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MARCH 8,2017 --5
Rhys Chapman repre- for the
sented Bickleton
and Klickitat
County at Poetry
Out Loud State
Finals Satur-
day, March 4 in
Tacoma. Poetry
out Loud is a
national program funded
by the National Endowment
East End
Ada Ruth
Arts and the Wash- build self-confidence, and School. Welldone, Rhys, for
ington State Arts learn about their literary a stellar performance.
Commission. It heritage. Bickleton is having their
encourages the Rhys did very well: heAnnual Benefit Bingo
nation's youth to performed "America" byParty Friday, March 10, at
learn about great Claude McKay and "Kubla
poetry through Khan" by Samuel Taylorthe GrangeHall.TheBaked
m e m o r i z a t io n Coleridge. The state winner Potato Dinner is 5 - 7 p.m.
and performance,who will represent WA in Bingo starts soon after
students master our nation's capital in April that. Bingo prizes may be
speaking skills,came fromAnacortes High left at The Store.
Lyle School's Ms. Eva farmers, landscapers, gar- fungi, permaculture, com- he did this winter, but by
Knowles challenged her deners, grounds managers posting, pest management seeing me raking gravel I
classes to write a persua- and anyone else who wants and rebuilding urban soils, had delivered to my drive-
sive essay to President Don- to improve their soil. The Wildfires in the west and way and telling me to stop
ald Trump about an issue health of your soil deter- in our area have always and that he would return
that they care deeply about, mines the health been a threat in with his little tractor. I had
All students, regardless of of everything the summer. There to leave for an appointment
politicalstance, researched growing in it-- is an event at the and when I returned the
and formulated their let- the food you eatLyleNews High Prairie Com- gravel was all smoothed out
ters, which will be mailed and the crops you
to President Trump next produce. Set aside MildredLykens munity Center and all I can say is there's
that will teachno explaining my gratitude.
week. It's great that our Saturday, April you to prepare for It warms my heart to know
kids are working to shape 8, from 8 a.m. - 4 it and how to pro- there are those who do care
their futures and that our p.m. (check-in 8 - tect your home and
teachers engage kids in real 8:30 am) at PCC Rock Creek property. An educational for their fellow man, or old
and relevant work. The high Event Center, 17705 NWadvisory on your woman. The problem is I
don't even know his name!
school winners were Philip Springville Road, PDX. Reg- preparations and precau-
Kilian and Sydney Rains; ister at: https://wmswcd, tions will be on Satur- So thanks, neighbor!
honorable mention, Alex org/soil-school-2017-reg- day March 18, from 9 a.m. Before I forget: Daylight
Miller. Middle school win- istration. Attendees will - 1 p.m. Savings Time. We get that
ners were Astara Jensen learn about soil structure/ I love this small town's hour more of daylight that
and Kyla Hovinghoff; hon- composition and analysis, special neighbors who are was taken from us last win-
orable mention, Sophie Kil- as well as topics like plant- compassionate to others' ter. March 12 is the date and
ian. ing for pollinators, cover needs. I wish to thank one usually it is sometime in
Soil School 2017 will be crops, irrigation, landscap- of those 'Earth Angels' the earliest hours. I just set
a day packed full of infor- ing with native plants, com- again. Not for plowing the it the night before so I'm not
mation for small acreage posting, invasive weeds, snow from my driveway, as too early for church.
Sherman County, Oregon: The website, recently intro- windows to history, geogra- "This is a big site, the
A Historical Collection is a duced by Kaseberg, shares phy, geology, maps and riv- result of a lifetime journey
new local history website her 1965 cemetery survey ers with field trips and pen with local storytellers and
(shermancountyoregon. and stories, timelines, pho- pals in other countries," record keepers, but it's not
com) honoring the people tographs and information said Kaseberg.
who lived in Sherman about businesses, churches, An eighth-grade history everything," Kaseberg adds.
County, kept the records, government, military ser- assignment, which she "There is a wealth ofinfor-
preserved the stories and vice, places and towns, views as a gift, required mation in the interpretive
encouraged Sherry Kase- "Growing up in Moro, Iinterviews of town elders, exhibits, publications and
berg's interest in the county was inspired by a fourth- For many years, Kaseberg collections at the national-
in which shegrew up. grade book about the Ore- volunteered for the Sher- award-winning Sherman
In Kaseberg's own words, gon Trail and the orphaned man County Historical Soci-
the information presented is Sager children, which led ety, and served as Sherman County Historical Museum
"truly the work ofmany, and to a crayon mural. My fifth County Commissioner and in Moro." For additional
will appealtohistoryenthu- and sixth grade teacher, on the Oregon Geographic information, visit http://
siasts and genealogists." Grace (May) Zevely, opened Names Board.
The Glenwood School hoping for a good turnout.
and Missoula Children's Don't forget to set your
Theater production of the clocks ahead this weekend
musical, Treasure Island, as we head into daylight
last Friday night was thor- savings time.
oughly enjoyed by a very GlenwoodRodeoAssocia-
large audience. The chil- tion is beginning
dren learned all
to plan for this
their lines and
songs in just one Glenwood year's Ketchum
week and did anNews Kalf Rodeo. A
awesome job. meeting will be
This was the Glenwood held in the school
Missoula Chil- Homemakers library on Sun-
dren's Theater's day, March 12 at
llth visit to Glen- 1 p.m.
wood and it is something All parents and commu-
the school children look nity members are invited
forward to each year. Pre- to attend a sports meeting
ceding the play, Glenwood on Monday, March 13. The
school cooks Kim Thomas meeting to discuss next
and Pam Keithly served a year's high school sports
delicious chicken fettuccine
programs will be held in
dinner in the multipurpose the school library at 7 p.m.
room, with pirate cupcakes The Glenwood School
for dessert. Thank you
Glenwood school and Kim spelling bee will be held in
and Pam for a wonderful the multi-purpose room on
evening. Wednesday, March 15. This
This week is National annual event will be hosted
School Breakfast week. by the Glenwood High
Parents are invited and School National Honor
encouraged to come have Society and will start at 6
breakfast with their chil- p.m. Grades first through
dren. Cost is $1.70 for adults eighth will be competing
and $1.20 for children, for the honors of top spell-
The March bingo is this ers.
Friday, March 10, at 7 p.m. Glenwood High School
in the grange hall. Refresh- and Middle School track
ments will be served. Bring
lots of family and friends season is underway. Prac-
and come on out for a fun tices began Feb. 27. If you
evening. Friday night's didn't receive the meet
attendance count will schedules, contact Toni at
help determine whether the school to get them. The
Glenwood Women's Club teams are hoping for lots
will continue hosting this of community support to
monthly event and they are cheer them on this spring.
Like The Sentinel
on Facebook.
Major strides made for
Travis Alert Act in state
Rep. Gina McCabe's bill
known as the "Travis Alert
Act" passed the Washington
State House of Representa-
tives Wednesday.
House Bill 1258 would
allow people to submit
information pertaining to
an individual's disability to
the Enhanced 911 program
so dispatchers can deliver
critical information to first
responders during emergen-
cies. It would also review
existing procedures and ask
the Department of Health to
create a training program
for first responders, provid-
ing instruction for how to
best respond to emergencies
involving persons with spe-
cial needs. The act is named
after Travis King, a 12 year-
old boy with autism from
"No one likes to talk about
the possibility of tragedy
striking, but I've heard from
families throughout Wash-
ington the Travis Alert Act
would give their families
peace of mind in an emer-
gency," said McCabe, R-Gol-
dendale. "It is an absolute
honor to be sponsoring this
bill and advocating for the
needs of Travis and others
with disabilities."
McCabe first introduced
the bill during the 2016 leg-
islative session after hearing
from Travis' mom, Threasa,
who wanted to make sure her
son would be appropriately
cared for in an emergency.
What began as a bill to aid
individuals with autism
transformed into a bill to
encompass the needs of all
persons with disabilities.
The bill now advances
to the Senate for further
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