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March 21, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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Business, Professional Women Invite
Employers To Monday Evening Dinner
Invitations were in the mail this
week from business and profession-
al women to the boss for the Employ-
ers' dinner, scheduled for Monday
evening, March 25. The affair, held
under the sponsorship of the local
chapter of the Business and Profes-
sional Women's club, will be in the
dining room of the Methodist church•
A spring color scheme will be used
in decorations, with yellow daffodils
setting the keynote. Decorations are
being arranged by a committee in-
cluding Miss Elizabeth Bratton, Mrs.
Ralph Nickerson and Mrs. Fred Lear.
Surprise feature of the evening
will be the program of unusual inter-
est, which is being planned by Miss
Dorothy Wilson, Miss Ruth McCor-
mick and Miss Helen May Bryan.
Others assisting in arrangements for
the are
evening Mrs. Roy McLavy,
Mrs. Guy Norris, Mrs. May Root, Mrs.
Sue Morehead, Mrs. Albert Niva, I
Mrs. Earl Baker and Mrs. Griselda[
Hill, club president.
Hazel Wade and Mrs. Harry
Meseeher entertaine friends of Mrs.
Clyde Lilly, at the Mesecher home
last Thursday evening with a baby
shower. Mrs. Lilly, the former Inez
RObertson of this city, is the moth-
er of a son born in Los Angeles,
March 16. Mrs..Gerald Robertson
left this week for Los Angeles to be
with her daughter, Mrs. Lilly.
Shake off the dull look of
winter and renew your ap-
pearance for the social season
ahead ! Don't delay ! Phone
1413 for an appointment to-
Phone 1413
Shipp's Barber
Mrs. Bert Shelton will entertain
members of the O. E. S. Kensington
club at her home Friday afternoon.
| ill
Rainbow Girls will serve a cafe-
teria luncheon at the Masonic temple
Saturday, March 30. Luncheon will
be served from 11:30 a. m. to 2:00
p. m.
Mrs. Einar Andersen will be ho -
tess to mem~rs of the Book group
of Mucrada at her home on East
Broadway next Wednesday evening,
March 27. Miss Edith Ntckerson ~'ill
give the book review for the eve-
Girls of the Maryhill 4-H club en-
tertained their me, hers with a St.
Patrick's day luncheon at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Babcock last
Saturday. Harriett Babcock, Cath-
erine Plassas, Mary Plassas and
Sara Dolph had charge of serving
the luncheon. Guests included: Mrs.
Bert Geer, Mr. William Plassas, Mrs.
H. A. Rude, Mrs. Helen Barrett,
Mrs. L. A. Babcock, Mrs. J. Peck,
Mrs• H. Woodworth, M~m Helen
Plassas, and Miss Helen Brondt.
The Julius Meier home at White
Salmon last Sunday was the scene
of a pretty wedding in which Mis~
Pauline Loomis became the bride of
Elmer Becks, of Appleton. The mar-
riage service was read by the Rev-
erend Reynolds, of White Salmon.
Miss Patricia Loom]s, The Dalle~,
sister of the bride, served as brides-
maid. Allen Becks, brother of the
groom~ wa~ Ibest man. The bride was
given in marriage by her father,
Julius Meier.
A luncheon was served following
the wedding ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.
Beeks left for a short wedding trip
into Oregon. Mrs. Merle Studley, of
Klickitat, and Mr. and Mrs. J, L.
Lambert, of The Dalles, were guests
at the wedding.
X Exciting ! New !
!o Ts 1.,
WI C g tylesI
I[ in crisp straws~
] and soft felts.
Gaily trimmed.
Lovely Gaymode*
Women's Spring
s t u r d y service
weights. All clear
and ringless:
Attractive styles.clb A~Njb
Very low priced ! j' ~A
Soft supple lea.~O~
thers !
Rayon Gloves
Classic slip-on
"dressy" styles!
Unusual Handbags
Simulated leathers
new shapes -- new
colors !
Pleated Styles!
Color for Easter!
Rich rayon blends .4[ A
with wool and sUkiq C
Wool Gaberdine
Bedford Cords
*Reg. U. S. Fat. Off.
THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington
Thursday, March 21,
The regular meeting of the 3-B
Sewing club of Pleasant Valley will
not be held this week as scheduled.
Mrs. Andrew Amundsen was hostel, s
to the group at the last meeting two
weeks ago.
Martin VanAelst was the winner
of the quilt given away by the Gold-
endale Woman'~ Association at their
card party held in the clubhouse
Saturday evening. Other winners
~vere W. S. Cassell, Mrs. Alice
Brown, Mrs. Herman Kamholz, Joe
Fry, Mrs. Louise Meseeher, George
Nickerson and John Watson.
The card party Saturday evening
completed the series for the winter.
Bridge awards went to Mrs. John
C~ffield and James Gray, for high,
and to Mrs. Gray and C. H. Knosher,
for low.
The subject of "International
Relations" will be diacussed by Mrs.
E. E. Cowin, of Wapato, at the reg-
ular ane ting of the Goldendale
Woman's Association here this
Thursdayafternoon. Mrs. Cowin,
who is aformer state pr ident of
the Federated Women's clubs, is an
accomplished speaker.
The meeting will begin promptly
at 2:30 p. m., rather than at 2:00,
club officers announced. Mrs. Philip
Hingeton will be hostess for the
afternoon. Mrs. Fred Anderson will
play several piano numbers.
Notices are out for the spring
board meeting of the district federa-
tion of Women's clubs, to be held
Wednesday at the Lyle Woman's
club buildtn following a potluck
luncheon at 12 o'clock. District offi-
cers, department chairmen, club di-
rectors and presidents compose the
board membership.
Nomination for district officers,
and arrangements for the district
conference are regular businesses to
come before the board. Notices were
mailed by corresponddng secretary
Mrs. W. H. Bates, Goldendale, for
the president, Mrs. Bertha Trost.
m H i
Miss Marjorie Nagel, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nagel, of
Appleton, bec~ame the bride of
William C. Gregory, son of Mrs.
Emma Gregory, of Eugene, Oregon,
Saturday afternoon, March 16•, at
the White Salmon Methodist church.
The Reverend Reynolds read the
ceremony before relatives of the
bride and groom.
The bride was becomingly dressed
:in an afternoon fro'ck of light blue
lace over blue satin. She was at-
tended by her sister, Mrs. Raymond
Shurtz of I451iclcitat. Mr. Osm~r
Laxliges, of Glenwood, acted as best
man for hie brother-in-law.
A reception at-the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lud~vig Mater, White Sal-
mon, followed the ceremony.
The young couple left tmmediate-
ly for a short trip to Portland. They
will make their home in Appleton
where Mr. Gregory teaches.
Monday evening, March 18, the
American Legion and Auxiliary met
at t'he Masonic temple for a potluck
dinner in honor of the Legion's
t venty-first birthday. The spring
note was carried out with daffodils
in white pottery vases on each long
A lovely white btrthd~y cake dec-
orated with 21 red candles and two
small flags was presented to the
Legion by Mrs. O• K• Hill, president
o~ the Auxiliary. The cake was bak-
ed and decorated by Mrs. B. W.
: After dinner a trio consisting of
Beth and Marie Hall and Verna
Culver sang two selections and Mr.
Danzer and Mr. Dungan, from Camp
@oldendale, did same fine harmoniz-
ing accompanied by Miss Maxlne
Group singing of some peppy old
war songs was enjoyed by all, then
Miss Isabel Trantum directed a most
amusing roadogram, "The Distress-
ed Women," featuring Mrs. Frank
Hills, Mrs. Joe Fry, Dr. W. H. West,
and O. I~ Hilt.
Dancing concluded a grand birth-
day party.
Those in charge were: dinner,
Howard Lewis, Mrs. Joel &b-
Mrs. William Morehead and
Mm. E. L. Whitehill; program, Mrs,
Frank Hills, Mrs. Z. O. Brooks and
Mrs. Homer Gimlin.
Spring House Cleaners Attention:
Sturdy step-ladders. 4 to 6 foot
sizes, $1.40 to $1.50, John Trumbo.
J. B. Simmons, Appleton rancher,
~vas in Goldendale on business Tues-
Dance at Blockhouse, Saturday
night, March 23. lt--
Albin Berglund, Donald Martin,
Clarence Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
Cress, and P. H. Akerill, all of Glen-
wood, were in Goldendale on busi-
ness last Saturday. Cress, Berglund,
Lewi~ arid Martin aStended the
school directors meeting held here.
Mrs. Eugenia Clark and E. W•
Warford, members of the Wishram
school board ~ttended the special
directors meeting held in Golden-
dale Saturday.
O. J. Rondeau, C. L. Eddins and
W. H• Leonardo, all of Dallesport:
were in Goldendale Saturday for the
school directors meeting. Goldendale this week visiting with I vacation with his parents He
A group of Goldendale Odd FeN their father, J. W. Dressel and their retarn to Seattle next Sunday p
lows drove to Wapato last Friday mother, Mrs. Harrison Johnson. complete his sophomore year at t~
evening for a special visitation meet- Milton Eddy, student at the Uni- University of Washington.
ingwth the I. O. O. F. lodge there, versity of Washington, arrived here Spring House Cleaners Attenti0~
Those from Goldendale who made last Friday to spend spring vacation I Sturdy step-ladders, 4 to 6 f~
the trip were: C. H. Knosher, R. M.
Spoon, John A. Miller, Wallace
Heydenberk, E. C. Cole and E. L.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Byars are the
p~rents of a daughter, Phyllis
Athalte, born March 14. Sharing in
the congratulations are the grand-
father, W. F. Byars, and the grand-
mother, Mrs. J. W. Nee. of Idaho.
Spring House Cleaners Attention:
Sturdy step-ladders, 4 to 6 foot
sizes, $1.40 to $1.50, John Trumbo.
George and Vincent Dressel. stu-
dents at the University of Washing-
i ton, are spending spring vacation in
visiting with his mother, Mrs. LHly
Eddy, and other relatives.
Valda Crevling, University of
Washington student, is spending her
spring vacation in Goldendale this
week with her mother, Mrs. Grace
Crevling and family.
Dean Bi~by, sophomore at the
University of Washington, returned
last Saturday from Seattle to spend
g.I. S:
sizes, $1.40 to $1.50, John Tru~lr, Dance
: Dick Dawson, senior at the I~, Ma
i verstty of Washington, is spend~ George
i spring vacation here this week ~ Was in Go
is°niing with his mother, Mrs. A• L. I~1~! laSt~harlesWeek
Bill Darland proprietor of ,~ E. V. Scl
i Star Market returned late last ~ la ~Olden
i from Gri~lley, Calif., where he s~ Miss V
~enlsh, w
day event
Valley Gold
Prepare your Feast of Easter with these outstanding svecials in traditional
foods of the finest quality. Start with a tender ham thoroughly smoked and
cured for fine flavor. Go right through the list, building an eye-filling, taste-
thrilling menu with these low prices.
~~~ H Whole
U. S. No. I
Paas Easter Egg Dye, 3 pkgs ............ 25c
Kelloggs Corn Flakes, lge. pkg ........... 9c
Kelloggs Rice Krispies, pkg. ............ llc
- Kelloggs Pep, package ................ llc
Spry Shortening.. 1 lb. can 19c; 3 lbs. can52c
Sperry's Pancake Flour, No. 10 sack: .... 55c
Bisquick, large package ............... 29c
Sperry Drifted Snow Flour, 49 lb. sack.. $1.69
Dependable Flour, 49 lb. sack ......... $1.39
Texas Grapefruit Juice, 46 oz. can ....... 15c
Sorghum~ pure home made, 5 lb. can ..... 59c
_~ Doles Pineapple Juice, 46 oz. can ........ 24c
Doles Pineapple Tidbits, tallcans, 2for..19c
or New West Tomato Juice, tall cans, 4 for. 25c
Lifebuoy Soap, bar ......... 6c
Lux Flakes, lge. pkg ........ 21c
Rinso, lge .... 21c; giant... 57c
Lipton's Black tea, I lb. can. 85c
Sniders Catsup, lge. bottle.. 14c
Matches, 6 box carton ..... 14c
Spaghetti & Meat Balls, D. M., can ...... 15c
Dinty Moore Beef Stew, can ............ 15c
Rel. Toilet Tissue, 1000 sheets, 3 rolls .... 25c
Rel. Corn, Cream Style, No. 303 ......... 10c
Peanut Butter, Hoodys Finest, bulk, 2 lbs. 25c
Peanut Crunch, 1 lb. jar ................ 17c
Playfair Dog Food, 6 cans .25c
Ritz Crackers, lge. pkg, .... 22c
Hormel's Spare, can..: ..... 23c
West Best Coffee, 2 lbs. ..... 45c
Big Value Coffee, lb. ....... 19c
Fairway Coffee, 2 lbs ....... 25c
Ghirardelli Cocoa, I lb. can. 12c
Kraft Dinner, pkg .......... 10c
Prices Effective Friday and Saturday Only
~ Fresh New
Tender New PEAS, pound .......... 10c
Florida NEW POTATOES, 4 lbs. .... 23c
Green ONIONS or RADISHES, 3 bchs. 10c
Fuerte Quality AVOCADOS, 2 for ... 15c
U. S. No. 1 BANANAS, 3 lbs .......... 19c
~ey. were
last Frid
Mrs. t
Weave ru
Mrs. R
in Portia
,and Mr.
~reve to
i t~eek at
tion of