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March 28, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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March 28, 1940
THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington
Page Three
Waldo Klein spent Easter in the
valley with friends.
Roy Kaiser drove to Portland on
Monday. He returned to
~.Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Allison spent
Easter weekend in Portland vis-
With friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. \Yes DeWeese, of
were in Goldendale on
ttarry Palmer, educational ad-
for Camp Go~dendale, spent
Easter weekend in Portland
his family.
Earl Baker is newt working
b°~kkeeper at the Kaiser & Robi-
Machine shop. Mrs. Baker for-
Worked at the Hudson Sere-
~Ii~ Mildred Drury, of Portland,
Easter Sunday visiting with
mother, Mrs. Lilly Drury and
~Ils~ Lorrainne Crosby, of Rock
Oregon, spent the Easter
in Goldendale visiting with
Cousins, Chesley and Celesta
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Co~tella, of
Idaho, ~vho have been vis-
friends and relatives in Center-
a couple of weeks, left for
and Astoria Wednesday. Be-
leaving for their Idaho home,
Will also visit Mr. Costella's
in Clatskanie, Oregon.
and Mrs. Ronald Faulkner, o.f
spent the weekend in Gold-
visiting with Mr. Faulkner's
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fen-
~rs. Bertha Trost, Mrs. H. ~W.
Nev~~ Dan Schrantz, of Cleveland, was Chester Clark, of Dallesport, was
in Goldendaile on ~busin~ss~ lastin Goldendale Monday on business.
Thursday C.A. Johnson, of Hartland, was
at Centerville Grange hall, m Goldendale on busless Monday.
March 30. 4-H clutb benefit. It
Hildor Kure, o~t Lyle, was in .Clifford Clingenpeel is assisting C.
Goldendale on business last Thurs- H. Wierman at the shoe shop this
day. weeek.
Miss Isabel Trantum spent the Mrs. Walter Jones, of Portland, is
Easter weekend in Seattle visiting in Goldendale "this~ week visiting
with her parents, with relatives. She is a sister of Ed
R. S. Hoisington, of Bingen, was Radcliffe, FTarLk Radcliffe and Mrs.
in Goldendale last Thursday on bust- Lottie Hamilton.
ntss. John Schmid, Charles Pearson, and
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wterman and Fred Wood, of Trout Lake, were in
daughter spent Easter in Toppenish Goldendale on busino~s Friday.
visiting with relatively. While here they met with the coun-
E. F. Lester, of Lyle, purchased ty land use mapping committee.
a new Ford through the Nickerson Earl S. Cos, state representative
Motor last week. from B.ingen, was in Goldendale on
Walter Klatt took delivery on a business Friday.
new Ford coupe last week. The sale Dance at Blockhouse Saturday
~vas made throughl the ;Nickersonnight, March 30. it--
Motor company. Gordon Baker and Gone Glader,
W. E. Gadeberg, of Roosevelt, both of White Sal,mon, were in Crold-
took delivery an a now pickup last endalo last Friday for the land use
week. The sale was made through mapping meeting.
/he Ntckerson Motor company. W.A. Wyatt, assistant area man-
Matt Costella, of Fairfield, Idaho, ager of the census bureau from Spo-
and Martin Lumijarvi and William kane, was in Goldendale on business
Niva, of Centerville, made a week- Saturday.
end trip to Seattle. Z. O, Brooks spent Monday in
R. C. i~olcomb, State game pro-!~rhite Salmon on business. Monday
teeter from White Salmon, wm~ in leeching he attended a meeting of
Goldendale on business last Thurs- the Oregon-Washington Telephone
day. company in Hood River.
Judge Howard J. Atwtll returned- Legion Auxiliary dance, Utopian
to Kelso Thursday after conducting H~all Saturday, March 30. 1.t--
the regular term of superior court Frank B. Harper, of the division
here last week. Judge J. E. Sto~e ~f information of the Soil Conserva-
will ,be in Goldendale April 2 for ~tion service, was in Goldendale sev-i
the next regular term of court, oral days the past week ~orking'
Mr. and Mrs. Waiter CIaussen, ofwith officers of the Camp Golden-
The Dalles, were in Goldendale Fri- dale. While here he assembled edu-
day to attend the funeral services cational information concerning the
for Mr. Claussen's uncle, John various ,soil conserving practices be-
Claussen. ing carried on in the Klickitat val-
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Nickerson ley.
drove to Portland Sunday where Charlo~ Wright was fined $5 and
Mrs. J. J. Fry and Mrs. they visited with Mrs. Nickerson's costs in E. L. Whitehill's justice
Richardson drove to Lyle sister who has been ill for the past court Monday, on a charge of al-
Wedne~clay. afternoon, to attend month, lowing a person without a license
district board meeting of the
, , I Dick McCoy, C. A. Johnson and to operate his automobile. The ar-
ated Woman s clubs. I James Powell, all of Hartland, were rest wa~ made by John Gulden, state
s Oregon Journal delivered to
he ...... l in Goldendale Friday for the county patrolman, and C. R. House, county
me or at wonrec[mnary s[oroS/lan~ ma nin e tin
llI ' u use~ p. g m e g. sheriff.
son ~ Pharmacy George Lay I
e re late Mrs. Ida JM. Coke returned to her
" "l Maurer Brothers F ed Sto
agent, tf--- last week installed a 40 horsepower home in Seattle last Friday after
spending two: weeks in Goldendale
:FRIDAY.SAT. March 29-30
March 31, April 1
;electric motor in their building to
operate their feed grinding plant.
The electric power replaces the com-
bustion ,motor formerly u~ed. The
change eliminates noise and dirt,
they say.
Mrs. John Barnes returned last
Friday from Zephyr Hills, Fla.,
where she spent the winter visiting
with her sister. She returned by way
of .Oklahoma City, Kansas and Cali-
fornia. In Kansa~ she visited her
girlhood home. She reports that her
son, Clifford Barnes, is now work-
ing with the federal government in
an oceanographic institution at
Woodshale, Mass.
For expert and rapid radio repair
call Home & Auto Radio Service, En-
derby Garage. Completely reorganiz-
ed. All ~rork guaranteed. 124t----
University of Washington stu-
L dents who returned to Seattle Sun-
day for the spring quarter after
!spending a week of spring vacation
visiting with parents and friends in
Goldendale included: B(yb Imrie,
Bigby, Milton Eddy, Bob Brat-
iron, Byron Brown, George Dressel,
Valda Crevling, I~rraine Kayser
and Dick Dawson.
Guy Norris, Goldendale contra¢
tor, last week was awarded a Did
i for the co.nstruction of 1.58 .miles of
highway near Joseph, Oregon. The
i eontraet, awarded by the Oregon
state highway department, is for a
federal air project. He plans to be-
visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs
M. R. Davits. Mrs.. Davies is the
daughter of Mrs. Coke.
Jay Perry, of Kennewick, super-
visor of the census for this Con-
gressional district, was in Golden-
dale Satdrday conducting a ~peclal
census school for county enumera-
R. V. Blinn returned to Golden-
dale last Thursday from Yakima
where he was receiving treatment
for a broken shoulder. He will be
required to keep hih arm in a cling
for at least six weeks while the
shoulder mends.
Dance at Blockhouse Saturday
night, March 30. lt--
S. A. Rossler, former Bickleton
resident, was named president of
the Valley Country club at Grand-
view last week. Rossier, who now
lives at M~?)ton, said extensive plans
are being made for the improvement
of the Valley golf club's course.
L. C. Layman, O. A. Hammer-
bacher and W. Wilson, o~ the Top-
penish Eagles lodge Were accom-
panied by E. J. Cyr, Yakima district
director and former state president
of the F. 0. E., to Goldendale last
week for a special meeting. While
here Cyr presented the ~ldendale
Eagles with a certificate of member-
'ship achievement.
Mrs. E. T. Cerveny is now in West
Allis, Wisconsin convalescing from
Miss Resells Turley, of Yakima,
spent Easter in Goldendale visiting
~with friends. She is a si~ter of Dr.
Gerald Turley.
Carnival at Roosevelt, Saturday
night, March 30. it--
August Hanson, C. R. House, Ed-
gar ,~. Canfield, S. F. Wnuk, Elmer
Kamholz and A. M. Matsen drove to
White Salmon Monday on business.
Mrs. Claude Thompson and two
children are spending this week in
Longview, Wash.; With relatives.
Dean Gtllenwaters was in Roose-
velt on business last Thursday eve-
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Garrett, of
Walls Walls, spent the Easter week-
end in Goldendale visiting with
their daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
tnd M~. Lowell Smith and family.
Gerald Hall, engineer from Yakl-
na, was in G,01dendale Monday eve-
ning to meet with the city councili
concerning improvements on the
water system.
Mrs. G. S. Richardson returned
last Friday from The Dalles where'
sbe spent several months visiting
with friends and relatively.
Earl Victor, from the regional ad-
ministration o'ff'ice of the Civilian
Conservation Corps in Spokane, was
in Goldendale on business several
days early this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kaidera ac-
companied by Mrs. Ted Kaidera and
daughter spent several days last
week in Pendleton, Ore., where they
visited at the Jud Bunnell home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Davis returned
to Keller, Wash., Saturday after
spending several days in ~oldendale
visiting with relatives. ~-Ie is em-
ployed on a construction project
near Keller.
I. J. Drury this week was issued
a building permit for the construc-
tion of a new grease rack at the
Home Auto. camp. Estimated cost
was $600.
P. D. Presher this week ~'as i~
sued a building permit for the con-
structi'on of a porch on a residence
located on lot 16, block 12 of Goid-
en's first addition. Estimated cost
was set at $50.
Credo Watson, Martin Ferry, Joe
AImhier, sr., Joe Abshier, jr., and
Harold Fariello attm~ded the "Smok-
ed Fish" dinner served by the Klick-
itat River Fish and Game club at
Klickitat Monday night.
William L. Farrens was issued a
building permit Tuesday for the
construction of a $4000 residence in
Byars' addition in North GvTdendale.
He plans to start construction work
next month.
Easter Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Niemela at
their Goldendale home were Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Herkell and family
of Wapato and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Adams and family of Klickitat.
Carnival at Roosevelt,Saturday
night, March 30. lt--
Mrs. Norman Martinsen returned
to Seattle with her .husband Sunday
after spending the past ~'eek in
Goldendale visiting with her mother,
Mrs. A. L. Dawson and other rela-
tives. Mr. Martinsen drove to Gold-
en.dale Saturday.
A building permit for the con-
structi,0n of a three-car garage was
issued to M. L. Gerber by the city
clerk this week. Estimated cost of
the garage was set at $200. The
~bullding will be constructed on lot
6, block 7 of Ward~'-s addition.
gin work there shortly. McNutt injuries received in a recent fall. O.P. Kreps, jr., Mrs. O. P. Kreps,
Brothers, of Oregon, were second She had planned to leave ,for Yak- sr., and Miss Jayne Kreps, all of
Glen,wood~ wer(.e in Goldendale on
lo~ bidders and Homer Johnson, of ima more than a week ago when business last Saturday. While ,here
~ I~N HUNTER Portland, was third. ~Norris now has i she fell. She will be confined ~to, her
II~TERLOI~R|*PAUL LU~I~a construction job ~between Roose- bed for at least a month recover- Mi~ Kreps attended the census
velt and Alderdale in this county, ing from the injury according to a school held in the courthouse.
Norris.' bid on 'the Oregon job was letter received here this week. She Others from Glenwood who attended
$25,200. was visiting with her son Ralph the school were Mrs. R. I. Parrott
The Portland Or~gonian avallabl$ Cerveny when she ~vas injured, and Osmar Ladiges.
April 2 from Fr~erick Oltmanns. Call phone Th$ ~ P-I ?llve~ad to ~r O.Q. Olover, of Woo dla~n, and
Raye, Charlie Ruggles 484 for daily delivery to your own home or at M¢I~ Ph~rma~ an~chasedHenry Miller,new Farmall°f Cen!terville,tractors fromPUre
ill home i~ town or at Conf~mttonary A}llson s Pharmacy, or call Harold
the Wilson Implement company this
~ week.
FARMER'S stores, tf Weiss, agent: tf
~] ~.,~,@,~@~,4,,l~@4,,l~4,,~,~ui,~~@4,,~,H,¢~,~@@~@@@~l Reginald Miller, o:f ;Seattle, spent
[i eyerh I ~r itthe weekend In G°ld'endale and Con-
DAUGHTER" • " terville visiting with his parents,
(~a~'toon---,,Way Back When a Mr. and Mrs,. J. A. Miller. Reginald
i Triangle Had Points" " Miller is an announcer for Totem
Broadcasters in Seattle.
~ ~l~l~°rtllght--'LA-Day-IsB°rn" JL O rl.[ce the :f .!l .....
I D..THURS. April 3-4
Uobl " u-'e F mture "A Good Plaoe To Eeat"
Banquet l oom Available
Your choice of either Pasteurized or Raw Milk ill
i ti GOLDENDALE DAIRY illGG°°d Work go
I Phone 3024 For Delivery Service II WIERMAN S Shoe Repair
Albin Bergland, of Glenwood, was
in Goldendale on business Thursday.
Elmer Nelson, of Blckleton, was
in Goldendale on business Saturday.
Mis.s Velma Miller, Floyd Bart-
mess and Howard Spalding drove to
Yakima Sunday.
Legion Auxiliary dance, Utopian
IIall Saturday, March 30. lt--
T. J. Brislawn, of The Dalles,
blockman for the Allis-Chalmers
machinery company, was in Golden-
dale on business Monday.
E. C. Cole spent Sunday in Trout
Lake visiting old acquaintances. He
attended Ea,s,ter church services
while in the valley.
Ralph Woodruff, of Trout Lake,
was in Goldendale on business last
Dance at Ce,nterville Grange hall,
March 30. 4-H chub benefit. It
S. F. Wnuk, White Salmon corn-
,missioner, was in Goldendale on
business Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Sherwood,
of Vealla Walls, were in Goldendale
Tuesday evening for the Pro Amer-
ica dinner.
Fred Kemp, Benton county com-
missioner, was in Go]dendale Tues-
day evening for the Pro America
dinner. He is a former state repre-
sentative from this district.
Danes at White Creek Grange
hall (Dot) April 6. 132t--
Senator Charles F. Stinscn, of
Pasco, wa,~ in Goldendale Tuesday
night for the Pro America dinner at
the Methodist church. He was an
overnight guest at the Hotel Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fulton, of
Wasco, and Miss Fancher, of Seat-
tle, were in Goldendale last week on
business. While here they attended
the horse sale at the Frank Riley
Legion Auxiliary dance, Utopian
Hall Saturday, March 30. 1.t--
Miss Shirley Vasey, accompanied
hy "Miss Dorothy Robards and
Harold Beckman, all of Portland,
spent Easter in Goldendale visiting
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
.Mrs. E. R. Vasey.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Vasey, of
Portland, arrived in IGoldendale
Wednesday to spend a few days vis-
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. R. Vasey. Mrs. Vernon Vmsey is
a sister of Miss Helen May Bryan.
Dance at Centerville Grange hall,
March 30. 4-H clu~b benefit, it
Mrs. Ross Biggs spent Easter in
Portland visiting friends. She re-
I turned early this week 'with Clar-
ence Hanson.
Shirley Hanson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Hanson under-
i went an operation for appendicitis
at the Portland Sani.tarium last
Monday. Mrs. Hanson remained in
Portland to be with her daughter
while Mr. Hansen returned to Gold-
endale Tuesday.
Mr. end Mrs. Homer Silver were
called to Le~viston, Idaho last .Sat-
urday where Mrs. Silver's brother
was s~riou~ly ill from injuries re-
ceived in a fall from a horse. Mr.
Silver returned Monday while Mrs.
Silver remained in Lewiston. Word
was received here Tuesday that her
brother had died at the Lewiston
hospital. Mrs. Harold Wolverton is
substituting in the Goldendale
schools during Mrs. Silver's absence.
Among the prominent Republican
women in Goldendale Tuesday eve-
ning for the Pro A~merlca ainner
w~re:~ Mrs. J. T. Urquhart, state
Republican committee woman from
Yakima; Mrs~. Dean Gurie, stat~
vice-president of Pro America from
Yakima; Mrs. Harry Kendall, Yak-
ima county Republican committee
woman; Mrs. C. F. Barrows, of Yak-
ima; Mrs. Natwick, of Washougal;
Mrs. R. J. Bates, state committee
woman from Bingen; and Mrs. G. F,
Waist Overalls
Extra roomy cut from full weight.
8-ounce sanforized shrunk denim. A
fabric th, a,t will give weeks of extra
wear. Sizes from 30 to 44.
They're "tops" in the Overall field.
F,Ai 10 ounce special loomed Denim.
The toughest overall made.
"Test" Bib Overalls
Graduated rise from crotch to top of
to fit tail or short men. Nu-Way
Su'etch suspender back. Extra heavy
sanforized shrunk denims. Size 30 to
Sturdy constructed. Perfect fitting, Sanforized Shrunk,
heavy boat sail pockets. Oxford gray and forest green.
Comfortable roomy cut Shirts that are durable and inex-
pensive. Chambray, Coverts, Woven Madras and Jeans.
Sizes from to 20.
49c to 98c
Brown, Dlack or Natural. Re-inforced s amless toe and heel.
Extra wear in every pair. Sizes 10 to 12.
2, pair 25c
A. M. Matsen, county commission-
er from Btckleton, was in Golden-
dale for the special session Tuesday.
Legion Auxiliary dance, Utopian
Hall Saturday, March 30. 1,t--
,Mr. and Mrs. Benny Benson drove
to Walls Walla last Friday on buM-
Marriage Licenses
Elmer Becks, 21, of Lyle, and
,Pauline Lo(~mis, 17, of Appleton, at
Goldendale, March 15.
R. g. Holsington and Stella M.
Griffin, both of Btngen, at Golden-
Fred Allen, White Salmon te~ch- dale, March 21.
or, ~vas in Goldendale Saturday for Howard War
d 28, and Evelyn
the s~)evial, curri~ulum~ .meeting held [ Laxton, legal, 1)Oth of Ooldondale,
here. , l at Goldendale, March 34.
Legion Auxiliary tt,~ Utopian
""~-e, ~ 1 V.M. Calavan, 22, and Rosalie A.
Hall Saturday, March 30. l¢--IWhite, 18, both of The Dalles, at
The condition of Mrs F L Tu
' • • "IGoldendale, March 19, three day
bandt, of Spring Creek, who is sort- J law waived
ously 111 at St. Elizabeth's hosvital ___~-" ____ ~..._.~______
in Yaklma, was Yeportod as slightly SPRING BARGAIN F]~STIVAL !
Spring Is here! Let's turn our
improved today. Mrs. Tubandt is thoughts to House Cleani~g. Get
suffering from high blood pr~sure your choice of 1 lb. Washing
and heart trouble. Mr. Tubandt is CompOund or ~ oz. Cleanser for
5c, or 1 pint Red or White Polish
in Yakima w~th Mrs. Tuba ndt. for leo---With any two articles in
March list.
R4~l jd m ~lm ~ Ws~
..... a.- .,~ "Walt For Watkins"---It Pays!
Netls, of Klickitat. Ad~.~.-~ ~ r~m~. m ROY W. LUNDBERG, Goldendale
Dance at Blockhouse Saturday ......
night, March 30. lt--- ~ ~ ~ H, ~"~
Mr. and Mrs. Richard~' Prid~aam
and daughter Bet, ty, of Los Angeles, B, fore Refrigertion
arrived in Ooldendale Saturday to
spend Easter with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. C. H. Pridham. They planS E E
t.o return to Los Angeles Thursday Dean llenwaters New Economy
where he is employed in the Doug-
las Aircraft factory. Mr. Pridham is ~J ~/~ rl~ ~1 t
:a former Goldendale resident.
Carnival at Roosevelt, Saturday
night, March 30. lt--
E. C. C~le, John A. Miller and W.
G. Heyde~berk, o~ the Goldendale
Odd Fellows lodge, drove to Blckle- il ,fi4gera:to
ton Saturday evening to meet with
the Bickleton I. O. O. F. lodge. M.
W. Chapman, of the Yakima lodge,
was present at the meeting. 6.4 cubic feet net refrigerator space
Goldendale Ms, sons are making
plans to entertain the district Dep-
uty Grand Master who will ~ak6
his official visit here April 4. It is
believed about 20 Mas~)ns from Yak-
tma will accompany the district of.
ricer to Goldendale.
Tsubota Brothers, Maryhill garff-
eners ,this week installed a 25
horsepower electric motor ~o 'l~'
used in pumping water for irriga-
tion from wells on their Maryhtll
property. Power is supplied by the
Pacific Po~'er & Light company over
their new 1,ine built into the MarY-
hill community last winter.
The New ZENITH REFRIGERATOR gives you quality re-
frigeration, at economical prices. See the new 1940 Zenith
on display at