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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
March 7, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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March 7, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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March 7, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Page Nine B-'_L1 . r, • I OBITUARY I I AUDITOR'S OFFICE I d' T F|iTrOr FIGHT FANS APPLAUD Tr I I tcxleton cnool VAULTS RECEIVE Lt JP4L I DON BYARS IN FIRST Vra I Elizabeth Mary Nat.h. was bor, n in SPRING CLEANING RING GO AT EUGENE p '--e Junior~r*v ~I class gave a Leap Year Blalrgourie, Scotland, April 24,~ IT~ • I]rliT f ,l~Nllr~ houL* Ttt?:d:Y ?igyt at,th3, s?Iol11873, and passed ary at.the home l ~ I Old ledger books and records ~ VII~ ( Byars son of A. T. Byars ~IL 1 h.. o ......... 6 ........ so, of her youngest son Jonnme Nath or ' ' supplies ............... i ~ . 1 that had not been moved for I ____ and grandson of Mr• and Mrs. __ in ~::~ [OO¢l'tOOK tne.lnluauve[Goldendale, Washington, February[ ~E ~! many years were dusted offand t TL Y John Coftleld and W.F Byars, )| ,t V ~ue~vm ~e, ~_.'~ s'~"s ~ur the (lances, cieanea up, 29, at the age of 66 years, 101~~w[l~] ~tl]re-arranged last week by John __||J~k, made headlines on Eugene ]Ld,~J~l boys---a--re=e,~ards..and showed the lmonths and5 days. ~ A. Miller, county auditor. ~. spo~t pa~s recently b~ win~ ~.~_ a~ ume. L~ance programs] She was married in Washington, t .... The spring house cleaning I ....... ... ning a close decision in a Elks -fire Used, dances having been ex-[~. ,~ .......................... I Basket In Final Seconds Gives ...... /Goldvndale All-Stars Triumph o . CCC Basketball Club Defeats ca~-~ - - I~. ,~., ann ~u v,~L~ un,u. uvv ~-a~mr~al I was occasioneu D~" the crow(leu ! l ~lub ~moker there. ,+~':s~u ~e[orehand. Music was sup-lwere horn; all of whom live tel Lumberjacks Second Straightl condition in the auditor's office { Over The Dalles In Prelhnin-[ Byars, who fiVhts in the Hemlock In Play-Off Game For ~: c:Y !era! ta!en!. A hat trim-lmourn her going: Robert G. Nath,I Triumph Over Goldendale I vaults. By moving filing cabinets / cry Game l 120-pound class, performed be- Right To Enter Tourney r^_.~. ,atilt, m wmcn me girls werelsan Diego, California; Mrs• T.E.] --- { about and re-arran~in~ records] I fore 2,000 fans at a Finnish re- w~lulrec[ to make hats for the boys, IPence, Rickerall, Oregon* Mrs. W. I ..................... / ~Miller secured much additional ~ In one of the fastest games seen]lief fund even~. Byars later will With the district crown already ~ts won by Marlene Schrantz for her T ~.~a~.~ ..... a ~-- ~ ~# v...~. /,r~ttcKttat nagn scnoox s strunst [here this season Hamilton's Texaco l fi~'ht ~n Portland th,~rs b~, virtue of a 33 to 30 nlav b ..... ' P y de ~g ed o De - both of Walls Walls, Wash., an~/ ................ / { OHer five dropped a 52 to 48 decision] off victory over Camp Hemlock scor- ~'~ ~,~vage. Hester Runyan's "top Johnnio Noth ~-~l~,md~lo Wash ~tne nnat ~o seconds o] p~ay vrmay/ .... ~to the strong Chinese club from San ~ ~.--/ 11 ~'~ ,~ ~* White ~hnon Saturday Camn act" for Alfred Nygaard and the { with whom eh~ ........ ."h,:'~iv-,~' ¢o'~ th:: [ evening to defeat G. H. S. by one ] Hunters- Analers + Francisco. The Chinese club, despite ] J~H[~rt[~al| rares ~-~l'~n.~ol: ......... s ~ask~tbaD team will rs E .'Davis g Mrs' Roy Cur] late ' + ~ars. ~race ~ourum [{ 1 r ] wash spent ~Tuesday evening at{{| ........................ r " ....|] dayJYguests of Mr and Mrs Harr~ spring bonnet" made by Marion]uset eight years [point, 31 to 30. The game closed/ ~ffir.11 rq_l =~ I~T lthe close score, had the game well in{ {~|.,,*A ~-~*~,~e~ enter the distict tourney at Vancouv- oensen for Richard Wilson won hen- ~ ~" " " {Goldendale's basketball season. { Will r.,|ect l ew |han~ mo~t ,~f th .... { a~|~g.~ Jt~t~'~K~t~t~ =. + . - orab!e mention ] Besides these who mourn are two{ .Earlier this year Klickitat downed/#,%~0 lt~ 1 / Th,~ ~ ~t~'~=": ....... h~{ ~ .... ~.~,~,, ~A{er Tnurs(lay. rs Pi WaFter Them on as elected the Francis Murphy and Alvin John which games and a light lungch g~twere ~Ia~b,~ ~, • ..... Isisters and one brother: Robena, of{o~ Millam's team 37 to 28 in a] ttl lcer.g l¥lonaav .......... i tucm ay X~ ~ L{ Eight Camp Goldendale players --~-~ ~alnes, the local winner; ~. +h .......... / ..... / v -- J} margin in the nrst quarter an(l tnenI -" | ,e.~' ¢+ .,r^a.. =u.esua~"'" ~u'e"" .a~r ........... ~u~,.=..""a'~,,= of , Mrs A Wilson, Mrs W terry ~cottayna" r wl 1 son Margee and Johnny, were Sun the contest on "Americanism ".. . . .~ ' • _ .... .,/game played on the Goldendale foe '/ -- /settled down to consistent basket-I ........... ns nd la- ~- "" J ..... spo'n .... . ..... ' i Mon~rea~ t)ana(la" an(l JttoDer~ 24 | ,~... -on*est -la,,ed at Klickitat Fri ~ Officers for the comin~ year will/ ' ~ ~omenuaLe so]lean ia a P Y-I the (llrectlon o] tuelr co-coacnes, u~urea by tne American ~egion~ ' ' " ~"~ " ~ v a - ~" " ball. Goldendale carried the often- . 'Allxiliary won first "lace in th°,ScOtt' of CaHforaia. ~day evening was close all the way /beelected at the Hunters and l .......... i ers interested in making plans for I Frank j. Hills and Harry Palmer. In. ~, ,. " slve [nrougn ]as nex~ ]we quar[ers i w II m et at the • COunty cont~-* h~,~ o* c~,~,~o, ao,o I She was a merabor of the ~sby-~.Klickitat held a slight edge during/Anglers club meeting next Monday/~,n 0,# ,~ ....... n ..... + ........I the corn ng season 1 e I Vancouver they will compete with Thur_~ ~ ...................'{ terlan church of Walls Walla,{,he first half with Goldendale pulling { evening March 11 The sportsmen's { ................................ { city hall next Tuesday evening. J. S.{ seven other clubs for the district CCC ~uay, February 29 Her oration t , • margin ' r sldent of Was entitles ,,,,,,h,= ~:n ~,t~u .... where interment took place. {oat tn frontln the third quarter. Thelclub ses,~ion will begin at 8:00 p.{ r~.~ ~,.~m.~ ~a +,.~ ,~0~,o ..~+~lHoagland, last years pe {title. of Ameri,:: ~;~.~:-'~'~,~"~:~:[ Ill LOw ]~mory [final quarter was a see-saw affalrtm and will be held in Centerville] ~,..,~-~.,.,~,,~j-e,,: ..... "~?':--:~" I the Simcoe softball association hasI The Vancouver tourney will oper- i • A friend so tried, and always sure, tea " called the meeting to begin at 7:34) n the co ........... I ] with frst one m and then the[at the K. of P. hall. ] .............. [ late under the two-game elimination unty contes~ wen~ ~o ztmn- .-- .... m~.~ ,=.~.~ ~v~. ... re | ~ . . . / game wl[n ~oo t~anlll an(l l~lOyUl_ _ { ard Aunt, ........... i WhOSO near~ ana ........ "" ,t other taking the lead I W A. Layman of Goldenaate, ~s| ......... {p.m. rule Each team will remain in the ---.~tn, also o] ~lCKleton, With ' t " " ' ~ase [orwaras" 1).,~palulng ann " au orat ......... IWh°se loving hand ne er sh rked a[ ,Goldendale played without the ser-/the present president of the club./~_ '.. +' . _ ~. I At the meeting a tentative list of[ runing until it suffers two defeats ~on on 'what -~merma Means narolu Jacroux, guarus; an(l n " " T task e M .............. ' {vices of Howard Masters who tnjur-]Following t'he election meeting re-] .... "]team sponsors will be formed and] ............ • . e. Third pl~u~ wa~ wua uy ~,,+ e+,'~v,~ +- ~ta in -IS ~a,a a=k { / ......... ! ~paluing, center. Stanley Crocker was] .,_, .... • ._.: .~. ..... ,_....~ +~. .... _{ rtayers nlaKlng tne trip lnctu(le: ~eSter Runyan of Bickieton with an{ .................... } ed his thumb a week ago. A1 Thorn-} [resnmen~s winne serves. .The{ use,~ for r,~se,-vo n,,ty {ua~e~ ~ tus ,,~ u~,~,z,us ~,~ ~,,~ o~,* [ Moore, Cllft, Burris, Miller, Pelf, ~;d f~rtthheplaDlc /A:rd 13:~0% P:=~U:r lenftohrf: ~=tt: am:d:t2e t~h WIS~I~A~I ~he Sell- A fe Jh~ h MarchD°n'tl forget .... "the Junior play,]We{ gladly take, and carry throu~h,] Whittier'ssecon(l~-"+team u-owned] tinel)t Monday Leslie Brachten- ]young men of excellent+ character card pa y y • • ~ " 5 ~mall Town Romeo The tasks left for us to do rs riz for men and Mrs Yted Allen and baby son re ' " " | Coach ~Fred Taylor's graders 14 to bach took June Dubs and Mrs. Dubs[ and moral habits in the U. S. Marine Austin won fl t p e - ~f~,, ......... { [ 7 The Goldendale B squad was de-{ to Yakima. June went over to con-{ Corps, according to an announce-] Mr. Mason the low. Miss Cropsey] turned home Tuesday. • ULUI I)RMED {FLOWERS IN BLOOM | feat-,~ by *h~ Whittier five 37 to 29 Isult with her doctors. [ ment received today by Postmaster/won first prize for the women and[ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kuhn and Runes .... " .... al n h BY WISHRAM WOMENI ON COLUMBIA HILLS} I Mr. and Mrs. Bob Leachman and/H. H. Hartley from Captain F. R./Mrs. Wilson low. A substanti lu c /Hudson motored to Seattle Wednes- ~_ he Mothers' club of WishramI ~ [MARVY T. ~AN HURT {Vincent Brehm w+ere in Goldendale~ Armstead, officer ill charge of the/ was served. {day. They stopped at Ellensburg and y~ formed at the schoolhouse Wed-[CJ~F~S---(~)ec4al to 'l~he Senti-] ........ q, D ,AiC. lon business Monday. ]Marine corps recruiting station,/ Mr. and Mrs. John I)odson were]visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cross. ay evening, February 28. Thero/nel)--Yello~v ,bells are in bloom{ _ ] James Delaney, Paul Wllhams{ Room 433 Federal Office Building,~ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Got-/We know Mrs. Cross as Ruth Simms. Were 19 present at the meeting. This I here. | MARYHILL ~Snecial to Thet and Tom Delaney were out of town[ Seattle [ fredson Sunday. ] Mr and Mrs Robert Marvel were cltl ~, v ~ . • • • , i b is open to any adult interested{ Mr. and Mrs. EA~ben Kinzie and/~entinel)____~r" MoDonald was pain-Iwaiters Tuesday. / Applicants must be at least 66[ Mrs. Everett Schrantz and son,]visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stout • ' our school and the childrens Tel-{small son visited at the Charley Fer-{ fully injured about the face and f Mr. and Mrs. L. E. John and} inches in height and not over 74{ Vernon, called on her mother, Mrs./Thursday evening taro. Meetings will be held regularlvlgusou home last week. {~h~, ~,~, "~h .... a .... ¢+ ....... ~,ldaughter Ireta Mina Van Alman{{n~h .... ,~ he*wean the a~s -f m~/John Rasmussen, at O~k Grove Sun-{ r~,~,~ ......... '-" ................ t.~.~ "~' £ast Wednesday evening of each{ Vernon Short, Mrs. Frank D~vers a belt in the machine shop broke and and Mrs. 0. E. John were in Gold-[ and 28 years Men who pass the re-] day. / are working for Frank Churchill ~nth. No assessments w411 be made. / and t.heir mother were down to Cliffs I struck him several times I endale shopping Tuesday• ] quired physical examination will be{ The Sunnystde Girl Scouts enter-] durln," lambing Mrs. George Selph was elected [ for the school election last Saturday I Mr Reed of White Salmon was a] Marion Hudson, Bob Forsythe{ enlisted and transferred to the Ms-{ rained the Bickleton Girl Scouts at[ Mr~ and Mrs Wm Vermin were l~resident; Mrs Williams vice-presl-[and visited at the Charley Ferguson _~,',^_" :.. ~'---'hill last Frida:: after [and Arc,hie Averill were in town on rine or s B se t San Die o Call a Court of Awards Friday evening{ ". . " . d ..... " ' ' ,u~,,~ ........ a a ~-, - . ! C p~ a ,a g, -! f suppel guests of Ml. and Mrs. High- • ,lit Mrs Terhune secretary, and home business TUesday They gave a short program, after ~- ' " ' ] • [noon. [ . • . ] fornia, where they will be given their| | fill Sunday. • errs, treasurer. ] ps t ~rs McDonald and her father I ] ~reliminar- training- as Marines in-] | l~h~llis Churchill was taken to The The followm are the members new school director ..... were in Goldendale Tuesday eve .... eu o ed by all / ' to~. / . _ I Mr. Abramson drove to Goldendale~ "/eluding tile firing of all infantry| • l Dalles hospital Friday evening. She ~, uate besides the off, leers: Mrs. E.~ The Columbia rl~er i~ .high. and [ Friday afternoon. / ning. . | weapons. Upon completion of this[ Mr. Darbrice and daughter and[ is suffering with pneumonia, but is 'var[ord ver ~nudd since so much ram of Fred Chittester of 0kanogan Roe .... } l Attendance was good at church]_ . ' • "It aining they "II be e igible for[ , "|somewhat better. Her mother is stay- ti% Mr " -" + " . " . ~I -'- " -- h been on the sickIlast Friday evening. Out of town l the home of his brother - C "~hlt [ transfe to the Marine Detachment| • • -'] ing with her at the present time. s. ~racktenDacn, ~wrs J. Ja~e t~eezs as . , ft.. U " - Chambers • ~eh .............. r _ [... [guests were Mrs. Wlerman and/ ...... [ aboard one of the vessels of the{ • | Mr. and Mrs. Juu Kuhn, Lyle and so uttz. Mrs. u. ularlr, Mrs. ~:. Jonn-lllsL ........... {daughter Miss V~eIlman and Ken-{ ~eszer ana [amuy..~ .... { United States Fleet or to one of the} Harry L. Chambers and son,[ Wayne were supper guests of Mr. ._-', ~v~rs. Stout, Mrs. P. Hopkins, } Mrs. D. ~..snort receives a mrvn{ ..... "_ ..................~._{ Mr. ann ~virs. ~. m. Jonn an(l ~wr.{ man-- for~i~'n ~oun'ri~s +" w~'t~" M^ /James, were weekend guests of Mr.l _..~ ,+.~ ,)_.. ~_,... m,....s~+._ ._ ~. ~. Fenton, Mrs. L. Walsh, Mrs. l ann~uncement zrom net niece, ~ars.| ............. } an~ mrs. ~. ~. ~an~ry were m wm~e{-'n~- ar- n-w --rvi ...... h __/and Mrs Clair Smith of Sunnyside/ ~.~,~,~ .,~,++ ....... ,,~,,~ ~.+, ,,~,, • John and Mrs. C. Cr~ftut. Mary Anna, R~en.blad of the ar- Salmon .Sunday evening. . Mr and Mrs Ra See .......... I ............. |W. Peck, Mrs. James Peck, Mrs.| Mr n ...... ob L --'-m .... r~lHawaH, Panama, Cuba, the ~hilip-/ • " spent|Bertha Rogers was reelected clerk of .. .era£ o~ our memoers Will vlm~{rlval c~ a a~y gtrt, n.aren ,~nn/ ....... ~ "'i ........ "} . a u lvirs. ~ earn an w~ ~|_:_~ +~lands Guam or China /,Friday evening at the Harry Cham-{+ho o,h,,,~ the Mi .......... I ._ "-I- "" "he bah- we'-hed t L,ester ~omson uuu ~u ~ ~uvo~| in White Salmon Sunda'- { P~'~ ~ ' ' " "- - ~ ........... nnenana clue on march I~.. i oorn ~~rt.~o. ~ Y ~ ~ ecial son ] y. • t hers home. i "'r and M1 s Carl Seel- were vie Anyo gave a sp g £Vl y ,, ne desiring ti go may aeeMrs, seven pound~ and six ounces. / .... ,,~ Barz'et* "1~'* ~,,+.~o., ,.~r] Mr" and Mrs'Har°ld Ray~burn andl~ Sunday in The/ Mrs. Hazel Jensen gave a birthday/ ,,,~r~ of Mr andMrs Fred Billin~*-n ~llrtis or Mrs. Sell~h for transports-] ,, {--~'~'"~" wh re ~ :~ ~r "~: ~'~ ]family spent the weekend at theI Dalles ]party for Mrs. Ernie Caldwell last[ ~" ~ ~ e'venin'-" ...... ~n Po*'--'- ~--~ t~-- -l---lfl--'-'~- tft~.ountaln, e ne win work on ~ne{TomTobin ranch eastof Golden| " -- • | ...... /Thursday ~. • ~uc~ { ~ ~ v ~m~ ,~a ~a-. I "e l -an- 1 -I Mrs. Chris Terhune wentto t'ort-I ~'rl(lay afternoon at the home of Mrs.| Mrs Rebel Glasco returned home I sr e g n ~ dale. [ land Friday and spent until ~unduy.[ Jensen. ] " l vis it Z "" ¢ |,. ~v~u ~*,~a~, { .............. ........... ~ '~uul Mr. and Mrs. O. E. John, A.L.] A moving plcture is to be given atl~ ....... ~, 4+ " ...... ~ ......... ~" family spent the weekend in MabtonJohn and Mr and Mns L E John the Grange Hall every Monday even ........... ! DEMAND AN ABSTRACT + [ Hugh Wedgwood and Helen]with reiatives { " " / , "} John and Muriel Pierce had candles ' were in Goldendale Saturday ing. Last Monday, 'Black Gold" was $ {piassas attended the basket ball[ ~. ~,~a x~o T,,e ~.h,,, ....... ,..{ " | {on their birthday cake this year, [f You Buy Real i ltate -- You Will P~mbly J; ]game in Goldendale Friday night. [ Golde'n3ale "3n+'bLsin;;:~rid;~~' +"l Gus Brehm and son,Vincent[ given, _ ... { although they are 12 years old. Tllelr ~" drove to Vancouver Sunday on buM- ~Ir and Mrs. Joe t~oleman were Have to Furnish o~e Should Y~ ~!] { ,Stanley Asher had a few friends] Mr nnd M~ Omcnr An,/ .... n{ { " . ..... [birthdays fall on February 29. ........................... hess guests of Mr ana ~Irs Tom uonanue or ~ortB1E~e ~ }in for the evening Saturday night.] were shoppers in The Dalles Friday| ~-" ......... | . • ... '~" . ] Those who attended the dance at __ T /,,,. ............... ., ..... ,_,{ "{ riaze£ wamn, Jeanne wnson and| from Tues(lay untu Tnursaay. /the Glade 8atuld ........ ~+- ---~ ~[ --~---- ,b I ............ + " ~ ........... "1BeverJy ~empm nave th~ measles| ~Mrs Roilly and children went to/M.o ~.,.~a ~,~o,~ + .... r~.,= ..n • r~aococ~, r~lcnara aria Mary ~oss and Mrs L B Lantry transacted • ,+u ............. ~, ~.~.,.~, ~,.,o ,,,,, ~ I -- " 1 ~ "W ~ { ............... 'I " " " _ [ now. Charles Ramey and Nell Lewis[ Sunnyside with Mr and Mrs Morrice|clarv Porter Mr and Mrs '~'- ~ ~" ~I~gY1P~Y ~]rt~l I |lrl~_ I / ~ara ~to~)ert l%lcnar(l an(l~nunp! business in The Dalles Frldav / . • • ! " " .. / ~ , • . ~# • ~';'+ • ~.~.~ ~v~* ~-~ ~ ...v ' ' ~" are over tnelr ale e hen ~ne • g • Collins Sunday morning. W Y and dan hters E A " ~. I,. ~ ].Dolph and Chfford McDonald The[ The Lvle ~,irls played t,he Wish [ .......... [ . . .. { g , d llbrltton and • 4 • -, ..... 41.,, • -~.--,--~,~,, ~ { . . | - ~, ~ + "| tca~l~n Fenton was out ot the storeI came back they had dinner at tnelpiper Hale All re-ort a +rood ti"^ U U-tUlty buln aJLly $ { evening was spent by playing games, I ram girls a game of volley ball here] several da-'s with ill"-~- Mr -na/ ...... I " ~ ~ *"'~" ~o*~, Public ~: i after which refreshments were sere-]Friday evening Our girls won withl ......... ~ _~ "~'~; .~ ~] uotnns home. ...... ] +Mr. and ~VIrs. Robert Marvel were v "" ~'~ J. I .......... I " , ,x ~,. I £vlz~. Jt'eIILt)H ann son, wanace GroveI ,A 4~H meeung for the issuers Wllll ~,,~,~. ~,,,~,~ ,~p ~. ~nd M, ¢ Wn~r _~___- { e(l oy Mrs. Asner ann l~ars. ~eer. } a score of 50 to ~u. boys basket I +~ ~^,^a.a.,^ ~.+~ .... ~#.~.+..~/ ........... L i ] ~" ~V ~" ~ ................... ] S .... ~----'=" .... " ......... { .Mrs. Asher went to Vancouver lball team played a winning gamelc.~,,,a .... ~..+,,~ | ............... |K h y g . ~ ~ ~. ., ~.~.--~-~-~- u,~,u o,~ ~ ~,~',.,. ~ol~enuale. Mrs ~eimar AlllOrltton| • orter is "k" ' - .... .T ....... ] unday for a couple of days. [with Lyle here the same night. The[ ~.,...~ u.,~. ...... + ~,,naa,, end/ ........... Feln P Tel lug at Hale s ~] At the school election Saturday, ! score was 17 to 14. { ........................... J . |du ng g. ,.,~,, ~,u~-~, ~,~,,,~ ~,- ~ ~ - an(l ~rs. ~a. ~ol£ms plan to attend, ri lambin ivLunuu,y lI1 ¥~tIICOUV~I" Wltll111~ p~r- M h A Collins pmns to go to t e " ~' tt as r elected r "~ eato* / | • • ~{ Bill Andrews and Ed Allbritton ~ ~|Mrs. Catherine Burrs w e . M s. tlene Wh n visited one!cuts "P U D monthl meetin that is to{ :; ~ {[ Airs. Jacoux and son, Alfred, `Mlss day the lmst week With Mrs. Doral Mrs Dora Wilson wentto Gold{be held" in Goldbndale ~ednesda ~1 were valley callers Monday. { ~ t~Hilma Bruner, Mr. and Mrs. G. A+[Wilson. Mrs. Wheaten had been vis-iendale" Tuesday to visit for a few[ Mr and Mrs Rossler were we:k.I Eve Seely and Frank Marvel were ~ ~[ Jacroux, Jr., all of Goldendale, v~s-liting in Goldendale and was on herl days with relatives } . " . " "1 visitors at the Seely home Saturday. + • en(l guests of +Mr and Mrs Charles re will be a Easter dance t ~ ~{ ited in Maryhill Sunday way home to Vancouver { . Ot ......... ,~ ~....~{ ~ " " tI The a • ~ • A number ~ ~--e, ,,~o,,,,, ..,,~. ~ ~| Mrs. Selph, of Wishram, visited l Mrs. Paul McCulloch and Mrs. i here were in Goldendale Saturday[ Jensen.. Mr. r¢OSsler, Mr. Jensen andI Alderdale Saturday, March 23. Good George ~atsen went to Arlington on s E I "-- .- • ;{~Hrs. Harold Barrett Sunday. ]Cecil Allen were up to the Maryhill{evening' including Loraine Ray'burn,{ busin ss Sunda llmusic by TulI's Grebe tra. veryone ~~ ~] ~tanley Asher left Sunday for| Gardens one day this week• ] Kathleen and Im~gene Stout [ . e - . Y'. .I welcome to a good time. t ~~ ,, ilFountain, where he will work with Vincent Brehm spent a c°uple°fl Mrs. J. A. Abney att+nded the{so~rR?::ar~;S~l?edrnWonilllaan~SN:l:I Ronnle Hudson, of Canlas, was a I &{the steel laying gang on the S. P. &J days in Vancouver this week. | show tn Goldendale Saturday eve-I ' " '1 weekend visitor at the J. S. Churchill Matsen were dinner guests of Mr ~f ~ ~ | ~| S { Mr. and Mrs. Sinfleld moved into] nine | "1 home. t ~ ~, ~ TO~FU gO I i{ Mr and Mrs Lester Robison and[the apartment recently vacated by] Mr and Mrs George Cunntngham{andr.Mr:ndCh:rl~ Jensen Thursday.[ Carl Walker, of White Salmon, ~ ii mmi,,m~-- | ~{Hugh .Wedgwood drove to Wishram]the Curtis Heftermans. ]and son, Leo and a friend, were ln|the valley Thursd:y ~ns:eltvi~it:3 la~{Spent Sunday afternoon at the W, R. Ke Mr and Mrs Glen Snodgrass and ~ er Hale is the roud i~ ~--,~ ~ ..... ec | ~| Lester Robison injured his back{Dwight Cochran, nneth ,StoRe,; ankle and Benny broke a bone in[ . '.. " • . . ~| Pip P owner of ~ ,~J~2~ i A ~00~ DSJlKlng O[)tlltl " | ~]and went to ~oldendale Tuesday for lDale Monahan and Junior Murphy. ~hts arm Both are out now and re-{ cnnaren are guests of her parents,] a new 1940 ~Ford truck. ~~,~~m tion can help you in many | I{ medical care." "{ Mrs. Ray Cochran and daughterlcovering rapidly. /Mr. and Mrs. L. Ingrain. They[ .... ways, the most hnpogant I Z[ ~ Luella spent the weekend in Port- ,George Ray~burn was in town Sat .I brought Jimm|e Ingrain home from]sT PATRICK'S DANCE land r Yakima, where he has been confined ~,~'~..~ .... • | ~| 1 1 O 1 • ~, . } • u day night and Sunday he report~[ [ PI ANNED AT R EVELT { ot wmc are. I Lyle ocnool i~ote$ Mr and M. Oscar Anderson en- back to the steel gang { to the hospital for some time, but IsI _ • tertained company from Seaside a Fred Chittester e ent sh rt able to be up now ROOSEVELT ; ~ ~ • Dr@st/oe | ~[ p a O ,I r " r atsen en ] -- (Special ,t° The ~ - r ~ • l'l The Lyle girls volley ball team couple of days the first of the ~eek. while in Wishram Monday at M . and 'Mrs. Gee ge M "]Sentinel) A St. Patrick s dance ~ • ~nan¢lal solldl / I ~{played their second volley ball game { Mrs. O. I(. Jackson and chddren, brother R. C. Chittes'ter's on his ~ay| tertained Mr. and Mrs. Milner Lar-[wlll be g~ven by the students of ; • +.Ip+ul=u.-+ I ;Iat wishram last week. It was a Joyce and Jerry, of Goldendale, home to Okano~gan after spending{sen, Mr. and ~Mrs. Oeorge FaulknerlRoosevelt high on Saturday, March • credit • ~}hard fought game, both teams hay- spent the past week visiting at the two weeks in Vancouver with rela-|and Mr• and Mrs. Harry McCredy atI 16, in the gymnasium Pritchan's | | ~{ing their turn at leading. Wishram R. C. Skar home. tives. [ a dinner Thursday evening. AfterI orchestra will furnish the music. | I • valuable servkes | ~lcame o11% ahead. The score was 40 Otis Jackson came down Wednee- The pinochle club met with Mrs~ldinner they played cards. | The carnival postlmned from +~ • • ~}to 49 - day evening to spend t,he evening Harp Monday night. | H. Shattuck attended the horse[earlier in t.he month will be held ! I Start an accotmt here, getacquamted"th°u~ I ;I Tbe grado school boys won a 5~. with his famil'y at the Skar home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krauspe hadlsale In Sunnyslde Monday. {March 30. Games, cont~ts, food, | facilities and begin to build that very vtduable | 3]to 14 victory over the White tlmin . Mr. and Mrs. R" C. Chittester and company from Portland Sunday. i George. VanNostern was hurtlstage showy and all the th, ing, s that ~" " ' • • ,. • I grade team last Friday• mrs. R. N. Rooertson were in Crold- Mrs. Pettyjohn, of Portland, isI,Monaay wae~ a stac~ of hay fell on|go with a carnlval wtll be there In | I asset, Danlf ~;~i~IIII~. i Basketball season .being nearly endale Saturday evening, visiting at the Jack Bond home. { him. {full force. over the 'boys are practicing up on Mary Carter and Clyde Leachman Rev. Hagar, of Portland, held[ | , ~* I~II~'~I.I.I.I~I~ l~l~ll~P' baseball. A dozen new balls and slx were married in Goldendale Sunday. church services at the church gun-{ ~ ~ U~Ikm~d 1Nwql~W{dl] Rc~al ~md Underwood ~e I-IL~,~I~,aJU,.alN+ a~•JP~ • IP~ ll~j[mJ~lla new bats have been ordered. Wednesday evening a few friends day evening. |~ ~ ~ ~t{ ~tmm. ~Imall do~ paFmlmt. . . The boys will play a tournament gathered to wish them well. F.G. Bunn spent the weekend in{~ Ill ~ meaMal7 imfpIH~ ]ba*la~ in small monthly l~Ym~l~. ================================================= game at White Salmon Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Delaney and Yakima with .his family. {In41ul~ tit ~ ~ 1111411~.]l~llutre at 'rh~ Goldendale ~lltl~¢L