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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
March 28, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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March 28, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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U n: Y g L b Y t 1 t P ¢ ) I, March 1940 28, Another Link For A White Pass Road contract for clearing, grading add draining 1 4 miles of road be- tween ~8and Ridge and Bob cat Creek Slarlngs on the Yakima county side of White iPass was let last week by the state highway department. This road is another link in the White Pass ~l~hway between Yakima and Centra- ,Bid price of the job was $122,289. k~a.e was to a Spo- contract awarded ane construction firm. Work on the ~r:/ect will be carried out this sum- THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington WASHINGTON STATE Dentist Installs COLLEGE FILM IS I SHowN TO STUDENTS X-Ray Machine Goldendale high school stu- dents had a look at college life ~ The latest tiring in dental X-ray last ~'riday when Howard Greer,equipment, a new General Electric :FULL EASTER SCHEDULE Court News Given Contract Is Let AT CENTERVILLE CHURCH __ . . . .__ __ , , ---- t For Week s Pained For Line C~EiNTIERV:ILJJE--(Special to The ----------- . Sentinel)--Miss Ruth Cochran and Petitionis filed which asks the IntoHood River Miss Elizabeth Garner returned to court to admit the will of Mary E. Ellensburg Sunday evening after i: Morris, deceased, to probate. The Fritz Ziebarth, ~ong Beach, Cal- Page Five IN URED IN WRECK Mrs. James Hayes and .~Irs. R. N. Robertson, of Wlehram, received minor injuries in an auto accident .that occurred Sunday morning on the Wiehram road near the inter- publicity director for Washing- ton State College, presented a special technicolor film at a stu- dent body assembly. ,Greer's motion picture show- ed scenes taken on the P~lhnan campus. The picture was one X:-ray machine, was installed in Dr. spending the week with home folks, o~tate consists of eo~mmunity r~l M. R. ~Davies' office last week. This machine, as modern as any available[ The Missionary society met Wed- property having an estimated valua- in the nation, enables Dr. Davies telnesday afternoon at the home of tien (~f $100.00. The heirs are the handle alltypes of dental X-ray t Mrs. J. A. IMiller with seven members surviving spouse, two sons and one ~work. land two visitors present. A review 'The new machine is absolutely of missionaries was given. Delicious shock-proof and, because it is spec-hostess.refreshments were served by the daughter. Action to foreclose a mortgage is instituted by the First National of the most complete and inter- I Bank of Portland, Oregon, against eating of its type ever shown ially designed for dental work, is Easter morning 16 men women here according to Paul Johnson, accurate and fast. In conjunction • ' Earl S. Cue et al. Plaintiff prays for and children gathered on the Colum- . , . .' .......... superintendent. Greer augment- with the machine Dr. Davies has in-bia hills south of Curtiss Neal's for I juagment ....... m the sum oI, stalled a complete dark room to pro- ~ ~ ' I toge~ner witn mteresL attorneys sunriseservicesand Easter break ........... ed the picture with a talk on i vide fast service on development of fast. • i ree~, t~tie searcn ant ~estract Bob Bratton returned to Seattle Washington State College. all X ra- ,-ictures l charges, and costs and disburse- tlnday for the spring quarter at the Prof.H. K. Irwin, of the - J v ~ . Seventy-two peopleattended gab- I ments inc,,rred ,wh ..... ~,~,,, ,~ U ~ , . ~Lt~ ~utuM~cb,xt~ (tL- Mvemity of Washington after ~Mathematics department at W bath school Easter morning after! .................. -~ ~" " Ro~,~l and Underwood Portable ' ~eges tna~ on ou/y zs, lugs, ~ari ~. °~nding sprin~ vacation with his ,S C accompanied Greer to "" -- " which ti~e little folks rendered their lr~ _ ....... -- ° ' "' , tvnewrltersSmall down Harm,rot I • . t,~,~ anu wl~e made, executed gnu mother Mrs Grace Bratton Goldendale. Professor Irwin met .'5 . • v , ~ • program. At the closeof the exercises I ~i ..... ~ *~ --~-~-*-'~ ,~-^, ..... ,- h R' " - -" " --" wP" m ..... i~atance in smallmonthly l~yments. ~_ h"~r n r ti(i tedin an e---I "~" "~'~' ~' v,,~,~,- t,v, pru,,~- oyalFortaote typew.ri~er will ~u emoers or [nls year's ............. ,~uec llU e pa' "~ pa g~[,~ory note in the sum of $3000 00 attcl inqulre at Tne L~oluenoale tlentlnel ~ . ; mUch ~o a students education A senior class and answered ques-t ' ] hunt which gave them much joy ~,,a ........ a ~h .....h,, ~ .... ~ .... a a~aPlete line at The Sentinel. tf-- tmns concerning college enroll- ment and required subjects. A beautiful pageant took the place' delivering a mortgage on a certain ............... of the evening services. The pageant: tract of land in Sec 30 Tp 3 N • "The Life of Christ " had its begin- ' ' " " I'h ll _ Rancher A__ Chooses Case IZ" __ • , R. 11; that the only payments ,made Janesport .gam qmpment ning in the p, ophesy and continued on same aggregate the sum through the resurrection; it was $141.76. TWelve yeaGs ago, (B. J. Clark, picture was taken at the Case corn- PrOminent ~)allesport rancher, pur- pany's open house held in Portland chased the first Model ,L Case tractor two weeks ago. The sale is another d~livered in the Pacific Northwest. testimonial of the lasting popularity I~st Week, Mr. Clark, now a 100 per of Case farm machinery. cent Case farmer, took delivery on Mr. Clark still operates his old he first VC Model Case tractor sold Model L Case, although the tractor *a the Northwest. This sale was made has been used for the past 11 years through Maurer Brothers, J. I. Case l to handle all farming operations on ~achm r Khck Clark s ranch In that t~me he has I " ery distributors fo the" -I ' • ' " t~t county area. I farmed about 600 acres a year. The In the picture above, Mr. and Mrs. ] Model L Case has only been over- Ulark, with ,Max Maurer left, are in- I hauled once in that time. Mr. Clark Sl~ecting their new Case tractor. This says it is as powerful and efficient m.,~ q today as it was 12 years ago. The new Model VC Case tractor, shown in the pictnre above is now on display at ~Ylaurer Brothers Feed Store. This tractor is either a one or two plow machine suited for all types of farm work. It is particularly adapted for handling hay equipment. Purchase of the Model VC Case above made it possible for Mr. Clark to dispose of all his horses. B. J. Clark's Dallesport farm is equipped throughout with Case machinery. --Adv. • ~..~ ~ . - .~-~- given in song and verse. A large Action for divorce is instituted by crowd was present to enjoy this ire- S. B. Marlow against his wife, Inga pressive service. Mrs. Wiidanen di- Marlow. The parties were married retted the pageant. :in Vancouver, Washington, on or Mr. and Mrs. Houston and Mr. and about Nov. 1930. and there has been Mrs. St. Lawrence and daughter, no is,sue c:f the marriage. The corn- Ruby of Ha~tland attended Sunday • ' " ' plaint allege,~ that the defendant er ~ ~( ( s at the chu~ ch s '~ ~'" " ' has treated the plaintiff in a cruel Harold Eshehnan, of Gihner, was and inhuman manner; that a divi- home over the weekend sion of the property owned by the Miss Virginia Jussila is home from parties be divided as may seem Portland. equitable to the court. Miss Phoebe Collins, of White SaN Order is entered Which appoints men, is working for Mrs. Elnma Clair Blanchard as admlnis.trator of Eshehuan. I the estate of Lester I. Blanchard, Mr. and Mrs. Marriott, of .War-. deceased, and fixing his bond in the wick, were Sunday dinner guests of sum of $ [00.00. Mr. and Mrs. Young. [ In the matter of the estate of The pre~Easter services at the William A. Leathers, decca,sod, upon church were well attended• Rev. i hearing upon petitlo:n duly filed, it Hfines. Baptist minister of Golden-is ordered by the court that the dale, preached Monday and Friday executor of the estate be, and he is evenings, Roy. ,Smith of the Church authorized and empowered to exe- of Christ, on Tuesday evening, and cute a stipulation to dismiss a cer- Roy. ttalt, of the Methodist church, i tain action instituted by T. Ethel on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Abshier[Goodsel1 vs. George E. Hunter, exe- and some of the Baptist young ladies ! cuter, and to deliver o:ne certificate came down from Goldendale Friday lot the Equita,ble Savings & Loan evening. They presented a pageant,]Association, represen.ting $2000.00 "Bearing Your Cress." Mrs. Abshier played and sang. ,Mr. and IMrs. Earl Potter, of Port- land; Mr. and Mrs. Iteffner, of ,Camas, spent Easter witb Mr. and Mrs. George Garner. The ladies are sister's of Mrs. Garner. a Susie R. Lapthorn was granted an interlocutory decree of divorce from Richard C. Lapthorn by Judge How- ard J. Atwell in superior court here] Tuesday. In the complaint she charged non-support. Final reports and recommenda- tions for the county-wide land use maps of Klickitat will be made here Friday at a meeting of the local com- mittee, L. W. Ternahau, agricultur- ist announced. ._ ii ii . to T, Ethel Goodsell, one certificate representing $2000.00 to Grace M. LilY, comb, one certificate represent- ing $500.00 to Grace N. Hunter, and one certificate represen-ting $500.00 to Luella B. Leathers. In the said estate, the surviving spouse has filed her petition which asks the court to set aside to her certain property of the estate, in lieu of homestead and exemptions. In the matter of 'the estate of D. R. McCoy, deceased, order is entered which approves the final account of the administrator and makes distri- bution of the residue of the estate. In the case of the State of Wwsh- ington vs: Edward Whisner, upon the application of the defendant for deferred sentence, it is ordered bY 1 I I nOW... SAVE UP TO 20%- ON OPERATING CQST, TO0! • The 1940 electric refrigerators are more beautiful, more convenient and more efficient than ever before. This isn't all! They cost less, too. Prices are as much as 20% under last year's for the same size and quality of refrigerator... over 50 % less than prices 10 years ago. So don't go another day without the protection and help of electric refrigeration. See any dealer in electric refrigerators or Always at Your Servke lfornia, contractor, was low bidder today when the Bonneville Power Ad- ministration opened sealed offers for construction of its 22-mile transmis- sion line between Bonneville and $Iood River. Ziebarth's bid was $163,460. On- ly other bid was that of George H. Buckler, Portland, for $215,119. Ziebarth has held several Bonne- ville contracts, including those fox' construction of the Bonneville-Van- couver transmission line and the Columbia- Willamette river cable crossings. At present he is building Bonneville's circuit to Grand Coulee, scheduled for completion during the summer. rl~e Hood River line will be large- ly of wood pole construction. Steel towers, now being built, will carry Bonneville power cables across the ship canal and lock at Bonneville dam and across the Union Pacific railway and Columbia river highway right-of-way to a point 600 feet above the Columbia on the Oregon shore. .Remainder of the c~rcuit will be supported on H type structures of red cedar poles. ] [ The line, which traverses some of1 the most rugged terrain in the Ben-I neville network, will he ready to re- ceive power about four months after the contractor receives notice of I award. S~)eci, flcations are being drawn for constuction of a substation at Hood River and for extension of It the line between Hood River and The/ [ Dalles. [ ~the court that the defendant be placed on probation for a period of three years, or until he is relieved therefrom by a court order, It is further ordered that the defendant. be and he is allowed to return to the home of his mother in Los Angeles. In the matter of the joint estate of Curt Christine and William Rich- ard Perkins, both deceased, it is or- dered ~by the court that the final~ account of admini~tratrix, be and the same is approved and distribu- tion is made of the residue of the estate to those entitled thereto. In the matter of ~che estate of Earl T. Bell, deceased, upon petition duly fi, led and heard by the court, it is ordered that the e, dministratrix be and she is authorized to sell a Pontiac automobile, at private sale as an asset of the estate. In the case of T. Ethel Goodsell vs. George E. Hunter, et al, upon stipulation duly entered, it is or- dered by the court that the said cause be, and the 'same Is dismissed with prejudice and" witho,ut costs to any party. An interlocutory decree of divorce is entered in the case of Susie R. Lapthorn vs. Richard C. Lapthorn, and the former n~me of the plain- ti'ff, Susie R. Burkell, is restored to her. The final decree .of divorce is en- tered in the case of Ophia L. Hois- ington vs. Re*bert S. Hoisington. In the case of Charlo~ B. Runyan and wife vs. Ophelia Sanford, et al, it is ordered by the corrt that the plaintiffs are the owners of and en- titled to possession of the N~ of B.lock 15 in the town of Roosevelt and the defendants are excluded from any right, title, interest in or lien upon the same. section w~th the l~'orgreen high- way. Cars driven by Mrs. H~yes and :Mrs. R. C. Chittester, also o.f Wish- ram, sideswiped ~vhen they met on a turn. Mrs. Robertson, who mlffer- .ed facial cuts, was taken t~ The .Dalles for treatment. Mrs. Hayes re- ceived a knee injury. Royal and Underwood Pprtable typewriters at The Sentinel offlm~. The Service Garage Goldendale, Model 120EA63 Per 35 years Hotpoint has been the symbol of leadership and quality. Now we bring you a genuine Hot- point at a sensationally low prica! BiG 6 CU. FT. FAMILY SIZE wiiH~... 4) Thrif/master Unit Vacuum Sealed All-zteel cabinet Speed Freezer 4 big trays, 80 lee cubel • All porcalein interior • S-year protection • Interio light Buy o. Co.v i,.t ClFIC ER & GHT Al~ays ot Your S~# I I I I • Learn why you'll SAVE MONEY when you buy a Dodge Job-Rated 1½-ton truck! Find how URIe it costs to own, and how economical it is to operate a truck that really FITS ][OUR JOB! Dodge Job-Rated 1½-tonners are powered with a great 1½-ton truck engine! The clutch, transmission, rear axle, brakes and springs--all are engi- neered end sized rtgkt/ And whether your hauling requires Dodge Standard-Cab or Cab-Over- Engine models, you get a truek that is built 100% for durable, dependable, money- saving opera- tion! That's because any Dodge Job-Rated 1½-ton truck is designed to llt the iob b~ttef--do the job 6~tle~ and at ~ ee~t! Come in-- let's discuss your haultng problem -- get the "low-down" -= TODAY! Golden and Court Goldendale, Wash. ~-S-I~-I-~-~ON gAPAglTll~. •. 96 ST&NOARD Ct¢&S,tIIS ANO BOOY ~ ON 17 Mfl4111~l~lt PRICED WITH THE,LOWEST FOR EVERY CAPACITY ],,.