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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
March 7, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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March 7, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Six THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Thursday, March AUDITOR'S ANNUAL REPORT (From page five) SEGREGATION OF SCHOOLS D~t. General 301 ......................... $ 302 ........................ 60.54 201 ....................... 20.95 202 .......................... 40.09 203 ........................ 226.91 209 ...................... 211 ................................ 63.00 212 .......................... 214 ............................ 346.12 215 ................................ 2.87 217 ............................. 115.56 219 .............................. 651.48 220 .................. - .......... 18.99 221 ........................... 82.44 1 ................................. 28.58 5 ............................... 23.20 8 ................................ 37.45 10 ................................ 167.08 12 ............................... ,34 15 .............................. 21.00 21 .................................. 38.20 23 .............................. 1.36 24 ............................... 66.73 25 .................................. 15.80 26 ................................ 70.83 27 ............................. 11.02 29 .................................. 15.40 30 ............................... 10.55 34 .................................. 114.74 35 ............................... 319.40 38 ................................. 7.41 40 .............................. 64.53 43 ................................... 55.63 44 ................................ 30.78 46 ................................ 65.41 54 .................................. 174.33 56 ............................... 8.28 59 ................................ 46.56 62 ................................. 22.18 63 ................................ 3.31 65 .................................. 37.46 66 ................................... 36.00 68 ............................... 49.70 71 ................................. 67.66 73 .................................. 2.70 74 ................................ 48.79 77 ................................... 24.99 86 ................................. 9.53 91 ............................... 88.21 93 .................................. 114.49 94 ................................. ~6.72 I01 ................................. 11.20 102 .................................. 40.76 TOTAL ............ "$3,607.26 Bond $ 25.14 45.40 23.58 52.88 3.83 30.79 146.80 8.64 54.11 9.48 67.66 32.54 20.58 12.61 $534.04 ~uilding 332.94 68.66 $401.60 TAXES LEVIED ON 1938 TAX ROLLS--Continued SCHOOL DISTRICrI~ Dist. Gen. Levy & Int. Un Hi. Total No. Valuation Levy Spec. Bd. R. Non Hi. Levy 201 .......... $ 272,757 10, 10. 202 .......... 133,562 7.5 7.5 0-203 * ....... 107,735 8. 8. 1. 203 .......... 348,128 8. 1.5 10.5 211 .......... 103,926 10. 10. 214 .......... 377,276 10. 10. 2. 215 .......... 485,570 9. 10. 21. 0-215 ........ 46,548 9. 9. 1. 217 .......... 830,276 10. 5. 16. 0-2,17 ........ 2,61,83510. 10. 219 .......... 150,140 10. 10. 0-219 ........ 229,201 10. 10. 1. 220UH ....... 537,298 6. 22. 2. 4. 35. .5 221 .......... 531,145 8.2 2. 10.7 1 ............ 406,241 6.1 6.1 5 ............ 68,629 4.4 4.4 6 ............ 74,566 2.5 2.5 8 ............ 69,952 9. 9. 9 ............ 199,101 9.5 9.5 10 ........... 67,461 5. 5. 12 ........... 113,296 2.1 2.1 15 ........... 155,650 2.5 2.5 1~2 .......... 56,063 10. 10. 20 ........... 146,250 4.1 4.1 21 ........... 81,693 7.1 7.1 23 ........... 50,784 2. 2. 24 ........ -... 159,020 8. 8. 95 ........... 85,460 4. 4. 26 ........... 74,241 7. 7. 27 ........... 298.033 3. 3. 29 ........... 191,268 4. 4. 30 ........... 72,953 9.5 9.5 34 ........... 101,0,20 9.5 9.5 35 ........... 121,393 15.5 5.5 38 ........... 96,172 10. 10. 40 ........... 91,398 10. 10. 43 ........... 121,400 5. 5. 2. 8. 44* .......... 264,201 10. 46 ........... 185,943 5.5 49 ........... 47,200 6. 2. 6. 2, 8. 54 ........... 135,685 9.,5 56 ........... 69,227 7. 57 ........... 51,358 9. 59 ........... 54,091 4. .5 62 ........... 69,358 9. 3. 1. 63UH ........ 423,921 6.3 22. 2. 4. 5. 65...~ ....... 38,400 9. 8. 1. 66 ........... 264,263 9.5 1.5 68 ........... 38,769 10. 71 ........... 48,249 10.' 73 ........... 65,988 4. 74 ........... 31,795 9. 77 ........... 98,220 •7.5 86 ........... 133,400 5.1 91 ........... 300,640 10. 93 ........... 53,777 7. 94 ........... 578,20,5 10. 101 .......... 43,965 10. 2. 4,. 1. 5. 2.5 .7 2. Tax $ 2,727.57 1,001.72 861.88 3,655.3.5 1,039.26 3,772.76 10,196.97 418.93 13,284.42 2,618.35 150,140 2,292.01 18,805.43 ) RESOLUTION ]~X)R VACATION AND I E~zM]~R K~MHOI~, ABANIK~NM.ENT OF G~UNTY S. F. WNUK. ItOAD Whereas: It appears to the Board of County Commissioners of Klick- itat County, Slate of Washington, ~LT~c~~ that a certain portion of the White ~,v,, Salmon-Husum Road is now consid- WH~REL~ ~ - -- ered useless since the recent con- ~ ~: it appears to tne str i I Board ,e ~ .... ~ ~,~m,~o~ ....... f. uct o i of State Secondary Road ~rliokit~t ~ .... t~, mo¢~ ,,~ ~xroo~,~ No. 8-D el, mmatlng the necessity of ton~ tllat no"~r~'~'~==~:-'~'~''~,: the following described portion of tha tnitiatln~ ~.~.~h *i~.~ e~.. ¢. ~no O d road; beginning at ItS intersec- for "~catio~l "En~'i'nee~in .... ,~%o tion near the SW corner of Tax Lot amounts t- $TQv ~ o~ ~gh'~+ wh~cn~ 12 in the SW~ of NE~ of Section 36; ~n~,~,,~ ,n ,,,~d,~ ~.. i.~ ,~,,~o,~, o t ence in a northeasterly direction to • • the intersect on of the Miller-Brad- tied and Construction Engineering m]ley Road near the NE corner of said th~u21m°~t_°f $1:2~74e' IemaVing ao~lSW~ of the NE~ of Section 36, all in • ~a o~ " township 4 north range 10, East W. v~.~_~_ _ [M., a distance of approximately 1000 rFI4~KEFOI~E BE IT RESOLVED ] feet. by the Board of County Commission-I BE IT RE:SOLVED: That the ers of Klickitat County, State of Board of County Commissioners Wa~hif~.~Osn,thaatpthevabOVoenO~eorur~y'hereby ad~Claa~endh2i,sai~nt~nt~Ogn t~ Road Project :No. 21, Bloodgood the White Salmon-Husum Road and Road, to be taken front 1939 Gas Tax Construction Funds. Approved this 29th day of Janu- ary, 1940. A. M. MAT~E~N, ,l~.~l I~R KA2¢IHOLZ, S. F. WNUK. Board of County Commissioners, Kllckitat County, Washington. Attest: JOI-LN A. MILLER, (Seal) Clerk of Board. RESOLUTION In the matter of the Budget of the set March 1st, 1940, at the hour of 10:00 :A. M. at the Courthouse, Com- missioners' Room, Goldendale Washington, as the date and place fixed for hearing the report of Engi- neer and consider any other evidence for or objection against such vaca- tion and abandonment. Dated this 2rid day of 'February, 1940. A. M. MATSEN, E!LMER KAMHOLZ, S. F. WNUK. County Assessor. Board of County Commissioners This matter being brought to the K!!ckitat County, Washington. • , ~t~est" JOttN A MILLER, attentmn of the Board of County .~ ' • - ., , Commissioners relative to an over (~eal) Clerk of Boaru. draft of certain item of the budget in { ~,,~ .... the amount of $4.67. I .~r,~,~'x' Upon due consideration, IT IS Made and entered into this day hy I-D~R~EBY ORDERED, that the Aud-land between Klickitat County, Wash- itor transfer from the amount of the,~ington, acting by and through its field deputies budget the said sum of Board of County Commissioners $4.67 to the item of Maintenance and I hereafter caller the first party and Operation, whereby there will not be:McEwen & Brooks and F. A. Smith, !any part of this budget in the red at hereinafter known as the second the close of the year 1939. Dated this 30,th day of January, 1940~ The Board adjourned to meet February 1, 1940. A. M. MATSEN, ~tLM I~R K~MHOLZ, S. F. WNUK. Board of County -Commissioners Kllckitat County, Washington. Attest: JOI-I2~T A. MILLER, (Seal) Clerk of Board Goldendale, Wash., Feb. 1, 1940 The Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Klickitat County, Washington, met pursuant to ad- journment wJth A. M. Matsen, Chair- man, Elmer Kamholz and S. ~. Wnuk in attendance, and John A. Miller County Auditor and Ex-&fficio Clerk of the Board in attendance. The following amount was paid out of the Current Expense Fund for claims filed against Klickitat county, $8,895.34. • he following amount was paid out of the County Road Fund for cla2ms filed against Klickitat county, $10,329.46. RESOLUTIO-N VACATING AND ABANDONING OF A (X)UNTY R~AD It appearing to the Board that this being the time set for the hearing in 5,683.25 I the matter of the -vacation and 2,478.07 abandonment of a portion of a cer- 301.97 186.41 62.9.57 1,891.46 337.31 237.92 389.12 560.63 599.63 579.31 101.57 1,272.16 341.84 519.69 894.10 765.07 693.05 959.69 667.66 961.72 913.98 607.00 20. 5,284.021 5.5 1,022.69l 6. '283.20[ 17.5 2,374.49 7. 484.59 9.° 462.22 4. 2`16.36 12.5 866.97 35.3 14,964.41 22. 844.80 12. 3,171.16 10. 3B7.69 as of Commissioner's Resolution dat- ed the '4th day of January, 1940. It appearing to the Board of Coun- ty Commissioners~,i that notice has been posted on the proposed vacation and said notice has been published in The Goldendale Sentinel, the of- flcia! county newspaper and shown by affidavits of posting and publica- tion now on file in the office of the County Engineer and there being no objection offered, it is therefore O~R- I)E~D that said road as described in Commissioner's Resolution of Jan- uary 4, 1940, be vacated and aband- oned. Dated this 1st day of February, 1940. A. M. MATSE~I, '~-~LME~ KAM,I-t~)LZ, S. F. WNUK. Board of County Commissioners, Kllckitat County, Washington. Attest: JOI-~N A. MI,LI.~R, (.Seal) Clerk of Board. ~LUTION VACATING AND ABANDONING O1~ A C~OUNTY ROAD It appearing to the Board that this being the time set for the hear- ing in the matter of the Vacation and Abandonment of the ~Ialey-Hensley Road as of Commissioner's Resolu- tion dated the 4th day of January, 1940. party, WITNESSETH : That whereas an action is now pending between the County Com- missioners of Klickitat County as plaintiff, and John A. Miller, County Auditor of Klickitat County, Wash- ington, defendant, being case No. 6114 of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Klickitat County. NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed that the first party employs the second parties as attorneys to de- fend said action on behalf of said John A. Miller, as County /kuditor of Klickitat County to final judgment in consideration whereof the first party agrees to pay the second party for such service the sum of $75.00. IN WI.TNE,SS WHERE(~F, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands in duplicate this second day of February, 1940. KLICKITAT COUNTY, By: A. M. MATSEN, ~LMER KAMHOLZ, S. I~~. WNUK. Board of County Commissioners, Klickitat County, Washington. McEWEN & BROOKS, By John R. McEwen. F. A. SMITH. Approved: HOWARD J. ATWEff~L, Judge. RESOLUTION AND ORDER IAMIT. ITING HEAVY TRAFFIC ON 20. 4. 15. 7.5 5.1 18.5 7. 12.7 10. rI~TA~ SCHOOL TAX ............................. "$131,954.80 Total State Tax .................................... 31,117.18 frotal County Tax ................................. 74,085.07 rFotal Taxes Levied on 1938 Roils .................... 53,991.56 ~RA~,D TOTAL ON ROIX~S ......................... $291,148.61 Less Local Improvements ........................... 4,844.48 ~rI~AL G]~NE~k~ TAX ON ROLK~ .................. $286,304.13 shine and partial shutting off of el-FI Wheat Board of County Commissioners, fects of ocean currents by the moun-our~ Attest: JO,H~ A. MI,I~E~R, tains, the summers are pleasant and (~Seal) Clerk of Board. comfortable. At Spokane the aver- KI~SOLUTION AND ORDER IAMIT. age July temperature is 70 degrees ING ~)A~WI~C ON and at Yakima 72 degrees. W2-IE~E A~S: It ap p e a r s-~t~'o-~h-e Board of County Commissioners of R~t~| ~|~ |~ wheat and flour export Kltckitat County, State of Washing- ~;; ~ aJ~t~,~ ~ ton, that due to the condition of the~ . include flour exports from Goldendale~Pleasant Valley Road, it .~"~m |ng~~ coast ports to China and Hong will be necessary to limit the weight~'~'~ ~ ~ as well as to the ,Philippine of loads over said road. I ~ * ~ - ~' THE~E~OR.E BE IT RE~O~VED, I I llrino" I'$191" Yg .Rr wheat exports from Pacific that a Load Limit of three tonsI .... ~l~ ...... gross weight on all vehicles, except-I ~"-~-- ports to the same three dest: ing passenger vehicles be placed on] ~.,~ _~ ~.~ .... ~ ..... ,^~,,, ,. has bee~ xecelved by wire i the following road: Goldendale-I .......... v .................Bal~a~r~dlrector of Ext~nsic Pleasant Valley Road, between its in-l Washington, based upon reports from te.rSeCmti~ln with StateHighway No. lstores in most kinds of business ex- College of Washington. , ~ e east Ot ~olaenaale to the I NW~ of Section 17, Township, 4lcept department stores, were 9.3 per The flour export prol;ra~ North Range 18 E. W.M. cent higher in 1939 than In 1938, ac- is a continuing program, has Approved this 6th day of Febru- VARIOUS ROADS WHEI~EA~S: It appears to the Board of County Commissioners of Klickitat County, State of Washing- ton, that due to the condition of cer- tain roads it will be necessary to limit the weight of loads over cer- tain roads. THEREFORE ]~E IT RESOLVE~D; That a Load Limit of three tons gross weight on all vehicles, except- ing passenger vehicles, be placed on the following roads: Spring Creek Ro~d from its inter- section with State Secondary High- way No. 8 D in NE~ of NE~ of Sec- tion 25 to the end of said road in; SW~ of S W~ Section 23, Township 4 North Range 10, E. W.M. i Goldendale-Klickitat Road from i Goldendale to Town of Klickltat. Bloodgood Road from Bloodgood Creek bridge in NE~ of NW~ Section ary, 1940. A. M. MAT~EN, ~E'LM ER KA-MHOLZ, S. F. WNUK. Board of County Commissioners, Klickitat County, Washington. Attest: JOI-LN A. MI,I.~.~E!R, (Seal) Clerk of Board. ber of 1938. cording to an announcement released effect only for exports today by William L. Austin, Director, Bureau of the Census. December 1939 sales were 8.2 percent higherl than for the same month of 1938.! 1Department store sales for the year l 1939 were 5.2 per cent higher than during 1938 and 5.8 per cent higher in December of 1939" than in Decem- 8, Township 4, North Range 16 E., to Pine Forest School House in the center of Section 25, Township 5, North Range 15 E. W. M. Approved this 2nd day of Febru- ary, 1940. A. M. MATSEN, l~LMER KA MI~OLZ, S. F. WNUK. Board of County Commissioners, Klickitat County, Washington. Attest: JOttN A. MILLInEr, (Seal) Clerk of Board. A contract was entered in between ;Klickitat County, and the Goldendale Free Public Library for the current year. RESOLUTION AND ORDER It appearing to the Board of WHERE2~S: It appears to the 964.98 County Commissioners that notice Board of County Commissioners of: 263.95 has been posted on the proposed Klickitat County, State of Washing- vacation .and said notice has been ton, that District No. 2 is in need 476.92 published in The Goldendale Sentin-iof one (1) new heavy duty diesel 736.65 el, the offioial county newspaper, and powered motor grader or one (1) new 680.34 shown by affidavits of posting and heavy .duty dieselpowered motor publication now on file in the office grader and loader. 5,561.84 of the County Engineer and there TIHEREFORE BE IT ORI~ERED; 376.44 being no objection offered, it is there- that sealed bids shall be called for fore OP, J)~,R~D that said road as to furnish either of the above equip- 7,343.20 described in Commissioner's Resolu- ment. 439.65 tion of January 4, 1940, be vacatedPassed this 6th day of February, and abandoned. 1940. Dated this 1st day of February, A.M. MATSEN, lS40. A. M. MA~N, ~L~E.R KA.MHOLZ, S. F. WNUK. Board of County Commissioners, Kllckitat County, Washington. Attest: J()I-gN A. M IJ.J.,ER, (Seal) Clerk of Board. DI~PARTM]~NT DETAIL OF BUDGET TRANSFERS Transfer to Account Total Transfer from Account Total Assessors Of.---43om. Resolution .... $ ............. t$ .o4.~a~$ ,07.671$ .o4.6715 .................... [$ 4.6', Auditors O£fice--Com. Order ...................... I ~°~'"'1 =°~'~vl "ffi°'~'vvl ............. -':"~'-'I 481.00 Misc. I.n. Waterways--Com. Order .................. I ......... ~'~ ................ ~'~ ...................... I "t:t.~[ 71.58 To General Election .................. -_-=-----_-I • I 39"33 ...................... t ...................... f TO County Fair Grounds ........ 39.33} ....... ;;~'XXl o='.,l ...................... ~ ...................... 1 To Adv. Exp. Voucher Books .................... / "~'.~Vl .~.vv, ...................... I, ..................... -~ TOTAJ., ....................$ 39.33[$ 517.92'$ 557.2515 485.6715 71.5815 Amount Out- standing Dec. 31, '39 DETAIL OF BOND ISSUES AND OUTSTANDING BONDS Amount of Interest Term of Original IssuePurpose ~[nt. Payable ~Bond Option $15,000.00 Refunding 1% Annually 34 years Serial $ 7,000.00 10,000.00 Building 5~% Annually 23 years Serial 3,300.00 34,000.0.0 Building 5% Annually 20 years Serial 13,000.00 10,000.00 Funding 6% Annually 26 years Serial 8,800.00 7,3'@0.00 Funding 6% Annually 26 years Serial 6,600.00 30,000.00 Building 5% Annually 20 years Option 6,000.00 5,000.00 Funding 6% Annually 21 years Serial 4,000.00 3,750.00 Funding 6% Annually 21 years Serial 3,300.00 4,000.00 Funding 6% Annually 21 years Serial 3,400.00 2,454.00 Funding 6%, Annually 21 years Serial 2,0.00.00 3,0@0.00 Building 5~ Annually 20 years Serial 1,800.00 3,000.00 Building 5~ Annually 20 years Serial 1,400.00 6,@00.00 Building ~b% Annually 15 years Serial 3,200.00 2,230.99 ~undtng 5% Annually 1~ years Serial 1,800.00 2,000.00 Building 5|% Annually 15 years Serial 1,3.00.00 11,600.00 "Building ~ Annually 20 years Serial 6,100.00 23,00~).00Building Annually 10 years Serial 22,200.00 Date Issued I~sued by Me. Day Yr. 7 1 36 ............ W. S. Irrig. 8 15 22 ........... ~S. D. 3~1 1,11 24 ............ S. D. 302 10 1 32 ............ S. D. 203 2 15 33 ........... ~S. D. 203 7 2 19~ ........... S. D. 212 10 1 32 ............ S. D. 44 2 15 33 ............ S. D. 44 10 1 32 ........... ~S. D.54 2 15 33 ............ S. D. 54 8 1 28 ........... -~. D.62 8 2 26 ........... .~. D.65 8 1 30 ........... .S. I). 66 2 1~ 34 ............ S. D. 71 9 15 31 .......... ~ D. 74 8 15 27 ........... ~S. D.91 9 1....37 ........... ~S. D.94 $ 95,200.00 Pacific coast to the Phili lands since January 3, 1940, flour program extensions, limited resumption of wheat will provide some additional! for a,¢c~m~ttat0d surpluses of it for granted Washington has a rigorous winter climate. The fact is that the State of Washington comes nearest to having that ideal temper- ature which is conducive to highest physical efficiency and greatest en- joyment. Temperature of the Puget Sound region for the coldest month of winter varies between 35 and 40 de- grees Fahrenheit. Average mid-sum- mer t~mperature for the Puget Sound country is 62 degrees. While summer daytime temperatures are higher in Eastern Washington than they are West of the Cascades, ow- ing to the greater amount of sun- in the Northwestern states. estimated that this surplus proximately 25,000,000 The 47th parallel, near which Olympia, capital of the State ofI Of the several kinds of business covered by this current survey, auto- Washington is located, also passes!mobile dealers showed the greatest th ough or near Dulutfi, Quebec, lgain over last year (2~8.9 per cent), Bern in :Switzerland and O~dessa on t followed in order by jewelry stores the Black Sea. It is not surprising! (28.2 per cent) and household ap- that persons familiar with any of pliance stores (1,2.0 per cent). Food the other cities, and knowing noth- stores showed an average loss of 2.0 ing of the State of Washington, take per cent and apparel stores a gain of primarily to assist in 1.5 per cent. For December 1939 special Northwest wheat compared with December 1938, jew- problem, and said that elry stores led all other kinds of re-[policy would be continued administration of these tail business (23.5 per cent), follow- ed in order by automobile dealers (22.8 per cent) and furniture stores (7.2) per cent). The stores in Seattle show an av- erage gain of 10. per eent~ 1939 compared with 1938, Spokane sales were up 2.5 per cent and Tacoma sales up 10.9 per cent. For December 1939 compared with December 1938, Anacortes led the state with an in- crease of 25.5 per cent. Retail sales in areas of less than 2,500 popula- tion were up 3.3 per cent for the I The export programs will i provision for ~acific Coast export assistance under the ment program. Commenting upon the ar extension of wheat and lieu operations, Director Balmer out that the action was grams. year. The statements given here ed upon confidential rel by independent retailers Bureau of the Census Francisco. Sales figures were as reported, without seasonal or price fluctuationS, sample group of stores on these figures are based net sales for the year 1939 of! 0,91,045. MEMORANDUM ACCOUNT OF TRANSFERS APPEARING IN THIS REPORT Reason for Transfer Transfer From Fund Transfer To Fund Am~ Apportionments .................. = ..... .......... State School ....................... School General "Apportionments .................................. County School ......... "School General ............................... 1 County School Equalization ............ " ............ School General State School Equalization .................. School General ................ ....i .......... 8, Distribution of High School Fund ...... School General .............................. Road District 1 .................... County Road ~und ...................... 1~ Road Distict 2 ...................... County Road Fund ..._. .................. Road District 3 .................... County Road Fund ...................... 10; Suspense---Forest Board 'Lands 1-1'39 to 12-15-39 ............................ Suspense ................................ Current Expense .......................... 1-1'39 to 12-15-39 ............................ Suspense Schools 1'1'39 to 12-15-39 ............................ Suspense ~~[~:~Veterans-~i~el-i~e-f~.----~[---.[---------------~-- , 1-1'39 to 12-15-39 ............................ Suspense ................................ Road Bond Redemption .............. ~ 1-1'39 to 12-15-39 ............................ Suspense ................................ Road District 1 ............ : ...... :=....:.. 1-1'39 to 12-15-39 ............................ Suspense. School Bond ...... 1-1'39 to 12-15-39 ............................ Suspense -:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::School Building':::-::[::::[:::::::::...,.. 1-1'39 'to 12-15-3.9 ............................. Suspense ................................ School General ......................... . .... Cost of State Examiner ... ................. School District No. 201 ...... Current ,Expense ................. :.,; ..... :. Correction ...................................... . ..... School District No. 201 ...... Current Expense .......................... Correction on Claim 20923 .............. County Road ........................ Current Expense ............. ..#...: ...... (See Segregation of Schools) ............. Suspense ................................ Various ...................................... Corr. Misc. Rec. 9~56 ................... :.---Treasux~r's Trust ................ Suspense ............................. ~ ....... ~orr. ~aisc. r~ec. 94,5~ ........................ ~cnool District 201 Bond ...... .School District 201, General ........ Misc. Receipt 92.88 ............................ White Salmon Bond ............ White Salmon, Maintenance ........ Misc. Receipt 203 .............................. White Salmon Bond ............ North Dalles Irrigation ................ Misc. Rec. 178 & 179, April 1938 ...... North Dalles Irrigation ...... White Salmon Irrigation .............. Distribution of Suspense .................... Suspense ................................ Current Expense ................. i....~... 3, Distribution of Suspense .................... Suspense ................................ Schools ..................... ,.::..: ........ .. Distribution of Suspense .................... Suspense ................................ Veterans Relief ...................... ::..:: Distribution of Suspense .................... Suspense ................................ Road Bond Redemption .............. Distribution of Suspense .................... Suspense ................................ Goldendale ........... ~ ........................ Distribution of Suspense ~ .................... Suspense ................................ White Salmon .............................. Distribution of Suspense .................... Suspense ................................ Bingen .......................................... Distribution of Suspense .................... Suspense ................................ Road District 1 ............................ Distribution of Suspense .................... Suspense ................................ Road District 2 .......................... Distribution of Suspense .................... Suspense ................................ Road ,District 3 ............................ Distribution of Suspense .................... Suspense ................................ School General .................... '.: ..... L Distribution of Suspense ~ ................... Suspense ................................ School Bond .......... .... .................... Distribution of Suspense .................... Suspense ................................ School Building ..... ,:..: ............ , ..... 4 Bldg. - 8.22 1.76 SEGRFA~ATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS Dist. Gen. Bond 302 .............. 1.49 1.12 214../ ........... 7.76 ............ 220 .... ~ ..........49 ............ 1~0 .............. 3.74 ............ / 26 ............... 7.18 35 .............. 16.93 44 .............. 660.75 62 .............. 26.95 74 .... : .........4.60 TOTAL .......729.89 660.75 10.48 3.06 675.41 :/ 9.98 BUDGET ACCOUNTS, CURRENT EXPENSE FUND ORIGINAL BUDGET Salary & Opel & Capital Salary & Wages ~aintenance Emer'cies Total Wages Assessor . ......................... 6,430.00 Auditor ............ , ............... 5,780.00 State Examiner .................... 400.00 Expense, State Examiner Registrar, Vital Statistics ............ 75.00 Clerk ............................ 2,250.00 Commissioners ................ ..... 5,400.0.0 Court House ...................... 1,140.00 Horticulturist ...................... 1,650.00 Justice Court ..................... Prosecuting Attorney ............... 2~000~00 Registration Sheriff and Jail ..................... 5,800.00 School Superintendent .............. 3.100.00 Board of Education ................. 70,0.00 Superior Court ..................... 2,117.20 Treasurer ..... .................... 5,.330.00 Refund on Taxes Forest Fire Protection ............... 1,~00.00 4,280.00 1,080.00 7,5:10.00 1,765.~0 60.00 7,605.00 400.0~ 150.0~ 393.0~ 3,805.00 3,345.00 600.00 780.00 745.00 150.00 5,900.@0 1,725.00 1 75.0~ 79.00 ............... 2,72~2.00 300.00 AMOUNT E~PENDED Oper. & Capital Totall h£aint'ance Outlays Exp'iturea 200.00 2,722.00 1,120.25 6,281.66 1,084.'67 2,2~38.55 2,51.54 130.85: 6'9.7~ 2,133.41 373.5.3 I 9,205.00 5,~21.68 2,984.30 4,485.~ 1,140.00 2,933.44 2,550.00 1,650.00 600.00 780.00 500.00 3,24~5.00 2:097:45! 423.88 1,127.13 350.00 13.15 700.00 1,165.00 125.00 3,407.20 2~65.00 7~395.00 500.00 500.00 `1,200.00 11,950.00 5~71.00 5,784.62 4,82~5.002,944.00 1,504.09 191.90 1,694.,0 981:33 5,330.03 2,001.50 Donation, Free Public Library ............ ,. ............... 600.00 Salary Water Master ................ 150.00 .................... Checking Tax Rolls ................. 250.00 Damage and Claims ................ 250.00 250.00 Pacific Protective Society ............ 100.00 100.0~ Inland Waterways .................. 500.00 500.00 General Election Advance Expenditures ................. County Farm ....... 100.00 ................ i 100~01 County Fair Grounds ................ 200.00 ........... ................ I 200.0{ Auditor's Revolving Fund .................................................. ~ ................ I .......... Public Assistance ................... 3,820.00 26,696.83 425.001 ................ [ 30,941.83 --Tota-l~duct,i~ns~1939-~$ 51~-2.-.-.~]$ 53,004.83[$1,429.001 560.a0106,426.03 .Deduct Jan. 40 warrants from '39 B ...................... t .................................... ] ........ : ....... i Add Jan. '39 Warr. Paid from '38 B ......................................................... I ................. Warrants Cancelled .................................. I .................... t ................ I ................ Refund from Yakima Total Current Expense----" * Indicates Red Ink 50.@0, 3,892.$5 7,36,6.33 7,597.'55 251.54 130.85: 69.75 78.68 2,585.62 8,305.98 199.16 4,073.44 2,250.@0 423.88 3,2~24.58 13.15 11,554,78 .................. 600.00 600.00 50.95 i 50.95 373.40 373.40 243.24 4,00.00 7.25 2,5.00 .271.80 2,39.33 200.00 5,996.4,5 6,0'50.65:14,740.33 2'6,787.43 : 7.25 296.80 239,33] 2@O:00 49,817.95 30,427.43 15,339.97~r~5/535'35 *4,627.37 !. 14,945.98 • 243.24 5.00 I ................