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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
April 11, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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April 11, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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iSHED 1879 STATE SAVE D SAYSI [A] OVernor Urges Era Of Conser- vation In Talk Before White Salmon Sportsmen a new This Year is the beginning of er~ of conservation, Governor Clar- ~ce I), Martin told 300 Western ickitat sportsmen and Grangers as- ;~bled at the annual b~nquet of the . t. Adams Fish and Game club held la White Salmon last Thursday• "Most of us here in the Pacific °rthwest fail to really appreciate ~hat he have" Governor Martin de.- elated. "And, if we don't look out ~O~le in other parts of the United ~tes are going to put a fence around tatl~.,~, Whole country of ours and save . Making a plea for conservation of ~ resources of Washington, the Yarner pointed out the recent ~llds toward sustained logging, re- ~;:tva:l!::r ?dr t i:°ilf ai~:d s e(:a:io°:_ ~at on his political aspirations for 49 despite the fact that State Rep- ~entative Earl S. Cue presented him ~th a red, deer hunter's hat with ~ admonition that he "toss it into ring.,, After this yee.r maybe all I'll have ~clo is to wear this hat," the Gov- ~! 6r replied, elks :Theme of the banquet, which as ~aaged by L,oren Triplett, of the ii. Adams game club, was the crea- ~o~ better understanding between ~ Sportsmen and the farmer. Mar- ~ Lunlij,, secretary of the Klick- gtl County Hunters and Anglers ~b, urged the sportsmen to coop- ~te more with the farmers. really d~m't see how even a ~er could do any better than the -,~flent game commission,' Lumi- ~i said, "but probably in the ~re We should have a couple of ~ers on the board. I believe the :. rtsnten by helping the farmer and ~.~Peratin with him can do more to ~e betger relations than anyone :i'. Lauds Lumber Company ~bert C. Martin, state land com- e'loner, in speaking on tbe sub- of conservation described the h~Qt~r ned yield logging program be- ~followed by the J. Nails ,Lumber ~--l~any in Klickitat county. He ~ised r ~ the program as a mode n, ~::r Boin;g:~ oI~a tt eM;:t it h: °ha°; , o- ~ O~thqu~tt. v~wS~r:::g:tn :hh: ~VChite ~Salmon school gymna- ~? Lurch Triplett acted toast- as ;~ er during the evening. ald Fenton t~rald Fenton, master of Klicki- t~P°n~ona" Grange, was named on h*~ advisorv~ board for the Central i:~a~hlag'ton~district fair to be hold ~lll~aklma this fall. Fenton's ap- ~)~t~eat was announced Monday ~ag in Yaktma. saber membens ~f the advisory ~cl are A. S. Hillyer, of Sunny- ~: ~ and Harold Pingrey, of Selah. ~t¢V~' • VCest will again he su,perin- ~t of the horticultural division. ~, WOodall, of Toppenish, is pres~- %~f the Central Washington fair ~alllzation. ~ ge Klein received the Knight ~l)lar degree at special ceremonies t~ Wednesday night at the Ma- tli~.~ t~ple in Vancouver This is ~ltigltest degree in York Rite Ma- %~ry. Be was accompanied to Van- ~zer by C. W. Ramsay. and Mrs. Clifford Pike and tee Pamela, spent Sunday in River v isiting with Mr~ Pike s The Largest Paid Circulation In Klickitat County Of Any Palmr (ha E&rth G ldendale, Washington, Thursday, April 11, 1940 Vol. 61. No. 15. " FIFTY-Y:~ R-OLD i ............ WENATCHEEcHiEFs ........................ : ............ ~iE ~.ii ............. CENt'S BOOK IS HERY STOP HERE ENROUTE DISTRICTS ![ COUNTY CALENDAR LGENT a tCOVERED HERE rM' it 1 HOME FROM SOUTH llr|| i • r/%qr r _ I aay--Co. c Festtva at I! f ll,llPIr l? "-------- , ~ K]lckitat, afternoon and eve i Family~tee haven t chang- [L,. IIUI W enatchee's pennant defend- [ WILL VeIL II - I! t l:BILll)n I nlng. ed ~nuch the eastern ----1 __ ins Chiefs of the Western In- I ][ Frida "o n's " half of Kli, at county during ~D~MEr~I terantional league s.topped off ~kl i~EI)~'DII in Y'~lu~h=::e 1:1:5~lnbmeet" fN,t~E ~EW the past 50years. At any rate Jl IUIII31.] in Goldendale Monday evening ~!~ lUlFJ~lOl~l~ I .a 'ebali " L.[tOl Ol~a 1 that's theimpreSs'ion one re- [ long enough for dinner Tl~e ] I y- a~ ------- ---- ~ I Klickitat - -------- ceives after reading through ............ f baseball team was enroute homeI,~ • _ .... If " ..... + ........ uovernor fflarl, ln sets ffll0-June] ~.~m M .... ~ ~He.~.t. wh~r~ I pr ng ureek, Bloekhousel[ Saturday----4-H club dance at Cen- Judge J. E. Stone Calls Jury io"; Ea;t~rn~"Klickit"a";-salvaT~ AS Tentative Date For Official/ they h"a~;e~"~ee~n'*-spe'ndl'ng'the I SchooLs May Consolidate Withl] terville. Term; Herbie Furman Will (;eremony Saturda3 Dance at Blockhouse Stand Trial from the records destroyed at past month in spring training. [ Goidendale; Election April 20t[ • ....... " • ~ / re I ----- I Saturday --- Rebekah lodge ob- the courthotme last .... week. , ormalY' dedication of the newl ......... Only 11 ball playerso we. | ............ [ serves olden anniversary, 8.00 Herbm' M. Furman 22-yea~r-old This census recurs, welch up- S r .......... l wl~n ~ne cme when tney seep- l rtesments o~ the ,~prmg ~reeK ann ]~ " g " _ ..... ' .... ....... p mg ~reez s~ate a]sn natcaery wasl ........... ! .............. ~| p.m., L O O. F. hall. Toppenisn ~rUCK ar~ver, pleaae~ m- paren~ly listea the names, ages ............ ! pen in Uolaenflale. THe oalance [utOCKnOUSe SCHOOl alStrlct Will vote II ... . " ............... ...... - . . ~entauve~y set for lnlu-June Dy L/OV-i ............. l ........... I|satur.ay -- uomename urange nocent to a negllgent nomlome ann mrtnptaces oI every reel- .-. ........... I el the ros~er Wll! ve een~ out ] on the question ot consoll(lation with l l ...... ............. ernor wiarence l). ,~viartln on hiS VISItI ........... I .............. |[ lneeting, 7•30 p m charge when arralgnea m~zore (lent oI l~llCKltat county Irom .......... $ [rum o~ner £-~e,w ]fOrK lanKee line ~ol(len(lal9 uistrict In a speclaI~ .... -" " ~ . ~ ' ............. here last weeK. The ueulcatlon, i ......... be ! ............. )[S~turday---Smoker at Glenwood Juuge J. E. Stone in superior court zae east city llJnl[s o[ (.~otuen- -- ......... I [arms 'Deror e tee nrst o£ t ]election to oe nolo April ZO. On the I~ . . " .~. . • . " .... ,.~ . .~ ~... ......... WIllcn Wlll De arrangeu Oy conner .... t_ ~v--* I ......... IISnn(~ily-.-~nuren services, nero las~ rnursaay. ~urman, W~,, (male ~o the county l,lne, ...... I season. A numaer oI ~ne we~t- I same say L~Olueno~t,le l•esioents will II . " ...... ".. . , . ......... = ....... sportsmen's organlzatlons, was nrstl ......... ~. _ ~ aI . _ . . |I~unoay--l-~llnDo~i {/Iris SliVer tea. was cnarge(l wltn negtlgent nomt- on (llsplay at tHe county asses- ern tn~ernatmnal ,o a u ~ u a ~ ~ vote on aproposition to consolidate ll " " . ......... , .~. tentatively scheduled for May Martini ........... ~.= I ............ II Masonic temple, 2"30 to 5"(~) ciaeearly ill ~'e~ruary IOllOWlng ~or s O'K1ce, .. ..... "~'. ...... I ~eams Wlll travel ~nrougn ~o~u- I wien ~prlng ~reeK ann to consolluate ~ • ~ - " " . ...... ........... ~umijarvl secretory oz the l~llCKtta~l ....... ..... I ...... II v m ~ne sea,it of l~ouald Angus cahoot- AltHOUgH no uonnlte CHECK ... - ' ....... I on(male taring the comlng eum- l witn l~locKnouse [! =• • • . . • ' ..... r~unters ana Anglers clue saKl I ....... ,____ I ' [IMonday---~lt_v council. 7•00 O m ver t)asKebball player in an auto ac- was mane i~ seems sale ~o say a .... " I mar now tHat ~atem ass Dean I The election is b~in~ h~,~ 0, ,~.. H - " • -" " • ....... " rne ost onemen~ was ma(le at - ~ -,~,-- ,~ --ull~#,....~.... ~.~ ..... ~--~-,~.~¢~-~ n~ Cl(lentnear l~-it willbe trle(l at- comparison of the current 1940 __ P . p ........ I granted a franchise in the fastIre-nest of .,~+~+; ..... ~ .... I- "-~ +~-^ |[ ........... " .......... -.,~- v. -=. ,. Y ' . _ census .flgur~ for the same area the request oz. ~aovernor ~larun ..... Tne'l Northwest ch'cutt. ]~ thr'l , "" rV'~'~''~*~'°''~ v~.. ,,. .~"v Ill' ,!,....~.,,.__o.]o.,, c~tnt~ .............. l~,~ht~la ,.~o fetY, in. Iore a~superior, court jury lvlay '1 . .......... Governor, while in this county iast[ I ee dlst lets concelned. . Ill o, der I! s,c"tlon begins here FuIm~al't is free on $1500 bond at With trim om census woum re- . . -~ ~ ~. • fm the consohdatmns to become ef i the r i ....... weak said that his many school com-1___. - . -- [ • -.|Wednesday---Landscanin~, meeting, p esent time. The acc dent in :~:: t::t s:f;e:a::~Yesnames m mencement speech obligations about Khck~tat 5at fectiv.e the proposition must .carry by H " ~Tali: ....... which Ang~as~ was k~lted occurred " the state would make it virtually im- ~r~ r~ =" = . ] a ma~ority vote m each district, Mrs. I - February 6 on the E~rergreen high- . e~ a* -- possible for him to appear at a hatch-I IO r_,mermm I Sue Morehead, county superintend-[ ~Z------'-=--. --~--= ....... way ~bout two miles west of Lyle• Vehicle ;aatety ery dedication scheduled earlier than IChamber Takes , • ent said ~ car• dmven" by Angus and occupied ~- * --- ~ June 15 a--~, ~,o~,av~a Elections In Afternoon I ¢'~ ~e .~,. by five other Vancouver youths, itatlon TO Open Governor Martin, along with other I --'--'---- ] At the present time Blockhouse is[ bponsorsmp Ut crashed into the rear end of a park- The town of ,Khckitat will be host tr~ns or in • " p t g its students to the " ed truck Furman the driver of this prominent state officials, will speak . ' ' . . : , Here On Tuesday at th~ .odi~aHan the seventh annual county musqe Goldendale school. This arrange-[ Goldendale Bane tru,ckhad left it parked along the festival Friday April 12 Grade a ment has b f ----- said The exact date for the event will , • ten ollowed for the past[ ----------- . . edge of the highway early that day ,Officials of the Washington state .- .......... thigh school students from all parts l three years School was last held in[ Definite assurance that Golden(]ale because of mechanical difficul'- _ . no~ De se~ until next munro, ne aaa-[ [ • [ ....... ' ty. highway depa,rtment announces zo- _~ [of the county will participate in thelthe Blockhouse district in 1936 37 ,win nave an active oana orgemza- 0ia.~__ v. .. a eu. - " tion 1 th s "u~rs oury Drawn day they would establish free [festival." The grade school musicians Spring Creek is holding school at, dur ng e coming summer wa A~ ........ tHe ~Ime el ~ne accident he vehicle safety inspection station in _. __' I will perform during" the afternoon] the present time and has about 15Ireeeived, this week with the signing wa~ m ..... ~Hlgcn ~'lare • (~oldendale, April 16. This station Farm Programs ~.d the h, igh school students will]students" Blockhouse has appoxi-}°fa contract between band membersI about ttle tr(Ick b~lt behc?:u:Yo~ lte:: iwill be continued hero until May 11 ~_ . /! / / • take over the evening program Imatelv 17 students at this time land Chamber of Commerce guar-[ ~ .' .' . ' r ks" ~ " " ' " " ~antee n to "250'heavy x'a, iu that was rolling at the During that time all cars t uc smmsne m rPhe following schools are sending[ ...................... ] ing finn cial support up ~ • ................. ' ' " | I J. ue elec[loll~ Will U~2 nero m tue l . - . u.~e Lttel'e ls UlSpu~e over whether trailers school buses and for hire D2--1_l--~--_ ~_ __ i students" Centerville Bickleton, Co-| schoolhouse in each district fr i The b~,nd, in a contract slgnea uy ol not th " " " ' Dl l lel:nn #ut~'~ " , ' | om~ ...... " ey were Darning when the vehicles must be inspected. ~ " a'=~"~'~llumbia Union Klickitat Trout Lake [ ................ [itsInaividum memoers, Has agrees f ~t ........ ______ ' ' ' £:uu p. m. to ~:vv p. ill., £vlrs. ±vlore- ,~al accmen~ occurreu. q'he station will be located on B --. ^ ] Goldendale White Salmon and High[ ......... 1 "- " [ to represent Goldendale at the Clave- p .. . THroe nve--.ear extension .^-.-~ ' l neat sa1(l. In t~omenua e me emc-! ........... erry woo(lull Toppenish at- street between Wilbur and Chatfleld . ~ ~=~m t~rairie q'hese groups range from|,.,,,, ,~,, .............. ,~ .~--.,, ..~--,~,, ~.~.,l~an° an(l ~tenwoo(l tncnms an(l all .... ' streets. It will be open from 9:00 a.worl~ea out In tl~eB~cklton andAl-, an(l'range a~'ree'rnen-tp-r-°gramswere ] primary rhythm bands to glee clubs,, uu,~ ~us } ~'"'~d''-'~'I D=~':h'--'=S~';~-uZ"~'-'--.e co~, o.uatm~, s:=°:~'[ °thertt~, city or county functions deem- ~'~"~''--'~""~"+~'-'~"~~.,.~ -ere. ~v~ay stage a.m :~....:e=..l= r~,:s~..~==r...~., a~toth: m to 1"00 p m and from 2"0'0 p m.. . . . " choruses orchestras and b~nds Va-| . " ...... .... ' ....|ed suitable In addition the band or-" - -- - -' " " " ~ " ...... (ler~ale areas last Week by L W ' " ! carrles wltn eisner or Dotn (11s~rlcts| ........... acres it. M ~poon, county clara i to 6"00 p m, except on Mondays ..... " " riots instrumental and vocal en-I ........ |win play at ~east ±z summer ~atur-. ........ • " " Ternanan county agen~ ana otter i concerneu, wit/ take enact immedi-i ............ ~o araw a ~ury nst o~ ~ persoms when the station will be open only ..... '. ...... " sembles are also on the program. ! . . ! (lay mgnt concerts m GOl(lenuale, A. "o ........ ......... ~cnnemoraL (l~strict sou conserve- . .... | stew. I ........... t serve (luring the ~uay ~erm. t-er- ~aurmg the afternoon. *me staten .... I The music ~est~val committee m| Not Over Oowded |t;. ~ee~naver t:namDer presment an-/sons on the A"ril list ~vill be d'= teen agronem~L ] ~ ' • [ [ p hs will be closed on Sunday made up of Mary Jane Getty chair- nuanced, miss " _ " .. l~armers participating in the pro-i ' , Valuation of the Spring Creek! ..... ! ed without sere,ins, Spoon said. After completing its stay in ~old- until_man' of White Salmon, Eileen De- ~ ! :r_n~s announcement was ma(le all Three " " ............... gram include A. L. Powers, Tom . . . school district is $68,891. Blockhouse/ ............ c~vll actions, all against J." enuale tHe veHicle safety staten Wlll ..... , ........ [ L~u of KlicKitat and Isabel Tran-! ............ the ~nam~er s regular Apru meeungl ~ ........... be moved to .Blngen, where it will be :l:al;id" ~o:wt~l:' :~o:km;::~:edr=H; /tam' of ~oldendale. [ 7:lO~101(l,St, lCt has a caius,ion O, lheld Tuesday evening in the Woman'sI ::na?r°l:~uri:: ::::;v:dalel'l =: :::o located from ~ay 14 to May 29 .............. I Admission for adults is 2~5c stu-| ' " . lassoctation building. The Goldendale],cci~...~ ..e~: ~s~ .... ~-~-~ • ~ + ,, ........... ee [urmsne(l oy the ~ou uons~rva-! ....... . __. ' .^ ! Baul Jonnson Goldendale school! .......... !~ . ~v,,~ ,, .,~, ,,~ ........... ~ ~ ,,,, [ 2~lly vehicles not sunmttte~ at.~^.. ~..+,.~.,+ I tlents over zz, x,bc. alto enuaren luc./ .... ' .. . . } womau s assoclat!on serveu alnner[v~r .ra .]~ dnc,~afarl Cn~ +~ol a... !Goldendale by close of business day ~'vA ~e~;'n~urser lot was seeded ]One ticket entities th, owner to hear] supemntenaent, spea~r,ng De,ore the[ to more than 3.5 members of the!;ng-'thTMT;.~j,~ry-t~rm'Thes=~'t;r'= i ' Y P Chamoer of Commerce Tuesday ev- Chamber ' iof 'May ll, or at Bingen by close of on +~'- r R ~a+e~'-¢ ....+ .... lboth programs. Participants of course/ ........ ] • [~etiM~ wi~ h ...... Ha~ted ¢... [business day, ~ay 29, will be an- .~o~/~:o:'~'~=it'h ;~'d";~==-=* ~-~ [do not pay admission. Each perform-[e~ling sam tHe, proposes consoilaa-I (Plans for copyrighting a trade-]hasr-in= Jud'~e-Stol~e"~a;~- ..... llawful vehicles and will be subject to! ;~e'tte~of"svrin~ whoat'o~it~'~-'-~'] er will receive a badge when he~ tmns woum not overcrowd me citY]mark and slogan for ~Klickitat valley[ ~'. ,. ~ . ~.~ ~., v s , ~ ~au[ , ,, system The Blockhouse children/ lfalf " I £1smng uase ~Xl~r~en pnosecution, and we are going to be barle Results of this test comes marked ' participant ~ • a a hay were discussed by Gerald ...... y. plot to-! ' . ~have been attending the Goldendale~ ............. ! In all probability the Indian fish- more strlct this year, tHan m tne~ , The e,fternoon program will begin J~U=xLon ann z~. ~. urOOKS IJrOOKS . [ ............ I gather wlth the winter wheat andI .......... I schools for the past three years, hal ......................... ling case brought by the state of past, ~ergeant J~Tanz Wlleon sam "-russ nurseries in other demon..r~ | at t'~u ann contrite until about! |~U~S~L~U ~u~ ~ uupyrtgnt De secur-l .......... .......... ~ s ~ =" / " . i said ~ -d and labels issued ..... I washington against ~alnp~on Tuiee l¥1onuay when ne was In ~Ol(lenuale 3"30 The evening program is scned- ' u to vauey Iarm- , ' I tion plots in other parts of the coun- ~ • • ] [ ............ ] for taking sahnon without a com- arranging for the inspection, t.. "~H be used as the basi- ~-'ruled to begin at 7:15. ~n the after-I |ers WHO s~gn ar[laavxts tHat mey arel ................... I ~,~' w=' o ~ ~ u~1*clal iiSlllng license at L'etliO lai|~, producing specified ounts of hay I commendations for field noon the White ~almon band of 60 , Ire s in . [ I George Brokaw, 1 .... ~' imam re air "o Iwill also come Up for jury trial at laces will la meeung tne rain q ement Crops will be recommended which P" " P Y" * ~ the Glenwood Plans prove most practical on t, he nursery Klickitat is ma ing e tensive] County Prancer, o, quality. /co~nMaYrt::m:,Edg:r H. Canfield, I Smoker Saturdav plots, Tornahan said. plans to entertwin the students and[ ~ ..... ~_&,o,,,~. [ Up To Committee [ Tulee~wh';iewa!a~'~:~'on a habea~ i I.V* • . • • ~ ~. I A Mormon cricket survey was]their parents who ~ttend the musicI Jt ~ ~xturu~ty[ ~e Chamber voted to refer the]corpus 'action was di=.-i~-=a h,, +h. IN1 ~OU~ made in the Goodnoe Hills area this]festival A trip through the J Nails[ ~-eoge l alfalfa copyright idea and labeling/fe~ . . u~t"of ap [g -----' tweak by Lloyd D. Co'den, federal mill and the dyr cortediCe planttouhaVe'...~been [la£UT~:l:we~Vl=f:: g liCli::~ program to the agriculture ~::=litl~ !s::erFr:::~i: ? ~eek a~: willin ' Below is a list of the heats that entomologist, Tuesday of this week. arranged. This es r wlu De- tG~r'~ tee headed by Penton Font robabl :sis forw~rdt~ g ' i Arrest Two MenlBaseball Dance. ]tlS'8?::wYa:r~arir~Jp:ili:~4R:b flhstohne wY:skim:mVe;ll::a:::g:e'o~tPel Mrs Emma'89, widow : fThe bouts will come on in the fol-I ~ Saturda N] ht' " " " " ' :tC:!!t?~daert::lLkGelOnwood vs. l~Ylla~rrl::d wi:ekPr~;Hiilal~ ~?g::; Baseball boosters fry all [p~gts of[~s~e°:!:~:?:~tr~ :i!!i:H::d~:(nv~ ~m:titf:e:: :::k:::erv:i:db::eb:::lii~!::ndc:]lP~e~°it!i:dMi:h::t;!dii'ni:Miii ' " I Strickland, 3,2, and ,Marvin Carter lthe county are dated up for S~tturdaY[anniversary this summer [Chamber of Commerce to Mr and land her daughter Emma O'Sullivan Melvin ,Wilson, ffYout Lake vs. C. IKelly, 34, transients ,are being held Inight April 1,3. That evening a base-I ..... " - I-'~-' ..... " -- [of Portland was the first white child i Cymotti, White Salmon. [in the Klickibat count- "all on o-en]b I" " n -- - ill ..... ] He is survives my ~ne wi(low, l~vtrs, t'ete ~roKaw, parents ot tnel , . y j p a I De out uance w De nela in 1 borninwha now liff ,Liohty Oienwood w "°hlcharges l iickitat All proceeds are to gel daughters tripletsbornioGoldendaleM ch 01 tie Goldendale Woods Trout Lake. / Th ;w r r .... }" _ .:" ........... }White, of Goldendale; and Mrs. May] The next meeting of the Chamber[ ]Puneral services for Mrs. Royal i ' -- . .... ~ e t o men we e ar estea ay ure- I towers me sponsorsmp or 14_llcKltO.t's | ........... I will be held in th- Cent~rville '~r~n-e / were held in ~o~ tlen~ ~-~-" -**-r Clauue warner, ulenwooa vs. vlr-/gun authorities after thehad at I e -rant in the Yakima~ Vall " [t-etzennerger, el Fortiana; ann ~wo ! e e ~ ~ s ~ r • . u ~nunu~,y a~ - i Y nt ey league Lake Itemoted to ooli -a-' ..... .o,oo o;! .m .o.o o.o.oo,.o • .o=lsons G rge .ay and .eter ryant I hall At that time the ladies[noon and burial folio ed in the gil Miller, Trout ................................................... th n r Pir Ray Ward, Glenwood vs. Kennethlclothin_ The men are bein held music for the dance which ill b ]beth o~ Goldendale, Seventeen grand- ~ of e Ce te villa Grange will sorrel cemetery. She is survived by her ~h~w~v I.~keside I. ~. . . . g. [ w e[children and three great grandchil- I the dinner. [daughter, Emma O'~Sullivan, of Port- I "'~'I~;n-~pitznogle, Glenwood vs [~:: q:;stl:nm~g regarding the ourg~lheld in the school gymnasium. The tdren, two brothers, C. O. B,rokaw ( . [land; another daughter, Carrie Col- _ . "| Y t e ~eorge ~unn store at|~lickita~ DaseDall ~eam has compiet-i - ' ..... k-w and one sister !~" -- - liar of "~ann n ac~ "~r a -" Buck Elmer, Trout LaKe. . [Wishram that occurred March 21,1 ed arrangements to play all its hemal ana ~. ~. ~ro~ , . ..... '/~ount~ i, nds [ ' ~ ~ son ~e ~,u e.; na one Carl Wineberger, Trout La~e vs. I Sheriff House said ~ _ames on Brooks fl ld in Go., ~ 1 liars. ~'lora l~eIever, all ot tlomen-[ Jr-- [son, l~ormr~oyal, o~Fortmn(l. 1 Butch ~asford, White Salmon. [.. • g e ~____.___menaa e. I dale, al~o survive. ] $332,114 For } .Mrs. Royal was a close friend of i ~| ,Bill Woods, rProut Lake vs. Bob| Ir . ~.w ~.s . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-% ] The Roy. C. J. Hall, pastor of the] . ~. ~ w~,~ ~[Mra. Jennie Whitney who died here Ohultz, White Salmon. .~. [J,enme H/hdneu. Goldendale s Pirstl Goldendale Methodist church, con-. I Highway Work[ last week. ..Wilen Mrs. Whitney. came Bill Burns, Glenwood vs. uuriey! ~J" |ducted the funeral sen'vices. Inter-/ --------- I to Golden(]ale as a SCHOOl teacher Crane, White ~almon. | T,---L-- D..... A~ ~D__L Iment was in the Goldondale I. O.O.[ During" the biennium ending[before her marriage she lived with t Mike Warner, ~lenwood vs. Ray ~.,l~Jt]L I g.CHCG 1- t.l~C5 ~lt 1 l[lCty]F cemetery. [March 31, 1939 Klickitat county]the Royal family. I Yaxnell, White Salmon. , ' ' I ' ' [spent ~ total of $332,114 for road] Nate Warner, Olenwood vs. Laddie Goldendale s first school teacher, i land for several years she came to l|~s~~ ~|~ ~constructton, maintenance and over-[ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foruythe and Wright, White ~lmon. and one of !Klickitat county's oldest ~Goldendale and taught the flrstl~U~t~a ~'~ /head. These figures were made pub-|daugbter Judy were in The Dall~ Harold Wellenbrock, Glenwood vs. and best known pioneers, Mrs. Jennie school in this city. t Play Is Real /lic recently in a state survey com-|Sunday visiting friends. - ..... Bill Norris, White Salmon Elizabeth Whitney, died at her home : :Mrs. Whitney, at the time of her ! J " ~pleted by the association of Wash-] Ted Miller, of B.ingen, Was in Jason Vanwagner, Glenwood vs. here late Thursday evening. Mrs. death had been a resident of this cityI ~J~1~m1~ ~ingt°n county commissioners. |Goldendale on business Wednesday. Red ~orley, White Salmon W It ey, who began teaching school for nearly 70 years. Her husband died[ -----.=--- [ Of the amount expended over the| ....... Ai Warner, Glenwood vs. Buzz at what is now Dallesport back in on July 9 in 1886. Mrs. Whitney isI " |two year period in Klick~ltat county,[, .Portner, White Salmon. " 1866, was past 90 years old. survived by one son, Fred Whitney, I Taking a hint from Western movt, e 152'52,34'5 was gas te~x money that/] ON MAIN STREET .... ,, Born in Massachusetts in 1849, of Hoquiam; two daughters, Miss]thrillers, Goldendale high schools accrued to the state. In addition to|[ --!----__ Frank Fenton, C.oldendele insur- Mrs. Whitney came to the Pacific Mabel Whitney and Mrs. Stella Eoff,~junior class has selected a real red- this sum $79,769 was raised from|[ Jim Lefev-r t~---~ ~ ~ ...... ance ,man, returned Tuesday night coast with her family when a girl of both of Golden ale; and several lblooded thriller for their class play local taxation. ,I come to ................ i from Port/and where h'e attended a 15. They crossed the Isthmus of grand children and great grand chil-lscheduled here Friday night, April Of the total amount expended 44]] walking" dow:"th:":~reet ~m, au two day meeting of Oregon and Pane~ma and came to the Columbia dren. [19. The Junior class will present a per cent went for construction work" | Them-son in town "~ ~ "~" ~" 'l! p~ ~rom l~yle, t~ WasMngtOnAngeles officials., she of his ;ihve: ry ::m:aHingh :h ~°lui~rmb2operatedP O:eg:frKl'~ck?::lc :::tyic e:es ~d:n :hwe e rP~°h:;d [ ::d e r n ';'~;:~??,] Ynow' on' :hf i::e :~mth:ll?~dd weekthree53 perper.fromcentcel$san~O;o?:tv~nance ;Diegoheed'calif., and,,[||[ OaafleldmanfOr KlickitatLesterand___. (.~hetw,Alf....~,_~.~HoUSecros m-- me~nUvr~'~* .... headed Mrs. Philip Hing~ton, Jr., arrived .I)alles and across to Kl|ckitat county, om the :Phillips chapel Sunday af-/theatregoers for over 50 years. ,, |1 clim ................. in Goldendale last Sunday from Los iHer father, ,Griffin Chamberlin ternoon at 2:00 p. m. The Rev. C.J./ Reserve seats for the Junior play Mrs. Jennie Darch returned last[[ Nick:~r:~on°talk~inn-Is trUCK. W, ~'i where has been built and the first sawmill ,Hall, of the Goldendale Methodist/are sale at either Allison's toni Le~-~s w_ l _t _n_ s ,a_ -s a ~s _" i bind:~Pt~oOtr~l:d~h:; m~h:~i:::d ig~lh:~l:b:~ft:~!!~YR~:? !2~!:h'wa:°l:th:~. otho. ;?r:::e:"lii~//eoKsr::idilhtsliamsa:!!:,l:chir~el/::::l~sc ~!h:nh~r:ed:u~te~:lian~o~!?ild:l: l[ :ti;;;:n::t~d: Klein back fr:m an i