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March 28, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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March 28, 1940 |
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Page Six
GLENWOOD WOMEN ] Funeral services were conducted
RGANIZE NEW CLUBIWednesday noon at the graveside in
OMt. Adams cemetery for Mrs. August
..... I Kuhnhausen by the Reverend Rey-
l~tilra j. ~al~o~$ i '
............ I nolds of White Salman's Methodist
~l~an ~1
ln lchurch! . Many relatives and friends
thie locality requires lime in addi-/
.............. /were present to do honor to their
ann to sulphur, says rL Jr. r~uun-i
h^- sen local farm su-'--l- man Who | departed friend. A~nong those com-
. =u ., .... ~' ~. .... ~ing from a distance were Mrs. Louise
importeu D~ ~ons ot ulna tuna / ....
r~unnnausen and her aaughter, Mrs
plaster. Best results are secured, Mr. I. . -
........ ~i-lulua uullins, from Portland; Mr
~unnnausen malnta]ns when umngl .... "
..... I ann Mrs. ~terbert Kuhnhausen
one or more cons oz gypsum zo the ! ~.. '
............ lWhlte ~aimon; Mrs Lizzie Rankiu
acre. Ivlost ~armers in tnls lOCallty| . ~ " .
....... land her meter Mrs Maurme Hickey,
use from 100 pounas to ~uu pounasi ' "
to the acre. It is reported that per-I and Mr. and_ mrs. Arnold Niveen,
sons ex erlmentin here have found !all of ~'ortland" the mmile Strattons
P g
that applications of lime or sulphur/and Bernard Pol!ar4[ of Portland:
alone "are not ms effective as the Iann also ears. Anay ~elltr, nar. ann
• Mrs Ed Snipes and Mr and Mrs
combined properties of the t~vo ms-I ' " "
terials as foun in -"sum Fifteen |Joe Claridge. Pallbearers were H. F.
tons of Mr. KduhnhagY::n's consign./d:deOeJ" K:hnhty:h'a=:PnhbW;ot:f
ment went to Franzen & James, Lylo [ ' . . ' "
merchants ler-in-law; Mr. Ede, Ariel and Ivan
• " [McCumber. Oardners, White SaN
Congratulations are being extend-/ .....
.... i mon mneral home, were in charge
ea ~o a group o[ young women WhO of interment
recently organized a Young Married,. . " .....
, Mrs Leroy Anarews was tazen
Woman s club. The initial meeting " 1
was held at the home of Mrs Re" [to the K ickitat general hospital in
........ , "_ ~ White Salmon last Tuesday night
~'eller, last Tnursuay, WeeK, where ....... "
13 young women enjo-ed her hos-i r'riaay it was ann~nce~ ~nat sue
P" was in need of a blooa transfusion
tality. President of the new organi- .~ .....
..^.. . ..... _;._. ,~,~,__ ~.. ueveral car loans el persons went
;?:;°;re:ide:~,~l~Irs?llo::Yar L:d;Ye~; :ter:n;:und°ofkaesibmli;adr ttestS'DoT~naO
secretary, Mrs. Paul Ladiges; tress- . ype. .-
tlon was mane by Mrs r~omer BaD
urer, Mrs. Charles Chris. The mem- k " "
bert will meet again this Thursday coc .
at the Bert Hu'ffsmith home. Frank Shaw, also an inmate of
. ¢or ~he the hospital-at White Salmon for
Easter holiday were the Misses several days last "week,
Saturday night Mr Shaw, who has
Phoebe and Phyllis Livingston, El- . . ." " . ..
• ,_ .............. neen in poor health Jar some ume,
~ensourg; ~lss wnario~te Wilson ...............
who with a e~t from the Uni -r nao [anea raploly in ~ne last few
gu re-
............... weeks Services will be held Wed-
slty at ~eazue vm]tea wl~n her par- . " . .......
............ nesaay In ~lenwooo. lle is survlvea
cuts, tne unarms w~Ison~ at ~amp b his o " "
Draper; Miss Catherine Hat,away, Y s n ~_~waru.
McMinnville" and Bobby Bruce Church services were held Sunday
Portland high school student, also night to conclude the Easter observ-
home at Camp Draper. On Friday
the Livingston twins went to Port-
land to spend two days at the home
of their great uncle, operator of The
Oaks, Portland's amusement park.
Miss Lillian Gregory, also a student
at Ellens~burg College of Education,
was at home with her sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Osmar
Ladiges. She came in time to attend
the marriage last Saturday in White
Salmon of their brother Bill Gregory
and Marjorie Nagel. of Appleton.
Mr. and Mrs. August Hilding
have enjoyed a weeks visit with
their daughter and grandson, Mrs.
Harry Kline and Ronald of Port-
land.`Mx. I~line, who operates a
movie theatre there, drove up fo;
them Monday.
Mrs. Henderson, of Los Angeles,
has been a guest for the past three
weeks at the ~home of her daughter
and son-in-law; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Wilson, at Camp Draper.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jemtegaard
are home from Pleasant Valley
where they visited his parents•
Little Donna Holman spent a re-
cent Saturday with her grandpar-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Babcock,
while her father was in the valley
on business.
~nces which began in the morning
with Sunday school, a basket lunch
at noon and a volunteer program in
the afternoon. Birthdays were ob-
served fer little Karen Martzall and
Daniel I4olley who both were three,
Mrs. Holly, and George Glimer who
celebrated his seventieth birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Keller "wore
overnight guests at the Brooks Liv-
ingston ,home Wednesday when Mr.
Keller's car was laid up for repairs.
Mr. Keller drives daily t~ Glenwooa
to operate a grader for the county.
Glenwood men are driving to the
Northwestern dam, at White Salmon
this week to resume clearing right
of way for the P.U.D. power line.
Bonneville power authorities we
understand are renting Klickitat
county officials substitute machinery
to operate the rock crusher at ~he
Max Ladiges pit until such time as
they are a~ble to deliver the power
contracted for. Rental is reported to
be at the came rate as the power
called for. An effort to use rock at
the Dymond corner to surface sum-
mit roads proved futile early this
week when the rock Was discovered
to be unsatisfactory. Road crews
operated this week over the summit'ed
THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale Washington Thursday, March 28,
ion the Gllmer valley slope by the[saturday evenin-g-in~-h-onor -~f the and State her final account and re- ~ '~
i Ralph Trout place. I boys basket ball teams. Those in port and petition for distribution as! ~ •
New car owners are Maurice ]attendance report a most enjoyable!theSUCh23rdeXecutriX;day of andApril,that1940,TuesdaY,at 10roll m n-- •-
Hathaway and P. H. Akertll who [evening. o'clock A. M., at the court room of lm m ~ ~ m
our said Superior Court at Golden-I ~ m um -1 •
have purchased ton trucks fromI The primary room was treated to dale, in said County has been duly~ "~ m ~ 1~ m
Nickerson's of Goldendale. O. P. Inn Easter egg hunt Friday by their ppointed by our ,Superior Court fori
Kreps, Jr., Laurel ranchman, is also ] teacher, Mrs. Bringazt. A program the Settlement of the Final Account ~ ~'~ ~• l~OR SALE--1939 .Plymouth -~
at which time the Court is asked l ~ rot zmle- sedan, $75~0. 1931 4-door s,
driving a late model car, purchased land display of handiwork was also co settle SUCh report distribute the i.,. ............. good rubber looks good ]
property to the heirs or persons en- • on "
• • "h • , .. g d, $100. Terms or trade•
titled to the same and discharge the ~ eat ]lay. Chat. H]lbner, route2x son Implement Co 1~
early this spring. The Akerill family [given for the mothers present. Fir- ' ~ or~ S~E-- Two tons ot eunale
are busy ,making improvements [teen pre-schoo.1 youngsters were executrix ~ (~oloenoaie. ~ •
about their house. Mr. Akerill states ]special guests. The intermediate Witness, The ~ON. ttOWARD j. i~ ~FOR SAI~---1939 F 14 Interm~tt'
A L, Judge of the sa~d Su- l~i~h s,,~-.~ o-~-~ ~ .... ~-;~-/ al tractor used approximately ,
that new built-ins have been placed ]grades and their teacher, Winston perior Court, and the seal of said l ~,~;~,~.~'~'v~ ~r~.~ ....... ,%'¢'~, hours• Year old Case side deliV
in their kitchen, and that a full]Sanders, spent Friday evening as Court affixed this 26th day ofi .......................... 1 rake; also 10-20 Internatio
basement and a modern circulating]guests of Eva and Roberts ParrottR M~iCh~pl(~)~ Count "l rk an-'FOR SALE--Two cows just fresh:l Tractor, good condition. Gra]
t~) y ~ e u n " ' ~upply ~o
fireplace are to be constructed. As[at an outdoor party on the R. I."r~,'.~ ,,~ +~,~'~ .... ~,,, o,,,, I o e Jersey, one Guernsey, call A.[ •
soon as weather conditions permit/Parrott place north of town. Ray McE:V~rE~&~B~(~::S'~Att°'I"neys forJ. Dingmon, phone 3102. 123-- ~O--R SALE~3-bott~m---plow; spr
Estate, GoldendaleWashington. ~-,~-~C--~-~-~ ~.~.-'~"~-'~'...~-~-~ ,_-- tooth 4-section; 2 wheel trac
Mr. Akerlll will resume dlreotion of ]Lane furnished a team and hay rack .......... a~oo ~+~__ I~ "~"cubator,~'~--m'~DeLaval~US'separator~Y ~,~=Oand ~u-,32] Macht~eV',Sho~"'~ng~n~"~V~shilCultiv°*"~ In~,,~ ., ÷h^ ~aini
~p~ ~ ~~ ) volt small vacuum cleaner Phone '
his steel gang, laying spurs for the It° complete the evenings fun. * ................. ~ o01o " ,,, I ton. 12
J. Neils company• ] .Mr. and Mrs. Paul Young, of No. P. 2130 ] o o. ~z~
A baseball game was played Sun-[Maupin, Oregon, and the Robinson s In the Superior Court of the State of ~[ ~r - /
Washtn~'ton for ~rll-k~*-+ ~"unt-" i ~ ~.~ ur~ 'r~r~)~--rnree head [ ~-- W~ ~r~'~ur~ .---
In the matter of the joint estates of ...... ' ~ ......... o, ~,,s~ o, 1 .
day on the school diamond between [were overnight guests Friday at the C C Van Aelst and Hester Van calves. Second house west of Golf]WANT TO BUY Good second h$
the BZ corners and the Glenwood [Peter Troh home. V" .~" ~ ~...~ ~ ..:,_ ,._,,. I ,uourse on ~moagoou roan ~¢ sewin machine State make
" ' - ' '--~,---U-'---~$ price Address P O box 75 Go
town teams. The visitors won 20 to/ Friday Mrs Norman Troh and Ael=~ ,USO~,u ann w,~v ,~,, " , g •
oeceasea F a, .~ " • • ,
.... • ........ [ OR S. liE--Nine sows eats trom ~[ endale Wash
19. ]Mrs. Frank Ward entertained with monte ]s hereby given ~nat the un- to 11 ni~s at sis~ ~au w ~ [ ' •
dersi=ned has been a""ointend and' . ,. *- ........... ...... i-~---~
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Jebe and )a stork shower for Mrs. Oliver qualified as executor~'~nd adminis- Walker, phone 322Z5. 123 WANTeD---Party to have free use!
Charles Bleiler were in Goldendale ]Spitznogle. Mrs. Spitznogle was the trator of the joint estates of C. C. [FOR SALE--30 tons, good quality[ house, 3 miles from Wahkia~
Van Aemt and Hester K. Van Aelst,t baled alfalfa hay, $12 per ton" onel wrote ~. regersen, ~oute z,
Thursday. Oscar Bleiler attended / r~cipient of malny lovely gifts, nusoana ann wile, both deceased, ~ Ansco 16-6 tractor disc seeder- 1 i ~u~, ~:numemw, wash.
Grange ~aturday night. [Lunch was served and games enjoy-and that all persons having claims]Oliver 2 disc tractor plow ~)]m~1~77/~w~ av .................... ~,~ x ~)~ ~xperm~
against said deceased are required to Richardson nhone 3082 " 113, - - " • -- . -
,Mrs. R. V. Feller enjoyed a visit /ed by the guests, servo tha s~m-,~-+h,~ ,,,~n~,-~,,,~,~ o¢i • ~ eu farmer wan~s to rent mrm
from her brother and his wife last/ At Grange Saturday night Bert his residence northeast of Golden- I~OR SALE--About two acres on the l K]ickttat c.ounty_ Would pref~.,
Sunday when they drove up from~Lane completed the fourth degree dale, Washington, or upon C. W.( State Highway near summit, with! ~:re na~2a,,awrl~e xxr~. l~es~
~amsey attorney ot record for said[cabin and water Also 10 acre.~ ~d_ ~ "' ......~--, "'~°""
" i s " ' ..... : .......................
Portland for the day. Mrs. Feller en-Iw°rk. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chris ~o nt e tates at Goldendale. X/ash-j:)ining the town on gravel road, !~ WANTED -- Fat
Joys working wi¢.h her bees She is [also recent Grange candidates, fol- ington, and file with the clerk of the with school bus to Goldendale i feeder cattle calves and fat h
equipped to h,andle 3ff st:rids aN[lowed the traveling gavel until they above named.court., together with RFD, electricity available. Good:Write Ted 'Elmore Golden(
prooL o[ SUCh. service, within s}x driiled well with abundance of[ Washington.
though at present she has but a I°btained their four degrees. Theymon~ns azter me uate ot the m-st water. Make a good country home. [~
publication of this notice, or the Have a good buy on a house in lWAN~FA)-~Get your lawn mc
few. The quality of honey her bees )~vent to Husum, Trout Lake and samewill be •forever barred. _ ~ Goldendale. Prices on inquiry. C. [ ground new before the Hobo gr
produce from clover fields is excel-[Lyle. 1,~ate o[ nrs~ pum~cauon, ±v~arcn ,~, E. Crooks, Goldendale. 123--I er comes in. Also saws filed
~'; N V ' " ~ ...... gummed. J. H. Allyn shop.
lent, although profitable bee culture[ The Harry Leonard faznily, of I~ARTI . . ~ AE:I~ST, Executor and 1,~OR SALE--160 acres near Golden-[ .............
e c ion |Camp Draper were Saturday callers
seems to b a neglected ac upat , .~ a~mmm~'a~orotsa)d joint estates:dale, 30 acres cultivated, 25 al-IW,a~'TEO~--Wood cutters, Mrs. E
~. w. ~l~, A~torney ~or sa~(l falfa, family orchard, fairly good l Haupert, phone 3043. 10:
ithethi:e:i~lyleyf ~hlnteY?e~h:;:o:° ~te:.he Newell P°llard h°me In Bin jolnt estates. P. O. Address, Gold- house, barn, out buildings, about, ~
zendale, Wash. M21Allt4-- 700 cords wood timber. $1,800, ]~LE MAN WA1WI'ED.---To
ditions, though Mrs. Feller says she Charles Hooper, whose father is~ $5~00 cash, balance easy terms.--! on farmers in E. Klickitat c
...... ~ L.~u~ ~ccuum Edward Abeling. 123--' ty. No experience or capital
seldom loses a hive that is properly employed by B. E. Hanson at the ann l'euuon rot 1)ls~rlnU~lOn ~----------~ qulred Write McN]~SS CO
cared for. ~ rock plant in Blngen, was in Glen- -- FOR SALE--To close estate, 400 Magnolia St, Oakland Caiif'
.... No. P. 2.102 . acres near Goldendale near main ............................
wood Sunday
Ladies Aid was held T,hursday at • in the ~upermr court of the State o~ highway 85 acres fall wheat 75 ~a~__m~, ih~.~ ,*~t~
The primary room losta pupil Washington for the County of stubble "100 more tillabl,~ ~¢..~_---T~.~----~ ~r~ ....~..~,
the Charles Chris home with Mrs. 1 kl ..... ~'~ ~ ~t~e~ mar~e~ prices
............ _ Thumday when Selma Harter trans . Kjlc tat: ........ of water and wood. Concrete res- f~r f.~der ~ M M
unrls ann upal l-lUI~S~nltnas co- -~n ~ne matter of the ~omt estates el ervoir, water piped into house. "-~" ......
hostesses Next meeting will be at ferred to Kittltas and gained two William Neighbors and Sally A. ~ $1~Y5. April 1
1. Plowing 12 acres
the O. L. Con,boy home.
Friday at the Laurel school a
luncheon was given for the mothers
and friends of the pupils. A display
2. Seeding 80 acres
of work and a short program Was
given. Mrs. Leonard Shilling and
Mrs. George Lyle and their two
Under average conditions the 25
horsepower full diesel engine of the
"Caterpillar" D-2 tractor usely only
1 to li/2 gallons of low cost diesel
fuel per hour. It takes about twice the
quantity of fuel to pull the same loads
with a gasoline tractor of equal horse
power -- and gasoline costs nearly
double. Thus savings of to 80%
on fuel cost may be expected of the
Diesel D-2--the same as owners of
small sons attended, from Glenwood.
Julia Munder was a weekend guest
of h~er teacher, Mrs~ Hansen, jr.,
and on Sunday in Glenwood at the
Henry Hansen, st., home when ,Mr.
and Mrs. I-I~ansen entertained with
a dinner the Henry Hansen jrs., Mr.
and Mrs. P. J. Troh and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry DeVoe.
Another large family gathering
was held at the Oscar Kuhnhausen
home, when relatives gatherled to
enjoy a large Sunday dinner. Among
those present were the H. F. Kuhn-
Miss Wayne drove to White Sal-
mon Thursday to, sell advertising
space in the school annual. The high
school is publishing an enlarged an-
nual this year, which will contain
more than $50 worth of pictures of
points .of interest about the Glen-
Wood valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Hollaway entertain-
with a banquet at their home
on $1.00 worth of 7 cent Diesel fuel
will do any of the following jobs:
3. Bedding 40 acres
4. Double disking 40 acres
the larger sizes of "Caterpillar" trac-
tors enjoy.
The Diesel D-2 is built to the same
high quality standard of all "Cater-
pillar" products. The same sure-foot-
ed all-weather traction -- the same
accurate b lance of ample weigh¢. It
is manufactured by the same pre-
cision methods and from the highest
quality materials.
617 East Second St.
when the Earl Burns family moved
here from near Pondosa. Pearli
Burns will also be enrolled in the
eighth grade. She visited school:
H. DeVine has a few head of three
year old milk cows to dispose of
since he has no room for expansion
and the capacity of his farm isi
more or less static. 0. P. Kreps also l
has several head of surplus milk
stock for disposal. Mr. DeVoe finds
milk production profitable since he
says his herd of seven head all last
summer brought in generous cream
Miss Jayne Kreps, Mrs. R. I. Par-
rott and Osmar Ladiges were stu-
dents at the census school conducted
at the court house Saturday by Jay
Perry, di6trict supervisor. All work-
ere are asked to take note of the
number of hours worked this week,
March 24-30, and the unemployed
to compute the number of weeks
unemployed since last employment
of one month. O. P. Kreps, jr., and
his mother Mrs. O. P. Kreps, sr.,
were also Goldendale visitors, Sat-
Mr. and Mrs. Gust Wedin and
Mr. and Mrs. George Purvis, all of
Vancouver, called on Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Mulligan Sunday and went on
to Goldendale to visit relatives. Mrs.
Purvis is a sister of Mr. Wedin.
Mrs. Wedin will be remembered as
Miss Marjorie Cook, a granddaugh-
ter of the late Mrs. Jennie Vanhoy.
The Cook family once lived e~ the
Paul Dooley place and were neigh-
bore of Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan when
they were camped on the Candona
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stackhouse
of Bend, Oregon, spent the weekend
with Mr. cud Mrs. Ted Carratt. Mr.
and Mrs• Tom Carratt spent Easter
Sunday with Ted Carratt and fam-
Howard Burke, a senior in the
Northern Pacific Dental ¢~:llege,
pa~sed the March board examination
making next highest grade in his
class. This is the fourth board ex-
amination for the current year.
Howard has been tops on each ef
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Pierce have
a new Chevrolet car.
Sell those unnsed a~ticl~ yo~
have ~ro~nd the farm ~r ho~e I~
run'nl~g a clarified ad In The Senti-
returns you get . . . and the ceet hi
small, tf.
Royal and Underwood Portable
cypewrlters. I~mall do~n payment,
balance ~n small monthly pay~ez~ts.
Inquire at The Goldendale Sentinel.
Notice of Hearing Final Account and
Report and Petition for
No. P. 2096
In the ,Superior Court of the State of
Washington, for Klickitat County.
In Probate
In the matter of the estate of Bert
C. Dymond, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Martha
E. Dymond, the Executrix of the es-
tats of Bert C. Dymond, deceased,
has rendered and presented for set-
tlement to, and filed with the clerk
of the Superior Court of said County
Neighbors, husband and wife, both
NOTI~E is hereby given that C. O.
Garmire, administrator of the jodnt
estates above named, has filed with
the clerk of this court his final ac-
count, report and petition for dis-
tribution, and that the court is asked
to settle said account and report and
distribute the property to those en-
titled thereto, and discharge the said
administrator, and that the llth day
of April, 1940, at the hour of 11:00
o'clock in the forenoons of said day
in the court room of the above en-
Family orchard; 2 good barns, out
buildings. Only $4,200, $1200 cash
easy terms• Edward Abeliug. 123
Typing paper ~t a remarkably lew
price at Th~ Sentinel. tf---
No. 5109
State of Washington, Office of Super-
visor of Hydraulics, Olympia.
W'~ WAl~P---~ogs, b~f, lambs
veal, and feeder pigs. Also
Wa pay high,at cash m~t~kot
G, oldendale Meat Co.
IA)ST---One red and yellow
airplane with gas motor,
where southwest of the
license No. NAA 5960, painted
wing. Call ~enny Benson.
for return.
titled court of Klickitat county, Notice is hereby given that G. I~ Mi~dl
Washington, located In the court-Cox, of Klickitat, State of Washing- .---- aneous---
ton, under date of March 19, 1940,
house in Goldendale, in said county filed with the State Supervisor of
and state, have been ~xed as the Hydraulics, Olympia, Washington, SEE FRANZEN & JAMES, Lyle,
time and place for the hearing of the an application for a permit to divert new and used John Deers trac~
said final account, report and peti-
tion for distribution, at which time the public water of unnamed spring We have them on hand. SpeC
and place any person interested maytributary of Klickitat River, in the models thoroughly overhauled,
file objections to the said report and amount of 0.22 second foot, subject painted, like new. Terms. 1
to existing" rights, continuously for I1NOTi~E_.~Have d~wn paymen~
petition for distribution or may ap- the purpose of domestic supply; that
pear at said time and place and pre- new Ford, any model. Will s~
sent objections thereto, the approximate point of diversi-on is
WITNl~SS the HONORABLE HOW- located within NiE~ of the SE~ of rice. Inquire Sentinel.
ARD J. ATWELL, one of the Section 23, Township 4 N., Range 13 KLICKITAT K~REFUL KLE~
Judges of said Court, and the seal E. W. M., in Klickitat County. A EI~. Phone 102. Suits made
map showing the location and plan order-~Royal Tailors and Ore[
thereof hereto affixed this 8th day i of said diversion and the place of the City Woolen Mill lines. PopU i~
of March, 1940. proposed use is on file in the office of prices. West of Ford Garage Gc
R. M. ~POON, Clerk of said Superior the State Supervisor of Hydraulics,
Court.. en