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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
March 4, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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March 4, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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USE~SUBJECT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHII~IiED. ~4, 2004 PAGE 5 IES Hoyle Bert Knox :, of Port- 2, 1004. Sept. 11, 1921, During World served in the Navy in l Pacific. In 1956 he Portland. Knox member of of Christ. married Elaine J. ident. Survivors include his daugh- ter, Sharla Pitts; sons, Randy and Kerry; a sister, Geraldine Eddy; five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. A graveside service was held Feb. 7 in Brainerd Cemetery in Portland. Remembrances may be made to Columbia Christian Schools. Arrangements by Gate- way Little Chapel ofthe Chimes. Phyllis Spalding Dillon Dillon, 78, Feb. 20, 20o4, at ddma. / 27, 1925 to (Nelson) m Yakima. Dillon early education in from in 1943. education in attending Stephens and later attended State College in graduating with a she married in Yakima. the death of Jim in 1985, she • to live in Bickleton. she married in Yakima. l Yakima until the can- wild- in the also loved world Ore. She cherished time spent with her family, especially her grand- children. She was a member of the Bickleton Presbyterian Church and the Alder Creek Rebekah Lodge 80. Survivors include her hus- band, Don Carlos Dillon of Yaki- me; one daughter, Jeanine F. Marlde and her husband, Jack, of Seattle; four sons, James S. Spalding and his wife, Patty, of Anchorage, Alaska; John M. Spalding of White City, Ore.; Mat Spalding and his wife, Jtflie of Bickleton and Daniel R. Spalding and his wife, Kara of Redmond; ]5 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Viewing and visitation was held Feb. 23 at the Smith Funer- al Home in Sunnyside. Funeral services were held Feb. 24 at the Bicldeton Presbyterian Church, with burial in the Bickleton IOOF Cemetery. Those wishing to honor her memory may con- tribute to the James M. Spald- ing and the Phyllis Spalding Dil- lon Memorial Scholarship Fund. Smith Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Adverttbt school teachers plan for next year For the past~ months, Clinton and Ester Cummings have been the~hers at the Goldendale ~ Adven- fist School and:~ are under- way for them ~ttnue for the next school ye~ The Co--came to Gold- endale with a~ of educe- tion and e~. This year marks the 42m],year of teach- ing for Dr. ~ and the z4th for Esther, vdth work done in both public "and private schools. The ~t of their career occ~_ ~the 197os when they nmve~o Songa Mis- sion at Kamfiia~ Zaire (now Democratic Rat~blic of the Congo) to ~mathematics and French: The advan~of a teaching team in a sch~ of Gold- endale SDA .~bvious but need to be eml~a~md for the benefit of those .p~xents in the community who believe that religious ~ should be in a school. ~ts are able to receive all the personal atten- tion they can ~ from with such a small stiltdent/teacher ratio. It also ~ it possible for both tea~to work to their own private s~s for the benefit ofthe~. A Christian LdAool is a neces- sity in thesedays for parents who want a teadaer to be able to praywith a studenL It also holds out the advama~ofhearing the Contributed photo The Goldendale Seventh-day Adventist School teachers, Clin- ton and Esther Cummings, plan to continue teaching in the upcoming 2004-2005 school year. Pictured with the Cummings are (BACK, LEFT) Alyson Mello, Meghan Tyler, Elizabeth Fis- cher, Dakota Williams, (FRONT, LEFT) Jason Blanck, Brandon Robins. creation science viewpoint in an increasingly secular society. Those parents who might want to consider enrolling their child at Goldendale SDA for the 2o04-20o5 school year are invited to come to the school to see what they can expect and to inform themselves about the program. For more information, call 773-312o during the day, and 773-6708 in the evenings. State classified school employees Mar. 8-12 According to a~nt procla- mation by C,o'v~Gary Locke, March 8-19 has ~ designat- ed as Class|fed School Employee Week. "' Classified school employees are involved in nearly every aspect of education, including maintaining school buildings and grounds, providing secretarial and clerical assistance, prepar- ing and serving meals, providing public schools. By supporting the learning environment, classified school employees are crucial partners with teachers, parents, achuinis- trators and ~hool boards. Republican caucuses meet Tuesday Members of the Republican partyin Klickitat County will have their chance to express views on local, state, and national issues on Tuesday, March 9. The Republicans will hold precinct caucuses in six locations throughout the cotmty on Tues- day, March 9, from 8 pan. to 9:30 p.m. The locations include: Alderdale: 46 Sonova Road Biddeton: 28o West Market Street Glenwood: The Shade Tree Inn Goldendale: Goldendale High School cafeteria Lyte: Lyle High School multi- purpose room White Salmon: Henkle Middle School library Participants will discuss issues of h-nportance ot them and will dect ddegates to the Republican County convention in April. Those interested are encour- aged to look for notices posted locally for further details. Resi- dents needing additional infor- mation on which precinct caucus to attend can contact the Klickitat County Auditor's Office, 773- 4OOl. Mathew lames B0wen Mathew James Bowen was born Feb. 9, 9004, at Klickitat Valley Hospital to Margaret and Jeremy Bowen. He weighed 7 pounds, z/2 ounce at birth. Maternal grandparents are Dan and Kathleen Dreier of Gold- :" safe transportation, keeping According to Gov. Locke's endale. " woJs~o-mnp offered school facilities clean, assisting proclamation, "these dedicated Paternal grandparents are in the classroom, providing a individuals deserve recognition Janet and David Burke and Jim artist,that chills Though the workshop has acre- lege bookstor~ independ- secure environment, and pro- and thanks for the outstanding Bowen, of Goldendaie. Word "ousiness aflve approach, the end product ent gift shops, t~ years, she viding many other specialized work they are doing for this state, Mathew joins his parents at Are you the only is a serious step forward for had over 5o ~ wholesale servkv_s, for their communities, and for homein Goldendale. Them are nearly 50,o0o clas- the ch!Idren enrolled in Wash- ! Your artwork? artists whowish to advance their accounts and represen- sifted school employees, includ- ington s public schools. 1 those annovin~ careers, tatives selling~her in eight ls ~ u ~_ ing 77 in the Goldendale School Each Goldendale school will that rob you of Workshop attendees can western states as well as nation, Distriet, working with and help- recognize their das~sified employ- time? Then plan expect to leam about topics such al representation, in a well te business as setting career goals based on knownmail~~, ing children in Washingtons eesl~extw~k. artistsspon- their values, writing an attention The $70 ra4B~st~ration fee Gorge Com- grabbing press release, organiz- indudes nine ~ of instruc- ASSEMBLY OF GOD entitled "Art ing a portfolio geared for suc- tion, avarietydf2~hmningwork-. NewLIfeAsgemblyofGod l:ThelnsandOuts cess, dealing with taxes and what sheets and ~eymses and an ,~0~sco,~..,~o,0.oda,op.,o~o~o~=h.. s s End of Art. ~" to look for in gallery contracts, extensive 1~, business I ScienHsts have d|scovered that elevated nlangmtle~ exposure I s**ys .oo, :30 .... wo~,p It beheld March 5 Cosner's ability to merge resources g~n'~trtists. Ifrom welding rod fumes has been assoclaled wi|h l~arkinaonlsm I ,0:s0 ..... E,o.,.. s,,io,,,rp~. E~.y I (like Pal'~n's dlBeal~c) and nlanganlB~ri. SyHlptons Include I NiahtonWed night. 7 p.m inch]des Youth, Mis- sion©ties, Royal Rangers and Bible Study 7 p,m, Sat. tnbiaGorgeCom- business and art comes from her For more ~on on this l ahakineas, dimorted laclal expression, loss of equmbrlum, I ,,¢,~v.~i ..... ~,~=,, ~ ;e in The Dalles. own experiemce ofl9 years in the workshop, call t~llli~-C~ner Ideere~ed mind agmty, atmetaw wanar~, loam p~dn, i~ ofI l short term memory, slurred/slow speech, stiffness In muscles I BAPTIST ~'~-on workshopis art field. In the mid-198os she at 773-5596 0L~Itwww.ehery- i and tremors. Call us today toll free at 1-8OO-THIE-BAOLI~ for a | Columbus Avenue Baptist, S.B.C. 3pularArtBnsiness marketed a successful line of lynnestudio.~To register, I free consultallon to evaluate your potential claim, we practice I s,~s Co*.mb.=.~old.ndal= m.4471 P.~to, S¢o. around the North- prints and cards with hercallColumbia43~,~eCommuni- I law only in Arizona, but associate with lawyers throughout theI t.ombatdSuedaySchoolg:45 .... MomingWor~blpll I t,.s. 1o help people across the country. A ara..Sundayhv©amgStudy~Wo.'flup, rp,m;Te.m Kids Sunday 6 - 7:t0 pm ; Wednesday Evening Bible [enclale area artist, designs to Hallmark stores, col- ty College at (5~x) 298-3112. I ~: GOLDBERG & OSBORNE ~ s.~y,~r.~e,.Tp.~ amS-Cosner. It is , | ~i~ .. I-8OO-TllE-EAGLE , • I ~S~ ',~,,'.Z:: ( ! -8OO-843-3245) 'A~" | •artist at any career ,, , "~ .... ' ...... w,,,,..~a~,~h¢,-,t~,~.,.om ---- I emerging or ~ .participant can Person Pump & Well Drilling lwith ideas tai- or her unique val- and life situation. ~rom retire- not be a fore you 9 is is sub ~o% tax. eptions you if you in. tiOnal ~o% tax if you had year or and insurance re are also educa- and for add the distri. , regular tax- )rm m99_R much of to report an You reliever withir receiving the The amount isfft taxed until new plan. 5793 r---,j CPA Drive 986zo ¢" Hard Rock Drilling made easy / Specializing in difficult wells ,/' Sand problems ,/Turbid water / Reconstruction "Call us- we do it right the first time" Jim Hansen- Driller for 38 years (509) 773-4085 (509) 493-4050 • i .EADY FOR SPI JG AND SUMMER LAWN-MOWI ? It's easy:.. ~...- Just stop by or 126 E. Broadway * GoldeoL e 773-2111 IN MARCH 2004 Office Hours .................................. 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM Monday thru Friday Childbirth Classes ................. Call for schedule Annie Stone, CFNP, Instructor Acupuncture. ............ • ..... Every Wednesday Carola Stepper, M.Ac.O.M. Dermatology Clinic. ....... . ...... March 18, 2004 March 19, 2004 Judy Richardson, MD with Trenton Spolar, MD Orthopedics .................... March 18, 2004 John Schwartz. MD FAMILY PRACticE CLINIC HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS William Bothamlo/, MD Michael Garnett, MD Carolyn O'Connor, MD Judy Richardson, MD Jeff Teal, PhD Wallace Ncwkirk. MD Lance Petersen, MD Anal Rajani, MD Annie Stone, CFNP David Tunng, PA-C Pbarmad~ and has a slx~ial interest in family medicine, David is a member o~tl~ Washinl~on Medical A~tion, Washington Academy of Phy "~ciam Assistants and the American Academy of ~' A.,~istants. Bible Bapt~t Churchof~ 340 East Collins St Goldendal¢, WA, (509) 773-4929 L, Parish Plmnblee, Pastor Sunday: Sunday S~hool 10 a.m, Morning Worship Ser'~ic¢ ] l a,m, Sunday EveninI Service 6 pro,. S*rv~¢ 7 pm N~ Scr- vi~ Provided, "Farmli¢= Walking In The Old Paths" Jet ~16 CATHOLIC Holy Trinity Catholic 307 Schuster, Goldandale. Father William Byron, 773- 4516; Sat Eve, Mass 6:30 p.m; Sunday Miss 9 a.m.; Spanish Mass Slit, evening 7:30 pm Eve of Holy l~ya 730 pro.; Holy l~ys 9 a.m and Daily Main Mon.-Sal am. except Tues 7 pan CCD Cl~, Wednesday a~- noans 2:15 W 3:30 p,m K mdex~ throagh 6t h Iffl~t¢~ Wed Eveni~p~ 7:30, g:30, ~ Ch~'.~u~ 12th ~ld¢, Ctm- fes$1on~ ~for¢ Mass Saturdays ~t noon - 1 pro, GRACE BRETHREN Community Grace Brethren t t~0 S, Roosevelt, Gregory M. Howell pastor 773- 33sg. Sunday School 0:30 am; Mornilllt Wo~hip I I Wedrm~ys ~ O~ ~ Onm~ AWANA 625 p.nt LUTHERAN Christ the King Lntheran Sr Columbus and Simco¢ Dr, Goldandal¢, 773-3750 Worship Service Sunday l I ;00 am, Adult Sunda Schoolat 9,4.5 Eve~/m~ wek-om¢, METHODIST United Methodist Colt~m~ms ~d Broadway, P~lor P~a Ik~nan, 77344~ or 773-4462 Worship 8 a,m.& 1030 arm Sunday School 9; 15 iLm Nut~ry ~ 1O:30 ~ Call lhe church lbr I~lulerly ~'=¢duled evenm, -vldt~r~ ~r41ally wekemw a* ~11 ~rvte~- I I I