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The Largest Paid Circulatmn In Klickitat County Of Any Paper On Earth
" 1
SHED 1879 Goldendale, Washington, Thursday, March 21, 940 Vol. 61. No. 12
io:a " il lb Am tiL . ur SIaow Sl[iate l] , tibia1
'~,D ' ~h~ii6B]i!!~ i:~;:i:lP:i~:l::: Wa::/' ' t identlt of these ud es Will not ho
;,-- V-9 ........ -- ANSIENT -DISLIKE , ------
F I CEI DS' - -
1 ge S oat .,. iI Cq| lr]rlb1[lr (An Editorial) HIM IN COUNTY JAIL
• d T. ] A boyhood dislike for school Dt
r A, olnte Kl.,q, tJl I DEDICATED TOAthoro,ughlyworthwhilecause Eye Con,. I LL AI
It-- ,It, w ,r, ,
servation--the Goldendale Lmns club Amateur Show scheduled
- teachers landea Eugene Albert ' '
T7 • ....... I[TAa..--i /I L I /ll I II[hereFridayevening, March22, deserves the active support of the ~qo~ 47~year-~ldlo:a?.?nsient [ r'I-lll 1 l)lTl
dr ! I gJtl.dJtJJtJJtJ people of this county ........... "' .... N,,,t, ~#p1 • llL4JL~j ,~'
15V UI kL[ lm :)US VO J / ..... • ..... a a'shw ..... I who pleaded guilty to a drunk [
for need Klickit un and disorderly conduct charge *
Record Tax Collections Listed for the purchase of glasses y at co ty school
Goldendale Executive Will Serve Until Next Regular Ele¢- B Bovd- Percenta e Paid children The ol tical examinations and glasses this money makes E.L. Whitehill's justice court, Contestants From AH Parts
lion; Parking Lot Proposal Is Turned. Down After Dis- i crJ e ses. , g was aCklSed of )hro=!ng zcks
possible each year enables at least a dozen county school children Ctounty Will Vm For C ,,h
" t" role , at KIIc lta. s~h....1 t~a~he . , .~
cussion; Fire Department mg u [ ___.__ /to see better and live happier, healthier lives. In each case theI ~en asked if he had any I
~'~ " " " / Payments totalling $226 S00 66,|child, in all probability, would have gone without optical care had ......... - I Am ..........
tt EvdlP k,e',l:calhaeddWaTyo e cfh :l ::dn :l )y 7 e°cf! hecKlnCkl %c=of::e K: ivteadt I not% E eyCy, Serv til ntf nd bt :n:Vaial?b ions club t lt: ;a°aii:is w : lml "P=t:L =:
,their meeting here Monday night• Pike succeeds l-i; . :1 . ' . .. t Amwteur Show today and help save some needy Klickitat county l .......... !fo nd fortune in the fourth
a0 resigned fl m the offme of mayor March on me advice oI the narch 15 deadline, Joe .oyd, 1 school child's vision a. s. eu SChOOl eacners ever annual Goldendale Lions club Area-
next regular election scheduledi ~tal~oar~l Oil t.,O, J .... o ............ I -- i I~lr t'~ • ." l " $ Y [among the winners in the three dlf-
tae~2~lted Ato th:;teimth: m:Ym°:i,Wnill Post In llwaco [:: ' ge nigtI:X )eSt:d::ll itelwe OMSil : i ew urgamzauon Wohl~::llNoItt ll:UaoOrfv~:g~m:u~t:: I fe~hte c~:7:eur Show will be held
teeyears of Knox's unexpired term. ~ • - ., (Buddy) Matsen son of Mr I .Board members from at least 35 e ght day jail sentence. I_ ...........
- I ~c~....,a ur,,, .... ~ .... 1 ....... ! $338,994.55 in comparison to tae I ' • g~ ........ ' ....... l [rroln the stage oz ~ae t~olaenaate
~ayor Pike's father, the late Col. [ II-i~ ..... _,,,,,, ............... n .... I ! 1939 levy of $291,148.60. The per- and Mrs N. B. Matsen of this ,!°l i~i]CK~tat county's 4Z SChOOl als- . '"__ [ high school auditorium and will he-
W. Pike, served as mayor oflf°r, the Standard ?ll c~m-pany^.!n ceutage of tax payers whocollected] city and n, ember of the Golden- tricts organized a county-wide olr- New Pme Box gin promptly at 8:00 p. m. All pro-
~dendale 40 years ago. This is the ~llCKl~at, was transferred,, t~k:Lv?; their three per cent rebate for pay-~ dale high school class of 1939. lectors association at a meeting held[ ~ .... .*ll *|F-*ll ceeds from the affair will go into the
ex ressm re ret over his res ' " ', ~ ' ~ ~ " ' " to
"P " g g - hereafterWolver- tax payer Second largesttax pay- - ~ .... ' 15 years. Class C includes only
lard Oil m any I ...... /... ,, ,, . Ilium Cody of Lyle and W ee I sawlng will be done until ne t weekl ........
• " m ' ' " "" g ' tnose contestants unuer ~0 years
........ ton said ment was mane vy ~ne J. Nens ~u - •
, . , [ • I ....... [ l¥1t. ~,aams lxoaa l of Klickitat were elected to rep ..... I company officials hope to give the l ....
• he counci~ voted to postpone any ber company wire a total of $1~-! --* ...... I " " ~ ' ' .... " d " ...... h ..... / ,~xpert Juuges
I ' ' sen~ other sections of tne county mrs new planta test run ell or ~mmraay
Lion concerning the establishment lr~ & * ] 21i3.20 Boyd said. [ Rl ht-Ot-Way, ............. " I ......... / Cash awards of $,5.@0 will be given
lea ' v l~narles wrignt, Or l~IocKnouse was ......... #.
a downtown parking tot. Thelrro ~uner [ Next largest .tax payment made[ i .... '. . ] .................. ~the winners in each division. Awards
L cnosen secretary of tne organization woou crews are to star~ work mls
ion w:~s taken after discussing the came from tbe Northwestern Electric In a sur rise ruling issued last " " _ .......... of $2.50 and $1.00 will go to the
.. " . ..... Set [ ........ I ' P ~ ] The new group will hold an annual ]week tu the ~,astorn & W.=tw. ptav[ ..........
~t ot placing a parking lot on ~ne~ 1 --_ . l company. Their tax on tne western lweek the Yakima indian reservation~ ..... ~ . • ]st^..a n^r,heas• ^, ,~^,a^-a-,^ ~,-- | secona anu tnlru p/ace contes~aa~
• IneeLlng OI1 £~lal'cn 9 oI eden year ,~,u v ~ ~ ~,~ ~r~,uvau~v, m.~-
cant land at the corner of Main/ Tile Klickitat Condit generating plant] cancelled Yakima county's right-of-t .............. '[ ~* .... ,a ,r~ ......~, ...... ,../in each of the three divisions.
,, orant streets ._.__.__ amounted to $11 851.25 Boyu sam. way for the Mr. Adams highway. The ............ [ c~ ..... , ,~.^ ~..,.~...~_,^ , ......,....1 ~ontestants wnl De Judged oy g
I presloen~ wnen SChOOl promems .*£ ,,o-s= v~ ~,,= u~,,~,,u,~xv ~smm~
In a move to clear up congested ~---"le from all sections of Klick- The Eastern & Western Lumber cancellation which forestallsany ......... [. .... ~.... h..a^.~ 1... m^a w,,,~.,..^ [ trio of experts representing three dif-
r " . . I ~rvvl~ • coun[y-wlfJe In]crest arise, r~acn ~v~uva.w, ..~uvu uw *vu ~,,~,=~
klngc°ndltmnsnearthep°st°f'ittat county will attend the Pro[companypa~dataxof$10,573.78°ntfuture attempts to complete thel,, ....... ,a,~,,,~, ..... I .... ,, ..................... [ferent sections of the county. The
e - , v--,~-v-~o*,*~*,~ ,,as tue power to ca~, ...,, ..~-- o,~--~,,,, ---*~a r*,v~v'~
the council passed a resolution America banouet to be held in the their property in Central Klickitat scenic route that was designed as a l ......... •[ ........... I Y J g
,_, • . .. -, " ~a special uirectors' meeung for nlsitne plan~ ournea sown tas~ Augus~,~ .........
mOlishing five minute parKxng on idlning room of the Methodist church lcounty- t shortcqt between Yakima county and[own area [will have move thsn tmtce the caM
IQ1SClOSea uurmg me snow.
!,West side of Orant st~eetbetween]here Tuesday evening, March 26. I ~he ~Pacific .Power &.Light com-iPortland, came from the United! Reorganization funtshed the prm-}city of the old mill, Hlngston said7 ] Through the cooperation of the
• in and the alley north of the post I Cameron Sherman Walla Walla[ pany's tax ~ayment mane trim year I States Department of Interior. ] c/nil tonic of dls~ussio- o, ,~. .... * J Although sawing, will be well un [ county superintendent's office every
ce This five minute parking attorne tud formel s~cretar~to totaled $6,079 40 The list of tax I The load had it been completed [ derwa b A rll the school in Klickitathas been contacted
~'' • . • ] y t " ' " " ] •jail " " ~1 " , . ,ling. Although no recommendations] Y Y P Kllckttat Pine]
gUlatlon^, w~ll be effective between ] Washington's late Congressman ~um-I payers whose total .... xewes we~ e ovel I would have ~'un fl'om Fort S~mcoe to I regarding district reorganization,I Box factory will not start until about[ and asked to send in entrants to the
o~ a m and 6 0 p m k 1 000 Included many omer large~ ,
• • :~ • • I mers, will be the principal sped er.[ $ , ' . i Glenwood where it would have con- 1 were made directorsfrom various I May 1, Hlngston said. ] Amateur ~Show. It is believed the list
~t r s el mit ,, o e~t holders m allsections of f out s his w
esolutlou was pus ed to p will be The Re pr p y w h state secondar ~oads , o c e tants t year 111 be the
" " ~herman's subject "] " ]nected it Y " tareas discussed problems and studiedt ] ,
city street depaltment• to gravel I publtcan Party Program." Mrs. J. T. the county,already constlucted'zn" Khckltat" ' the program from various angles,~'~ &.,, ~ largest in the tour years of the
e. Parking lot behind the Golden-i Urquhart, national Republican corn- county .Mrs ..... , ....... ,o '.OUmy Halts ~shows history, Jim Hall of the
te Grange hall. The council also mittee woman from Yakima, will al-I |,~.~ Clauss - I " ~ t tenient sai-d~ ...................... "1 Pf~tL'~a~ (=~~ [Lions club committee, said.
Sidered an application made by so speak at the banquet, u~.-~.-- .~"~--~.~ . , FITTITRE FARMERS Th~ diroo't ..... 1~. ,~ ........... ! ~.-~.-~,,* --_ ~a,t.~ ] ~Paul Johnson, as master of core-
t~ Coffield to lease the city own- Frank Miller, Yakima Republican," Funeral Friday!----B-( S-T--I ICKITAT i poss-i-bilityo-;standardi:ing"t~lTis::: In Goldendale[ montes will introduce all contest-
property northeast of the reser-who recently anounuced his candid- ~ ' • an "" " erD~to~l[!~-~-h!d~e~;~i[~ ]" ~Ida~fm!!dade~dl~e~f!ili!~o°'i:~P''~
~5:ii~~~'iS/!iii:d~i K:!:~:!ii:;:~:G7~ds~ine~:il ~~ O;~RvheaAry_iR, !ii~!:i.! -~?~ii~biti!:!iiys ants. /ncldental music will be la-
:ecP~?:n~el~Cr~tdecd?::: reK: 1 :
-- ~ • . .... $ nesd Y " g. Mr. C au e ] rising eve÷ Yakima's radio sta- p "d onld remain the same but the order was issued by Edgar H. C -| .
o~ the ~oldenuale volunteer nre Arran ements have been made to Amateur ~Show several intermission
....... g .._ failing health for the past! tion last Thursday thanks to number of warrants issued would be field, prosecuting attorney. Canfield] ..... • .
was utscussea At tne serve 150 The ,Methodist Ladies Aid o acts wnl De p~esented by non contest
. ~ ~'I~ • . " I three months. 1 four Future Farmers from the standardized throughout the county, also ordered pool hall operators t ~ " "
o~ mayor V~Ke the court will be in charge of ~ne dinner The ~Funeral serv l n
ices for Mr. C ausse
] adults, 25c for
[ :en. ?hero
iI The show
lVOted to have the .fire committee banquet will begin at 6:30 p. m. A will be held F~, o~n--n from 'Goldendale high school Smith-
• • -'"'~ ......... Hughes class. The broadcast,
~a specml meeting of the depart- musical program is being arranged the Phillips chapel at 2:00 p.m. carried over station KIT, was
t This meeting date of which for the evenin
• " ' ' g. Burial will be in the I. O.. O. F. ione of a series staged by Smith-
I be announced later will be at
' " - cemetery. He is survived by his~ Hughes classes from South Cen-
L~ed by members of the fire depart- wide " "
~:~ir~ ~~'~ w, and several other relahves.
at and the city council a.~,aa.~;;a aJl.~o .......... tral Washington high schools.
• ______ , A completeomtuary Wlllappearnex~
~ed Schaffer, of Yakima, present- At 4-H Meet,n week The four youths, led by How-
~ request to the city council to 1 .--.,=--------"~ Mr. Claussen was born at Spring- ard Masters, carried on a discus-
an ordinance permitting the op-[ IV~ore than 50 persons met at the field Ill on October 15, 1860. He sion over relative merits of al-
~tlon of pin ball machines inslde/courthouse Sunday for the rogularlcame to Klickitat county in 1917. falfa hay and quoted Max Maur-
y City limits. He pointed out the/March meeting of the Central Klick-[ er, local feed store man. Maurer
~enue that could be received by[~,_, ~ ~ ~t,,~ ~-~ .... o o u nev. Thell¢%, |=/ * ~!* * in a talk before the Goldendale
c~ty through the licensing of pintDalles banker, addressed the 4_H~Jt~l~Pl|Ll[~|~ ~*|ll||~k~ ~ Chamber of Commerce last
il machines The council voted to ointed
" " club members. In his talk he p . / .~'~$~']|1|~ T||~yt month, declared the Klickitat
~e the matter under advisement.~,,~ th~ m~nv valuable lessons to be[ ,,~,~a~,~,aa~*~,~ ~.~,,~,~j~ valley produces alfalfa with the
action will be taken before thelarn:d "in" business principles ........ 6 ..... t highest protein content found in
-~t m~.tln~ e . I ~ alpntneria cl,lnlc £OT ~ent~l, the Northwest.
"'~ throu h the 4-~H club Courmey also
~" " ~ g " l children will be held at the Golden-IOthers on the broadcast were
~_ discussed methods of financing 4-H dale hi h and rimar schools Tues
--'~.r..and Mrs. J. L. Eccles, Medi- ~ .... [ g P Y -i Chet Baggerly, Earl White, and
1 Club pro~ects I '
Lake spent the weekend in Gold- " day morning, {March 26 under the ,Calvin Linden. Wallace Horni-
¢la After hm talk Courtney was elect sponsorship of the Primary Improve
le visiting at the home of Mr. " .... ~] " - brook played several piano hum-
mel Mrs Ch t Enderb Mrs En ed to the honory pos~ o~ ~entraJlment club.
is i e r vin iollowin : Klickitat 4~I club treasurer by the' The clinic, which will be conduct-aidedbers' FTankin preparingStevens' theinStruct°r'script.
mp o g g Hamilton also spoke ed b
members. O,. L. y Dr. Gerald Turley, acting court- !The broadcast was last Thurs-
she suffered recently. Mrs.
and Mrs. Eccles are sis~cers, on the subject of finances•
~Plans were made for a dance to be
bits. Paul Dull (Ruth Keefhaver)
here early this ~veek from
to visit her parents, Mr.
Mrs. A. C. Keefhaver. She and
m~ther are spending several
in Portland, and will return
for the rest of the week.
Thomas Meade climbing the
"lairs to his office• Carol Blanch-
'd talking about logging. George
back in town. Einar Ander-
drinking coffee. Andrew Swan
some produce. Dan Roe
tractors. Dill ]hear buying
,first dog license. Ed Pike look-
for some councilmen, C~et
washing off a sidewalk.
Niemela parking his car:
sponsored by the 4-~H club at the
Centerville Grange hall March 30.
Mrs. Martin VanAelst is in charge of
the ticket sale and Mrs. Frank Garn-
er, Mrs. Mark Kayser and Mrs. Fred
Yeackel will have charge of the re-
Jack Davenport, club president,
presided over the meeting Sunday.
Mrs. August Hanson ~'as taken to
l~ortland Tuesday evening for hcepi-
tal care. Her condition is regarded
as serious. Mr. Hanson and Dr.
Gerald Turley accompanied her to!
Mrs. Harry Palmer and son Jack,
of Portland, are ~psndi,ng the week
in Goldendal~ visiting with Mr.
Palmer. Palmer is educational ad-
'visor for Camp Goldendals.
ty health officer, and Dr. W. C.
Trowbridge, city physician. The test
is especially designed for the 186I
Goldendale school children who wereI
inoculated against diphtheria last !
year. I
The Schick test is a simple skin
test which causes no illness. For the
children who took the inocluation
last year and paid 35c, at the time
there Will be no charge. For those
who were not lnocluated last year
the charge will be 35c. ,It is highly
recommended that every pupil take
this test whether they were inoculat-
ed last spring or not.
The diphtheria clinic will begin at
9:00 a. m.
Mrs. C. F. Kayser and Miss Eliza-
day between 12:45 and 1:00 p.
m. This was the third time this
year the Goldendale Future
~Farmers have appeared over the
air from station KIT.
An attractive 40 page booklet,
"The Chalice of the Gods," written
by C. T. Giezentanner, former Gold:-
endale newspaperman, was recelvsd
by The Sentinel this week. Tl~
publication deals with Dry Falls
state park, of which Giezentanner
is caretaker•
I Tom Randall, Toppenieh Indian,
was sentenced to 30 days in the
,county jail by E. L. Whitehill in
beth Kayser were called to Portland justice court here last week. Ran-
Tuesday by the death of Mrs. rill, who was arrested by Ed Karge,
Kayser's ni~ece, Mrs. Lowell Arm- deputy sheriff, entered a plea of
~trong. They returned Tuesday eve- guilty to a charge of drunkennes~
ning. and disorderly conduct•
No action was taken on this issue, exchtde all minors from~ their prom-
r.~t~-s'er " • " In issuing the order, C~n£eld said hunt be was acting in accordance with
_ ..__ .__Sch~luls~! Sundial state law govorning the operation of
.......... d pool rooms. He pointed out that he
G 1~ ~ . ~ ..... was acting at the request of the Gold-
"o uenuale Kiu~ies Wllt eat early endale city council
breakfasts ,Sunday morning and ............ -'-- ,~. ........ ,o
hurr--y out to the nela...... east ot town .. Falluv~ Lu uuuorv~ ~,~ ~6~a-
......... nuns will be deemed sufficient cause
:prnts~::d byn::el ~7::~e;d~A:Ur~t_ for closing the offending establish-
can Le ion ost Th E ' . . ment, he warned. He instructed W.
g p . e aster egg nunt W " ar "t m ha" " see that
l~e , cly arB ! tO
will be staged in the field aeross the th-e reg'lationsu
highway from the O~sis where it has c~ity police f~rce,Wereoanfl~ld u'eclar
been held in previous years "! .... i "i
: .............. ed, is reeponsrvle tor onIorc ng ai
, th:.l£ ~amer, st lared, is responsible for enforcing all
g p , n cnarge
......... state laws inside the city. A state
I o~ tne nnnt. ~nimren unuer the age law -rohibits -amblin" in Washing
of 12 are eligible to participate. At . P s
least 1.500 eggs will be hidden in the ~°n~ . .
field, i ~ongregations of five Goldenaam
............. churches recently voted to back up
ed~i:~oth;.~:: c~gags::ntc~]:;d~:/~;~ t?m:H:gtin t~il:i:lityln cleaning np
one to six years will hunt in one sec-
tion of the ,field. Children from six
to nine will hunt in another sectio~
and those from nine to twelve will
conduct their Easter egg search in a
third portion of the field, Kaiser said.
l~'izes will be given to the boy and
girl in each division that finds the
most eggs. In previous years the
Easter egg hunt has been highly
popular and every effort is being
made to make this year's hunt even
more successful•
Actin~g on the recommendation ot
the state parole officer, Judge
Howard J. Atwell placed Raymond
Spoo, 18-year-old high s~hool youth
on probation Tuesday. Spoo recently
confessed t,o a second degree bur-
glary charge. In placing the y~uth
on probation Judge Atwell acted
under the state's new pro~bation law
passed in tho 1939 legislative mm-
Glenwood Woman
Is Death Victim
Mrs. August Kuhnhausen, elder-
ly Glenwood woman, died at her
home last Friday afternoon follow-
ing a short illness. Her death re-
sulted from a heart attack.
Mrs. Kuhnhausen came to Glen-
wood in 1908. She was born in Eng-
land. Survivors included her hus-
band, August, one son, Carl Wilson,
two nieces and two sisters residing
in England.
Interment was in the ]~t. Adam~
cemetery following funeral servicer
held Wednesday.
Jack W. Rod~er, area comserva-
tionist from Yaklma, was in Ool~b
endale on busineu lut week. He
met with the ~ staff at C~m9
Tickets for the show are now on
sale at 3,5c for adult, :5c [or
students, and 15c for children. There
will be no reserved seats. The show
will begin promptly at 8:00 p. m. Ali
contestants must be at the high
school by 7:30 to be assured a place
on the program.
Women Hurt
In Accident
• wo Idaho women were injured
Sunday when the machine in which
they were riding left the highway
two miles east of Lyle. Mrs. Wheel-
er and Mrs. era B. Bruce, both of
Sandpoint, Idaho, were injured,
when their car overturned. Both
women were taken to the Mid-Colum-
bia hospital In The Dalles for treat-
ment. Their car was badly damaged.
Ralph Walker, deputy sheriff, in-
: vestigated.
ThursdaywHorse sale at Frank
Riley farm, 1:OO p. m.
Thursday -- Stag party at Golf
(Tlub, 8:00 p. m.
Priday -- Land Use committee
meeting, courthouse, 10:80 ~.
Friday --- Lions club Amatem~
Show, ldgh school, 8:00 p. m.
Saturday--Dance at Blockhouse
Sunday---Legion Easter egg hunt,
S:00 a. m.
Sund~y---Easter services at
Monday---Lions club meeting
Monday---Business & Professional
Women's club employer's dl~
t ]~1'.