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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
March 7, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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March 7, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Thursday, March Page Two ... SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Grace Bruner To Wed Martin Ferry ~]race Bruner honored her mother, Mrs. Bert Shelton, on the occasion of her birthday on the night of February 29, with five t~bles of bridge, following a dessert luncheon. Mrs. Sehlton was presented a fragrant corsage of talisman rose- buds, and numerous lovely gifts. High playing honors went to Mrs. Clifford Pike and Miss Jean Brad- dock, with Mrs. Ed Shipp winning the consolation prize. During the evening, Mrs. Shelton announced the engagement and Mucrada Dance "'" Saturday Night Mucrada club men, hers are busy In Easter Ceremony]this week planning parties and tn- -- -- ,l vitfng their friends in Goldendale, -- ' Centerville, Klt ckitat and White ----~E~ ISalm0n to the club's first informal Mrs. F. F. Fenton entertained her dance Saturday night, March 9. A three table ~bridge club Monday eve- gay group is expected at the Cen- ning. The part~, originally sched-[terville Grange hall Saturday to uled for last Thursday evening, had dance to the music of Virgil Olt- been postponed mann's five-piece band. " Dancing will be from 9:30 until MONDAY CLUB 12:3'0, and supper will be served Mrs Homer Silver entertained durin~ in~ter~ission by the ladies her ;;ends" club at her Broadway/°f the Centerville Grange. Tickets • ~; ~ _ - :~-' l are 75 cent~ per couple with supper nome. rmnors were won Dy mrs. : Marion Hudson and Mrs. Clifford extra, and no reservations are neces- Pike. sary. The regular March meeting of forthcoming marriage of her daugh-{~RANf~E SOEIAL ter, Grace, to Martin r'orry Tn ......... L Members of the Centerville Grange weaning wih De an event or ~aster .... ~._ will sponsor a pie social ~'rlaay eve- ,~u.n~lay. ning, March 8, at the Grange hall. l~rr#~ art ........ /A special program will be presented, ~.~,v~,,~,,A ~UUI$. U.hU~ land the public is invited. Mrs Cliffor~will entertain I the book group of Mucrada club KEI SINGTON MEETING Wednesday evening, March 13 atI Mrs. Ed Pike will entertain mere- her home on East Broadway Miss I bers of the O. E. S. Kensington club IsaJbel Trantum will present read- at her home Friday afternoon, lads from the verse of Dorothy lMarch 8. The club will meet at 2:00 lp m Parker, • • HAVE AP AIR ON US ! ! ! ~k JOIN OUR MOJUD HOSIERY LqLUB It's like a continued round of surprise parties. You go merrily along wearing your lovely Mojuds and, then one day, you're getting another pair of them FP~EE,! TERTAINS Mrs. Einar Andersen entertained wtt, h two tables of bridge at her homo Friday afternoon. Honors ~vere won by Mrs. Cecille Mattingly and Mrs. J. C. Phillips. RAYI 0W PARTY In another of the series of "winter card parties the Goldendale Rain- bow Girls Tuesday evening enter- tained at the Masonic temple with 12 tables in play. Honors in ~bridge went to Mrs. F. J. Sleeper and Harold Wolverton. Pinochle awards went to Mrs. Pat McEwen and John G u lden. MISS ROSELIA TURLEY TO WED DR, MEADE Yakima society pages this week carried the announcement of the en- gagement of Miss Roselia Turley, of l that eity~ to Dr. Thomas N. Meade, of Goldendale. The wedding will take place at gt. Paul's, Catholic church in Yakima on Jtme 22. M~ss Turley is a sister of Dr. Gerald Turley, of Goldendale, and is well known in this city. The an- nouncement was made by Miss Turley at a breakfast given for her last Sunday morning by Miss Marie Sehreck and Miss Agnacia MeNeice, of Yaktma. Ginnie Lee Style Shop the club will be held today (Thurs- day) at the Woman's Association clubhouse at 2:30 p. m. Dr. G. W. Turley and Miss ElizaJbeth Kayser will be on the program, and Mrs. • Vernon Olsen will be hostess at the i tea hour. Members will answer roll call with "my common grammatical error." ,I DANCE AT BLOCKHOUSE The regular spring and summer series of Saturday night dances will be started at Blockhouse March 16. iii EI ERTA1NS 0YFICERS Mrs. J. H. Abshier entertained officers of Chapter AM of the P. E. O. at her home Wednesday. BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Norman Knox won high honors at a bridge party given by Mrs. A. C. Keefhaver at her home Tuesday afternoon. SHOWER HELD Members of the Goldendale Eagles Auxiliary honored Mrs. Arthur Perry with a shower at their regular meeting Wednesday night, Feb. 28. Mrs. Perry received many beautiful and useful gifts. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Harold Stevens, Mrs. Zelbert Mesec.her and Mrs. Ed Whltehill. HONORED AT PARTY Mrs. Norman Knox, of Odell, Ore., was guest of honor at a party given by Mrs. E. E. Wilson .and Mrs. Homer Silver at the Silver home Tuesday evening. Four tables were tn play during the evening. Honors were won by Mrs. Knox and Mrs. F. G. LeFor. Mrs. Kox was house- guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Silver for several days early this week. Genuine 6Ca.Ft. • They're genuine 6 cu. ft. Frigidaire refrigerators-brand new, every one -complete with many advantages found in Frigidaire models costing $100 more! Not a"stripped" model in the lot. Take advantage of this great bargain opportunity without delay. Easy Payment Plan Terms, if desired. Medd |V$ 6 ALL THESE EXTRA-VALUE FEATURES INCLUDED AT THIS SENSATIONAL PRICE I Famous Meter-Miser Mechanism • 1-Piece All-Steel Cabinet • Automatic Interior Light • Open-Shut Freezer Door • Uni-Matic Cold Control • Auto- rustic Reset Defroster • Frozen Storage Compart- ment • Cold-Storage Tray • Touch-Latch Door Opener • 4 Big Ice Trays • Automatic Tray Re- lease on Every Tray • Stainless Porcelain in Food Compartment * Satin-Smooth Duhx Exterior • 5- Year Protection Pha Agaimt Service Expame!... any many others l 0Hff FRIGIDAIRE MUU. Simplest refrigerating mechanism ever built. Cuts current cost to the bone.Whisper-quiet. Un- seen. Trouble. free. COINI[ IN AND ~ IT NOWI @ Business Women Arrange Banquet I GRACE LUTHERAN OIIURCH ibustnes~ meeting; 7:30 p. m., CholrI 6:45 Junior and Y. P. C. EUGENEKlickitat'R. SCHRAMM,Washingt°npastor practice, l 7 : 30 Song service and / / FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH t Week Day Services Sunday School ......... 9:30 a. m. Business and professional women Regular Service ....... 10:30 a m ! C.E. Hanes, pastor of Goldendale will take time off Radio Service .......... 1:30 pl ml ~- from their typewriters and jobs Mutual Network, convenient stationI10:00 a. m. Bible school. A good this month to plan entertainment day and a good attendance last Sun~ KIT, Yakima. day, but still room for more. It Businessf°r their employerS.and Profes~ionalMemberSwomen's°f the "We Preach Christ And Him Cruci- Jshould be possible to register an in- club this week announced plans for fled." crease every Sunday between now an Employers' dinner, to be held and Easter, March 24. Will you help Monday evening. March 25. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH us to do so? Velmer J. Gardner, pastor Committee appointments for the 11:00 a. m. Morning ~vorship and preaching service. ,Sermon theme: banquet, the first affair of this kind Sunday school ........................ 10:00 a. m."Christian Growth.'" to be held by the local club, were Morning worship .................. 11:00 a. m. announced at a special meeting Evangelistic service ............ 7:45 p.m. 6:30 p. m. The B. Y. P. U., the • . ,.., Adult Union, and the Junior-Inter- Monday by Mrs. Griselda Hill; presi- M~d-Week Serwces dent. mediate Union all meet in separate Prayer meeting, Wed ....... 7:30 p. m.sessions for devotional meetings. Planning entertainment for the Special meeting in the Maryhill evening will be Miss Dorothy Wil- church Friday ................. 7:45 p.m. 7:30 p. m. Evening evangelistic son, Miss Ruth McCormick and Miss services in song and sermon. Helen May Bryan• Decorations will Everyone is invited to these sere- be arranged by Miss Elizabeth Brat- ices• 7:30 p. m. Thursday, mid-week Welcome! church night service for all. Sing- ton, ,Mrs. Ralph Niekerson, and Mrs.] ing, Bible study, prayer, praise and Fred Lear. THE METHODIST CHURCH testimony service combined. On the committee for invitations] C.J. Hall, minister are Mrs. Roy McLavy, Mrs. Guy CHURCH OF ,CHRIST Norris and Mrs. May Root• Taking SUNDAY SERVICES: Centerville, Wash. charge if the menu is a committee 10:00 a. m., Church school; 11:00 Opal Wtidanen, minister which includes Mrs. Sue Morehead, a. m., Sermon by the pastor; 6:30 Mrs. Albert Niva and Mrs. Earl P- m., Youth meet for devotion and Lord's Day Service Baker. to meet a Japanese pastor and his 10:00 Bible school. G. C. Mar- I wife. LUNCHEON CLUB i WEEKDAY ACTIVITIES: Mrs. John R. McEwen entertained her luncheon club at her Columbus avenue home on Wednesday. Wednesday 2:30 p. m., Ladies Aid EMBROIDERY CLUB Mrs. W. E. Pike entertained her embroidery club at her home Wed- nesday afternoon. ii EASTERN STAR WILL ELECT NEW OFFICERS Members of C~oldendate's Ever- green chapter number one of the Order of Eastern Star will meet at the Ma,~onic temple Wednesday eve- ning, March 13 for their regular election of officers. The meeting is scheduled to be- gin at 7:30 p. m., Mrs. May Root, secretary annonnced. riott, superintendent. 11:00 Lord's SupFer and sermon, "On Trial." PARTY ARRANGED FOR MRS. LLOYD HANSON To compliment Mrs. Lloyd Han- son,M~. Stanley Thompson and Mrs.George Harvey were hostesses at adessert-bridge and shower last Friday evening at the Thompson home. Decorations followed a color scheme of pink and blue with tapers in alternating colors centering the tables. Six table~ of bridge were in play during the evening, with honors go-- ing to Mrs. Russell Woodward, Mrs. Clifford Pike and Mrs. Fred Ander- son. Prizes were all hand-turned wooden articles made by Mr. Thomp- son. A number of attractive gifts were presented to Mrs. Hanson, the guest of honor. U.S. Inspected. Sliced Pork 7:30 Wednesday Bible studY, 7:00 Wednesda~r, March 15, Patrick dinner sponsored by I~ Aid to add to building fund. I~ of selling tickets an offering received for attendants to give th~s cause as they are able. 8:00 April 16 is set as a te~t~ date for the young people's P~ tlon of 'Mrs. Tubbs of Shantyt~ a Walter Ben Hare comedy~i0 in rthree acts. MEMO: TO ALL WOMEN' Shake off the dull look¢ winter and renew your pearance for the social ahead ! Don't delay ! 1413 for an appointment day. Phone 1413 By the Piece Shipp's Barber and Good Side Skilful cutting on our part removes excess bone and fat before your order • is placed on the scale.., giving you nlore tender, tasty meat per pound. That is why we say that we cut our meats to cut your cost. Shop at our immaculate Meat Department this weekend. If you don't see exact- ly what you want, ask for it and we'll gladly make the cut to your order. AUXILIARY HONORS TWO m mm m I J OFFICERS WITH DINNER To welcome Mrs. W. B. Dingle of Dayton, department president and Mrs. Harvey Lewis of Yakima, presi- dent of the sixth district, ladies of the American Legion auxiliary met in the banquet room of Mac's care last Thursday evening. The group gathered for a no~h,0st dinner, Introduced by Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Dingle spoke on various phases of the auxiliary pint, form. She sDoke especially of the poppy program, proceeds of which go entirely to the child welfare fund. The flowers, she said, are made by disabled veterans, 'who are paid for ~heir work. Meet of these men receive no ot.her com- pensation, she said. Sunnyside was announced as the town chosen for the spring confer- ence of the group. The date has not been chosen. LATTER DAY SAINTS R. R. Hamm, Superintende~ Kltckitat, Washington Sunday school 10:00 a. m. club rooms at Klickitat. H ,i i~ HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURC~H Rev. Patrick S. Lyons, Pastor la Schedule of Messes First, Third and Fifth Sundays 9 a. m. St. Mary's Church, Wishram, First, Third end Fifth Sundays, 11 a. m. CHURCH OF CHRIST V. T. Smith, minister Bible study ............................................ I0:00 Preaching ................................................ 11:00 Lord's Supper ...................... :. .............. 11:50 Evening/ service .................................. 7:3'0 ~,Vednesday evening service ......... 7:30 Ladies Bible study Friday ........... 2:00 "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Heb. 10:25. Sun Gold FLOUR, 49 pound sack ... $1.19 COCKTAIL TAMALES, lge. can, 2 for 25@ SHRIMPS, broken sliced, tall cans .... 10¢ OYSTERS, Tiny Cove, can ........... POPCORN, White Hulless, 4 ibs ....... 19¢ Reliance COFFEE, 1 lb. can .......... Re. COFFEE, lb. can 25 ; 2 lb. can 49¢ West Best COFFEE, 2 pounds .......45¢ Big Value COFFEE, pound .......... 19¢ Fairway COFFEE, 2 pounds ..." ...... Larsens VEG-ALL for Salads, tall can 10¢ WAX PAPER, Rel., large 125 ft. roll... Doles PINEAPPLE JUICE, 46 oz. can 24¢ Tex. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 46 oz. can 17¢ Rel. TOMATO JUICE, 46 oz. can ..... 19¢ New West APPLE JUICE, 2 cans .... 15¢ M. C. P. LEMON JUICE, 2 cans ...... 15¢ LUX TOILET SOAP, 3 bars ......... RINSe, large package .............. 21¢ LUX FLAKES,! urge package ....... 21¢ SPRY SHORTENING, 3 lb. can ...... CATSUP, Kern, 12 oz. bottle, 3 for ...25¢ Dep. TEA, Black or Green, Vz lb. pkg... 29¢ HOMINY, tall cans, can .............. New West TOMATO JUICE, 4 tall cans 25¢ POST TOASTIES, lge. pkg., 3 for ..... 25¢ White Star TUNA FISH, 2 for ....... 33¢ Sper. PANCAKE FLOUR, No. 10 bag 55¢ WHEATIES, pkg ................... 11¢ WHEATHEARTS, lge. pkg .......... 22¢ RITZ CRACKERS, large pkg ......... GRAHAM CRACKERS, 2 lb. box .... SALMON, slight dents, No. 1 can .... QUAKER OATS, large pkg .......... CORN MEAL, Yellow, 9 lb. bag OXYDOL, large pkg ............... Minced CLAMS, Royal Chef, Yz's ..... Morrel'ls Deviled MEAT, large cans ... Gerber's BABY FOOD, 4 cans Gerbers DRY CEREAL, pkg ........ SODA WAFERS, 2 lb. box .......... Fruits- Vegetables Large Arizona Grapefruit, Medium Juice Oranges, 3 doz. Fresh Cut ..... 25c ...... 25c Rutabagas, 6 lbs. .... 10c Fresh Cut Carrots, 4 Ibs. ....... lOc Fresh Crisp Mustard Greens, 3 bu. 10c Utah Green Celery, large bunch .. 10c " ' .$ Milled in the northwest. Every sack Guaranteed o your money PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY PHONE $2.00ORDERS DELIVERED FREE WITHIN 272 LIMITS OF GOLDENDALE