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March 11, 2004 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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Your Gorge Classified
ad also appears in :
Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise;
The Dalles Chronicle;
and the Camas/Washougal Post-Record
or toll free at
Livestock & Supplies ""--290 Business Rentals"--"~""330
Pets & Suppties""'""~'295 Apartment
Pasture Rentals "'""'300 Rentals/Oregon""'"--"""335
Stables & Kennels """""305 Apartment
Hay, Feed, Straw'--'""310 Rentels/WA ""--"--""""340
Food, Meat & Produce ""315 Condo Rentals'""""""'350
Rants & Duplexes,
Nursery Stock .... "'"3204-Piexes/OR ...... 355
Farm & Orchard Duplexes,
Equipment' "325 4-Piexes/WA ....... 360
House Rentals/OR ""'365
House RentalsNVA --"'370
Senior Housing ""'"'""372
Mobile Hornes/OR """375
........... Mobile Homes/WA""""'380
1984 2-Horse trailer. Mobile Home Spaces ""'382
$750 OBO. 509-427-5110. Rentals Wanted .... 385 Rentals to Share .... 390
Room Rentals .... 395
GELDING 5 yts. thorough- RVSiteRantals .... "397
bred, 16H tall. Great pleas- Vacat~n Rentals .... 400
ure horse, Loves people Bed&Breakfast""'~"405
$800 Nanetts 3e0-834-5390 Storage Space ..... 410
GOATS, ALPINE DOES Misc. Rentals ...... 415
(gids), $50each. LOOKING FOR small lbdrm
360-835-7512Washougel. house or cabin, 4/15104,
ALPACA TOURS Call Tnsha 888-438-3612
Set up your own personal- .....
ized tour. 4806 NE 316th , .~_~l~J=ll~e
CL Camas. For appL 360-
-747o, ....
Pigmy goats, assorted col-
or, some dehorned. $50/ GREAT office suites avail-
ea. 541-298-4414 able for rent in Goldendale.
Please contact Columbia
Sheep manure. Delivered Crest Property Manage-
in 8-9 ton loads. $40 ton. ment for more details, 541-
541-507-9486/501-8496. 296-5267.
WANTED: 1 to 20 400-550 HAVE A HOME FOR SALE?
tbs. good polled beef Get results fast by placing
sleets. 541-352-1053. your ad in the Gorge Clas-
sifieds, your ad wilt appear
in every paper in the gorge
area, reaching over
115,000 readers each
week. Call us at the Gold-
endate Sentinel, 773-3777
or toll-free at 1-888-287-
Retell/~ 2389 sq ft.
Parking. $1100/rno.
54 1-386-2864/386-2292
12~30 pro, March 24,
Presser, WA. 191 Head,
Top 75% will sell. 114 An-
gus, 15 H. Hereford, 17 P.
Hereford, 5 Red Angus, 8
Charotaia. For catalogs &
test results: Kendall Cattle
Sales, 208-858-2163.
"Diamond in the faugh",45
Ibs, 18 me. neutered bor-
der collar/spaniel mix~
AKC Cocker Spaniel pup-
pies. Vet check, current
shots, 8 wks. old. 3 males
$400 ea. 2 females $600
ea. 380-835-3296.
AKC Shlh Tzu male, etackJ
white, 8 wks, 1st shot.
FREE to good home: male
black cat, neutered, de-
dawed, 6 sos, 509-773.6311.
FREE to good home. Good
watch dog needs space to
run, 2 yr. old female/
spayed/chipped/shots. 1/2
Rhode=dan Ridgeback 1/2
American Terrier. Call
evenings 360-699-18t0.
OLATE LAB mix. 8 mos. old.
$75. 509493-4215
Mobile Equine
Veterinary Services
Emphasis on quality pre-
ventive health care, den-
tiatry & nutrition at your
home/farm. Led R. Heir-
man, DVM 509-427-0055.
MUST SELL, 2 blue front
Amazons w/cage, Umbrella
Cock a too w/cage. All
tame & talk. Condon, 541-
993-9333, tv msg.
Wasco County Animal
Open Mon-Fd 12-4
(C~ed Negro1)
River Road, The Dallas
To good home, small
neutered dog w/shots.
House trained. $20. HR.
WHEAT straw, 509-773-
4283 or 50~250-0850.
LOCKER Bear f='eale:
Natumlly flr~hed,
NO antibiotics,
NO mo h hom ==
NO feed iuppl~snts that
contain ~ml ~.
Hood River 4 bdrm, 2 bath,
refrig, range, W/D hook-up,
hardwood floors, fplce, gas
heat, fully fncd yd. Pets ok
w/extra dep. $800151200
dep. 541-386-5753.
33 t 34o Aparm'mt34O Apam t
1Bdrm, 1 BA, w/most utils
pd. 2 edrm, 1 BA. w/new --
carpet & appl. 541-980-
$315, Appliances furn,
utils, no pets, no smoking.
H ~ D R NER~-G rea-t -l-c~..~t i o-n ....
I bdrm: $465, avail now.
2 bdrm: $530, avail March !
1st. lst/lastJclean dep. No
smoking/pets. 541-386-
4506 after 5, 541-386-
Hood Rivsr Downtown, 1
bdrm, updated. Off-street
parking. $525. 541-386-7301
HOOD RIVER. 2 bdrm, 1 bath,
W/D hook-up. 916 Wilson.
$575 + dep. 541.386.2526.
HOOD RIVER. 2 bdrm, W/
S/G/TV cable. No smoking/
pets. Long term. $475.
HOOD RIVER. Brand new
Irg 1 bdrm. Furnished, in-
cludes utils. Wkly/mo., or
lease. 541-386-9123.
HOOD RIVER. Furn. 2 or 3
bdrm. W/D, DW. $650 or
$800 + dep. 541-806-3693.
HOOD RIVER. Downtown
studio apt. Off-street park-
ing. $375. 54%386-7301.
Nice studio. W/S/G pd,
$365. 541-296-8805, 541-
993-8805, The Dallas
The Dallas 1 Bdrm, W/S/G
pd. $375/mo, $250 dep. No
]pets, HUD approved.
The Datles 2 Bdrm town-
house. $495/mo, $300 dep.
No pets. 541-298-7015.
The Dsllea 1 Bdrm base-
ment apt. No S.D.D., no
pets. $375 + $200 non-ref.
The Dall~ 1 Bdrm apts.
W/S/G pd. No pets, HUD
okay. 509-395-2772.
390 RlmtaLf
to Sham &l
The Dallas 1 Bdrm, near
hospital. F/P, view, clean.
No pets/smoking. No sec-
tion 8. $395 + $200 dep.
HOOD RIVER. 3000 sq fl
Of~ lease. 9 of~,
conference, reception, lob-
by, $2700 + NNN. 541-
HOOD RIVER Heights. Sm
office for lease. Ideal loca-
tion. $300. 541-386-3279.
2200 sq ft retail, Avail 5/I. A REALLY NICE lbdrm, w/all
$2.,200 me. 541-490-5955. util, $490/mo, TROUT
OFFICE or RETAIL 950 sq ft. LAKE. Call 509-395-2786
$7501mo. inc: WlSIGlelec. HUSUM lbdrm/lbe. $400/
t 11 E 2rid TD. 296-3226. me.. First & deposit, Call
........ 509493-3440
PREMIER Goldendale of-
rice/retail space on Broad- LYLE. 1 & 2 bdrm apts.
way. Several sizes from Nice neighborhood. $350
$300. 509-365-2197. me. + dep. 509-365-6863.
All real estate advertising in
this newspaper is subjBct
to the Fair Housing Act
which makes it illegal to ad-
vertise "any preference,
limitation or discrimination
based on race, color, relig-
Ion, sex, handicap, familial
status or national ongin, or
an intention, to make any
such preference, limitation
or discrimination." Familial
status includes children
under the age of 18 living
with parents or legal cus-
todians, pregnant women
and people securing cus-
tody of childmmn under 18.
This newspaper will not
knowingly accept any ad-
vertising for real estate
which Is in violation of the
law. Our readers are here-
by informed that all dwell-
ings advertised in this
newspaper are available on
an equal opportunity basis.
To complain of discrimina-
tion cell HUD toll-free at 1-
800-669-9777, The to/t-free
telephone number for the
headng Impaired is 1-800-
>Quiet Neighborhood
2 Bedroom Units
On-site laundry
A United Builders
Rental Property
The Dslles office suite avail,
located downtown. $225/
too, inci
The Dallas light industry or
retail, 240~ sq ft. 541-296-
2 BDRM: W/S/G paid.No
pets. Clean, great view.
MURDOCK lbdrm apt. Quiet
complex. $350/mo. Call
509-395-2466 for app.
2 BORM fenced yard, walk
to town, pellet stove. $395
+ $3501dep. 54 1-993-O059.
HOOD RIVER. Avail 312, 1
bdrm, 1 bath. All utilities N.
$575 + dap, 541-387-4578
HOOD RNER 2 bdrm, 1 bath
wNIEWS. Long term. No
smoking, W/D. $900, all
utile. 541-386-2387,
HOOD RIVER. I.rg. 3 bdrm +
storags, I bath. Cloea lip
town. latJlast dell+ No smol~
Ing. $675.541-387479t.
HOOD RIVER. Downtown
2 bdrm. Lg. deck, river
views. W/D hookup. $750.
MOSIER. River view, 2
bdrm. No smoking/pets ?.
Uitilites includ. $575 me, +
$575 dep. 541-478-2550.
2 & 3 bdrm townhouses
located in nice quiet area
of Hood River. Siar~ng at
$525 a month, Carl
ODELL. 3 bdrm, 2 bath,
fireplace, single garage.
Water & 1 can garbage
paid. 1st, last & dep. Refs.
stands alone in providing quality, affordable hous-
ing for the area in and surrounding Goldendale.
Our community offers a quiet, safe, well-main-
tained housing environment second to none!
We offer residents a family atmosphere with a
playground, NC, W/S/G paid, onsite laundry facil-
ity and a terrific view.
If quality, comfort, peace and quiet is what y~'re
looking for; Three Mountain Village Apartments is
Accepting applications for 1, 2 & 3 bdrm. apts.
Call (509) 773-3344 or stop by: 613 W. Collins,
Goldendale, WA.
Applications are also available at DSHS. Sec. 8
Program Restrictions apply. EHO
(.jK' TTY: 1-800-833-6388
HOOD RIVER Short term
rental. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1800
sq. ft. on 1 acre close to
town. W/d, woodstove, gar-
den tub, no pets. $895 +
dep. 54%386-1034.
Holland Properties, Inc.
Hood River 4 bdrm, 2 bath,
refrig, range, W/D hook-up,
hardwood floors, fplce, gas
heat, fully fncd yd. Pets ok
w/extra dep. $800/$1200
dep. 541-386-5753.
HOOD RIVER. 4 bdrm, 2
bath w/refrig., dishwasher
& stove. Great area. Mt
Adams view. $1000 me.
54 1-386-5292.
HOOD RIVER. 2+ bdrm,
W/D. lsUlast/dep. 1704 B
St. $700. 541-386-9130.
Hood River New, downtown
2 bdrm/2 bath, river view,
W/D. $875.408-779-1976.
HOOD RIVER. Beautifully
finished 2 bdrm, 2 ** bath
Townhouse. Mt view, Gas
frplce & stove. Long term,
$850. 541-386-1804.
HOOD RIVER. 2 bdrm, 1
bath. Mt Adams view, car-
port. Large fenced back
yard, 3095 Eliot. $775, 541-
386-7537, 541-490-4027.
HOOD RIVER. 3 bdrm, 1
bath with W/D hookups. No
smoking/pets. $695 me +
daps. 541-386-1415.
LYLE. 2 bdrm, 1 *~ bath w/
jacuzzi tub. W/D hookup.
$450 me. 509-365-6863.
The Dalles 2 BDrm + den. HOOD RIVER. Share 5 bdrm
Also 1 & 2 Brdm apts + 2 home. Quiet, no smoking. 5+ acres,
Bdrm mobile, extra nice. $275 + utils. 650-8S2-9182. roved, road
541-296-1220,296-6314 close to
HOOD RIVER. Share Irg 541-298-5370
, O'J'. Ll...... house. 1 bdrm at $325 me.
or 2 bdrms at $490 me. White Salmon:
Rentals/WA 54%386-1899. river bluff,
, views.
MOSlER. 10 ac. ranch, contracL
2 BEDROOM,.1 bth. house Roommate wanted April 1.
w/3-cer garage, 5 mi. N. of $450/eiect 541490-1623.
Goldendale. $500/mo. &
dep. Avail. 3120. 541-565- 39~R(N~ta~
COTrAGE 2bdrm. Nice. No HOOD RIVER, Quiet w/view.
stoking/pets. Pucker Hud- Share kitchen/laundry.
die area, $550/mo. 509- Day/wk/mo. 541-386-5905. 3 Bdrm, 2 BA,
493-2208 or 541-490-1132 upgraded. $1;
HOOD RIVER. Private en-
GOLDENDALE: 2 bdrm., 1 trance & bath. Month or
bth., all major appliances, weak. 541-386-3693.
covered carport, fireplace ..... 6+ ac,
A/C, near hospital & mar-
kets, No smoking/pets.
$525/mo. 509-493-1460.
GOLDENDALE: Nice clean
2 bd w/garage. New carpet,
paint, range & fridge. W/S/
G pd, $450/mo., 541-490-
GOLDENDALE: large 2 bd
widen or 3rd bd, New car-
pet, vinyl, paint, range &
fridge. W/S/G pd. $500/
me. 509-490-6012.
GOLDENDALE: 3 bdrm,, 1
bth., gas & wood heat, Ig.
garage. $550/mo., $200
dap. 541-478-0500.
Kllckitat WA, Lg 2 Bdrm,
carpet, drapes, $475/mo.
MOSIER. 1 bdrm, bsmt., LYLE lbdrm, w/large loft.
yard, dvorview, lyr. iease. Garage. $590/mo. + util.
$450/me. 503.-695-6650. 509-493-8435
bath in~lba on 1 ac.
country. Applces., satellite, W/StG pd. $700/mo. 1st,
util. incl. Pets? $650. lsU last + dep. Taking apps.
last/dep. 541-490-3552. 509-365.-3939
Great place w/Mt view, 4bdrm/3ba. Office. W.S.
Downtown The Dalles,
2000 sq ft. Storage or ?.
541-298-8313 days. 541-
298-1274 eves.
FOUR Acas Mini Storaga
Space available
Contact Jim at 541490-2480
HUGE dry storage bldg. Ap-
prox. 1000sq.ft. W.S.,
$400/mo. 541-490-1132 or
plan, 1800+
2 BA MH.
54 1-298-5370
Built 2003:
Bdrm, 2 1/2
risen St,
$165,000. 54'
FSBO: houSe
1108 Dry
Dallas Drive
duced to~
, ....... view Est.,
Acreage & Lots ......... 420 bath + den,
Commercial Property"""425 $247,900.
Orchards, Farms,
Ranches '430
Real Estate "" ............... 435 HOOD RIVER.
Real Estate Wanted ...... 440
Manufactured Homes""445 3 bdrm,
Condos '450 Rm.
on Main Level.
420 Acreage 509
net. W/D. W/S/G. $650/mo. 541-296-6771.
.•I I,,;, ;, ......... THE DALLES. 2 bdrm,No smoking. Pets Okay. 773
1 bath w/garage & yard. 541-380-1792 ~sale in bdrm, 3
Sun Castle lst/last/dep. $500. 541-
490-.6845, ~ Dallesport. Sub-divided, landscape
I Pr°pertiesl $675/month + deposits, available and paved roads. $272,900.
2 BEDROOM, 1.5 bth., ~~~ W/S/G pd. No stoking/pets, sewer,, water & power campfire,
dishwasher, carpQrt. $460/ sible 2 more, W/D, fire- 509-493-9490 $19,987. ea. or negotiate purchase
I 2bdrm.A/C, I mo.,$300dap, 773-2218. place, hard wood floors, for all 14 lots. Modular making H
I on-site laundw, I back yd, sm garage. Oil ~ homes approved. 509-679- 541-386-9259.
3 bdrm., 2(( bath, Garage. heals850.541-296.4482, bdrminPuckerHuddie. 4934or509-767-1284.
new home. 3:
I W/S/Gpd. I Yard maintenance incl. ~ WlG pd. No dogs. $5901mo ~ great Adams
$850mo. 360-835-8672. Developers! 5 unit condo Max's Loc
| Quiet, clean, I carport + shop. No smok- +dep.509-493-1138(eve)
ing/pets. Long term. Hu.d ~ lot in town. Some utilities
spacious. I ~~ approved.2008W.gth, conaldered,$50@mo,in. River & Mt views. ;41-490-441
plicatiorm, for n~ and
773-3816 I cle~n '~:~*$5751 $550.541-386-5131. ' 50~l~5]~r~140~