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in the for this sum
By DAVE LEDER bunch of events that we can do to achieve our g(
for The Sentinel run on entry fees alone." ing it happen."
Some events, like the ]oK Dan Ward, a
Don't cross the Gorge trail run, don't require a lot of kayaking competito
Games off your summer CaiRn- funding, while others will hap- unteered to help rl
darjust yet. pen whether or not there is an whitewater events a
The annual sports and official Gorge Games. The out- White Salmon
lifestyle festival, which took rigger canoe races inMeanwhile, the me
last summer off due to finan- Stevenson had their most suc- ing event on the
cial constraints, has been given eessful year last year despite Trail doesn't requir
a reprieve, the lack of affiliation with the overhead, lq
And now it looks like the Games, while the 49or Sailing Traditional Go~
"community-driven" festival event in Cascade Locks contin- events such as roclll
that founder Peg Lalor envi- ues to grow in popularity each may have to take tt
stoned back in 1996, may actu- year. due to scheduling a~
ally catch air once again. That leaves the wind events constraints.
A tentative schedule for the (kiteboarding, freestyle wind- For the Gorge
week of July lO-18 has been surfing and the Blowout), the rebuild some of ~'
devised, while plans for some whitewater events (kayaking), rum from the aooll
Photo by Grog Skinner peripheral events -- entertain- and the mountain bike races, summers, the wholeC
Sam Howard of Dayton (LEFT), Jesse Garnett of Goldendale (CENTER) and Michael Hanson of merit, kids events and sports "From what I have heard, a ty is going to ha~
, number of local windsurfing together -- and fast.
Trout Lake (RIGHT) push through the half-way point of the 100-meter hurdles during Saturday s clinics -- are already in the and kiteboarding businesses "We re back at the]
Simcoe Invitational. Howard won the race in 18.80 seconds. Garnett took fourth, Hanson third, works.
There is a volunteer crew in are planning to get behind now," Lalor said. "It'
15 teams a l Simcoe Invitational to help Lalor get the those competitions," Thomson ]996, only we don't
"grassroots Games off the said; same working bud~
ground, and a couple "gener- "I ve also been told that the of having $8o,ooo.~
kayaking events have a coordi- side sponsors, we 1~
By SAM LOWRY Klickitat s Aryn Davis was sec- Gerry Gelding, who also placed ous' grants have been secured hater. So it looks like this town $15,ooo. Obviously,.~
News Keponer end in the triple-jump and second in the pole vault, from the Oregon Investment
. third in the long jump.Coach Eikanas had special Board and the Cityof is going to do whatever it has to ber is going to~
On Saturday, the Stan Goldendales boys won top praise for Goldendale relay Stevenson. , ~ GAR---~E!
Thompson-Simcoe Invita- team honors, beating a strong teams as they won the 4x8oo- But the one thing that s [I
tional high school track meet Trout I~ike team, ]28 to in. meter race and placed second holding everything back fight
returned to Goldendale High Trout Lake won six of 18 events, in the 4x4oo-meter relay, and now is the big dollars -- money
School's Barthlow Field. plus two second-place finishes, also for freshm~ln Daniel which Lalor says "can't come
"There are 14 teams here," to Goldendale's four firsts and Sanchez, who mopped upsoon enough."
plus Goldendale, said head five seconds, another 8do-meter race. "I'm trying to cross money
track coach Lee Eikanas. "Cle Codie Mflliren sailed to victo- '.! Glenwood's Mitchoff the budget in any way I
Elum showed up; we didn't ry by a foot over Trout Lake's Wheelhouse, first in the discus can," she said. "If someone can
expect them." Michael Hanson in the long and shotput, was chosen as out- donate office space, that would
Eikanas enjoyed being the jump. It may have been aided standing male competitor, be a start. If someone could
organizer; the event requires by a gust of wind, but Milliren's while his teammate, Tony
assembling an army of timers jump of 19 feet ]o 3/4 inches I J0iter, sailed to victory in the offer to help pay. our phone
and measurers for 36 boys' and goes in the books. Milliren was pole vault and also placed sec- bills, that would be good, too.
girls' events. Throughout the also second in the ado-meter end in the 8do-meter run. But cash to pay our staffis real-
day, coaches, parents, mad ath- dash; Aaron Young finished Klickitat's J.J. Keys was third in ly what we need right now."
lores pitched in. third. Jesse Garnett placed sec- the triple-jump. "I'm moving ahead with the
The Goldendale gifts gave end in the 3do-meter hurdles. Said Eikanas Of his boys, premise that the Games are
top te~n La Salle a run for their Goldendale's Trover"Goldendale's team is the one going to happen," said volun-
money. La Salle placed first in Cleveland won another triple- the others will be chasing, tear Joanie Thomson, the
five of 18 events; Goldendale's jump match-up over teammate heading to district." Hood River Downtown
Alyssa Powers finished first in Business Association coordi-
Photo by {
the 16do-meter run, third in hater who has been in charge Loren Wagner, of Goldendale, reaches out for~
the 8do-meter run, and the of the trai] run event for five of during the boys' No. 1 doubles match agair~
home team won the 4x4oo- the six Gorge Games (1996-98; Swan o0 Saturday. VVagner and his doubles' rn~
meter relay by eight seconds
fmishedGoldendalesecondS inKaylibothCampbel]'the pen somehow, and there are a ............. .............. ' ........ '~" " ' ~
jump and the 3oo-meter hur-
dles, Adrianna Ransom and
Joanna Paterson placed second
and third in the discus, and
Tiffany Ferch was runner-up in
There's more to sl)ring sports than tracks and tennis. Re;l
week's Sentinel for all the latent scores and stories t~'om 141
County teams -- and look for more outdoor news.
the pole vault.
The Goldendale girls finished
with lOO points to La Salle's
137. Meanwhile, Klickitat
County's other schools,
although not competitive in
team standings, placed individ-
tuff standouts in several girls'
events. Annie Hess was first in
the discus and shotput, third in
the javelin, and was chosen as
the meat's outstanding female iIf you answer yes to all of the following statements, you IFollow these 2 e~sy steps:
competitor. Photo by Grog Skinner I are eligible for the Double Your Savings with ENERGY STAR I 1. Complete the'rebate form below in full
Bickleton's Kynzie Art and Melissa Better leads the pack through the first turn in the | rebates: I 2. Mailin:
Corryn Rasehko placed first women's 3200-meter Saturday. Better took fifth with a time i LI I am an electnc customer ofKhckJtat County PUO ~ ., . .,t
and third in the pole vault, and of 13 minutes, 21 seconds. ~ .... Completed rebate form
. . II ........... N • L, opy or your original itemized sales w
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Chicken Fried Steak with Sundays at 11 a.m. ~""'o= ........
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Corn m u n ity Grace Breth ren Ch u rch / i aplYian, and i~tallation 10=ti0~, Void If ~ed or Iransferr0d and v,Atere prohibited by law. Any other use consti~t,s fraud. Cash value t/20 ~' ~
Iber product purchased, all rebate SUl0missions must be po~a~ked no ~er than July 31,2004 to be considered for reimbursement. ..
1180 S. Roosevelt St., 509-773-3388
Open M - S -10:30 - 9:30
&Sunday- 11:30 - 8:30
118 E. Main • (509) 773-6999 *
Downtown Goldendal¢