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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
April 11, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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April 11, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldendale, Washingto Page Five Thursday, April 11, 1940 Lyle School Notes I Last Friday the Lyle Cougars 1 baseball team won a victory of 14 ~12 over the Stevenson Bulldogs. he game ~vas plaved at Stevenson. Glen Granstaff, a junior from Las Gatas, California, enrolled in school here Monday. April 8. Miss Cawdrey visited in Grand- view. Washington and Pendleton, Oregon over the weekend. Staple And Fancy Groceries FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Specials Every Wednesday And Saturday THE BEST MERCHANDISE . . . THE BEST PRICES . . . AND THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE Free Delivery in Town... Phone 992 WHEN YOU SERVE GOLD KRUST It has ,al'l of the finest ingredients and is one of the most utricious foods money can buy. Order a loaf today from your favorite gTocery store. Remember Gold K ust Bread, baked in Klickita¢ county's own bakery, is fresh the day you buy it FOR TASTY, 0 HEALTHFUL, ECONOMICAL BAKERY SEE THE O" GOLDF.NDALE WELTER & SE [BOLD, Proprietorg CENTERVILLE GRANGE INITIATES NEW MEMBER CENTERVIIA,E---(Special to The Sentinel)---Ladies Aid met Wednes- day afternoon with Mrs. William Niemela. Twelve incumbers, four vis- itors and four small children were present. The ladies enjoy meeting :with Mrs. Niemela and this occasion !was no exception. Refreshments of sandwiches, fruit salad, chocolate cake and coffee was served. When the ladies had finished Mrs. William Nlva came in bring a large angel food cake qbeautifully iced with ~rhite tceing and bearing a number of pink lighted candles. She placed the cake in front of Mrs. Robert McKillip saying "This is your birth- Hartland Has Boy Scouts Aid Mild Weather Forest Service In Tree Planting *The exception that proves the rule, the month of March just completed neither came in nor went out like a Boy Scouts ~f White Salmon and lion, according to C. A. Johnson, Trout Lake troops took the first step government weather observer for the in reforesting a cut-over area by High Prairie area. Johnson, in his planting forest trees on a five acre monthly weather report submitted tract within the Columbia Na.tional this week, said M~.rch precipitation Forest, four miles north of Willard was below normal and ,March tern- on March 23. peratures below normal. Three thousand two-year old pen- Strong winds, usually recorded on derosa pine trees were planted under March, were lacking. Total recorded the direction of George A. Bright of precipitation for the month was 2.28 the Vancouver office and forest rang- inches. Rainfall was recorded on 14 ors K. C. Langfield and H. C. Miltus, days. Minimum temperature checked of T]'out Lake. The trees were fur- nished by the Forest Service from during the month was 31 degrees. day cake. You may blow out the can- I the Wind River nursery at Carson. dles and cut your cake." Mrs. Mc-[~l~llT~ l~Df~l~Vl I4 ....... Seventeen Boy Scouts participated in Killip was surprised but responded:''~ "~" --'~" ..... I~l(~Jtl'l'~__ the planting work, ~ive from White and in ,her generous way .turned to RECORDS HAPPENINGS Salmon, eleven from Trout Lake and Mrs. J. A. Miller on her right and one from Portland. KLICK~TAT HEIGHTS (Special said "You have a birthday ,Satur- ' ' -~ The Forest ;Service has at other .......... I toThe Sentinel)~Maryal Ctmmi- nay, t w~lt mow out some ann reave! . times cooperated with organizations yott] recently spent a weekend with some for you to blow out." The cake ! ~ • • her sister, Mrs. Vesta Lois at Lyle. i in fins very praiseworthy work. like the other refreshments of the To d~,te the DeMolays have plant- evening wins evidence of the ladies' skill wh,o prepared them. This was not the only surprise for Mrs. Mc- Killip. She received a ~beautiful dish and bathtowel from the ~three sis- ters, Mrs. Niemela, Mrs. Niva and Mrs, Costello. Mrs. Costello lives in Mrs. Larwood has returned home and visited last Wednesday at the 'George Bradford home. Mrs. Cimmi- yot.ti also visited there the same day. Mr. Hicks ,has !been quite ,poorly of late with a very bad cold. ed 30~5 acres in the vicinity of Hem- lock Ranger Station. During the past two years the Fort Vancouver Chap- ter of the D. A. R. has established plantation of eight acres in the same general locality. Idaho. She had made a recent visit Mr. and Mrs. Yohey visited Men- with her sisters and other relatives day evening at George Hicks. and friends, e Ila Pearl O'Neil came home from A large crowd of local Grang rsiWhite Sal,mon for the spring race- attended Grange Friday evening, i tion. Mr. Winterstein, of Horseshoe Bend, t Jack Russell wa,~ up from Port- was initiated in the first and second I land for a few days visit with his degrees, family. Mrs. McKilllp and daughter Mary :Henry Stocl~em s,tay~ed the past visited Mrs. McI~illip'o sCster and ~reek at the Gus Myhr borne. her family at Camas, over the week- Art Collins, of White ,Salmon, end. held a demonstration dinner last Loraino Davidson, Janice and Thursday evening at Mrs. Pearl Harold Jackson spent their vacation !Visiting at ~he home of their uncle land aunt, J. F. and Mrs. Burke. Mrh Davidson and small daughter spent the day Friday Mrs. Burke. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Laute~bach stopped in Centerville Sunday morn- ing to call on Mrs. Lauterbach's Johnson's featuring the famous Guardia~ SerV.tce Cookingtt~ensils in which the dinner was cooked. The most of our neighborhood at- tended and was loud in praise of the excellent food cooked this new, quick and easy way. Mr. Collins gave a very interesting and infer- TEN POUND STEELHEAD LANDED NEAR KLICKITAT KL~CKITAT, March 8 -- Hello every~body. We're mad at the weath- er man today. It doesn't seem quite fair for us to have rain on Monday, bu.t we do have to admit that rain drops glistening on cherry blossoms are like tiny fairy jewels and much too lovely forOmere words. The annual County Sc,hool Music Festival will be held in Klickitat Friday afternoon and evening. The Klickitat P.-T. A. will serve lunch, cafeteria style, from five until six- thirty. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Marlowe be- came the parents of a seven pound baby girl born Thursday evening, April 4. mother, Mrs. Linnie Mulligan. They were on their way to Ellensburg. Mrs. Joe Yeackel, Mrs. C. E. Jackel and son Robert were in The Dalles Th unSday. Bell those unused articles yov mative health .talk after the dinner Miss Charlene Sisson and Norald and the facts he presented gave us Hazen were married by A. B. Gro- many new things to think about. shong, jus.tice of the peace, at White Salmon Saturday evening. Mrs. NEW BUTCHT-~ Hazen was em,ployed by the Brough- ton Lumber company at Underwood before her marriage. H enb Worrell, of Yakima, last have erouud the farm or home l~, Thursday took over the operation of running a ctassHled ad i~ The Senti- the West meat market. Vic Swof- returns you get . . . and the coot is ford, who came hei'e from Yakima small, tf. more than a month ago to operate the mart~et, transferred back Royal and Underwood Portable to Yakima and is now working in typewriters at The Sentinel efflos, the Putman grocery there. for only And Your old washer... A $99.50 Value Take Advantage of This $30.00 Saving, Available for a Limited Time Only Easy Washers Are Better Because..... 1. They wash ALL the clothes all the time. No dead spots in the tub. 2. Grcater clothes capacity. This machine washes up to pounds of c othes a time- .... Faster .... larger. 3. Easy to clean and keep clean. Resists all corrosion. 4. Equipped wiVh lares% safety wringer. Meets all safety re- quirements. Eight position wringer. 6. No oiling or greasing necessary .... sealed with lifetime lubricants. 7. Attractive stream lined design as shown in illustration" Easy to clean. See This Big, New Money Saving Easy .. It's The Year's Best Buy "BUY AT THE HOME FOR THE HOME" H~xbert Greenfield caught a ten pound steelhead in the Klickitat river ,Sunday, the firut that Hubert has ever landed. Mr. and Mrs. Alli- son Craft also caught a steelhead last week. (We are in doubt as to ~vhich one really caught the fish, each insists t,hat t~he other get the credit, and that, dear friends, is what we call .true unselfishness. "Greater love hath no fisherman!" If we were awarding hand em- broidered egg ~beater~--we would consider Mr. X a most formidable candidate for one and the title of "Ohampion Fender Denter." The HELL ROARING DITCH COMPANY HAS ELECTION GLENWOOD, April 8--~Saturday a group of eight Grangers went to Husum to attend Pomona Grange. They were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Troh, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Wellenbrock, Mrs. John DeVries and Mrs. Frank Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Troh Went to Yakima Tuesday and returned Wed- nesday. Mrs. Troh got some new glasses while there. They stayed with their daughter, Irma Johnson and family at Selah. Mrs. 0liver Spitznogle was taken to the White Salmon hospital. Mrs. LeRoy Andrews came home Thursday from White Salmon hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Troh were the dinner guests of the Paul Kuhn- hausen. O. L. Conboy purchase~l a new tractor fro.m Herman Kuhnhausen. A 1,argo group of Grangers went to White Sahn~n to the gavel meet- ing. Ten mem~aers from Glenwood took the fifth degree. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leonard and family went to Portland last Friday and ret~fl~ned Monday. Friday they moved to Shelton, Wash., where they are making their home. Mr. Sanders room gave a surprise fairwel! party for Beryl, Betty and Phyllis Leonard, Thursday evening. Helen :Boit and Doris Bertschi were[ the hostesses. The party was held at the Leonard home. There ~as a Hell Roaring meet- ing last Monday. The new directors are V. C. Bertschi and O. L. Conboy. They take the places of Mrs. Ma~bel Co0boy and A. G. Lewis. Harrison DoVes returned to Mc- Minnville Monday. He was home visiting his ,parents. Dehnar gtaack is home from Ketchikan, Alaska visiting his par- ents. There was a carnival and dance at the ,school gymnasium ,Saturday night. John C,handler and the Jake Van Wagoner family were in White Sal- mon Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Coke Jenkins came home a,fter s~Sending the win,ter in Portland. Ward H01oway went to the In- land Empire teachers' institute Fri- day at Spokane. NAME OMITTE I) The name of Oscar Lehto, of Klickitat, was ~,h~'¢)uy, lt :tn :versight, omitted from the list of sur',~ivors in the obituary of th(~ late Herman Lehto, o; Centervilb,. published last week. Oscar Lehto is a son of the deceased. WIGGLE-WAGGLE "SCREWDRIVER" No, he's not dizzy -- he just likes to roam around. Two or three cars could travel in the space he takes to I navigate... Remember, your engine i uses 3 times as much gasoline in low and second gears as in high---when a "Screwdriver" or"Screwjay" brings ,ou to a needless stop, you pay. JOIN SHARE-THE-ROAD CLUB Five million motorists have en- listed in this great nationwide crusade against "SCREWDRIVERS" and "SCREWJAYS"--who cause 359b of all Stop-and-Go. No obligation on your part except commoa- sense driving--and walking. Ask nearest Shell dealer to at- tach new FREE emblem to your license bracket. It reflects light, works day and night. Mrs. Laura J. Parrott was home )ver the weekend from Bingen, :~iii:~ where she is taking the census. She . ::iiiii:~i?ii!~i" returned Sunday with Jake Van Wagoner. , Mr. Grubb is tll and in the White Salmon hospital, i :!~:: ::i:~ Mr. and Mrs. Merle Akertll are[ ~-- :i:i:~: .... the proud parents of a baby boy, i Bobby Gone I The Claude Eaton family movedi to Camp Draper Saturday. visiting relatives of Mrs. Green in S e at t 1 e. :~:~ ~m~m~: ::: :~:: :~:~ Chet Niemela crushed several fingers Monday night. SWEETIE-PIE "SCREWJAYS" Herhmn Wickmans, Jr., have a nifty A Yakima driver wen.t sailing While they bill and coo --- the gasp- little Mr. X num~ber on one back '" first brid-e out of Klickline bills mount up and the drivers , across the g - go coo-coo... "Screwjays"--- heed- fender of their new car. Mr and Mrs Keir enroute from itat Sunday mght and instead of; less, reckless pedestrians---cause _" . ,, - ...... making the turn, as m~st Klickttat ' 10% of all Stop-and-Go driving, to ~po~ane ..... tOc.~Ou~nernl ....... uanrornm stop- people up," he ploughed ri-htg u"p the say nothing, of needless accidents. pe~ in 14.ti l¢~at to spencl the wee g-bank nearly standing his car on it -~ enu wsiting with Miss Keir. ±v~r. - "" io - ma was done / en(1. ~o ser us aa ge • F~T~]~a~ ~tT Keir i~ Miss Keir's ~brother ...... ~ .... 1 l~ someone woum invent a car that Miss Fie ds spent the weekend ,could climb banks and ,:cale tele- I C0.~r0FYr0P-~N~-~/ in Portland. ]phone p01~/~ he Would i~5*Fob~bly 1 2. NEW ~,45'OUNF_~ | Mr. and Mrs. Robert I4annaman, I make a fortune and Mr and Mrs Fred Hanson, of " I~W/ ," " . . . I Mrs. Beryl Robinson entertainedI T~ ~|~[' ~0A~ [ Ellensourg were ~'eeKend guests oz ' thor bridge club Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Cooke. Mrs. Jack was the prize winner. Two minor accidents occurred in Saturday. Buddy Walker cut his knee with a pocket knife, and Jerry Neils was hit In the nose with a baseball bat. Mrs. Eugene Schramm is enter- taining her sister, Miss Marie Wol- lenburg from Minnesota. Mrs. Victor Marlowe, also, has a sister visiting, Miss Violet Lemponen, of Wiscon- sin. Janet Hutchins, baby dau~¢h,ter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert HutchIns, was ill during the week. The Harold Hutchins' have pur- chased a new Chevrolet. Dick McConkey accompanied his mother, Mrs. John McC0nkey when she returned to Seattle last week. He will r~e back home sometime this week. Master Billy Woods entertained 17 little friends on his birthday, April 8. It was his sixth ~birthday. Mrs. Nora Flynn, of Wilsonvllle, Oregon, spent several days of last week visiting at the A. C. gaunder~ home. ~eorge Scoffield and Donald went :to Portland gunday to visit with Mrs. Betting who is critically Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Barnett, for- merly of Kllckitat, were w~ekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gra- ham. Mrs. Rodney Blanchard is in Ore- gon City under medical (~bservation. Mrs. Vincent, Margaret Saunders, Mrs. George Scoffield and Yvonne Green all celebrated t:helr birthdays on April 9. Jerry Lennon's birthday was on April 8. Mr. and Mrs, George Green are (R1PR) IN SHELL Nns'trotv t The Service Garage Goldendale, Wasldngton \ From 5 to 50 i . They All n oy Reliance Ice Cream It's delicious, it's pare, and it's made with real cream, pure cane sugar and natural flav- oring.., that's why Reliance Ice Cream is preferred by young and old! Treat the family tonight ! ASK FOR RELIANCE ICE CREAM