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at the birth-
month were
Minnie Shotwell
' and his mother
' both of Cleveland
wedding of Leann
in The
Cameron is a
and the
Mr. and Mrs.
are Jan-
g Seharberg of Roo-
a two year-old
are back. Bill and
Clarkhave seen the
of spring can
East End
Ada Ruth Whitmore
chipmunks, so spring must be
near. Them are still some snow-
banks around.
Several people have spotted a
cougar in the Alder Creek area
east ofBickleton. I saw a bobcat
in the Rock Creek area last week.
Onie and Wayne Rawson spot-
ted a bobcat in their yard. Also
three bald eagles soaring above
Rock Creek. It's time for every-
one to take a ride around our
• CenterAutoCad
start this month
assisted Goldendale High School. Stu-
be taught in an dents will use Autodesk Auto-
series ofelass~ offered CAD Arehit~ Desktop 2oo4
U Learning Center- to make, edit and plot drawings
~unty. The cla~r, es will in two-dimensional space. The
~tay and Wednesday class will learn how to use the
orn 6:3o p.m. to 8:3o basic draw and edit commands
~ing March 16 and to ereate drawings. Development
1rough May 12. No of good drafting practices, ele-
be held April 6 and 7 ments of design, and layout of
;p.ring break. The cost the paper-space will also be cov-
sts $17o. ered.
¢lerfeld, AutoCAD Contact the WSU Learning
at Goldendale High Center at 773-562o or toll free at
Ieach the dass, which 866-773-562o to register for this
in a computer lab at offering.
schools release second
2003-04 honor roll,
Contributed photo
Newly installed officers for Klickitat County Senior Council include (LEFT TO RIGHT) President
Lila Webberly of Trout Lake, Treasurer Roger Gadway of White Salmon, Vice-President Dixie
(Eva) Mickelson of Centerville, Secretary Mary Ann Voight of White Salmon (not pictured).
Myrel Mesecher, (RIGHT) past vice-president, presided over the |nstallallon ceremony. The Khck-
itat County Senior Council meets on the first Friday of each month at the Dallesport Commu-
nity Center, beginning at noon with a potluck lunch. All seniors are invided and urged to attend.
Internet offered in
March; levy support thanks
The 21st Century Learning • =
Center will be hosting Internet I ~Io.rlIM(M't/~ I
classes to all community mem- [ ~l~l PWW ~m,~ [
bers who would like to attend. I ]~lollt/C [
The classes will be held each I ' I
Monday in March from 6:3o p.m. I r,I ........ J I
to 8:3o p.m. Those interested can [ lOl~l'lWO~ I
register at the Glenwood School. [ Horn malw, I
The Glenwood School District
would like to thank the Glenwood ...............
community for the recent pas- Feb. 3 election.
sage of the Glenwood School The school board of directors
replacement levy. The levy was were all extremely pleased with
passed with 77.69 percent, which
is the highest percentage we have
had in quite sometime and the
highest percentage of all the levies
run in Klickitat Count3' on the
the overwhelming positive
response. This shows a real com-
mitment by our community to
support our local school and keep
our community strong.
Melissa Stephens, Candice Buck-
the second quar- ley, Drew Smith, Scan Stanovich,
school Hannah Jackson, DanielGarcia, [
ddleS( Victoria Petrich, Chris ! SDS Lumber C0mpany 1
boors (4.o gpa): Cochenour, Kvndle Palmer,
Lenour, Ted More- Philipp Docker, Sarah Thiel, ~~ Local Sales Outlet j
niter Navarre.Kevin Tran, Cassie Wroe, Justin "~ ))~))) Vi$itOu.rW.eb$itoPLY~OD ~
(3"5-3.99 gpa~: Bodolay, Joseph Nelson, Joelle ~' thin1" I
)n, Delsie He - ,lackson, Michelle Stanovich, .CDX, eCX, ACX, T&G' 1
Mattox, Sierra Missa Rodriguez, Pnina Ironi STUDS t SANDED PANELS I
l~xi and Carrie Nickols.
• #2 & Btr, KD, DF & HF, S4SEE
• 2x4 - 6' thru 16'
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Hours: Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Located at SDS Lumber Co.. Bingen,WA. (509) 493-2751
Decide for yourself during our special series
March 20/21 ° Jesus is the Son of God- True or False?
March 27/28 • Jesus is the Only Way to God - True or False?
April 3/4 ° Jesus Died for You - True of False?
April 10/11 • Easter Sunday: Jesus Is Alive - True or False?
r Otamendi, Jim Honorable Mention (3.o-
and Jen- 3.49 gpa): Mitzi McMurrin,
Sara Ibarra, Rabble Niemela,
(3.o- Casey Overtur, Scott Thomas,
Ashley Billy-Harri- Dawaa Ullom, Christina Grace,
Ian Alley, Kristin Brown, Melissa Her-
Kendra Ster- schbach, Chrissy Zaugg, Callan
Doug Thiel, Johnson, Martin Moreno, Leena
enough, CarisaArminen, Katie Alley, Andrew
¢ Free- McElroy, Chris Navarro, Jessica
Schultz, Sil- Roden, Sarah Drath, Mary
Tania Ortiz and Maeder, Bailey Moreland, Trent
Metz, Kelsey W'fllianas and Kiera
High School Murphy.
(4.0 gpa):
and Chesica
(3.5-3.99 gpa):
Cascade Cinemas
1410 W 6th St, Th., Dalles - 296-8081
Sundays at 11 a.m.
Friday - Tuesday 1:00 3:50 6:40 9:20
Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson
Friday - Tuesday 1:30 4:20 7:00
Directed by Mel Gibson
Friday - Tuesday 1:15 4:00 6:50
Drew Barrymore, Adam Sandier
50 FIRST DATr~-13)
Friday - Tuesday 4:10 7:10
news since
ITWlSTE&) 1 .n Tue 44i Also Saturday nights at 7 p.m.
I Fri & Sat 4:45 7:,.,,, 5 9:30, S - :~
Family IBROKEN LIZARDS' CLUB DREI Come explore this evidence with us at the
I~R) F, a Sa, z:009:20. So,-Tu~l Community Grace Brethren Church!
taurant ICALENDAR GIRl~-133 I
SERVING 1180 S. Roosevelt St., 509-773-3388 ,,
CHINESE & ,Meet new friends at
Chow Mien 'with
chicken or
c fried rice.
~PECIAL '67s
Sirloin Steak with
30 8:30
Quilting Bee
Crock Pot Cooking
Jewelry Making •
Book of the Month Club •
The Purpose-Driven Life
March 12, 2 - 4 p.m. $25
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March 23, 6 p.m. $12
March 4, 6- 7 p.m.
Call for details, 773-3370
Apply now
for habitat
The Wildlife Habitat Incentives
Program (WHIP) is a voluntary-
program for people who want to
develop and improve wildlife
habitat primarily on prix~te land.
Through WHIP, USDA's Nat-
ural Resources Conser~ation Ser-
vice (NRCS) provides both tech-
nical assistance and up to 75 per-
cent cost-share assistance to
establish and improve wildlife
habitat. WHIP agreements
between NRCS and the partici-
pant generally last from five to lo
years from the date the agreement
is signed.
Local NRCS offices in Klickitat
County are now accepting WHIP
applications. The deadline to
receive all WHIP applications is
Friday, Mar. 5. If you are inter-
estedin more information orwant
to apply for the WHIP program,
contact the local NRCS offfice in
Goldendale, or call Sergio Paredes
at (5o9) 454-5736 ext. 118.
Survey. due Friday, March 5
There is a community needs
assessment survey orculatmgm (
our neighborhood right now. It [ ! A J~ ,.,~,., | l,~
was just sent out by mail attached | ~¥11~L~ t.J~)
to the school newsletter. I, _ |/|o_|_oL 2L
Please fill it out and respond | In ~I'~I.L '
by Friday, March 5, by mailing it l __ , ,
back to P.O. 37, c tat, wa [Cathv Ttt£h¢llal
98628, or by dropping it off at k,~ " j
the Klickitat High Sch, ool office. "
We need everyone s partieipa- Now is yotu" chance to share in
tion and cooperation, as the the vision for the future of our
results of this survey will be tallied IOiekitat community.
and used to apply for additional If you have questions or need
grant money to help fund proj- more information, call Laurie
eets for our school and commu- Wilhite at the school at (5o9)
nity. 369-4z4S.
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