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the couni
nent, whk
, along wit]
Health I)e
ng to dir0
has also k
markets, aI
for a grar
8, 2004
Boutique opens on Main Street
ler notes from the business beat)
~nwood, a regular
at Second Time
i Main Street, start-
Lg owner Dale
if he needed help.
'Mud called to ask
tail the store's used-
inventory in his
ng study, |(pictured), who has
ae through~ing stores before,
ploring it. Vppted. The result is
:ire pile out[at Boutique, open
Henwood and
poss!ble," ~eek.
;arry s orris., behind the bou-
be respo~Unter on Tuesday,
implemen~ feature ,men's'
state ~d children s cloth-
WAC 17~lew
items coming in
(called t~ as well as shoes,
regs'), t~s, and linens -
2oo3 but ~antique quilts.
month dell 6o or 7o cars in their yard came in over the
becoming( iday "class/s and* third-Friday winter, and many are late models; they also
The 350 have tires, wheels, and small parts, ancl they
ly address t
response,Madness' serapbooking get'- can mount tires and take in wrecked hulks.
pa~o ~+~have been packed since the • • .
,',fin'.~..~.~ia ',orner's February grand opening.
ism" at';at ..; runs her scrapbooking shop and
• . N the same , .
hmn~, a t) ..................... Elwood s Quahty Meats
°. With Kris's
,ethet~res F has been offenng fresh
bondm~s~, . :;~:~ ...... . .... : oroduce under thmr
u "la " "
lin-to KipI' w has awning for five weeks
the 350 ~,:hop ,. on ....... now, and even manager Rick Kauffman has
• . . dun K~smg sam her April 2 • ..
npelhrepi[ove .............. been surprised at the posltwe response.
rIUll, sue 11 hOSt anomer on tile
are, he ;~ " Owner Woody Lovelace said he plans to stock
le" than 0~ Yakima corn~ Hermiston melons and other
ace. .l . . • local produce in season. Meanwhile, said
said his o~ Lovelace, the dinner crowd at his adjacent
ag the RoSI Sodbusters restaurant continues to grow.
ng the t~gUessed~ Jim Allyn's birth weight at . . .
Lents.. ]~thd.ay .party, held over the weekend
2!:Tdi!~uicld~'g:?nt::e ~henwmghedt°Sr The annual Downtown Revitalization
~ig T s 22nd annual building supply ........ t ~ ~ -artment of
..... "lil b-- - msutute, run oy me s ate uep
sung tac' ']~lybecue came wathm aSa2eU2Ce,; Community, Trade and Economic
ounts in slo g
|0n .... ""- ........"~Development (CTED), has helped a lot of
, _~st guest, remand vam,mLvn sam Washington towns and neighborhoods over
S Was good all weekend
n All the last 18 vears. Director Susan Kempf says
• " ° "rl she hears~from them often. When City
FEUC A r~ " " " Administrator Larry Bellamy and Goldendale
nillion | Area Chamber of Commerce president Dennis
in- " t~J% ........... Goodrich attend in Tacoma next month,
Oellers ot ode s louqng got hiS ,
on E~ lice ..... they 11 have the chance to learn from a couple
)e"artme~ use a year ago, myento.ry has hundred of their counterparts from other
P ~.1/" g, and now he s readv to launch + ....
1.,775 ~]~iness in earnest. Sellers and yard ........ _ o..-.....-.
their re o,,,,, ~o,.,,y
•)~ ~!fis Randall said that many of the
mentbel~,,,:,, ................. , : ..... ~,, .... ~ , .......... .....
-lo!Wards contract for new well System
|:, riday night, the Goldendale public works direr- Ions per minute. The new site
l: Rh~ ~e. City Council tor will combine ground water
. . .
ik:--e mayor to enterSince the closure, the city from wells and the mountain
v" ~" "~i~'~)act with Allstar has been pulling water from springs water source into one
~ .-~ted for the city's CalDine wells. Griffin said that flow, allowing the use of one
.mat L~n Station Wellabifity to get water from treatment facility.
aoners ~V~). Caloine's wells zave the city The project requires a new
an ,0t ' " " "~ " s st
.---- .m~,0[ Richland, Wash., hme to put the new project pump, treatment y em, a
;~nm~e-Stresponsible bid- together, chlorinator system, a backup
~)pp~%l~toential firms ask- After the 2OOl drought, generator, a concrete building
~PNolll~ow !~1e the big-dollar Goldendale applied to the state to house it all, and three acres
~ouo:~ ~Stars bid of Drinking Water Revolving of security fencmg to contain
r°I~sl°~cl~eat out the next Fund, a low-interest loan pro- the site miles above town.
"WlU Del~Uer, Trans America, gram, and in the process, "The electrical work alone is
ct. ~'~Vp became the state's number one $250,0oo," said Griffin.
]l~v'vP. will bring the priority, said Griffin. Several Goldendale-area
~~hWell online. The Payments for the 2d-year sub-eontraetors were invited to
~}~'~::ate Department loan will come from attend a pre-bid meeting with
OSed Goldendale's Goldendale water and sewer the general contractors; as a
source, revenue, result, the large electrical sub-
two What does Goldendale get contract was awarded to a
for $854,367? Goldendale area electrician.
COted straight into "Water," said Griffin.
said Dave Griffin, Lots of water, up to 14oo gal--- Greg Skinner
to increase.., maybe, someday
done to restructure of city the amount it must send to the state. For exam-
State asked the city of Goldendale plea $25 fine paid for a loose dog costs the city
fall. "It's kind of been left on $15 dollars, which is added to the fine revenue
rner," said Larry Bellamy, for payment to the state•
administrator• Bellamy said "Yes we lose money in the police depart-
officials, ment," said Sigfrinius. He went on to explain
there is no set date, nor that most fines imposed go unpaid anyway and
and fee structure, unpaid fines don't cost the city a dime.
internally," said Goldendale Furthermore, explained Sigfrinius, only fines
"We don't have the that go through the courts require the higher
project done with outside help rate. Those paid with no contest cost the city
between $5o,ooo and nothing.
More important issues of fees and fines are
the entire General Municipal on the mayor's mind. "If Sprint does a
to be reworked; it's not just a $3oo,ooo project they can get a permit for $5,"
• "We may do it one [code] said Sigfrinius. As time better spent, he would
rather change the permitting process and thus
e pays a fine of less than raise the city's revenue stream, he said.
-- Greg Skinner
city loses money due to
Seminars help ag entrepreneurs
the the three-year history of
Seminars on value-added
agricultural products
If" April 14, at the Yakama Nation Agency
eadquarters in Toppinish.
• April 24, at the Benton County PUD in
For more information, call (509) 454 5743
ext. 134 or 129
tribes get a piece of the multi-
Rural million dollar pie. Products
host two include bid-diesel and fiber-
farmers, board from wheat straw.
economic "Washington State has been
s, reasonably successful in access-
and funds of
the program," said Dan
McNealy, of the Southeast
Area Rural Development
Office in Yakima.
Eighteen value-added
projects have pulled in $a-
million. "This is a good
record, but Washington
can do better," said
The proposal process is said
to be very competitive and the
seminars are designed to help
those who attend get a leg up on
the competition during the
review process.
4-1b Hills Black
Forest Hams each
Bone-in Hills $
1/2 Ham 1 Zb
Spiral Sliced
Hams lb
Boneless Choice $
Chuck Roast lb
Boneless Choice $ I
Chuck Steaks
The Old
Geezer & Rick
Fresh Pork $
Spare Ribs
Choice Beef Sirloin t;' '
Tip Roast ,
Fr h Stuffed $- I
Pork Chops
Boneless $ )
Leg of [amb
99¢ ea.
Lg. Navel Oranges
3 lbs for
4 for
Salad Tomatoes
bag of Potatoes