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12-- APRIL 05, 2017
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Fun, Festive Ideas to Sweeten Easter Celebrations
(StatePoint) Spring is here, which means it's time for throwing memorable celebrations for friends and family.
Whether you are hosting an Easter brunch or attending a spring picnic, you can make these occasions unforget-
table with a few fun and festive additions.
Egg Hunt
No Easter celebration is complete without an egg decorating station for children and the young at heart. Stock up
on a .variety of paints, glitter, dye, stencils, and textured fabric, and let imaginations run wild.
Plan for your Easter egg hunt to take place outdoors, but have an indoor back-up in case the weather does not
cooperate. Make sure to take all the ages of participants into account when deciding where to hide eggs!
Sweet Treats
Anyone with a sweet tooth knows that Easter and delicious treats go hand in hand, so pay extra attention to this
essential element of your party. A candy buffet invites guests to try an assortment of treats. To satisfy everyone's
taste buds, offer milk and dark chocolates, Iollypops, springtime truffles and sour bunnies.
Stick with go-to candy makers like See's Candies, which uses high-quality ingredients and is one of the few re-
maining candy makers that ages its chocolate -- a process that imparts a smoother, mellower flavor and elevates
the overall taste experience, making it a great option for Easter entertaining.
Spruce Up
Take an opportunity to spring clean your home before your gathering. A
coming over can be great motivators for sprucing up your home,
new season and knowing guests will be
For decor, gather flowers to create colorful centerpieces, including tulips and Easter lilies. Use brightly colored
tablecloths and runners, scattering confetti and small sweet treats on tables for a special touch.
Easter Basket
Whether crafting Easter baskets or looking for a gift to take to your host, candy is always a great choice. No
matter what your basket or gift budget is, treats can be found in a variety of sizes and pric;ei:ranges -- from hand-
, decorated Rocky Road Eggs to chocolate bunnies and Strawberry Cream Lollypops. For Easter inspiration,
visit Sees.corn or their Instagram page ....
With a few sweet twists, you can spring into Easter with flair this year.
KVH from page 1
ly toward women's health and got more latitude time-wise
kids in the clinic. "I've been with people to dig for all the
seeing everyone from well stuff and look through every-
women and well kids, for their thing that's been done. And
yearly physicals and that sort then I try to come up with
of thing," she states. "This ideas for what might be cans-
winter we had a lot of sick care ing the person's pain. That
patients, flu and strep and eve- covers a lot of ground, along
rything else that's been going with trying to pull together
around. I just had a baby come a large overaU composite pic-
in, probably three or four days ture of the person so that I can
old, and I've had a 90-year-old make the referring doctor's job
patient, so it spans the gamut." easier. And then I put together
And then there are the a plan."
GOGs. "I have a soft spot in my Baumeister says there is a
heart for grumpy old guys," wide range of possible factors
she says. "You know, those affecting a person's percep-
tough farmers who don't want tion of pain. "You look at eve-
to comein and see you and give rything going on with the per-
you a bad time--and that's OK. son: does it impact their ability
We end up getting along. But I to have relief from pain? So
also like kids and everybody they're not sleeping because
else, so it's all good." they have anxiety because of
T. John Baumeister is an a fight or whatever, and all of
osteopath specializing in pain a sudden their pain is worse,"
management. He's been in he points out. He goes on to
and out of Goldendale for just paint a striking picture the
under a decade, brain's capacity to perceive--
"Nine years ago I came accurately or otherwise, some-
through, and I was one of times--thresholds of pain.
Rob Wing's first customers," He has views on the chang-
Baumeisterrecalls."Ihadhim ing terrain of prescription
dragging me all over the place pain treatment. "I think
for three years before I bought expectations were different,"
a piece of property. I like the he says. "It used to be pain was
east edge of the Cascades the fifth vital sign. Insurance
because, based on where you companies weren't reimburs-
are, you can dial in the right ing if you weren't addressing
amount of rainfall--not too pain. So we did it." Physicians
dry, not too wet. I came over and providers were writing
on weekends." pain medication prescriptions
Back then he was doing because they felt like they
a brisk business at Swedish had to, because that was what
Medical Center in Edmonds, they were getting judged on,
Washington. A turn of the Baumeister says. "It's hard
wheel of life at the hospital to really legislate medicine
resulted in Baumeister being because people don't work that
laid off in December. "My way. You try to provide guide-
wife said, 'Well, why don't you lines, but guidelines suddenly
call that hospital in Golden- become rules, and then rules
dale?' So I started calling and suddenly become laws. Then
checking on things with Leslie all of a sudden you're ham-
[Hiebert, KVH's CEO] back in strung, and it becomes a big
October." catastrophe."
So here he is, being seen by But here in Goldendale,
referral from a primary-care issues are more containable,
physician to see what hurts another advantage of a small
and why and what to do about town. Take GOGs, for exam-
it. ple. "Yeah, Grumpy Old Guys,"
"Pain management is about Baumeister says. "They're
what nobody wants," he says. great. Once they know they
"They are in pain. I really can trust you, they will latch
enjoy the investigation. I've onto you."
DINNER from page i -"'
learn about and celebrate Klickitat County Livestock
National Ag week and the Growers or theCattlewomen,
benefits of agriculture.
If anyone is interested in contact Josh at (541) 993-7374
membership with either the or Lauren at (541) 845-3046.
110 E Main St, Goldendale
Lik, The Sentinel
on Facebook.
Get a Pain-Re)ievirlg Knee Brace : : (~i. : :
At U~tfe or No Cost to, You ':" }M~icare Patients
You May Qualify f*, Free Shippi~: ail Us Riaht Now
We Do All "['he Paperwork ""
Bat'kBracesAlsoAvai]Bble :: ~ ~:C:~ ~,-v w-- . .,~..~,.~.
3 4
8 9
9 5 2
5 2
7 6
8 3
State[ oint Media
Fill in the blank squares in the grid, making sure that every
row, column and box includes all digits t through 9.
1) Intellectually sharp
5) "Immediately!"
9) Food wrap
14) Rat tail'?
15) Dove's site
16) Napoleon, for one
17) Flaunt boundaries
20) Avocado's center
21) Agents like Bond
22) "I double __ you!"
23) Lash out at
25) Flamenco shout
26) Crossed Greek letter
29) Yap
33) "Clueless" phrase
36) British bombers of WWII
37) Flight school achievements
38) Ankle-showing skirt
39) Quid pro quos
42) "The jig "
43) Dealers' clientele
45) A dunker may grab it
46) ___ a one (none)
47) Worst part of preparing to
mail a letter, to many
51) Aurora, to Greeks
52) "Anchorman: The Legend
of Burgundy" .
53) __ Antilles (Virgin Islands
57) Gillian's "The X-Files" role
58) Honey maker
59j __ chi ch'uan (martial art)
60) George Washington gave a
famous one in 1796
65) Do very well (at)
66) Cuba, to Cubans
67) Away from the wind, on a
68) Smiles expansively
69) Change your story
70) Some hair applications
26 27 28 !
i ,,.i....
54 55 56 !
1) Fraternity letter
2) Cases that hold pins and needles
3) Bridge positions
4) Unspecific degree
5) Academic types
6) Pirouette pivots
7) Gobbled down
8) Muscle/bone connection
She who prognosticates
10) Connection for some big wheels
11) "Blame It on ____" (Michael Caine
12) Gran Paradiso, for one
13) Word between two surnames, for
18) Put in long hours
19) Low-lying land
24) Swear to
26) Oklahoma city
27) Wonder's "My Cherie"
28) American mole?
30) Animal foot
31) Joan __
32) ____-on (happenings)
33) Cause to laugh
34) Jeremy of "Suburgatory"
35) Concepts
40) Commercial suffix with "Water"
41) Showed pleasure toward•
44) Haphazard urban expansions
48) Unassisted
49) Embarrassing way to be caught
50) Can't be without
54) Engraved stone pill
55) Art-studio fixture
56) Ascends
57) Have an opinion
58) Indonesian tourist destination
60) Second mo.
61) Fire, as a team manager
62) "His Master's Voice" org.
63) '60s hallucinogen
64) Scrap of cloth
Ce r N 8