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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
February 29, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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February 29, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i~ii i~i!i Page Two SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Dorothea Carbaugh Tells Engagement To George Nickerson At Tea Sunday Plans for a May wedding were re- carried out the spring motif in deco- vealed by George Nickerson of Gold- endale and Miss Dorothea Carbaugh Sunday afternoon at a tea in the Toppenish home of the parents of the bride~to-be, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Carbaugh. The affair was arranged to mark the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Carbaugh. Tiny scrolls tied with daffodils told news of the engagement, and MEMO: TO ALL WOMEN... Shake off the dull look of winter and renew your ap- pearance for the social season ahead ! Don't delay i Phone 14"13 for an appointment to- day, Phone 1413 Shipp's Barber and Beauty Shop rations. Yellow daffodils also center- red the tea ta~hle, and assisting the ~hostess were the Misses Maurine Seefeldt and Jean Anthony of Top- penish. Thirty-five guests were bid- den to the affair. From Goldendale were Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Nlcker~on, parents of the bridegroom-elect and Miss Edith Nickerson, his sister. Miss Carbaugh wa~ graduated from Toppenish .high school and is widely known in musical circles in Yakima Valley. ghe plays the piano and cello. Mr. N ickerson, a graduate of Goldendale high school, attended W'ashington State college where he was pledged to Theta Chi fraternity.! He is associated with ,his father! here in the Nickerson Motor corn- pany. CLUB MEETS The 3-B sewing club met at the home of Mrs. William Anderson Thursday, February 22. Members of the club and a few invited guests surprised Mrs. Anderson with a shower. She received man~" lovely gifts. Mrs. Andrew .~mundson will be hostess to the club on March 7. 1940' NEW AIRTIGH'~ CONNECTIONS SWIVEl. NOZZLE DE LUXE The very latest "wand" type cleaner. Has a new type swivel nozzle which adds greatly to con. venie~¢e and e!ficicncy. Powerful suction. Smooth and quiet running Beautiful chromium finish. Built from finest materials for lonq life. You can't buy a finer "wand" cleaner, and offer this new Royalaire DeLuxe at the very special price ot u# ~., ~,r #.,,~, S. P. ALLISON, Proprietor .... IN Following are New Pas- senger Car and Commer- cial registration figures for the year 1939 in Klickitat County, as com- pared by P. L. Polk, of- ficial publication of the Automotive Industry in Washington: Chevrolet ...97 Car "B" 53 Car "C" ..... 25 The figures prove that more than 55 per cent of the buyers in this price field selected Chevrolet! Chevrolet's commanding lead over every other make of car and every other make of truck in sales through- out Klickitat county in 1939 was a remarkable tribute to Chevrolet's products. It was, too, an expression of confidence in Chevrolet, a confidence which the Hudson Service Station will seek to main, rain in the fu- ture, as in the past, by of- fering its customers the highest quality of service. Chevrolet's impressive leadership in Klickitat county was duplicated na- tionally in 1939. In winning the national sales leadership for the eighth time in the last nine years, Chevrolet has clear- ly proved its right to be hailed as the leading car in the industry. • EYE IT I • TRY • BUY THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--C ldendale, Washington Hoffeditz Becomes Bride Of Arthur Wiles At Ceremony ,In the quiet solemnity of the sac- risty of Holy Trinity church, Miss Betty Hoffedttz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hoffeditz, Thursday ev- ening became the bridge of Arthur Wiles of this city. The marriage ser- vice was read by Father Patrick S. Lyons of Holy Trinity Catholic church. For her wedding Miss Hoffeditz chose a tailored suit of rose material and wore gardenias..Her only at- tendant, Mrs. Jess Wiles, sister-in- law of the bridegroom, wore black. Jess Wiles was bestman. The wedding service was followed by a reception at the Hoffeditz home. Guests at the wedding included: Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Shipp, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Seibold, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bro- kaw, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wiles, Miss Harriet Crooks, Miss Verna Culver, Dr. Turley Next Mucrada Speaker Dr. Gerald W. Turley will be the main speaker at the March meeting i of Mucrada club next Thursday, March 7, in the clubrooms of the Woman'e Association. Dr. Turley speak on first aid. Adding a lighter note to the program, Miss Elizabeth Kayser will give a preview of styles for the new season, talking on ",Spring Smartnees." Final plans for the club's *spring informal to be held the following Saturday, March 9 at the Centerville Grange hall, will be announced by the committee during the business meeting. Men, bore of the Cholena club of W'hite Salmon and tl~e Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Powell, Mildred Duncan and Bob HoR'editz, brother ef the bride. The bride was graduated from Goldendale high school in the class ef 1939. The bridegroom attended school in Goldendale and is now em- ployed at the Goldendale Baking Co. Mr. and Mrs. Wiles are now at home to friends in the Hudson apartments. The bride was honored Thursday afternoon with a surprise shower giv- en at the home of Mr. Fred Perry by Mrs. Perry and her daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Brekaw. Attactive decora- tions of pink and white were used for the affair. Many attractive and useful gifts were presented. Re- freshments carrying out the Valen- tine motif were served to the 18 guests by the hostesses. Mrs. Arthur Perry and Miss Helen Kelley assist- ed with the serving. KLICKITAT WOM.AI~'S CLUB MEETING KELP By Mrs. Roy Southmayd The Klickitat Woman's club met February 12 at the clu~b rooms for their regular meeting. After the usual business meeting an interest- ing program was presented by the members of the Study club led by Mrs. G. F. Neils. As the Study club this year is studying Mexico and South America the program was in the form of a mythical journey through the vari- ous Latin American countries. The subject was given in the form of an impromptu play. One half of the Study club members in the play took the part of a group of Klickitat Woman's club membeos on a tour of South America. The other half of Wauna club in Kllekitat, as well as the study group acted the part of a friends of Mucrada members in .this South American woman's club. community have been invited to at- The South American group enter- tend the affair. I tained their guests ~vith talks on the , Roll call will be answered by history and geographical features of 'my common gramm~ttleal error." [various countries. Among the North Mrs. Vernon Olsen will be hostess at American guests was an old maid the tea hour to follow the meeting, ischoo1 teacher, very fussy and in- quisitive, ably depicted by Mrs. G. KLICKITAT VALLEY F. Neils. PIONEERS TO MEET j The most interesting feature of Members of the Klickitat ValleY tthe program was the showing 'of Pioneers association will meet at the' Goldendale Grange hall Saturday, t paper dolls which had been dressed : l in costumes of the di'fferent South March 2 for their regular business A 1 ~ trxeshe lls I mer'can cox n " . T se do session. I were shown on a small stage with Pioneer association members hay " l backdrop and sides of dark red silk ing birthdays in March are: Almeda and red silk curtains. Miniature Hill, March 3; Ruth Jackson and I footlights added to the appearance Orville Hamilton, March 6; Alex!of the etage. A Spanish dance by a Hamilton and Matilda Ahola, March puppet dressed as a Spanish lady 14; Nita Winter, March 15; Eva Jackson, March 24; L-ettie Berry and Ida Wiidanen, March 25; Mary Mattson, March 29; Eva McDowell and Martha Clarence, March 30. Publication of men~bers birthday dates is being resumed this week at the request of Pioneers a~sociation officers. B. P. W. CLUB PLANS F.M LOYERS' BANQUET Tentative plans for an employers' banquet to be held later next month, were announced this week by the Goldendale Business and Profession- al Women's club. A special meeting will ~be held March 4 at the apart- ment of Mrs. Fred Lear to discuss plans for this banquet. Miss Elizabeth Bratton entertain- ed member of the Busine~ and Pro- fessional Women's club at her home Monday evening of t'his week. This was the regular meeting of ehe or- ganization. The next regular meet- ing will be Monday, March 11. PLEASANT VALLEY ORATOR Martin LumiJarvi, public utility district oommissioner from Central Klickit~t county, will ,speak before the Pleasant Valley Grange at their meeting scheduled Saturday after- noon, March 2. The meeeting, which will be held in the Grange hall, will begin at 1:15 p. m., Gerald Fenton, master announced. STUDY CLUB Msrdb~rs of ~he Woman's Asso- ciation Study club will meet at the home of Mrs. iHerman Kamholz Monday evening, March 4 for their regular session. Mrs. A. L. Mac- Blaine will conduct the lesson on Caldea. Miss Esther Trowbrtdge will have charge of the diction lesson. PLAN PARTY DINNER Pro America is sponsoring a Re- publican dinner on Tuesday evening, March 26, at the Methodist church. The main speaker will b~ Mr. cam- eron Sherwood, a lawyer of Walla Walla, who served as secretary to the late Congressman Summers, at Washington, D. C. Mrs. J. T. Urqu- hart of Yakima, Republican Nation- al Committee~voman, will al~o speak. BRIDGE ( LUB Mrs. E. C. Allison, sr., entertained her Tuesday afternoon bridge club at her Columbus avenue l~mo this ' week. was skillfully presented. Refreshments were served by the hostess committee composed of Mes- dames R~bert Hallyburton, and Roy Greenfield. Decorations carried out the Valentine theme wit.h red hearts and pussy willows. Red jello and heart shaped cookies were served. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Bert Shelton will be the guest of honor at a birthday party at the home of Mrs. Essie Brain this afternoon. Mrs. Shelton's birth- day is February 29. BIRTHDAY PARTY In honor of their mother, Mrs. Ida Barlow, of Wishram, Mrs. Floyd P,owell and Miss Fern Cochran en- tertained with a birthday party at the Powell home Friday evening. Three tables of pinochle were in i play during the evening. Guests. ! present included: Mr. and Mrs. Oscar ~qchaer, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Show, Mrs. Essie Brain and Sonny Sanders. !Refreshments were served during the evening. BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. F. F. Fenton will enter,tain her three table bridge club at her Court street home Thursday eve- ning. BILI~K~_~ PARTY f Mrs. Marion Hudson entertained members of t'he Billiken club at her home Tuesday evening. RAI19B 0W PARTY The Rainbow Girls will Ibe spon- sors of a card party Tuesday eve- ning, March 5 at 7:30. Tickebs are 25c and can be obtained from any Rainbow girl. ALPHA CLUB Mrs. W. C. Trowbridge entertain- ed members of the Alpha bridge club at her home Tuesday after- noon. Three tables were in play. The afternoon's play completed the series. Mrs. George Lawler ~vas high for t'he series. BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Harold Wolverton entertain- ed her two table duplicate bridge club at her home Wednesday after- noon. Thursday, February 29, Norman Hallyburton, who is a two Klickitat School year letterman; Troy Dye, high scoring forward who is a two year KHckitat high will play its final lettermaIt, an