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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
February 29, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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February 29, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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February 29, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Page Three T. ~. Hooker, of Bickleton, was In Goldendale on business Friday. Wilhelm Vergin, of Alderdale, was in Goldendale on business Fri- day. Leap Year Dance at Eagles hall February 29. Good music. 82t--- Mrs. Wes Davis, of Keller, Wash,, spending several days here visit- her mother, Mrs. Etta Hardin. hir. and Mr. N. B.. Matsen and daughter Miss Betty Matsen, spent the Past weekend in Portland. For economical buys in fine wall- and paint see Dean Gillen- watens. 1 t--- W. Leidl is in Seattle this week ~i~tiag With his daughter, Mrs. J. A. Cavan, and family. Chet McKune is driving a new sport coupe this week. ~l~asant Valley dance Marsh 2. 82-- Ted Elmore was in Yakima last for the four county 4-H meeting. Ehnore was elected of the 4-H leaders group for district. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Moore, of River, were in :Goldendale one late last week. While here they Mrs. Moore's mother, Mrs. t. Baker. Darland left last Friday for Calif., where he plans to the next two or three weeks With his parents, Mr. and ~' G~oTge Darland. He is con- from a recent operation. It. Leonard, of Camp Draper, in Goldendale on business Sat- Leonard is a school director Camp district. McAllister, Bill Overly and l~l~ie Seibold spent the past in IGoldendale visiting with They returned to Pull- SUnday afternoon ~vhere they Students a)t Washington State Journal delivered to home or at Confectionary store6 Pharmacy. George Lay- agent, tf---i read it in The Sentinez. PHONE 52 PRI. SAT. March 1-2 SIR CEDRIC HARDWICKE March 3-4 NEWS REEL Double" March 5 (~J~MES BICK]PORD in M arch 6-7 - STEWART LIIBITSCH's SHOP AROUNO THE CORNER" I JUiK MORGAN August Hanson, county engineer, was in White Salmon on business Monday. Pleasant Valley dance March 2. 82-- Mr. and Mrs. Garth VandeVanter, of White Salmon, spent the weekend in Goldendale visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley DeWeese, of Hartland, were in Goldendale on business Friday. Floyd Chapman, of White Salvaon, spent the weekend in Goldendale visiting friends and relatives. Bob Krauspe and Dr. W. H. West drove to Portland Sunday on business. They returned to Golden- dale Monday. iGalen Wood filed suit for divorce from Mildred Wood in Klickitat county superior court last week. In the complaint he charged mental cruelty. Floyd Bartmess and his mother, Mrs. S. P. Allison, spent the past weekend in Portland visiting rela- tives. Leap Year Dance at Eagles hall February 29. Good music. 82t-- Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Vasey, of Mrs. Helen Barret,t, Mrs. Plassas and Miss Helen Pla~as were busi- ness visitors in Goldendale Friday. Mrs. John Nath and Mrs. E. Nath drove to Yakima Thursday on busi- nes~ Pat McEwen, county assessor, was in White Salmon on business Monday. Ralph Walker, deputy sheriff of White Salmon, was in Goldendale on business Monday. Daryl Spalding is now operating the delivery truck for the Star Market. For economical buys in fine wall- paper and paint see Dean Gillen- waters, lt-- Mrs. J. A. Miller returned Sunday from Wenatchee and Seattle where she spent several days last week visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. J. F. 01tmanns is visiting in Seattle a:t the home of her daughter and son-in-law. She plans to remain there for at least two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne VandeVan- ter, of White Salmon, were in Gold- endale over the weekend on busi- ness. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Boysen, of Klickitat, spent Sunday in Golden- dale visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sei- 1bold. spent the past weekend in" Golden- I for ] day. Talcott merly operated a dale visiting with her parents, Mr. Isa~vvmill near Wahkiacus. and Mrs John R McEwen She re a turn to • " " -I Mrs. August H nson re ed turned to Easton Sunday to resume I Goldendale last Wednesday after her teaching duties. Mius Helen Brondt, home denmn- stration agent, and L. W. Ternahan, county agent, were in Yakima Sat- urday to attend a special district 4-H leaders conference. Extension workers from Klickitat, Yakima, Kit,rites and Benton counties were i present for the meeting. Ed Schwader and Glenn Darland, officegs of the Goldendale local of the Lur~er and Sa~wmill Workers union, were in Portland and Van- couver last weekend for a district meeting of woodworkers union lead- ers. For economical buys in fine wall- paper and paint see Dean Gillen- waters. 1 t-- Charles Lefever last week sold nine head of yearling Herefords that averaged 760 pounds. The cat- tle, sold to Ted Elmore, had been stall fed. Five hundred pounds is considered a good average weight for yearlings, Elmore said. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H. Canfield returned Sunday from Portland. Canfield was in San Francisco last week he represented this county in an appeal hearing before the United States circuit court of appeals on the Sampson Tulee fish- ing case. Leap Year Dance at Eagles hall February 29. Good music. 82t-- Bill Layman, local dairyman, was well acquainted with Johnny Tyke, Hollywood extra, ~vho was shot and killed last Saturday in a spectacular gun battle on a busy I~ollywood street. Tyke, Layman said, was a native of Toppenish and for a num- ber of years followed the rodeos in this area before going to Hollywood to work as a movie extra in Western pictures. The Portland Oregonian available from Frederick Oltmanns. Call phone 434 for daily delivery to your own home in town or at Confectionery stores, tf Only A Hog In A Gilded Cage... But.... these hogs axe SAFE ... for they are kept in by fences of strong hogwire purchased from DEAN GILLENwATERS Before Buying Your See e s e Dean Gillenwaters Phone 692 For Low Prices on Hogwire, Barb Wire, Chicken Netting i spending two days in Portland re- ceiving treatments. Mrs. Gene Wheaten, of Vancou- ver, spent several days in qGolden- dale last week visiting friends. She returned to her home in Vancouver Friday. W. F. Byars spent the past week- end in Salem, Oregon visiting with friends• While there he celebrated his birthday. Heinie Klein was in Goldendale en business Friday. He reported that his lambing was virtually complet- ed already. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Morehead and son, of Wahkiacus, spent the ~veek- end in Byron, Wash., visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Morehead. Monday Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Morehead were in Goldendale on business. Mrs. P. L. Welter returned to her home Sunday after spending the past two weeks in Portland con- valescing from a recent operation. Mr. Welter and Maxine drove to Portland Saturday and accompanied Mrs. Wel:ter home• Paul Sanstrum, of Cascade Locks; Miss Grace Englesgard, of Portland; and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hays and Vic Hays, all of Stevenson, spent the weekend in Goldendale visiting friends and relatives. Miss Helen Brondt, Klickitat county home demonstration agent, presided at a family food supply discussion meetln@ held in White Salmon Monday. Claude W. Knight purchased a new Ford t~hrough the Nickerson Motor company this week. Grace BTuner and her mother, Chaplain Miller, ef the district Civilian onservation Corl~S office, Was in Goldendale on business early this week. Whil~ here he showed the educational film "Silver Millions" at Camp Goldendale. Wee Davis, of Keller, Wash., ar- rived in G, oldendale last week to join his wife who has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Etta Hardin for the past several days. Mr. and Mrs. Davis plan to remain in Gold- endale for another week. He is em- ployed as s'hovel operator for Crocket Oneal on a road constructl,on pro- ject in Northeastern Washington. Mrs. Bert Knox, Mrs. Verle Baker and Hoyle I~nox drove to Walls Walls last week where they visited Bert Knox who is confined to the Veteran's hospital there. They re- turned to ~Goldendale Friday eve- ning. Mayor Knox will be able to return to Goldendale this weekend. Mrs. Sue Morehead, county school superintendent, and Mrs. Charles C. Wright, of Blockhouse, returned Saturday from Walls Walls where they attended the annual state con- vention of school directors. Mrs. Wright is clerk of the Blockhouse school district. Last Thursday Ron ,Roe, Junior Darland and Roy. and Mrs. C. J. Hall attended the Methodist Ad- vance ,i~ Portland, returnin.g Fri- day. T~his ~vas one of the 82 gather- ings in as many major cities of the United States. Likewise, it is the first major movement to be set on foot by the newly united branches of Methodism. Besides the resident bishop, three others took part. The Seattle P-I delivered to your home or at McIdSee's Pharmacy and A1Dson's Pharmacy, or call Harold Weiss, agent, tf Moss Triplett, Mrs. Ted Miller and Mrs. Bill Carroll, all of Bingen, were in Goldendale Sunday. Leap Year Dance at Eagles hall February 29. Good music. 82t-- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Forsythe spent the weekend in Enterprise, Oregon, visiting relatives. Miss Elizabeth Kayser is work- ing at the Pacific Power & Light company office this week. The condition of Mrs. Ben Wheel- on, who .has been confined ¢o her home by illness the past few weeeks, is much improved this week. Mrs. Bert Shelton, spent last Friday in Portland. Mrs. Bruner enjoyed a two day vacation from her teaching duties at Sunnyside. Due to weather conditions Roy Lund(bergwill not get up to the Roosevelt and Bickleton country until thefollowing week. Harold .Jacroux and Marshall Vanhoy spent last Monday evening at The Dalles. Mrs. R. A. Jackson was in Port- land Wednesday of this week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pike accom- panied by Mrs. F. G. LeFor are in Seattle this week on business. They plan to return to Goldendale today. Ray and Ted Wilkins and their aunt, Mrs. John Vanhoy, motored to Vancouver last week to visit Mrs. Rebecca Wilkins who has been quite ill at the Clark General hospital. Dr. and Mrs. George Hodgson, of Wapate, spent the past weekend in Goldendale visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gimlin. Virgil Hall completed a remodel- ins job at the Ginnie Lee Style s'hop this week. The show windows of the Ledbet- ter & G imlin company store are be- ing remodeled this week. The work is under the direction of Joe Linden and Sons. L. W. Ternahan and Miss Helen Brondt, of the county agent'~ nffiea are in Pullman this week ~nding a special extension conference meet- ing. C. H. Knosher is now up and around again after being confined to his home by illness for several days the pmst week. Z. O. Brooks was in White Sal- mon, Caress and Portland early this week on busin,ess. Miss Rosella Turley, of Yakima, spent the weekend in Goldendale visiting with her brother Dr. Gerald Turley and friends. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Johnson and daughter Sandra Ann, of Enterprise, Oregon, spent Sunday in Goldendale ivisiting with friends and relatives. Ray Prater, district supervisor for the soil conservation program, ~as in Goldcndale on ibusiness Tuesday. Prater is from the district office in Pullman. Jim Shepard is up and around again this week after spending the past week co~fined to his home by illness. Elmer Kam'holz purchased a new Chevrolet through the Hudson serv- ice station this week. C. E. Crooks purchased a new Chevrolet through the Hudson serv- ice station this week. Mrs. John Coffield is in Centralia this week visiting with her daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Laudenbach. Mrs. Coffield drove to Centralia Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. A. SanderS. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Woodward and daughter Penny returned Sun- day from McMinnville, Ore., where they .spent the past week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Buster Youngquiet. Miss Lou Champoux, who has been employed as nurse in the o'ffice of Dr. Gerald Turley and Dr. Thomas Meade left Thursday for her home in Yakima. Miss Eileen Bradford, of Seattle, will take over her position here. Miss Champouxplan~ to fe~ve for California shortly. :Mrs. M. C. Bigby left Monday eve- ning for Macomb, Illinois, where she plans to spend three weeks visit- ing friends and relatives. Word wa received here this week of the death of Mrs. Nancy Naylor, mother of John C. Naylor, at her home in Alhambra, Calif. Funeral Dress Up for a In Dress Effect Styles Here is the co t that will really lead the fashion parade this Easter. These coats are smart in every sense of the word . . . the slim waist and full skirt effect is truly-compli- mentary. Why don't you stop in today and try on one of these gar- ments .... we're sure you'll feel that you can't possibly look your best this Easter unless your new outfit is complete with a collarless coat. Featured in all the latest shades and styles. Get yours today and get in on our pre-Easter savings. Smart Easter in a Collarless Coats as Fea- tured in All the Lead- ing Fashion Magazines Now Showing at Led- better & Gimlin Co. NEW PRINTS that witl make you look and feel like spring. Many stunning new styles in your favorite colors. Sizes from 12 to 46. PRICED FROM New Spring SHOES ! Shown at left, Tan and White or Black and White spectator pumps. Solid leather heels. Very smart this season. $3.95 Other new styles in black patent, navy blue, turf tan and Beige. Spring Accessories @ay accents to add a dashing touch to your smartest costume. New Bags, every color shown this season. $1 to $2.95 Doeskin, kid and new fabrics. New colors. $1 to $2.95 Costume Matching or contrasting colors. A large assortment select from. services for Mrs. Naylor were held l . I held in the Alhambra funeral home ments on Broadway. last week. Her son was well known inI~rry Wilson, of Blckleton, was in Goldendale having been associat- Goldendale on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Nickerson and Miss Edith Nlckerson were in Top- penish Sunday. Twenty members of the White Salmon I. O. O. F. lodge were guests of the Goldendale Odd Fellows here Tuesday evening in .a.return visit. The White Salmon group returned !the Good Will Messenger plaque be- ing used by the I. O. O. F. lodges to encourage inter-community, meet- ings. M. W. Chapman, of Yaktma, was present for the meeting and outlined t~he progress program advo- cated by the grand master. Golden- dale Odd Fellows plan a good will visit to Moxee late this week. Harold Eshelman Husum teacher, was in Goldendale on business last Saturday. H6 sport ,t~he weekend ed with the Pacific Power & Light company in this area. Miss Shirley Vasey, of Portland, spent the weekend in Goldendale visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Vasey. S~ne was accom- panied here by Harold Beckman. Kenneth Zevely, station agent at Roosevelt, returned to C~eldendale early this week to be with his wife who is ill at her home here. Dr. Thomas Meade this week moved into the Chapman apartments on upper Main street. He has rented the apartment formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips are moving into the Ed Pike residence which they pur- chased recently. Mr. and Mrs. Pike have moved into the Dudley apart- 98c to Chic blouses that will add charm and versatility to your new Easter outfit. They're definitely on the feminine side.., featur- ing slim waist fit with puff shoulders and sleeves. To appreciate them you must see them •.. so stop in today! • visiting with hfis mother, Mrs. Emma Eshehnan at Centervllle. Jim Hall, George Nickerson and Ted Hornllyrook drove to Portland on business last Saturday. Mrs. R. L. Heaman, of White Salmon, fine arts chairman of the Mid~olumbia Federation of Wom- an's clubs originated the idea ~f supplying a circulating exhibit of ~ine pictures for display in Klickitat county schools, Mrs. J. J. Fry, presi- dent of the Goldendale Woman's Associ~tlon announced this week. The Goldendale climb voted to con- tribute such a display to the county NOW IS ~HE TIME to feed Wet. kins Mlne~ Tonic. A tonic which_will absolutely get r~mlts. lb. bag ~Z.~O; 1OO lb. bag $~.~O Buy your tonic now and save. Higher prlce~ lato~ o~. ROY W. LUNDBERG~ Gplde~dale Read ud uae The ~entinel W~nt ~kds. ~aey get results, t~ "A Good Place To Feat" Banquet Room Available FIRST CLASS HARNESS & SHOE REPAIRING Prices Reasonable CLIFF'S SHOE & HARNESS SHOP Next door to Roloff's