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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
March 22, 2017     The Goldendale Sentinel
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March 22, 2017
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON MARCH 22, 2017 -- 11 ACLU from Page I Since Trump's election, and Klickitat County Demo- U.S. history." When Segura theme: the extent to which ACLU membership has cratic Party Chair Sasha rhetorically asked, "Do we local lawenforcementwould swelled to nearly 1.2 million. Bentley asked the audience want more Arpaios?" a man hypothetically assist the U.S. In a Feb. 24 press release to split into groups of four in the back of the White Immigration and Customs announcing the launch, or five and discuss the rea- Salmon audience enthusias- Enforcement (ICE) or Cus- Shakir spoke of the need to sons they came to the event, tically replied, "Yeah!" toms and Border Protection "defend our basic freedoms Points of concern included County Republican Party(CBP)in locating and detain- and hold this administra- healthcare, veterans care, Chair Peter Leon was ining illegal immigrants. In tlon accountable for every immigration, freedom ofattendance and told Theshort, Songer said the Sher- unlawful or unconstitutional speech, freedom of religion, Sentinel that though heriff's Office (KCSO) simply measure they propose." Key civil rights, LGBT rights, felt attendees treated one doesn't have the manpower priorities for the organiza- reproductive rights and the another with respect, the to assist in locating immi- tion include defending sanc- need to find common ground, event was clearly partisan-- grants who haven't commit- tuary cities, resisting depor- The streamed event fea-organized by one party with ted crimes besides beinghere tation raids, opposing the tured addresses from several a focus on thwarting the illegally, andthatKCSOdep- travel ban and maintaining ACLU spokespeople, whose other, uties don't routinely check Planned Parenthood fund- topics ranged from consti- "The ACLU wants all of immigration status. How- ing. tutionally protected forms President Trump's initiatives ever, ifillegalimmigrant sta- Shakir said that as a grass- of protest to the anticipated to be protested/resisted, tus were discovered during a roots organizing effort, Peo- effects of Trump adminis- regardless of merit," Leon separate criminal investiga- ple Power is a new type of tration policies; Top Chef said. tion, KCSO would notify fed- program for theACLU, which host Padma Lakshmi, whoMeeting with law enforce- eral authorities. has historically sought to spoke ofher immigrant back- ment "I am not interested in defend civil liberties through ground and the importance During the Miami event,obtaining federal com- court cases and lobbying, of cultural inclusivity; and Shakir outlined next steps missions for my deputies," "We will use the courts as performances by the singer for community action, which Songer said. "If ICE comes one avenue to aggressively MILCK. included asking local law to me asking for assistance advance our agenda, but we The White Salmon audi- enforcement to adopt the nine in picking up an individual cannot do it alone," he said, ence was mostly silent dur- rules. White Salmon organ- who has a criminalrecord or calling on ACLU members ing the viewing, occasion- izers scheduled the March has a criminal warrant and across the country to organ- ally clapping or voicing 29 meeting with Klickitat that individual is an illegal izeviewingparties. Speakers assent. The lone vocalized County SherriffBob Songer. immigrant, I will be happy at the Miami event outlined dissent came duringa speech Songer asked that Skamania to assist them. My position a broad strategy of estab- from ACLU attorney Andre County SherriffDave Brown, would be the same if the lishing "freedom cities"-- Segura on "the assault on Goldendale Police ChiefReg- FBI came to me wanting our pockets oflocalresistance to immigrants and people of gie Bartkowski and White assistance in picking up a federal policies the organi- color." Segura mentioned Salmon Police Chief Tracy bank robber in our county, zation believes are unconsti- John Arpaio, a former Ari- Wyckoff also be included, or if the DEA asked for our tutional and detrimental to zona sheriff accused by the Though Songer said fullassistance in picking up a civil rights. U.S. Department of Justice consideration of the pro- drug violator in our county: White Salmon reception of overseeing "the worst pat- posed rules will have to We would assist them. We do Before the White Salmon tern of racial profiling by a wait until that meeting, he not need a federal commis- viewing began, organizer law enforcement agency in did speak to an underlying sion to do so. BUILDING from Page I been intended to decide the council member Guy The- matter. The council has riault raised questions about repeatedly acknowledged the the comparative costs of merits of both proposals and the projects. Previous gross expressed a desire to sup- estimates highlighted a dis- port both. Finding other city parity in contributions to the property better suited to the city tax-base: SOGO would Veterans project has been a bring in approximately recurring suggestion. $94,800 its first.year; the Vet- Growth potential, growing erans Center, $13,500. How- pains ever, Theriault noted those Pending the favorable estimates didn't consider the outcome of a six-month due demands an additional 200 diligence period, Goodnoe - 250 people would make on Station proposes a mixed- city resources. He warned use project (SOGO) combin- that SOGO couldn't be fully ing commercial office space, vetted until the council had market-rate apartments and estimated those costs. housing for an estimated 200 While not dismissive of - 250 full-time employees at those costs, other council an anticipated vineyard in members referred to them as the Goodnoe Hills. "growing pains" that would The vineyard project inevitably accompany any met with enthasi sm-fv