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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
April 1, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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April 1, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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INC. ALL CONTENT COPYRIGHTED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SE SUBJECT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT, REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED, PAGE 10 APRI] PUBLIC NOTICES .from page 9 er act, Chapter 59.12 office Board Room at Insurance Corporation 22,2004, atthe District's NOTICE OF PUBLIC Commission will hold a nificance (MDNS) on ence roomat tho~ appeals RCW. 1313 South Columbus payable to the order of the office at 1313 SouthHEARING public hearing on Apri119, March 26, 3004 under Department environmeT Xl. Avenue, Goldendale, Commission of Public Columbus, Goldendale, NOTICE IS HEREBY 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the SEPA Rules (Chapter Employment and Training be acc |I For further information, Washington. The hearing Utility District No. 1 of Washington, 98620, at GIVEN that the Klickitat Klickitat County 197-11 WAG) and the (120 S. 3rd Street, Suite Klickitat C0~ please contact: will include the following: Klickitat County, or by a which time and place the County Board ofC o u r t h o u s e , Klickitat County 200, Yakima), in order to Departme~ I Household Realty Developing a backbone bid bondwithacorporate bids will be publicly Commissioners willholda Commissioners Meeting Environmental Ordinance finalize their recommen- Main, M~ Corporation electric system available surety licensedtodobusi- opened and read. The public hearing on Room, 205S. Columbus, Number 121084 for the dations regardingthepro- Goldendale,l] Attention: Mike Roe to the landowners in the ness in the State of bid documents and speci- Tuesday, April 20, 2004 at Goldendale, WA.following proposal: posals received in until Aprillti~ 961WeigelDrive portions of above-men- Washington in an amount fications may be obtained 1:30 p.m. in the Klickitat THE PURPOSE of said response to the WlA EImhurst, IL 60126 tioned sections as stated not less at the District's office. County Courthouse, hearing is to hear all inter- SEP2004-09 Applicant: Youth RFP.(1414) CALLIIm Phone: 800-958-2418 in the boundaries of the than 10% of the amount Each bid shall be accom- Commissioners Meeting ested parties who wish to Mountain Meadow Dairy, The City Ext. 7929 petition, of thebid. Each bidtobe partied by a certified or Room, 205S. Columbus, testify for or against the inc. (Robert Schmid) ~ seeking s~] Dated: January 27, 2004 Establish a method of firm and binding for 60 cashier's check on a bank Goldendale, WA.following proposal: proposing to build a 100 ft DETERMINATION OF new fire tr~ I First American Title determining and collect- days after the time set for that isamemberofthe THE PURPOSE of said ZON2004-01: x192 ft feeding barn. The NON-SIGNIFICANCE atedequipr~ Insurance Company, as ing assessments of costs the bid opening. Bidders Federal Deposit hearing is to hear all inter- Applicant: David property location is within Notice is hereby given ifications(;~ said Trustee to the landowners, are advised upon comple- Insurance Corporation ested parties who wish to Crumpacker requesting to a portion of Section 19, that Klickitat County from the _,L~Lj 2101 Fourth Ave. Ste. As provided by State Law, tion of any contract payable to the order of the testify for or against the rezone 32.58 acres from T6N, R11E, W.M., issued a Mitigated p.O. BoxOt~I 800, formal protests against awarded to them they Commission of Public following proposal: Extensive Agriculture Klickitat County, WA (35 Determination of Non-Big- Bingen, w/t~L~ Seattle, WA98121 the Wheatland Road must furnish a certified Utility District No. 1 of Applicant: Brad Amer (EA20)to General Rural Schmid Rd, Trout Lake, nificance (MDNS) on calling (949)477-5830 Local UtilityDistdctwillbe statement of the nature Klickitat County, or by a requesting Road(GR5) zoning designa- WA). March 29, 2004 under Sealed bids~l (1407, 1702) accepted until 12:00 noon and source of items in bid bond with a corporate Construction Variance to tions. The property is After review of completed SEPA Rules (Chapter mitred by ML,.~1 NOTICEOF~LI--'~ the day of the hearing, excass of $2,500 utilized surety ~icensed to do busi- reduce theroad right-of- Iocated within a portion of environmental checklist 197-11 WAG)and the no later thS~l HEARING Randy L. Knowles, in the performance of the hess in the State of way standards from 60' to Section 7, T3N, R11E, and other information on Klickitat County .__.¢t Klickitat Public Utility President contract procured from Washington in an amount 30' and the road construc- W.M., Klickitat County, file the Ktickitat County Environmental Ordinance District No. 1 Board of Commissioners sources beyond the terri- not less than 10% of the tion standards from 24' to WA (off Wnuk & Responsible Official has Number 121084 for the PUBLI(;~I~I Beard of Commissioners (1309,1408,1504) tonal boundaries of the amount of the bid. Each 12' for proposed re-divi- Snowden Roads, White determined that this pro- following proposal: KLICKIT,~I:~N01~I FORMATION OF LOCAL ~ United States, including bid to be firm and binding sion of Lot 2, SP-90-18. Salmon vicinity), posal will not have probe- SEP2004-10: Mark & OF COMMI~ Alaska and Hawaii. for 60 days after the time The property is located The Planning ble significant adverse Kristie Schmid proposing WATER- vR=,ttI UTILITY DISTRICT NO. Sealed bids will be The Distnct reserves the set for the bid opening, within a portion of Section Commission may make impacts on the environ- to build a100' X160' steel RATEHEA~ 20 received by thedght to reject any and all Bidders are advised upon 23, T3N, R10E, W.M., recommendation to the ment. Copies of the dairy freestall barn. The Tuesday,/k~,I WheatlandRoad Commission of Public A petition was filed with Utility District No. 1 of proposals, and to waive completion of any con- Klickitat County, WA (345 Board of CountyMDNS are available at proposed site is located 4:00pm JP tl Public Utility District No. 1 Klickitat County for Pole minor irregularities and tract awarded to them SW Eyrie Rd, White Commissioners tothe Klickitat County within Section 31, T6N, Klickitat PIll of Klickitat County, Inspection Bid 2004. Bids errors, they must furnish a certi- Salmon). approve, deny, table, or Planning Department dur- R11E, W.M., Klickitat Dated this 9th day of fled statement of the The Board ofcontinue the matter to a ing normal business County, WA (06-11-3100- Wastewater~-I requestingG°!dendale'a Washington,Local Utility willlst, be2004receiVedat 2:00until ApriIpM, March, 2004. nature and source of Commissioners mayset time and place, hours. Comments and/or 0013/00:479 Sunnyside 2004includedagen0~l°n'J I Distnct to be formed for P.D.S.T., at the District's PUBLIC UTILITY DIS- items in excass of $2,500 approve, deny, approve BY ORDER of theappeals on the above Road, TroutLake, WA). larmeeting.~ TRICTNO. 1 utilized in ~e pedormance of with conditions, table, or KlickitatCounty Planning environmental reviewwill After review of completed of Comrn~ the purpose of developing office at 1313 South Of KLICKITATCOUNTY. Ihe con~,act procured from continue the matter to a Commission dated this be accepted by the environmental checklist Klickitat 1t~] a backbone electnc sys- Columbus, Goldendale, (1311, 1409) sources beyond the terd- set time and place. 25th day of March 2004. Klickitat County Planning and other information on District. J c~ tern for the Wheatiand Washington, 98620, at Road area located in which time and place the ~ torial boundaries of the BY ORDER of theJames Dean, Chairman Department, 228 West file the Klickitat County Publicco~,~ Section 7 and 8, Township bids will be publicly Sealed bids will be United States, including Klickitat County Board of Curt Dreyer, Planning Main, MS: CH-17, Responsible Official has cussion tt~ Alaska and Hawaii. CommissionerSday dated this Director (1412) Goldendale, WA 98620 posaldeterminedwill notthathavethis pro- 4 North, Range 18 East, opened and read. The received by theThe District reserves the 22 of March 2004. until April 16, 2004.(1413) proba- beginning WM., situated in Klickitat bid documents and speci- Commission of Public fight to reject any and all Joan Fray, Chairman County, State of fications may be obtained Utility District No. 1 of ~ ble significant adverse the Board Washington. at the District's office. Klickitat County for: proposals, and to waive (1411) DETERMINATION OF ~ impacts on the environ- Goldendal0 minor irregularities and As requested by State Each bid shall be accom- TREE TRIMMING AND ~~ NON-SIGNIFICANCE The Tri-County Youth ment. Copies of the KPUD Io~ Law, Klickitat PUD panied by a certified or CLEARING RIGHT OF errors. Commission has set a cashier's check on a bank WAY, 2004 Dated this 23rd day of HEARING Council Review Panel MDNS are available at South public hearing for that is a member of.the Bids will be received until March, 2004. NOTICE IS HEREBY Notice is hereby given meeting has been set for the Klickitat County Go dendale, GIVEN that the Klickitat that Klickitat County April 1, 2004 from 1:30- Planning Department dur- 04/13/04, at 3:00 p.m. in Federal Deposit 2:00 p.m., P.S.T. on April (1410, 1505) County Planning issued a Mitigated 2:30 in the large confer- ing normal business the District's Goldendale Determination of Non-sicl- hours. Comments and/or Your Gorge Classified ad also appears in :, Hood River News; White 5simon Enterprise; The Dallas Chronicle; and the Camas/Washougal Post-Record 773-37 or toll free at 1 Announcement ............. 1-30 Schools& I~tmc~0o .................. 34-55 Buslnm & Financial ................... ,,~72 BUSINESS/ 1'5 rS TS 7S T/ 7all.Waned RNANClAL Gef ral General Medic# Of#ca , i i i i , ,,i i i ' i i ;i ~ ............ ....... .......... ,,i i i i i, , i BusinessOpportunities"'60 BESTWESTERN MAINTENANCETECHNIClAN Prr RETAIL sales person. SERVER, APanionForHeallng? ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Office Investments&Loans"'~"65 COLUMBIA RIVER INH Applications available at Fulltime&padtJme If helping others heal is I -- BILLING COMPUTER: sional, Insuran(m"''--"""70 Responsible for installing, Stone's Sports, 500 E. 2nd, Experienced server in fine your passion, we have a Klickitat County Treasur- located in dl~nfk#ll~l~"~l!gll;fLl~ ~~o ~ ;e~'eL~~ ~ ties to in~ 60~U~t~ Ca11541-352-6602.we. offer comprehensve pacement poston, Gold- ordination TrY& ,~Tmm~o~tation .............. 109.122 employment. Should have strong electd- The Klickitat County Civil .............. 124-285 OpportuniUes include cal troubleshooting skills, Service Commission will be The ticket to a dream job benefits and an environ- endale, WA. Duties include agement. 1 ~A~lsetl~& ........ all areas ofpneumatics experience, & testing for the position of might be a scare ment of excellence. We receiving tax payments/ sition that ( Agriculture ................ 285,32~ 6' COMMERCIAL Spanish Housekeeping and experience with PC & PLC Communications Officer on High,Paying Postal Johel have the following positions questions from the public tential. The cedar Humidor, $1500. FrontDesk. controlled systems. Weld- Saturday, May 1,2004. NoExpedenceRequlmdl open: and processing excise tax didate will I, Rentals ....................... 3,~,415 360-833-9964. ApplicatJonsmeybe ing, fabrication, plumbing, Written test will begin at Don't pay for information forms; performs data entry puter skills, ReaIEstate .............. .419452 Chim~C~ni~-~- submitted Mon/Thurs only. & mechanical skills are 8:00 a.m. at the PUD, 1313 about jobs with the Postal • Housekeeper of tax payments; balances and able i ~,ra Service or federal govern- ~gencyNunle computer input with collec- wide rang~ .............. ,454.540 9 year old company serv- 735 WaNaPa St., helpfuI.TwoyrAssoctate S. Columbus Avenue, ment. Call the Federal ~l~/~¢tor~lSen~ ments:ti°n register.high schooIRequire'diplo- combinationC°mpensSli ing the Gorge. Vehicle, Cascade Locks, Or. degree or 5 yrs expedence Goldendale, WA 98620, Trade Commission toll free, ma/GED and one year of plus a per~ Directory ................... ,f~8.70~ Tools, Customers, and BUY-,SE~~p desired. Must be willing to followed by an Oral Board 1-877-FTC-HELP, or visit ,Pound, Director progressively responsible all office I~ work rotating shifts & pro- that will take place at 11:00 to leam morn. . RadlologlcTechnologts~T bookkeeping or general ac- resume witf Wrapup .... Training provided. $25,000 fee.Nodoortodoor, vide own tools. $10-$14 a.m. theHoli~ ............. ~ Cash. 541-386-4999. CalI1-8OO-FOR-AVON. A public service maslaga .R~eptlenlld counting experience, pref- ment exp~ ~51n~~ 541-739-21It(local call)offersPer hr anDOE'excitingCARDINALgrowthlG ApplicatiOnscfiption canandbe pickedJ°b de-up theFTC,fr°m The Dill. Chronicle and For more information, erably in government ac- salary hast01 opportunity with an industry at the Sheriff's Department, www.mcmc.nat, omall at counting. Wage: $11.05 to c/o T.D. cl'tt &Loans Central Washington Com- leader using state-of-the- Klickitat County Court- ~ hr~mcmc.nat, or call us st $11.SgperhourDOQ.1910, The ~odgage ~ .t.296.7510, Application packets at 97058/il prehensive Mental Health, ad manufacturing pro- house, 205 S. Columbus, ddlltMIl~ MId.ColumbiaMedlcalCImter Klickitat County Personnel Recepl~rlll# MAJE a multi-disciplinary team cesses, Excellent benefits. Room 108, Goldendale, agency, is recruiting for a Drug free workplace. EOE. WA 98620. Or you may call 1700 E. 191h Strict Department, 509-773- Adminlstral~ Happy Ads( ........ 2 Private money loans. Any Case Manager in Golden- Apply at OR Employment Dept the Civil Service Office at The Dall~,Orngon 7171, 205 S. Columbus, needed for ,-I"l MS-CH 16, Go,dendale, ting D,; JI Card of Thanks ........ 5 property type. Any credit dale. This position providas orwww,WorkinglnOnigon. 773-2483 or email We currently have a pad- ~ WA 98620, E- swedng tu=~j~ Notices ....... 10 situation. Call now! Becky case management in home org through 04.06.04. civilsc@co.klickitatwa,us, time position available for Events ......... 15 Johnson. 503-525-3571 or and field atong with intake/ "~ Closing date is 5:00 p.m., Local City Driver in The for dental office. 32 hrs per mail:lynn@co.klickitat.wa. week, excl phone skills & tomer serV~_d~ US or Personals ....... 20 503-752-3441, evaluation services; cdsis Espresso drive thru and April30,2004. Dalles/Hood River area. communication skills a for AP and ge"llll SuppodGroups .... "25 intervention and coordinat- convenience store in Hood There is a $20.00 non-re- Must have a CDL with Haz must. Able to work inde- info. Application deadline required bY ~ I ing treatment plans. The River. Basic accounting fundable fee for this exam. Mat and D/T endorsements pendently, some computer April 9, 2004 at 5:00 p.m. This perSOn~ I Lost &,~p~r,so~81~Found .......... 30 maintaing°al of thisthe individualpositi°n with-is to skills, ordering, staffing, Applications and exam fee AsandaausFCleanReddawayMVR record.era, skills necessary. Contact Postmarks not Accepted. ible,tient andCalrn";ikil~Jttll ........ ' ' ' ' '' .... in the community and re- pricing, inventory control, can be mailed to the Klicki- p/eyes you will enjoy corn- Sabdna at Dr. Nichols of- An EOE. supervisory skills, sales, tat County Civil Service petitive pay with excellent rice. 541-296-9415 dance, tear1 DmCrCRE nONIm TOP $$$$ PND NOWduce or minimize dysfunc- customer service, etc. Commission, 228 W. Main benefits. Please send re- ~ ~-- c°untabili~,~l'l~ Coordinator:. do assigr~'.~l~ • " Columbia&BuriaiCremation ~ipFou,800,,637,3677F°rn°t~and¢°ntracts degreetl°nal relatedBachet°r'Shuman avaiI.Fle~JbleFax hourS.resume to:BenefitSTanns Street, MS-CH 36, Gold- sume to: 1701 S.E. First Home has full and part time Central Washington Gem- timely man=~lll 541-296.6699 services field; and hvo .~ 541.296,1426 or apply @ endale, WA98620. Street, Redmond, OR. evening shift positions prehensive Mental Health, ed include ~';l'J ~RE~G~N~N~?-~-~e~-h~Ip? ~PLO~ years experience and/or training; or equivalent corn- Rive76 t01N. 2rid, HR ~ 97756. Attn: John Vincent. available for Certified Nurs- a progressive community M-F BanefUl-Jill EOE i ng Assistants. Caring for ;7'~g,~ Oregon Veterans is what mental health center, is D[~eepr~t.I. Call Pregnancy Resource bination of education and ~ RESIOENTtALCOORDINATOR ~ we do best. Join the team currently seeking a candi- Center at 773-5501. Free HelpWanted -"75 experience. Please call for Hood River County. date with good organiza- HoodRNer,~lU PositJonsWanted .... 80 509-575-3894 to request Preferred candidates will Mid-Columbia Center for Tanker Endorsement. Must that offers competitive tional, customer service pregnancy testing. Volunteers .............. 82 an application. Please in- possess an educational de- Living is seeking a full-time be willing to work odd hrs & wages, and a great work and decision making skills 3obOpportunities .... 85 clude resume when re-greewithemphasisinei-RegionalAdult&Residen-weekends. Income DOE. environment. For more in-for our White Salmon of- In Home Servioss''"'--"89 turning your application, ther civil engineering, man- tial Coordinator to provide Send resume to PO Box formation or to apply lice. Must be able to act as ii ~: ChildChtld CareCare WantedPr°viders .... ""'9095 ADNEOE agement or building trades technical assistance to 1006, The Dallas, ASAP please contact Oebbie liaison between the client Diaper Services .... 100 C~------ coupled with experience in county developmental dis- ~ Wentz, Human Resources practical road building and abilities (DD) programs and Grocery retail experience Director, Oregon Veterans' and clinical staff and work 3K-5KS~'I in a multidisciplinary team ~1 w. c"°"°'C'orou0 T,p. 0ostoo o .--c,so, o.noo0, r.0n. 0rov.. ,o .0u,. o o,OOV--n.O.v. oc.0, e u.s voc. ALCOH~G~0~-7pm @ Wamic Church. resume to 541-386-1203.River' Exp. necessary. Fax naungSigning publicW°rk andworksCOOrdi-pro, children residential place- Submit resume with a copy The Dalles, OR. 97058 or . tional/technicaJ t1'aining be- endale meetings at the ~ jects. The selected cendi- ment covering the Eastern of your DMV driving record call 541-296-7190, ext 241. yond HS and 3 yrs. office ADVERTISl~dl~resentative.i[j United Methodist Church; "The Ticket to a dream job great benefits for FT. Apply date will have good corn- Oregon region. Requires to: P~ exp., preferably in a health- Red'B-ook ~li"l Mon.,8p.m;Wed.,Sp.m.; might really be a scam.* at 209 Oak St. HoedRiver. munication skills with a sol- knowledge ofDD OAR's Klickitat County Public care setting. Min. $8.91per ~orge."-F~ll3] id, successful background and tha Oregon public ser- VPSakmDepattrnent#87 Health Department is ac- hr., 30 hrs. per week. 2149WC4Bcm~8ults106A, cepting applications for Please cell 509-575-3894 with bene~til Fn., 8 p.m., 109 E. Broad- GovemmentWIIdllfeJol~! Hoo~~M~a- as a leaders, motivated vice system for DD servic- HoodP~,ORg?031 way. l-800-999-9210. GrutPayandBeneflts dna Chevron are now ac- personnel and nsk man- es. Requires Bachelor's in pad-time position in White to request an application, ing"p°teq '4,-I C-rystal--Meth--A-nonymouss NoExpedenceNe~ ceptingappl=ationsforall a9ement. Familarity with human sarvicefieldand2 ~ Salmon, Performs family Equal Opportunity Em- e~ceraClE~.~l~--lu~ C)uts,.~,~'l~ planning services in the ployer/ADA ed, self..~,,~ To protect yourself, call the positions.'Must be able to Pavement Management yrs. human service exped- COORDINATOR DSHS Community Servic- ~ pl'ayer-wiff~ P'~J "Survivors". Fd 8-9pm,'401 Federal Trade Commission work nights & weekends. Systems software is a plus. ence; or HS diploma and 5 Skamanle County es Office. Requirements: quickbooks, MS Works, & & strong..,~L] E. 10th, Unit Recovery toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP, Apply in person at Salary range $49,000 to yrs. experience and train- Extension Office Registered Nursing Li- gen. computer knowledge skills. R~ Foundation, The Dalles. or 1108 E. Marina Way. $65,678/ennually plus a ing with the DD population. 30 hours per week cerise; two yrs. of incraas- incl. quarterly tax returns & clude pru,~ I)EMEM-T~s-IJi~PORT-GR~I~ APubllcServlce~ -- generous benefti package. Must be DIS ( Oregon Salary$13.97-$15.20/hour ingly responsible work ex- Friends, family & caregtv- from The Dallu Chronlde and ~foo~'r~foref Applicants must complete a Intervention System) certi- Position provides leader- penance which provides payroll. 509-493-4567. acc°untS~. Aim ere of people affected with theFTC. HRC application and sub- fled or be able to obtain ship & management of on- the knowledge, skills, and ~ growing 8'.,~i Dementias. 2nd Wed. of ALCO-HOL-&0~RUG-- mitwith answersto ques- certification. Must have going Skamania County abilities of the position. Manage all aspects of can- i-ngacc°U~ every month. 10-11am. COUNSELORI Part time prep cook & line tionaire to .HRC Adminis- ability to communicate el- wildfire management pro- Wage: $17.57 per hour. tral support for a $2.7 mil- lication I Oregon Vetaran's Home. cook needed.Applyin tration, 601 State Street, fectively; work indepen- ject under Skamania Application packets at lion non-profit based in achieving-I Public is welcome. For info Mid-Columbia Center for person at 102 Oak St, Hood River, OR 97031 by call 541-296-7190. Living is seeking a full-time Hood River, Oregon. 4:00 p.m., April 23, 2004. danUy; and have good or- County-WSU Extension. Klickitat County Personnel Hood River, OR. Duties in- Must ~ A&D Counselor-I to per- Fax # 541-386-9392. Hood ganizational skills. Exten- Bachelor's Degree in natu- Department, 509-773- clude budget preparation/ transp°~--"i] er's lice~ ~s~ form substance abuseq.(.oo~,.p,.~¢r~(.ote~. RiverCountyisanEOE sive travel is required, ral resources or related 7171, 205 S. Columbus, monitoring, forecasting, t-oLittie~ Telecommutin9 is an option field or education & expert- MS-CH 15, Goldendale, contract compliance, over- Tues, Wed, Fd at noon. screening, evaluation and ~~ within the region. Salary ence demonstrating the WA 98620, E-mail: see accounting/payroll, 1910, ~ Thurs 6:30. Sat, 8pro. Sun, treatment in a rural com- 7pro 401 E. 10th, The munity mental sitting in Council, Inc. (Head Start) is range $3,238-3,936/mo. + knowledge, skills, & abil- or provide consultation/sup- 97058, J Dallas. T~.~ The Dallas. Requires AA in Hood Rtver Hotel PT Night currently seeking applica- excellent benefits. Drugfree ities necessary to perform www.klickitatcounty.o~g for port to managers, ability to LRB(~a~"r.ii alcohol & drug studies, Audit. Apply in person 102 tions for the following poem- Workplace/EOE. For up- the essential functions of info. Position Open Until handle detail and multi- Sensibly). Tuesdays 8:30 human service or related Oak St, Hood River, OR. tion: Prank'ton full day full plication & job description, the position. For infer- Filled. An EOE. task. Prefer non-profit ex- year child care, 3 to 5 year contact Shaleen at 541- mation & to request an ~~ pedenca with multi-funding a.m. to 10 at Riverview field and 2 yrs. experience LOCAL-~est-ablis--sh~-~ old classroom, 1 Child Care 296.~u452. C~N14/01" application packet contact: : streams. BA/BS required, Comm. Bank. 773-0456. in the substance abuse taurant seeking Exp. Chef Teacher CDA preferred, 1 MBA desirable. Starting treatment field. Requires Die T. Helgerson, WSUi salary $35-$40K DOE, full ]'~C)p~S iTakeoff-l~ounds CADCI or equivalent cer- Salary DOE. Bring resume yr. exp. with age group, 35 ~ Extension, 255 SW Russel, .............. benefit pkg. Submit re- Sensibly), Thursdays, 6 tification. Salary is $2,289/ to 207 Oak Ave, Hood Riv- hrs/wk, $8.40 per hr., 12 KITCHENMNL~.~ER Stevenson, WA 98648, ACCOUNTS MANAGER, Re- sumes to: HR Manager, p.m. at Riverview Comm. me. + excellent benefits, st, OR. 541-386-1996, me/yr, Benefits. Applica- Bank. 773-5301. Bilingual (English/Spanish) Metal Fabricator lions will be accepted until 509-427-9427, helg~ ceivabtes, accounting, PO Box 661, Hood River, preferred. EOE/Drugfree noon April 9, 2004. Appli- or you may down computer skills, Apply with OR 97031, Fax: 541-386- Women's Cancer Support workplace. For application cations and job descnp- load the job description & resume at Hattenhauer 8436 or email: group. Open to all women packet contact Shaleen tions may be picked up at application from our web Di~t. Co., 201 W. First St, with cancer. Come join us 541-296-5452. CloNe OR or WA Em~oyn"~nt site at The Dalles, OR. No phone calls please. the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 4/1~1/04. Offices and should be Legal Secretary. Experi- of the month from 6:30 pm mailed to Mid-Columbia Return application to enced preferred. Send ra- te 7:30 pm at Celilo Cancer Auto Sales person needed, Children's Council, Inc., POB 790, Stevenson, WA LOSt PI~ Found PI~ sume to Foster, Peachey & Center. For more info con- Mtn. 3 yrs exp. Great in- 1100 E. Marina Way, Suite 98648, or at the WSU Ex- Young. LLP, 420 E. 3rcl St, come Potential. Apply in 215, Hood River, OR tension office no later than The Dalles, OR. 97058, tact: Lyn at 296-7205. person at 3028 W. 6th, The 97031, EOE. 5:00pm Fd., April 23, 2004. DaUes. 54t-296-1901, Seeking a positive, enthu- siastic and energetic per- son with pizza production Local manufactunng corn- experience. Must be ca- piny has an opening for a pable of hands on man- Steel Fabricator. Must be agement of a busy, fast able to read drawings and paced pizzeria kitchen. Job follow tolerances to form description includes coot'- heavy metal parts using dinating incoming orders, shears, press brakes and training and efficiency of related equipment. Be able kitchen staff, food prepar- ation,inventory manage- BAKER to align, adjust and set-up Now accepting apptlcatlena ment, and quality control. A verson or simtlar type for full time HATURAL FOODS 2+ yrs. exp. Formal training .... ......... helpful or equivalent on the press brake. Great benefit CLERK, Apply in person at team player assisting in job training. Need knowi- package, must pass phys- ~1867f21hSt, maintaining a positive, fun Preschools'-"""""""35 edge of breads, sweet tcal and drug screen. Apply Hood RJvor, OR. working environment. Schcots/Treiniog .... 40 breads, cakes, pies, etc. in person at: Hogg & Davis, Qualified applications ac- DENTAL ASSISTANT: 3 days Tutodng~45 For full service bakery. Ap- tnc. 3800 Eagle Loop OREGONIAN CARRIER need- ceptad at Andrew's Pizza, per week. X-Ray certified a must. Mail or drop off re- Instruction -~ 50 ply to Charburger Gift Odell, OR 97044 Mon-Fn, ed. Fuel efficient car re- 107 Oak St. Hood River, sumes to 1210 Dry Hollow Health & Fitness "--"""55 Shop, Cascade Locks, OR. 8:30-4:00, Salary DOE quirad, 541-296-3600 OR 97031. Rd, Sta 5, The Dallas, REC~CHBOARD person needed PT/FT for busy medical practice, 6 providers. Bi-lingual and expedence preferred but willing to train, No phone calls or fixes. Mail resume to: Human Resource Dept, 1108 June Street, Hood River, Or 97031.