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8--MARCH 22,2017
The Underwood
Community Center and
Park is just 5 minutes
from the Hood River
Bridge in Underwood,
Washington. The
historic Underwood
School gymnasium
building is located on
Schoolhouse Road in
Underwood. The facility
offers the gym with a
stage, restrooms, and a
separate meeting room
with kitchen. For
outdoor events, you'll
find a covered picnic
area with barbecue,
playground, tennis
court, horseshoe pits,
basketball court,
baseball/soccer field,
gazebo and horse
arena. The facility is
handicap accessible
with ample parking. For
information on renting
visit the website: Les-
sons &
FAMILY Alzheimer's/De-
mentia Support Group: Volunteers
family members and ' ....
friends caring for individu- "SHY"
ale with Alzheimer's dis- Big Brothers Big Sisters is
ease or a related dementia seeking a consistent and
are invited to participate in mellow Big Brother for a
our Dementia Support 10-year-old Pine Grove
Group. Come and gain boy. He is shy and has
support and insight from trouble making friends. He
others who are going thru lives in poverty and is often
or have gone thru this jour- stuck at home with nothing
ney. Join us monthly in a to do but play video
caring environment to dis- games.
cuss your challenges and He's ready to get out and
questions. Meeting held the about with his Big Brother.
third Wednesday, every He enjoys board and card
month, at 3:00 pm at Flag- games, movies, going to
Stone Senior Living at 3325 the park, and pretty much
Columbia View Drive. For all sports. To learn more
more information about our about applying to be the
positive role model this
group, contact Karen Wii- young man needs, call
son at 541-298-5656. All Justine at (541) 490-9979.
Are you caring for a Big Brothers Big Sisters is
seeking an engaging and
parent, consistent Big Brother for a
spouse, or adult child? 10-year-old Parkdale boy.
Who is caring for you? He's ready to get out and
about with a Big Brother
This peer support group with activities like soccer,
will help you learn about biking, swimming, and
caregiving, how it impacts playing with Legos. He
you, and how to cope with also
the challenges of caring for loves fishing but doesn't
another adult, have anyone to take him.
To learn more about
3rd Thursday of the month applying to be the positive
10:30am - 12:00noon role model this young man
Hood River Adult Center needs, call Justine at
2010 Sterling Place (541) 490-9979.
Hood River
Call 541-387-644 or email ACTIVE"
anna.williams3@providen Big Brothers Big Sisters is 380-1166
FRONT & REAR chrome WHIRLPOOL clothes dry-
bumpers off '68 Chevy Ca- er. 30 day warranty, can PETS, ANIMALS, Auto Parts Houses
marc. Good condition, $50 deliver (Dalles area) and AGRICULTURE & Accessories
each. 541-490-4391 remove your old machine.
GARREI~ ACE 250 metal $165 ph 541-298-2687
SET of four 7x15 5x4.5 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE
detector, new, paid $225, • Animal All real estate advertising in
sell for $100. 541-296- Firewood& aluminum rims,$200.
3139 Heating Fuel Services 541-298-2687. tothistheneWspaperFair HousingiS subjeCtAct
................ which makes it illegal to ad-
HARLEY DAVIDSON mo- JUSTIN HILL vertise "any preference,
torcycle helmet, Carbon FIREWOOD
Kevlir, medium size, used Apple wood- 20" lengths, HORSESHOEING limitation or discrimination
little, $150. 541-921-3230. seasoned, u-haul (Odell), 509-261-1508. 2008 PT CRUISER based on race, color, relig-
HOBBY small scale Model $125/cord. 541-354-1323 Excellent shape, 82,700 ion, sex, handicap, familial
miles, black, $4500. Please status or national origin, or
remote controlled 1983Ab- MIXED wood: Cherry & call 509-773-6605. an intention, to make any
ram's battle tank. $90. 541- Pine. $200/cord. Delivered ' such preference, limitation
399-9317. Locally in The Dalles. No FORD, Mustang GT or discrimination." Familial
stacking. 541-965-3798 or Convertible, 1998, status includes children
LIFT CHAIR, maroon in 541-298-8880. PASTURE for rent, in Runs great, rebuilt V8 under the age of 18 living
color, good condition, $300
Furniture fourSOUthern100 pair,WaSC°caIvesC°untY'must 541-296-0767.engine and transmissiOns2,300, todians,With parentSpregnantOr legalwomenCOS-
....... and people securing cue-
LOVEBIRDS (2}- paiied be branded. April 15 to HONDAA¢cordI200~,. tody of children under 18.
mates, large cage and ac- $375. POWER electric lift Sept. 15. $18 per pair. 541-
cessories, $175. firm recline assist chair. Very
Call or text 928-446-6762 nice condition. Can deliver
...... for an extra fee (The
MARTIN WOODSTOVE, Dalles) 541-298-2687.
model K626, small, made in
Florence, USA. $130. 541-
49o-1115. Household
MATTRESS, full size, like Items
new, Lady Americana Leg-
acy, $200 OBO. 541-296- FOOD grade 50 gallon
1631. enclosed white plastic
drums barrels, $27/ea.
MEN'S Schwinn 28" OR2, 541-298-2687
mirror & flasher, $275. Like
new. 541-980-4154. FREE electric reclining
ioveseat and recliner,
MICROWAVE, Sharp Car- brown microfiber. 541-490-
ousel, 800 watt, black, 0593.
countertop, works great,
$45. 541-387-4752. SMALL Sentry document
safe ... doesn't Ibck, useful
MOTOR for 1996Acura In- for document fire protec-
tegra, 4 cyl. not V-Tech, tion. $53 ph 541-298-2687
139K miles, AT, $450. 541-
Silver, 110-111K miles,
good condition, blue
rimmed wheels.
$5900 obo. 541-399-9507
ALL options are functioning
as intended.
Height adjustable driver
seat, cloth bucket front
Split-folding rear seat back.
Folding with storage center
RESCUED armrest. THE DALLES: Nice 3 bed-
KITTENS room, 2 bath available, nice
FREE MICROCHIP! Remote keyless power yard, quiet neighborhood,
door locks. Power mirrors. No Pets allowed. $1475
Call Elizabeth 1 -touch power windows, mo/$1000 deposit - Gar-
FREE-Large calico cat, baRe/Landscaping paid.
spayed declawed in front. Clock. Tachometer. Trip Please call 541-298-7015
Not for small children, or computer. External tern- for more info. to learn more. seeking an active Big
................. Brother for a 12-year-old
Family & Friends Hood River boy. He's quiet
This newspaper will not
knowingly accept any ad-
vertising for real estate
which is in violation of the
law. Our readers are here-
by informed that all dwell-
ings advertised in this
newspaper are available on
an equal opportunity basis.
To complain of discrimina-
tion call HUD toll-free at 1-
800-669-9777. The toll-free
telephone number for the
hearing impaired is 1-800-
other pets. 541-314-3765 perature display. Low fuel
NEON WlDMER SIGN ~Fitness o r level warning.
'$250 , ,, , ,
Love the sound of old time Support Group but enjoys a wide variety of 541-288-3709 SIX Petra Whirlpool pedi- , Cruise control. Front and
banjo? Learn clawhammer 11th & Eugene, Hood activities, including OUTBOARD Motors (2), cure manicure spa mrs- rear cup holders. Frontand
banjo, including tunes, River watching movies, having 15 HP, Evinrude & John- sage chairs, PT-1A model rear door pockets. Over-
songs, chords, and tun- Mondays Nerf wars, archery, playing son, about same vintage. 20-48 nail salon desks, DUE TO MY HEALTH head console with storage.
ings. Any age, easy and 6:30pm-7:30pm tag, and even unicycling. Good condition. Just tuned, chairs, etc. 541-298-2687 In search of new home for Retained accessory power.
fun to learn! Saturday and GRIEF and Loss Group He would benefit from $450 each. 509-364-3365 Joey. 5 yr. old looks like Front seat back storage.
Tuesday morning lessons meets monthly at Klickitat a Big
Brother who's comfortable ~T, 1 man, Misc: for Sale wire haired dachsund. Ap- Electric speed-proportional
in Cascade Locks Valley Hospital. Come and with silence and is a good 8 foot, for use in lake or flat prox. 20 Ibs., neutered, power steering. Tilt and
Personals learn ways to heal and help listener. To learn more water, $200 OBO. 509- $75. 94 Dodge Caravan / Badly mistreated as a pup-
py. New family must be telescopic steering wheel.
others heal from loss. about applying to be the 773-3080 . Plymouth Voyager minivan VERY patient & under- Audio and cruise controls
bench seat TWO TO
Free pregnancy self-tests, Sponsored by Klidkitat Val- positive role model this ~achine, 6 CHOOSE FROM Patrickstanding. Rules are fine, on steering wheel.
but NO HITTING. Only
pregnancy and parenting Icy Hospice. Call 773-0380 young man needs, call variety, with 8 cases of soft ph 541-298-2687. $25. 20 Burlington Loop Interior air filtration. Air con-
education and supplies, for further information. Justine at (541) 490-9979. drink cup lids of various 4 DF/ESSERS, $50 each. 2 Rd., Goldendale. Call Kay ditioning. Trunk light. Elm-
post-abortion support. NA Meetings every
Center Hours: Monday and Wednesday 6:30-7:30 at MARKETPLACE sizes.$2oo. 541-386-3656 couches & hide-a-bed, at509-261-9131, ulated alloy trim on center
Mon-Thurs 8:30-4pm. $100 each. Humidifier, $50. Y-dR-KiE- -Puppy.Teenage, console. Simulated alloy
Wednesday, 10:30 a.m.- the Case Guadalupe ' ' ' ' ' ' P~ Whirlpool microwave, 1 yr trim on dash. Front reading
3:30 p.m. House, 1603 Belmont, sewing machine, Runs old, $75. Metal Shelving, shots, $500. lights. Dual vanity mirrors.
Tuesday noon- 5:00 p.m. Hood River, OR. $500 or Less well, $35. 541-399-6650 $35. Full size cross body 541-993-3114.
120 W. Allyn, 509-773- In Car Entertainment. 6 to-
,-,~,~,-,="ui"me., tel speakers. AM/FM ster-
eo. Speed sensitive volume
&Supplies control. Auxiliary audio in-
put and USB with external
media control. USB con-
Pre-wired for phone. Blue-
tooth wireless data link for
hands-free phone.
Model Railroaders.
HO scale. Call for meeting
times and location.
& Training
start April 3, 2017.
Elizabeth Anderson
Beginning & advanced
level classes in Hood River
Mon. & Wed.
1 pm - 3:50 pm
Father's House Fellowship
207 S. Klickitat
Monday: 6-7pm
Wednesday: 6-7pm
Friday: 6-Tpm
tool box, $25. 541-386-
1949 FORD 9N Tractor, QUEEN Bdrm. 3-Piece Set 2001.
not running, $300 OBO. w/mattress & box springs.
541-490-4261. Hutch double dresser & 56.5 inchch widee gas RC ~r
bookcase headboard, plane. $175
ALL WEATHER Subaru $250. 337-466-8687. 541-298-2687
Outback rubber cargo mat.
Heavy-duty to protect area RED, MAYTAG front load- Eight custom-made office
Open to non-addicts, from mud and rain; makes mg dryer,- excellent condi- work stations; 88 inches by TRAILER
For more info, . cleaning an ease. Fits Out- tion, $125. 541-806-5046. 88 inches with four AC plug 509-493-3657
electrical power junctions
call Kathy S.@ 360-850- back from 2010-2016.REFRIGERATOR/freezer, with eachstation. Four-foot
8832 or Used, excellent condition. LG side-by-side, stainless high oak dividers with dark Hay~ Straw~
Matt S. @ 360-850-8840. $25 971-217-0521 steel, water & ice in door, green laminate counter
NAMlaOregon Barely usediC0rdiess-iiitl:- excel, cond. 36w, 35d, 70t. tops. $50 each. 541-386- Feed
National Alliance on Mum battery Greenworks aft $500. 541-806-1109 1234. , , ,
pole chain saw $195 ROSSIGNOL x-country ski Open top 55 gallon steel ALFALFA HAY, two string
Mental Illness 541-298-2687 boots. Fits NNN bindings, drums for salel $10 each! 2 small bales. Located in
NAMI is the largest Beautiiul, brand new, tan, Black, Size 39. Worn mini- for. $15! .3 for $20! 4 for Dufur, OR. Stored in barn.
education, support and leather armchair, never mally, $50. 509-395-2237 $25l Tops: $15 Lids and lid Call for pricing. 541-993-
advocacy organization on used, paid $1000/sell for Trout Lake. retainers: $10 ALL OPEN 7371 OR 541-760-0217
mental health in the nation. $485. Elegant and perfect SOFA, la~gege~zzedwithre-- TOP BARRELS HAD ORCHARDGI~p.S-sHP, Y-
Our Camry has a RE-
BUILD TITLE due to dam-
age that has been repaired.
The Mission of NAMI
Oregon is to improve the
quality of life of persons
with mental illness and of
their families through
support, education and
& ATV'S '
2000 KTM 50 Senior, w'e/f'
taken care of and always
garaged, good tires, never
raced, $1100 OBO. 541-
BiKE RA(~-K, 0vertlle 337-466-8687. be good for liquids. Patrick
trunk, holds 3 bikes, $20. TIRE, new, Goodyear541-298-2687
541-367-3785. Wrangler, P235r75-R15, REMEMBER Watkins?
CP, LLING ALL CARS! Be $50. 541-806-1626 High quality natural prod-
ready for next season. Hi TIRES: Lee Schwab Carli- ucts, including extracts
perf. chains, brand new, sle USA Trail, 2, 570 - 8/8 (thinkvaniila!), spices,
for any room. clining feet and back. Beige Available 1st & 2nd cutting,
360-210-5003 microfiber material. $250. THEM HAVE A DOZEN Eastern Orchard grass
OR SO LIDS 6 or so would hay. Bales are 100 Ibs &
two ties. Our hay is very
clean and barn stored.
Prices $200-$225 ton. De-
livery available. Please call
541-993-4695, Tygh Val-
The Underwood
Community Center and
Park is just 5 minutes
from the Hood River
Bridge in Underwood,
Washington. The
historic Underwood
School gymnasium
building is located on
Schoolhouse Road in
Underwood. The facility
offers the gym with a
stage, restrooms, and a
separate meeting room
with kitchen. For
outdoor events, you'll
find a covered picnic
area with barbecue,
playground, tennis
court, horseshoe pits,
basketball court,
baseball/soccer field,
gazebo and horse
arena. The facility is
handicap accessible
with ample parking. For
information on renting
visit the website:
Rooms to Rent
looking for a room to rent or
house to share, employed
fulltime, non-smoker, I own
2 small dogs, very well
behaved. Please call
Acreage & Lots
& Trucks A, real estate advertising in
this newspaper is subject
Mon. & Wed.
6 PM - 8:50PM
Registration has started.
Hood River 541-308-8211
The Dalles 541-506-6011
12 Noon, St. Joseph's
Catholic Church, 240
NW Washington Street,
White Salmon, WA
Umpqua Bank, 73 NE
Fetes Avenue, White
Salmon, WA
(support for family and
friends of alcoholics)
meets Mondays at noon
New location:
Community Church
317 State St.
Ruth Wells Room
Tuesdays at 7pm
St. Mark's
11th & Eugene
Hood River
to the Fair Housing Act
The Dalles. never used, perfect for high speed boat trailer lotions and natural pain FORD F600 dump truck, which makesit illegalto ad-
1st Thursday of every Pontiac Vibe or other cars. tires, tubeless, brand new relievers. Over 350 quality Garage Sales 1966, engine 330, V8, 5 vertise "any preference,
month from 6to 7:30 pm $10.00.609-892-8115NEVER been on the products available. ~ Auctions speed, 2 speed rear end, limitation or discrimination
at One Community Health Wsgl ground, retail $170, sell for For Free Catalog Call flew brakes front & rear, 2 based on race, color, relig-
Center, 1040 Webber $120. 509-493-2663.orText Ben Longstroth new rear tires, 3