Cristin George- AS DEFINED IN RCW , as, storage, crush pad, tank
ton); and 13.34.030(6). THIS BEGINS buildings, outdoor tanks,
Unknown Biological Father A JUDICIAL PROCESS scales and possibly a fire
and/or anyone else claim- WHICH COULD RESULT control pond. Total project
ing a paternal interest in IN PERMANENT LOSS OF footprint is approximately
dob 01/04/13, dependency IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR will include road construc-
petition #16-7-00056-1 filed AT THE HEARING THE tion, drainage infrastructure
12/05/16 (natural mother COURT MAY ENTER A improvements, applicable
Chelsea Ida George); and DEPENDENCY ORDER IN grading of the project foot-
Unknown Biological Father YOUR ABSENCE. print and construction of
and/or anyone else claiming To request a copy of the 10 115,000 gallon storage
a paternal interest in GRA- Notice, Summons, and tanks. Phase two (2018)
CIE LILLIAN ROSE NEW- Dependency Petition, call will include construction of
ELL, dob 07/15/13, depend- DSHS at (509) 773-7475. To the necessary structures to
ency petition #16-7-00002-2 view information about your operate the facility during
filed 12/17/15 (natural moth- rights in this proceeding, go the annual harvest season.
er Karina Nicole Childers); to Total building square foot-
KAROLINE JOANN DUN- aspx. age ~s approximately 26,000
DAS, Mother of ALEXIS DATED this14th day of Feb- square feet, not including
JOANN EDWARDS, dob ruary, 2017. scales, asphalt drive lanes,
02/16/02, dependency pe- Renea Campbell, Klickitat gravel parking area, etc. The
tition #16-7-00061-8 filed County Clerk proposed project is located
12/16/16 (natural mother By: Connie McEwen within a portion of Sections
Karoline Joann Dundas); Deputy Clerk 2, T5N, R23E, W.M., Klicki-
Unknown Biological Father (0810,0901,1001) tat County, WA (Alderdale
and/or anyone else claim- Vicinity).
ing a paternal interest in KLICKITAT COUNTY After reviewofthecompleted
SATIVA PATRICIA LEE, DETERMINATION OF environmental checklist and
dob 10/21/15, dependency NON-SIGNIFICANCE other information on file the
petition #15-7-00082-2 filed Notice is hereby given that KlickitatCounty Responsible
10/23/15 (natural mother Klickitat County issued a Official has determinVd that
Sequoya Raine Cook). Mitigated Determination of this proposal will not have
A Dependency Petition was Non-significance (MDNS) probable significant adverse
impacts on the environment.
Copies of the MDNS is avail-
able at the Klickitat County
Planning Department dur-
ing normal business hours.
Comments or appeals on
the above environmental
review will be accepted until
5:00 pm on March 10, 2017.
Appeals must be flied with
the Klickitat County Auditor's
office. Appeals shall not be
deemed complete without
payment of the appeal fees
applicable to class C pro-
jects, payable to Klickitat
County Planning. Depart-
Sealed bids will be received
by the Commission of Public
Utility District No. 1 of Klicki-
tat County for Tree Trimming
and Right of Way Clearing
Bid 2017. Bids wil be re-
ceived until March 16, 2017
at 2:00 PM, Pacific Time, at
the District's office at 1313
South Columbus, Golden-
dale, Washington, 98620,
at which time and place the
bids will be publicly opened
and read. The bid docu-
ments and specifications
may be obtained at the Dis-
trict's office. Each bid shall
be accompanied by a certi-
fied or cashier's check on
a bank that is a member of
the Federal Deposit Insur-
ance Corporation payable to
the order of the Commission
of Public Utility District No.
1 of Klickitat County, or by
a bid bond with a corporate
surety licensed to do busi-
ness in the State of Wash-
ington in an amount not less
than 5% of the amount of the
bid. Each bid to be firm and
binding for 60 days after the
time set for the bid opening.
Bidders are advised upon
completion of any contract
awarded to them they must
furnish a certified statement
of the nature and source of
items in excess of $2,500
utilized in the performance
of the contract procured from
sources beyond the territo-
rial boundaries of the United
States, including Alaska and
Hawaii. The District reserves
the right to reject any and
all proposals, and to waive
minor irregularities and er-
rors. Dated this 14th day of
February, 2017. PUBLIC
Randy K. Knowles,
Sealed bids will be received
by the Commission of Public
Utility District No. 1 of Klicki-
tat County for Pole Inspec-
tion and Treating Bid 2017.
Bids will be received until
March 16, 2017 at 2:00 PM,
Pacific Time, at the District's
office at 1313 South Colum-
bus, Goldendale, Washing-
ton, 98620, at which time and
place the bids will be publicly
opened and read. The bid
documents and specifica-
tions may be obtained at the
District's office. Each bid
shall be accompanied by a
certified or cashier's check
on a bank that is a member
of the Federal Deposit Insur-
ance Corporation payable to
the order of the Commission
of Public Utility District No.
1 of Klickitat County, or by
a bid bond with a corporate
surety licensed to do busi-
ness in the State of Wash-
ington in an amount not less
than 5% of the amount of the
bid. Each bid to be firm and
binding for 60 days after the
time set for the bid opening.
Bidders are advised upon
completion of any contract
awarded to them they must
furnish a certified statement
of the nature and source of
items in excess of $2,500
utilized in the performance
of the contract procured from
sources beyond the territo-
rial boundaries of the United
States, including Alaska and
Hawaii. The District reserves
the right to reject any and all
proposals, and to waive mi-
nor rregularities and errors.
Dated this 14th day of Febru-
Randy K. Knowtes, Presi-
The Underwood
Community Center and
Park is just 5 minutes
from the Hood River
Bridge in Underwood,
Washington. The
historic Underwood
School gymnasium
building is located on
Schoolhouse Road in
Underwood. The facility
offers the gym with a
stage, restrooms, and a
separate meeting room
with kitchen. For
outdoor events, you'll
find a covered picmc
area with barbecue.
playground, tennis
court, horseshoe pits,
basketball court,
baseball/soccer field.
gazeoo and horse
arena. The facility is
handicap accessible
with ample parking. For
information on renting
visit the website:
.org. Additional into:
HURTS, National Alliance on Volunteers ready for next season. Hi
habits, hang-ups? Mental Illness perf. chains, brand new.
Attend Celebrate Recovery "SHY" never used, perfect for
a faith-based 12 step NAMI is the largest Big Brothers Big Sisters is Pontiac Vibe or other cars.
program, every Tuesday education, support and seeking a consistent and $10.00. 609-892-81t5
night at Hood River Alliance advocacy organization on Wsgl
Church at 2650 W. Montello mental health in the nation, mellow Big Brother for a .............................................
(off Rand Rd). The Mission of NAMI 10-year-old Pine Grove DYSON vacuum. Model
Dinner provided at 6:15 Oregon is to improve the boy. He is shy and has DC-25. All Floors-ball type.
om quality of life of persons trouble making friends. He 2 on-board attachments.
and large group meeting with mental illness and of lives in poverty and is often Get your Spring Cleaning
at 7:00 pro. their families througn stuck at home with nothing done righU Great deal at
Childcare is provided, support, education and to do but play video$225. Call Jim 541-506-
For more into. calladvocacy, games. 5002 M-F 10-5 p.m,
541.-436-0852 The Dalles. He's ready to get out and FIFTH wheel tailgate off '07
.... -[)uai-Di~l-gn-0sis 1st Thursday of every about with his Big Brother. Chevy PU. Excellent con-
month from 6 to 7:30 pm He enjoys beard and card dition. $250. 541-490-4391
Anonymous at One Community Health games, movies, going to
Open Group Support Center 1040 Webber the park, and pretty much FRONT & REAR chrome
Meeting Street. all sports. To learn more
101 10th Street bumpers off '68 Chevy Ca-
Zion Lutheran Church Hood River: about applying to be the mare, Good condition, $50
In Fellowship Hall 4th Saturday of every positive role model this each. 541-490-4391
The Datles. Oregon month from 10 to 11:30 am young man needs, call
Fridays at Hood River Public
5:30 pm Library, 502 State St.
FAMILY Alzheimer'slDe- Working to establish a
mentia Support Group:NAMI Oregon affiliate
family members and in the
friends caring for individu- Gorge. We welcome you to
als with Alzheimer's dis- join us for education and to
ease or a related dementia share your thoughts and
are invited to participate mideas.
our Dementia Support
Group, Come and gain Any local questions call
support and insight from 541-340-9431
others who are going thru NAMI Oregon Support
Line: 800-343-6264
or have gone thru this lour- _ ...................................
ney. Join us monthly in a NARCOTICS
caring environment to dis- ANONYMOUS
cuss your challenges and meeting-Tuesdays &
questions. Meeting held the Thursdays, from 7-8pro at
third Wednesday, every Father's House Fellow-
month, at 3:00 pm at Flagr ship,
Stone Senior Living at 3325 207 S. Klickitat.
case, with book, $90. 541- Misc. Wanted
Size 6. Marquis and
baguette cut diamonds
set in 18K gold.
Rings are soldered
Great condition.
Paid over $2,700.
Asking $700 obo.
Call 425-308-9582
For Some Unique
Gifts Ideas and
Cards for
Valentine's Day or
Just Anytime!
that need to seriously
make'up some
desperately needed
sales to make up for
those snow days.
.......................................................................................... NOTE: We will be open on
Justine at (541)490-9979. HONDA Pressure Washer BRACELET, 14K yellowSundays to make up for
....................................... with engine hose and ac- gold tennis bracelet with 44 lost days as well, when
"THE FISHERMAN" cessones. Needs pump.
Big Brothers Big Sisters is $75. 541-806-6320. "Anthill Red Pyrope" gar- you see the OPEN sign on
seeking an engaging and K]~lB~.L.L-P-iano_-Pricecl--io nets, 3,5 mm, 4 prong, 7 1/ Sunday, ,YES we are in
consistent Big Brother for a sell. Free delivery in the 4" in length. Only worn deed open for Your Shop
ping Pleasurel
lO-year-old Parkdale boy. Gorge.$300.541-490- once. Looks brand oew, re- Go Ahead an(~ Call First
He's ready to get out and 2283. celpt available. Paid $1000, re Double Check..,
about with a Big Brother .......................................
with activities like soccer, Large recliner chair (does but asking $700 OBO. 541- See You Then!
biking, swimming, and not recline anymore). N/S, 490-9424.
playing with Legos. He N/pet home. Very comfort ................................ * ' * * * * * *
able and clean. $50 OBO. MEN'S leather motorcycle
loves fishing but doesn't pick up only in Goldendale. jacket. Joe Rocket. size 42.
509- 993-1449.
have anyone to take him ............................................... black and yellow leather
To learn more about MANDOLIN. By Michaelwith silver stripe down each
applying to be the positive Kelly, "A" style/oval, sun- arm. All zippers and snaps
role model this young man burst w/inlays, w/hardcase
needs, call Justine at $250 obo, text pics/re- work, Has elbow armor and
(541), 509-281-1805padded Deck protection.
Great Quality
For a Low Price
Columbia View Drive. For 0VER-EA-I:I:RSANON~;I~0-US ....... :;bNi60ELY .............. M-E~D/FAST~ME-A[S- ......... Like new condition. Similar Antiques, Collectibles,
61 count, normally $135, jackets retail for $600- House-Yard-Shop
Personals more information about our Meets every Tuesday ACTIVE" selling for $85 Please call $300. Asking $150. Call or Office Decor and So
group, contact Karen Wil- 5'.30 pm to 6:30 pm Big Brothers Big Sisters is 509-773-4108. text 425-308-9582. Locat- Much More Store
GOLDENDALE PREGNANCY son at 541-298-5656. All Immanuel Lutheran seeking an active Big
RESOURCE CENTER Welcome! Church M-ICFI£)~'V,~VE~-Sllarp (~ar-~ ed in Hood River OR. Pho-
Free pregnancy self_tests, Family Caregiver .... 9th & State st, (305 9th)Brother for a 12-year-o,d ANOTHER
pregnancy and parenting Hood River, OR. Hood River boy. He's quiet ousel, 800 watt, black, tos available,
education and supplies, SupportGroup ContactLiz541-386-7160 butenjoysawidevarietyof countertop, works great, CHANCE
post-abortion support. F;ARKiNsoN's ....... Suppo-tt activities, including $45. 541-387-4752. Appliances
watching movies, having l~Oq'-6-R-fo-i-1-9796-Acu-ia-i-n:
Center Hours: Monday and Are you caring for a Group: 1st Wednesday of RESALE & MORE LLC
Wednesday, 10:30 a.m.-
3:30 p.m.
Tuesday noon - 5:00 p.m.
120 W. Allyn, 509-773-
parent, APPLIANCE sales and ser- 409 East 2nd Street
spouse, or adult child? The Datles, Oregon
Who is caring for you? vice. All brands. Service
caltes. Appliance pick up 509-261"1296
This peer support group and removal. 541-296-HOURS: 10to6
will' help you learn about 8970 or 54t-980-1537 Monday- Saturday
caregiving, how it impacts
you, and how to cope with
the challenges of caring for
another adult.
3rd Thursday of the month
10:30am - 12:00noon
12 Noon, St. Joseph's Hood River Adult Center
Catholic Church, 240 2010 Sterling Place
NW Washington Street, Hood River
White Salmon, WA
Call 541-387-644 or email
THURSDAYS: 7 p.m. anna,williams3@ providen
SUNDAYS: 8 p.m. to learn more.
Umpqua Bank, 73 NE ................ GXMB-Li=-R,S .............
Estes Avenue, White
.Meets Monday at 6:30 pm
.................... at the St. Marks' Church,
AL ANON FAMILY GROUPS 1 lth & Eugene St.
(support for family and Hood River.
friends of alcoholics)
meets Mondays at noon GRIEF and Loss Group
New location: meets monthly at Klickitat
Riverside Valley Hospital. Come and
Community Church learn ways to heal and help
317 State St. others heal from loss.
Ruth Wells Room Sponsored by Klickitat Val-
ley Hospice. Call 773-0380
Tuesdays at 7pm for further information.
St. Mark's
11th & Eugene NA Meetings every
Hood River Wednesday, 6:30-7:30 at
.................. .............. the Casa Guadalupe
GROUP House, 1603 Belmont,
For family & friends of Hood River, OR.
alcoholics. NA MEETINGS
Every Thursday from Goldendale
6-7pm, at the United Father's House Fellowship
Methodist Church, 109 E. 207 S. Klickitat
Broadway, Goldendale. Monday: 6-Tpm
Come join us for meetings - Wednesday: 6-7pm
Alcoholics Anon. Golden- Friday:6-7pm
dale meetings at the United Open to non-addicts.
Methodist Church; Men., 8 For more into,
p.m.; Wed., 8 p.m.; Fri., 8 call Kathy S,@ 360-850-
p.m., 109 E. Broadway. 1- 8832 or
800-344-2666. Matt S. @ 360-850-8840.
every month, 2pm @ Wa-
ter's Edge, 551 Lone Pine
Blvd., 2nd floor. For more
information, please contact
Chad @ 541-340-0142.
Providence Hospice
of the Gorge Children
and Teens Grief
for families that have
experienced the death of a
parent or sibling.
First and Third Thursdays
6-7 PM in Hood River.
Pizza dinner and gas cards
Contact Colleen Baltinger
541-296-3228 to register.
....... Ri i 6 Eiiii G c6uP-LES ........
Meets 2rid & 4th
Sundays at 10 am,
216 Cascade St. Ste. 26
Hood River
Neff wars, archery, playing
tag, and even unicycling.
He would benefit from
a Big
Brother who's comfortable
with silence and is a good
listener. To learn more
about applying to be the
positive role model this
young man needs, call
Justine at (541) 490-9979.
tegra, 4 cyl. not V-Tech,
139K miles, AT, $450. 541-
bike. Paid $300, asking $75.
Call 509-7734108.
NEW- in box Coleman
insulated pant, heavy duty
Weathertec, Isotherme,
Mossy Oak,-Size M, $50.
OAK dining room table with
4 chairs on wheels, $150,
1998 TOYOTA COROLLA 509-774-8159.
motor and tranny, 134i000 iq(3S-SiGhlSLx~.countr-y-ski
miles, runs great, $500, boots. Fits NNN bindings.
541-490-4261 Black, Size 39. Worn mini-
52" WATER PROOF, float- mally, $50. 509-395-2237
able, Gunboat Rifle Soft- Trout Lake.
RECOVERY boot. New, never used, SMALL So, ale Models, (5),
MEETING $25. 541-296-9336 including a remote con-
WEDNESDAYS 6 CAPE COD ruby redtrolled 1983 Abram's battle
6to7p.m. glasses, $6 each or all for tank: Sell all for $100. 541-
PINECREST $36, 541-298-2454. 380-3166.
NAZARENE CHURCH ................................................................... ...............................................................................
255 Rhine Village Drive ALL WEATHER Subaru SPARE tire fits Honda, 15"
White Salmon, WA Outback rubber cargo mat. excellent condition. $20.
(By Skyline Hospital) Heavy-duty to protect a, rea 541-296-2960.
. All are Welcome from mud and rain; makes :[:ii~=l~i ~es~cl~wa~l~-~a-iii~
................................................................................... cleaning an ease. Fits Out- sic USA Trail, 2, 570 - 8/8
SOARING EAGLES back from 2010-2016. high speed boat trailer
Daily Support Groups Used, excellent condition, tires, tubeless, brand new
Money Manag#ment: 6pro $25 971-217-0521 NEVER been on the
Alcohol: 7pm ...... : ............ : ...............
Abortion: 8pro AMMUNITION .204 ground, retail $170, sell for
Narcotics: 9pm. Hornady ammo. 32gr.$120. 509-493-2663.
323 W. Darland, Golden- 4225fps ... sold by the box TONNEAU cover, fits late
dale. ' (20 rnd) $15.00 per box..model Chevrolet short box
Bring your own beverage. NO DEALERS_.NO pick-up, like new, $400.
T.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds SHIPPING. 360-984-8382. 541-399-6025. (White
Sensibly). Tuesdays 9 a.m. .............................................................................................. Salmon)
at Riverview Comm. Bank. Beautiful, brand new, tan ........................
509-773-5301. leather armchair, never USED chains. For Honda
........................................... used, paid $1000/sell for CR-V, 1 set (2) $30, 2 sets
T.O,P.S, (Take off Pounds $485. Elegant and perfect $50. Buyer please confirm
Sensibly), Thursdays, 6 for any room. compatibility.
p.m. at Riverview Comm. 360-210-5003 254-300-7200
Bank, 773-5411 ............................................................................................................................
Dry. Red Fir, $200/cord
mix of Red Fir, Pine &
White Fir, $t75/cord
Free delivery to Hood River
& White Salmon areas.
Outside areas - $1/mile.
Carmen Ramlrez
Apple wood - 20" lengths,
seasoned, u-haul (Odell),
$125/cord. 541-354-1323
MIXED wood: Cherry, Pine
& Fir. $200/cord. Delivered
Locally in The Dalles. No
stacking. 541:,965-3798 or
Misc. for Sale
Office Work Stations
Eight custom-made office
work stations; 88 inches by
88 inches with four AC plug
electrical power junctions
with each station. Four-foot
high oak dividers with dark
green laminate counter
tops. $50 each. 541-386-
FENDER Cyber Twin Gui-
tar Amplifier. Selling my
Fender Cyber Twin Guitar
Amplifier. This is a great
Amp for any player. Hous-
es twin Celestion speakers
and hundreds of on board
DSP (digital sound
prOduction) selections and
Amplifier modeling modes.
130 watts of punch is more
than enough for any situa-
tion. Amp features motor-
ized knobs that move to the
positions of your presets,
This amp has been a studio
amp it's entire life so it has
never been exposed to the
rigors of the road or gig-
ging. In near mint condition
with zero scratches or
blemishes. Housed in a en-
vironmentally controlled
environment for it's entire
life, Purchased originally
for $1200 but will sell for
$600 O.B.O. Contact
m. 541-490-5620.
Sporting Goods
ACSWW Gun Show
Buy, Sell, and Trade
2nd Saturday of every
month: 8am-lpm;
FFLonsite, Located at
Clark County Square
Dance Center in
Vancouver. WA; message
number: 360-263-7511 :
www.acsww, org
Certain laws and re-
strictions, as well as
registration require-
ments, apply to the sale
of firearms. For more in-
formation, contact the
Seattle Field Division of
the Department of Al-
cohol, Tobacco and
Firearms at 206-204-
3205. This field, division
is responsible for
Washington. Idaho,
Oregon, Alaska and Ha-
waii. You may also go to for FAQs
and information.
8-9 month old. Females/
males. Grey tabbies, black -
and white tuxedo and all
black. Sweet and playfufl
Neutered. Felv tested. Vac-
cinated. Indoor only.
Call Elizai~th
0 0
-.--. ,,..-,
; ,; ;,,, ....... ,,,
2 female, 1 male,
Dachshund Papillon
Poodle mix, born Sept. 18.
$250 each obo,