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Leatrice V. White
74, of Gre- White loved doing all types of
)ril 3, 2004 in handcrafts and art. She enjoyed
fishing and water skiing but
most of all enjoyed her family.
~N.M., to William and She is survived by her hus-
~owlton. She attend- band Don of Gresham, two sons,
~in New Mexico, Ca]- Terry and wife Rebecca White
~dOregon, and was of Payola, Karts.
on White on Dec.Don Jr. and wife Chris of
~iaGoldendale. While Monroe; five grandchildren,
'~d.ale, White worked eight great-grandchildren and
Safeway store, the four sisters, Sally Hancock of
[a White store and San Diego; Bea Mesecher of
Bank of Commerce. Goldendale, LoisVanderlinden
~!Y moved to Lyle in of Tulsa, Okla., and Ruslee Reed
t~metirn-e-~fle#~attetly 1967t° Carson and of Big Pool, Md.
~ric- tea¢!~°ntinued working in Funeral services will be held
J.~fin~ W~[atWhite Salmon until on Wednesday, April 7 at I pm
frep- nve~ he and Don bought in the chapel of Erdman Funer-
cts- "~' jaorae and spent five al Home with Pastor Ken Akins
ome~r~c ~.e road before settling officiating. Interment will be in
w Terracp" Mt. View Cemetery.
at 773-411
Melvin Bronkhorst
e year in tlr ' ' " "
^ ;, ~r onKnorst, 71, oI death.
an uun vs. ~l~di__. ,
~ssment (I/~eclMarcn31,2°°4, Survivors include one broth-
y petitioner, ~e. er, Allan Bronkhorst of GoIden-
EaRUAR~ 5[~rn June 26,1932 in dale, and two sisters, Evelyn
LaFrenz: 0~,t Wash., to John and Terry McDonald of Moses Lake,
guilty plea~orst, and Elva Riley of Yakima, and
ntact order ~ly moved to Golden- several nieces and nephews.
EBRUARV 6 |945, where Melvin fin- Funeral services were held on
Jgene BeckS'erUctation. April 3 at Erdman Funeral Home
ui% pl~ao, !~a'ed in the U.S. Army
PP. "...~P Korean Conflict and
aH set ~'~,~..C, oldendale where he
ael Shirk' 0~~t°fhis life.
al entered 5["er John and a sister,
~ring set. '~
in Goldendale, and April 5 at Val-
ley Hills Funeral Home in Sun-
nyside with Pastor Ken Akins
Interment will be in the fami-
ly plot of Sunnyside Cemetery.
's list
edition of The
from this area
Kathleen M.
r Commu-
and Candice
University of
honor by their college deans, reg-
istrars or honor society advisors
and must be in the upper lO per-
cent of their class, on their
school's Dean's List, or have
earned a comparable honor.
Listed students are eligible to
compete for $5o,ooo in schol-
arship awards funded by the
publisher, and may also use a
referral service for future
employment opportunities.
students participate in
;mble festival in Ellensburg
: Educator's
students were
Donnie Bellamy,
Laryssa Retzlaff, Sarah Baker,
Kari Stout, Gerald Golding and
Meagan Hanna.
All contestants received either
superior or excellent ratings.
of 1994
is cur-
anized and is
is being sought,
Annual Easter Egg Hunt.
Klickitat County Fairgrounds
Front park by the main entrance.
Hunt starts at 8 a.m. shaq .
to Mandy
Photo by Sam Lowry
Glenn Taylor (CENTER), was the winner of the quilt recently
raffled by Klickitat County Search and Rescue. Pictured here
with Linda Phelps (LEFT), and Eileen Porter and their res-
cue dogs. Search and Rescue personnel have been busy
lately, three of their members recently received their ham
radio licenses.
The Washington State Rela- to honor and tell others about
fives as Parents Program (RAPP), their passionate and dedicated
invites children from acros the relative.
state to write a poem or essay Entri~ must be submitted and
describing what living with a postmarked by Friday, April 93.
grandparents, aunt, uncle or The top two entries in each cat-
other relative has meant to them. egory will receive $1oo from
Interested children should Twin County Credit Union, spe-
describe how their relative has cial recognition, and more. The
made a positive difference in their first 200 entries will receive a girl.
life. Entries in the form of a poem For more information, contact
shotfld be 21 lines or less. Entries Shelly Willis at 1-877-813-2828
in the form .of a short essay or e-mail
should be 2oo words or less.
Entries must be an original
poem/essay and not one copied
or borrowed from another
Entries may be submitted by
children who are currently living
with, or have lived with a relative,
in the following age groups: 5 to
7; 8 to 12, and 13 to 19.
More than 35,ooo grandpar-
ents and other relatives in Wash-
ington state are raising children.
The Kinship Care Awards pro-
vide an opportunity for children
Turkey & Dressing • Honey-glazed
Ham • Spring Salad Bar • Cake
Beginning at 12:oo, Easter Sunday
Monday Nights
All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti
Starting at 5:00 p.m.
Marie's Homestead Restaurant
8o8 Dr. • 773-6oo6
Teachers, students and par-
ents spend a great deal of con-
versafion and energy on school-
work, class projects, test scores,
and grades. A student's regular
school attendance, mental alert-
ness and ability to focus often
determine his/her success. The
~hool nurse is an important sup-
port persori to all students to help
balance mind and body.
Goldendale School District
employs one nurse position on a
part-rime basis to serve its stu-
dents. The school maintenance
and operation levy finances this
position. The decision to provide
students and staff with a school
nurse was determined by the
members of the Strategic Plan-
ning Committees of 1993 and
The school nurse is a busy per-
son. The list of responsibiliries is
long and varied. Some of the
major tasks indude monitoring
student immunization records;
providing hearing and vision tests
for students grades K-3, 5, and 7;
conducting Scoliosis Screening
for grades 5,7,9; and supervising
head lice checks. Unfortunately,
not all students enjoy good health
aside from the occasional cold or
flu bug. The school nurse is famil-
iar with each child who has a
chronic and/or possibly life
threatening health condition and
prepares an emergency care plan
in the event that student becomes
ill while at school. She also pro-
vides our bus drivers this infor-
marion and the necessary train-
ing to deal with any of these con-
ditions. Students may also need
m take medication during school
hours, and the nurse monitors
this process. As you can see, her
primary responsibility is to put
processes and procedures into
place to ensure a safe, healthy
learning environment for our stu-
Educating students about the
importance of practicing a
healthy lifestyle is also part of the
Thank you to all o
friends, neighbors
all the prayers, food,
and gifts during Betty's
- Dale & Betty Cameron
Join us at
Leave The Tree-
Trimming To Us!
104:10 6:50 9:20
' 4:30 7:00 9:20
Decide for yourself during our special series
April 10 & 11
Easter Sunday:
Jesus Is Alive - True or false ?
Sundays at 11 a.m.
Also Saturday nights at 7 p.m.
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You love those beautiful old trees that have
been in your yard for generations. But when
they start growing too close to the power lines
and knock out the electricity, they're inconvenient and even
Leave the tree trimming to the professionals at Klickitat PUD.
Cutting branches near an overhead power line is not for
Call Klickitat PUD if you have trees that are getting
dangerously close to power lines. Our crews are trained to work
safely around live power lines and also how to preserve the health
and beauty of your trees.
Goldendale White Salmon
1313 S. Columbus 110 NE Estes
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1-800-548-8357 Kliddlllt PI~ 1-800-548-8358
0'm~l I~ I'lNm II Ilmu
school nurse's day. The school
nurse teaches HW/AIDS pre-
vention classes, assists schools in
anti-drug and smoking cam-
paigns, and is currently promot-
ing a '~alk for health" program at
the primary school Teachers and
students have the school nurse
as an onsite resource for ques-
tions and concerns about student
health issues.
As state laws are written
regarding school health care, the
nurse is the resident expert. Some
students need a great deal of time
and attention; some need a smile
and band-aid to heal a play-
ground wound. School nurses
deal with crises and making peo-
ple feel better. Having a nurse
insures a safer, healthier and hap-
pier place to raise and educate
the children of Goldendale.
Available every
New Life Assembly of God
1602 S. Columbus, Goldendale, Pastor Kevln
Gerehak. 773-4650. Sunday School 9:30 a,m,.
Morning Worship Service IO:30 a.m.. Evening
at 6 p.m,, Family Nighl on Wed. night.
7 p.m. includes Youth, Mtsslonettea. Royal
Rangers and Bible Study 7 p,m. Sat night
TN, service on channel 11.
Columbus Avenue Baptist, $.•.C.
815 N Columbus. Ooldendale. 773-4471.
Pastor Scott Lombard. Sul}day School 9:45
Morning Worship I 1 a.m.. Sunday
Evening Study and Worship, 6 p.m,; Team Kids
Sunday 6 - 7:30 p.m,: Wednesday Evening
Bible Study and Prayer. 7 p.m.
• ible Baptist Church of Goldendale
340 East Collins St. Goldendale. wA, (5091
773-4929. L. Parish Plumblee. Pastor. Sun-
day: Sunday School IO a.m.. Mornln~ Worship
Service 11 a.m_ Sunday Evening Service 6
p.m.. Wednesday Service 7 p.m. Nurl~ry Ser-
Provided. "Families Wal~g In The Old
Paths" Jer. 6: 16.
Holy Trlnity Catholic
307 Schuster. Goldendale. Father William
Byron. 773 4516; Sat Eve. Mass 6:30 p.m.:
Sunday Ma~a 9 am.: Spanillh Mass Sat.
evenln~ 7:30 p.m. Eve of lloly Days 7:30 p.m.;
Holy Days 9 a.m. and Dally Ma~ Mon,---Sat. 9
except Tues. 7 p.m. CCD Classes.
Wednesday afternoons 2;15 to 3:30 p.m,
Kindergarten through 6th grade. Wed.
Evenings 7:30 ~ 8:30. 7th throu4~l 12th grade.
Conlesslons before Mas~ Saturday~ at noon - l
Comm=aity Grace Breth~-~n
1180 S, Roosevelt. Gregory M. Howell, pastor.
773-3388. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Morning
Worship 11 a.m.; "The~gat thePlace'(ymllh
D'oup) 6:30- 8:00 Weth~adaFa at the C, ddea -
dale C_a'ang~ AWANA 6:2-5 p.m. W~hlead~.. Satur-
day Night Connection 7:00 p,m. "The lllble.
th~ Whole i~l~t, and Nothing b~t U~ IliI~L'
Christ the King Lutheran
S. Columbus and Simeoe Dr.. Goldendale.
773-5750, Wol~hlp Service SuMay 11:00 a.m,
Everyone wek-ome.
Un/¢ed Method/st
Columbus and Broadway. Pastor Pat Beeman.,
773-4461 or 773-4462, Worship 8a.m.&
10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9: IS a m. Nur~i~
A~illlble at 10:30 am. Call the church for regu-
larly scheduled events.
Church of the Namlr~mo
124 W. Allyn, Goldendate. 773-4216. pastor
Jason Young. Sundays: Sunday School 9:30
a.m. Worship service 10:45 a.m. Wednelldsy
Adull Bible Study 6:30; Jr. High & Sr. High
Bible Studies. Oclyp.~cy 6:30 p.m.
627 Woodland Road, Goldendale. Worship I
Servlees: Sunday 10:30 a.m,. Wednesday at ]
7:00 p.m. Woody Lovelace, Pastor. 773-9119.
CO~ clltm(:~
A Chumh of Che-=,i
The Da~s McunUOn l~ m ~. I~aor Kim
~,am, SunOay ~: Cl~t6tam'~ ~md~: St:ha~
at I0 a.m, Adult Sunday school at 10:20 a.m.
Morning Worhship Service at 11:00 a.m..
"A Piac~ where I/our ~m f~el ~o~4d~li"
207 S. Kliekitat Ave.. Pastor Steve Johnson.
773-4719. Sunday worship l0 a,m Basle Bible
Fellowship 11:30 a.m.. Wednesda0, Prayer at 7
~rll~t.m Home groupS available.
"Visitors cordlal~ w~com~ a¢ all ~.,m~,"