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April 11, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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April 11, 1940 |
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Page Two THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldendale, Washington Thursday, April 11,
St. Mary's Church, Wis~hr~m, l~irst,
............ I R00SEVELT 4"H CLUB IW00LGROWERS AUXILIARY DISTRICT FED~RATION Third end Fifth Sundays 11 a m undertaking. ,[
qC}PIAI A C'l "il/ITI~ ,,, I SEES DEMONSTRATIONI HOLD REGULAR M'RETING . .. TO WOLD MF_,ETING __ ' " " [ 11:00 a. m. Morning worship s~u|
""" L.Jk.J~A~ £1_a • .g~A • J" • • •~.#~,t ( Every member of the Roosevelt The regular meeting of the Wool- Mrs. E. C. Trust president of the #~t.rtt~#~r ~'~ ~r~t~m [preaching service. |
-----" .-- - 4-H clothing club was on hand fortgrowers Auxiliary was held on Mld-Columbm District Federation of! V T Smith minister I 6:30 p. m. School of MissionS |
Goldendale Rebekahs Will Celebrate their meeting held at the home of I Thursday, April 4 at the Parish hall Women's clubs and Mrs. H. W. I ............ I three separate cla~ses: Adult. YoUSgI
~. • • a • t~ , a ~'~ * Mrs John Sanders last week Miss i with Mrs. J. A• Imrie presiding. Bates, corresponding secretary, were ! ~h~ ~h,a, ~n•nn I PeopIs, and Junior-Intermediate. |
~olden Anniversary aturaay r venmg Helen Brondt, home demonstration About 50 were present to enjoy the in White Salmon Thursday, April 4 Sern~on~.~.~.....:i::ii..::::.:::::.:::i~:::::::.-.::::::::::;;;0; 7:30 p. m. The second iu a seriei
a~ent exnlalned the use of color and ] luncheon and to attend the after- where they were luncheon guests of I I o,.,v~ ~-,~,~ ~.~o lof sermons for young people. |
"~' ~ ~ ~ L ~ *"~ ~' '~"--~.e"~'- ....................................... .,.~.vv I . .181[
Just one year younger than theI at 8:00 p• m• The pttblic is invited fabrics and gave a selection demon-, noon• meeting. Mrs. Paul Dooley was Mrs. Bert H~eaman, toget.her,, with ............................................. Evenin,- s .... ~ ~:~,~nl 6:30 p .m., Thursday.. ,. April.. ~'|sl
tats of Washin ton Goldendale s to attend h i anni e sa chairman of the hostess committee several other club women in charge , the Woman s Auxiliary is giving
s g , ' t e spec al v r ry stration during the meeting. " Vvednesday evening service ......... 7:30 ' .~.|
Leah Rebekah lodge numiber 22 will ceremonies, Grace Bratton, noble Completed garmenf~, made by Wallace Hornibrook played two of arrangements for the sem%an-'Ladies Bi~ble Study Friday 2.00]banquet .to all the members of t~|
observe its golden anniversary With I ................. members were scored Mrs Sanders !selections on the piano Which were nual convention of the Mid-Columbia I Teacl(ers Trainin"~ Class Fri ........ ~:30 J church and their families and tM|
• granu, announceu. ~ener oalcers u~ ' • ~ ...... s ....... -. urct
aporopriate ceremonies here Satur-tthe Goldendale Rebekah group in served refreshments following the Imuch enjoyed. Several members district, which will be held ]n WhiteI "Not every one that saith unto]regular attendants of the cb
day night, April 13. Grand officers clude" Mary Ritzschke vice-grand"regular meeting, were reported ill and three new Salmon on Thursday, May 9. line Lord "Lord shall enter into the ~Just preceding the annual basin#I
of the Rebel~ar lodge along with I.. " ...... ' . : ,, ~ J mmbers, were accepted. The next The business cession will convert, I kin'~.dom 'of heaven' but he that i meetlng of the church. |
mrs. ~rnest ~elDOIU, secretory; ann ] . . . s , " 'h us
member~ of Rebekah groups in Yak-INellie Olsen treasurer I~T]~ITI01~IST WI~I, , meeting will ben picnic on May 5 at 10 a. m., followed by club msti-Idoeth the will of my Father which ] Come worship and serve wff !
ima, Toppenish B~ckleton" Presser, ] ' " WfW.~ Wrl~.]zq,r~ft Wlr.W~. on Rock Creek at the J.A. Imrle tute in charge of Mrs. C. F. Brene- ~ is in ............... h~.,,, " M,tt .~'~.~.. , There is a welcome here. |
White Salmon The Dalles, Steven-I The Goldendale Rebekah lodge ,~a~l _o_~_."__~_ "_~"~'_"''~ ~,~lranch. man and Mrs. Richard Bates,of l ~ ---- |
' il 1 -- u o c urcemes ann manners Wlll
• was ina.tituted on Apr 7 890 Its Whi 1 o t THE METHODIST CHURCH
son, Camas, and Vancouver will beI ......... , .... ~.._ be discussed and illustrated by Miss te Sa m n. 1 CHURCH 01~ ,CHRIST ,~ ~ ~o, .........
nrstoH~cerswere m,~a ~uu ~u~ ' D '~ ~ "~", ""~="
in Goldendale for the golden anni-I : " Rue Russell, extension service nu-1w0~d-'~N S ASSOCIATION uring the luncheon hour anim-I Centerville, Wash. I " " " |
versary ceremonies• I tin,noble grand; ~usie Dunbar, ~t~o,~l~t e~oTM W~shi-~,t-- ~tot,~ I F_J~CT 01~ APRIL 18 meuse birthday cake will be cutinI Onal B Wiidan~n r, tnt~to~ ~tr~,~r~^v ~~ |
' i rand Lo--i Goodnoe fin n ............ ~' ........ - - , ....... , ........... ~ ou~, ...... ~--~,~
.............. f Montesano iv ce g, ; [~ e , a - . ......... I Election of officerswillve the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of l ~ .......... 1.0~
~O~Dle ~ee white, o ' Ici"~ secret-r- Amanda Stur-e~s COllege, at a a-t~ ClU~ ann home- . ! ~ 1 zo:ov a. m., ~nurcn SChOOl x . i
......... ~ , ,~, * a" ~ , : ........... I principal item of busin~s at the the General Federation of Women s t T~rd ~ D*- ~ ......... Se~
remdent o[ the l~,eoeKana~semvly . .' ..... m*we~ m~arlna rn De n°'- "-~ .... '- • ' , I i •
n " 1 ~,u ,, ~..~, , -~- - ~. ...... e a. m.. sermon We Would
' r zrea6urer; ann c. Y•. fleece, chap- - ......... s ~.. regular April meeting ~f the Gold-clubs. I 10'00 Bible c ,, ' ~ ~f
of Washington; Ethel IV]. B swing- ~.~ r~e ~n.. ~ ,~i,oro Mrs r~,a~o,,court room of the county courthouse .......... • S heel,G. C. Mar- Jesus. Tuesday 7:30 p. m., I raY |
ton --rand secretar" Everett" and ] ' ........ " ............. ~ ...... r o I enuaie Woman's association me~ung Mrs. K. H. Putney, of White Sal- I riott superiI~tendent, [ ci 1 "~" ~ es~a " "^ m chOir|
' ~ " "' ' Eshelman of Vancouver then here ~acuruay aloe n on. , .............. i , '. [ re e. wean a y ~:hu p. .,
Henrietta Eighme of Walla Walla, . - ~ ...... " .~ _- i Details o~ the meeting were an- to De nelu here April 15. "me pro- men, assistea n y~rs. Joel Abehier, I 11:00 Lord'6 Supperand sermon ~practice Next ,Sunday night 7:30 Fi
' . . [~,manua ~[urgess; aria ~o[[ze t,~ou- I ......... fgram for the day will be under thelof Goldendale will arrange a musi- "Concernin The , ' . og~
grand vice-president have aireauy .......... , ..... , ...... I nouncea Dy ~ms rieien tsronut i . - ~ ' I ~ g Kingdom ' m. a church song service' "Y |
......................... ~ I nee o~ ~a~em, are ~t~ Hwu~. ~u~a ] ........ ' I direction of the Study club directed cal program and Mrs Frances Twin- / 6"45 C E ~rou"~ .'-- ' • -- , - -- ' -~le~i
slgnlneu their ln~enLlOU uv atuvuu. ~. ~ ~ ........ ..__.~ ..__ __ I coun~y home uemonstrauon agent ~ , '~ . • • s .~. iwavorite riymns ' with a w- !
Grand officers of the lodge will be]:a::r~en ~=ti:g TM a~uu rue an IThe meeting is scheduled to begin]byMrs"Ge°rge ?awler. .... [!ng, of The Oregonian staff in Port-/ 7:30 Song service and sermon]musical program. |
s. i wirs. r~owaru Lewis wiu De noe~- land, will be the guest speaker for "Grace " •
guests of honor at a banquet to be ! - " .... r'at 2:00 p. m. All 4-H club members I f fternoon " cia mu I I • I TEMPERANCE INFORMATION. |
Mrs Scott Warwlcz, ot ~umve ess or the a ~pe 1 the a~ternoon A very l~terest~ng Week Da 1 47,
served at: the I. O. O. F. hall at 6:301 % • and lead, s and in.terestod h~me- ] " "[ " " ~ " I y Serv'ces I "In the 48 states there are 4 "|
• Six is the only charter member of sical num~bers ~vill be presented by day and large attendance is antici-• • ' • ,r
Saturday evening. I ' makers are invited to attend• i I I 7.30 Wednesday Bible study. 1984 retail outlets . . . of every i i
the group that is still affiliated with Mrs Deston Russell The meeting pated Kee re rye ~lr
The regular program will begin ' " " I " I p se d the date for the l agin~ble sort The total consu |
the local lodge Mrs C M Ryman ............. ~will begin at 2"00 p m and will be roan- eo les la Mrs Tublm ofI " "" ' '" • • 1~!
................... i .lY~kI~BOW ~ILV]£K T~. ~ ' " " l- g P P ' P Y " • " I tion el au in[oxicadng liquors |
[ .11at°f Whitethe firstSalm°n'meetingWh°oftWas Rehekainltiated liheld in the Woman's club rooms. IIy,_! ,Tta r~ a i ghantytown " Contrary to a recent [ 1937 was 1 939 869 030 gallons; ~|
• h h l Ooldendale Rainbow Girls will , Wltll lhe Lh~lrche~ i , - , , , a~Ui
................ e 'sponsor a silver tea at the Masonic[ announcement the play will be per capita consumption of
i rlAIIC ~'I'IL~ . . . lnat tom- lodge after its organization, has also temnle ~,,~aav Anr|~ la haiw~:~n [TO ATTEND WF.J}DING -------- !given April 23, rather than April 16. I 15.6 gallons. The total amount d|
i bins Youthfulness With [Ibsen invited, to attend the anniver-i2:30 and-57;0: ;~m'usic,al prog'ra mi - ~ AT PII~ _S.UNDAY LATTER DAY SAntPI~S IProceeds will be used .to build a]money spent at retail stores for t11"|
sary gatnerlng I Mrs ~Uy Norris lOIt Tnursuay fir i i~
i .... li " will be featured. I_ ~.". ......... n- R.R. Hamm, Superintendent I eplace in the soc'al hall which we ltoxicating beverages in the C. S. i
Ylattery [or ruIlman where sne wul a~te a /
I " I] i Kliekitat, Washington plan to add to the church building. 1937 " is estimated by Media tie
I [iW00DCRAFT 0BS~ERV~S ! nvn~tr~v,o ~nv~ ~ur~,~rzvn ]the wedding of her brother, Robert Sunday school 1O:00 a. m. Int icords Inc. as $3,602,555,708 . Tile
Let us figure out the i FORTIFa2~ A..~I~YI ...~r~ o u.~x ~r.~.,~.~ ..IE" Lee, of Palouse, Wash., to Mms club rooms at Kllckitat. [ FIRST BAPTIST CWWRP.W lindirect cost of the uresent liquor
I t I ~aem~ers or the women e- ~ol[/~tt~ Tean Graham of Pullman ....... --
I .... ~_ ,~..., : ....... t.~-~-..~. ~ [ Thirty national officers and mem- !-clu.b will hold "heir "~rst --eetln- of/~ ; " . .... ' ' ' • [ C.E. Hanes, pastor t tra'ffic to the U. S is found in liquor it S:~
I style uHau ~ most uet;om~.g uo t ............ i t - m s /Sunuay Aprli z~ HOLY ~ "~A"~'~L"'~ ' / ........ cd'
I I Ders or the cegree team attenaea the I the ",ear o~ ~,~ -l,,bh^uso ~,~ao,, o~ | ........... ~J xn~ ~ ! ~ t causeu ueatn, alsease, crrme, a .
]you. public installation and fortieth an-12"45 M;s ~'Mtlo"Wood~Lnou~lC~/ mr. bee is well K. nown In t~oia- CltlIR~H 10:00 a. m. Bible school. A pupil/ dents, inefficiency The maker~ 0t
[ llniversary ceremonies of the Golden-Itoday' A ,,otluck luncheon will be/endale having spen~.f, efera| sum- Rev. Patrdck S. Ly.oas, Pastor l centered, Bible teaching, character I beer and 'whiskey take from tl~
~, mers here worzlng wltn nls erotner sS
i Phone 1413 dale Neighbors of Woodcraft last ~erved ~.,H.,~.~. ~o l .... h,~,, . [ ........ " ~ building dchool, is the objective of!pockets of the people ten times
....... ---,---~, ~--,~ ------,~--~.-- - in-law ~uy r~orr]s local contractor. • • 0v
I ~.h,~asv ~.~.~ h,~ ~ ..... ~ .......... I ' ' Sch~lnle of Menses [oui superintendent and faithful much as they contribute to the g
.... • -~,~,~--,,, ~ **~,u. ~'Ollowingtheirmarriage Mr aria
i ~'~|" y r~ a were held in the auditorium of the [ " "" t " " t First, Tkird and Fifth Sundays 9{corps of teachers. Pupils and teach-{ernment in taxes." (The Voice, ~'
I Mrs Lee plan to make ~ne r aurae n 1
mpp s artmr , Goldendale high school• I 4 " "TY'B "ANC" I • • ..... a.m. I ers are happy in this cooperwtive 14, Feb. 1940.)
/ -- ..~ ~-- I I "~tt U uIx .~ |Newport, wash., where ne has a .........
Six Circles from Presser Arlingi
/and Heautv :Shoo I ~ ' "l Members of the Central glick tat/position as a pharmacist.
d Jr" ton, Wasco, The Dalles Centervllle h r t
] ' " 4-H Livestock club will hold anot e / Mrs. Norris pl,ans to return o ,
1 and Goldendale participated in the of their benefit dances at the Cen-]Goldendale early next week. During ~fA~r ~' [
ceremonies• terville Grange hall Saturday eye-/her absence the Ginnie Leo Style I Fruits- Vegetables
BRII~E PARTY ning, April 13. Pro ceed~df~hmc~h~Ishop Will be under the management ~ ..... ~Ik~" ---~" I '~' ,
dance will be used to a" e {of Mis~ Virginia VanHoy. • -- I Friday and Saturday Onl
Mrs. Robert Forsythe entertained I In their work tn this area During ~]a ~ | | | [[ ~" "v~ ~ :'1 ~1 a • [[1 [ ~. __ .
with two t~bles of bridge at her l the dance intermission mothers of STUDY IH ' ] " I I I .' • ! ' ] , I ] "! I Green Onions or r'
home Monday evening, the 4-H club will serve supper. Memlbers of the Study clu.b will [~ ~ [ [[ | | | ~ -~ ~ | ] | ]~ -~[ I mm~ I w~ ~. / ~ / / -'~
• l~÷.~..,e~.@.l~.1~e~@,~@~e~,ab.l~.~@@~.l~@@#b~g.~@~@@~@~~~, meet at the home of Mrs. Ed Root I taalsnes, a cns.
& *~]Monday evening, April 15. Mrs. J. - |
Qh.¢~... ~ ....
,~ ~a "~~¢~o $, ......... ~ Mrs ICerman Kamholz will direct "Dd ta ks impatiently waiting to be inade in sauce or pie I Fresh Crisn
'~"~~:% "~'~% ~ "~% ~ ]Hesso~bShnie~heWillih:;; :h~g££f :nhd I:~::i:IitP We haAvtea:tfl~::hh::~-g~:kt:dklsllIl'i~inRh~b:;blP~e' bS]:';he J Foiaioes
t~ {k~ E~"~- a il ,I-] " ' son Whether you want fresh fruits and vegetables choice cuts of meat I A ca !/ t ~_
q ' I -I. the dlctmn les . , •
i:~ ~r~~ ~ , ~1 or a cube of butter, depend Oil West Det)endable to courteously I sparagus,, los. la¢
15 I~lqWM • • • ~] ~0:LDF.I~DAL~E ~R~N(]~E serve you with highest quality foods at money-saving prices. I
Large, Fancy
,$ |~ll]lil 15 I , ~] Goldendale Grange number 49 I | ..... ..I.._, 1~.
• .,,. I-*~IIIUII~ UUZ. 1 ~L;
I* ~.-~k~/ ,~ I ~ .I.] will meet in regular session here ]r l 1 1 Strawberry, • I _ . ,, • • •
"~ A J Large Jumbo
~~] ~ I ~ ~ *} Saturday ,evening prll 13, Earl nnlln z Pt _ _ I I1~ I _ ,
~ ~ qP" *]Dooley, master announced today, l~'lllil~l'l~L~' IJ~ 4 pounds . • v~. I Ora-,,es, doz. 25c
" ]Each lady is requested to bring one " - r .......... i .... -v......,,,.,.,
I 4,1 dozen cookies. The meeting will be ~
I~ ~ ~]held in the Goldendale Grange hall ~----__ ~..... A -- -- i 1
], ,~ ,]and will begin at 8:00 p.m. r~aSt Deans~ ~p~ r~ ~ d liiiii
For the Great Outdoors! ,
/* ~ ~} Members of~th~e~Lad~l~Aid of the , no cane m -- lSll.,
! SLACK S1 ?S /Methodist church will hold aregu- *iv 1 V
• lar monthly tea Wednesday, April Lima Beans, std. q zl ~""°
Dozen Cans ...............
:~ -',.,.~ll ~[ 17 A fish pond will be the enter-
Two-piece, tailored • tainment for the afternoon. Anyone~
$ as carefull,, as a wishing to contribute should bring BLACK TEA, Lipton s, ½ lb. 43c; lb. Graham CRACKERS, 2, lb box 17¢
man's SUll;." airy" 4,/:~ an article worth 10c. SUGAR, Cane, 10 lbs ................ 55¢ GINGER SNAPS ............. 2 lb box" ........
light l ayon that's ..... Y YlT. TING PORK & BEANS, V Camps, tall, 4 for 29¢ THRIFTY PRESERVES, Quart Jar
cool lookin . AUXlLIAR. PUREX. ..... quart 12¢," half gallon 22¢ ,( lus 10c ar" .....
g" ~emDers of the American Legion " v J v ~] ..............
/he New Model U Costs Only
It's not the fashion to wash
clothes the old way . . . to
waste precious hours of your
llfe over a steaming washing
machine, doing a backbreak-
ing, man-sized job fifty-two
times a year. The Bendix is
the answer--a new, low-
priced answer---to your ques-
' tion: But is there a way to
wash clothes without any
work? Yes[ And we will be
happy to show you how the
new Bendix Utility Model
will make your washdays a
• imple matter of flipping a
switch. Use a Bendix Home
Men's Wool Gaberdine
New Spring Styles
and- .98
Women's Smart Side Gore
with an ehsticized
Men's Sport
New Colors, New
Trims, New @titch-
es. All of them
: high stepers in the
style world.
Laundry. just once, and wash-
days will become EX-wash-
days foreverl